Press Releases: Coming Soon...
In the meantime you can find our Blog here .... - James
We are working on our First CD with our Music Producer Tony Brock. Our CD should be out by Autumn. Keri is a lovely singer.
New Songs From Our Mountain
It seems like for some writers the music always comes first, but with James he hears the song in his head. He hears the words and music together more often than not. Especially of late. Wandering through the back paths of the Sierras and wandering thru his thoughts.
Reality is ever present and threatening to encroach upon his muse. But James pushes back the jams and ushers in a new train of thought.
Cohesive and concise he’s up by 8AM, sometimes 6 AM and sometimes he works 24 hours a day. Backtracking and tracking new ideas. Scribbling the songs lyrics but never cobbling things together... Running with a new idea seems both tranquil and exciting at the same moment pen hits paper or fingers hit keys.
The pure chime of an Ovation 6 string in his hands can only be trumped by a Ovation or Martin 12 string ringing out the notes of unbridled joy. Simple in nature, yet overtones are there to sweeten the mix.
Keri has jumped ahead again, a few plateaus left behind. Her vocals have been called “Wonderful” by one fan. Her heart and soul and mind make her what she is: “I get to be the Artist” she once said while spending summer at the beach.
No small wonder, indeed. Tall and slender with beautiful blue eyes and long blonde hair she is both transcendent and immaculate at any given moment. Watching her is like a liquifaction of poetry as she sings and moves.