Kenyon Adams & American Restless
New York City, New York, United States | SELF
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Kenyon Adams & American Restless Debut EP-2012

The personal histories of Kenyon Adams and Noah Lekas (American Restless) have converged at the crossroads of the blues, where black music of the American south meets the Midwest, much as it did during the 1950's as many southern blacks (including Muddy Waters and Little Walter) head north from their share-cropping communities to seek job opportunities and play for dollars on the city streets.
The blues was never nihilistic but presented a gut-wrenchingly honest spirituality which was, in it's deep concern for the human situation, both theologically and philsophically concerned. The music of Kenyon Adams & American Restless seeks to represent these aspects of the blues in our post-post modern setting in which we live among a generation which, while being privileged & educated to an unprecedented degree, is perhaps more confused and discontented than any in recent history.
To this picture and in this scenario we wish to contribute our own "cries" out to God in solidarity with all who struggle to reconcile inner longings with the besieging cruelty of the mundane.
Band Instrumentation: Inspired by Muddy Waters Band, The Allman Brothers Band, The Black Crowes, Little Walter, Jimmy Hendrix, Elmore James, among others.