Katja Glieson
Los Angeles, California, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2014
Blonde bombshell, Katja Glieson, is taking Hollywood by storm. The Australian born singer made a difficult decision to move away from family and friends to pursue a career in music; she worked three jobs and saved every penny to make the move from Oz to LA in order to live out her dreams. Her sacrifice is proving to be worth it as her growing fanbase and radiant talent lay the foundations for worldwide success.
Katja is the perfect combination of Australia meets Los Angeles, resembling pop royalty, Kylie Minogue and Britney Spears; but this pop singer adds a little spice to her image by writing her own songs and even whipping out a few rap verses. Since being spotted by VEVO, Katja has developed an award winning music video series that has almost 1 million views and growing. Watching this starlet in her videos is a clue to her success; not only does she have a voice of an angel, she also looks like a movie star and her passion for performing lights up her face when she sings. While she works the camera like a pro, she also pokes fun at herself in a recent Bonnie McKee parody, Australian Girl; she makes great music without taking herself too seriously. Her strength and passion are inspirational and her fans celebrate her happy-go-lucky attitude. However, Katja was subject to bullying as she grew up and was often lonely and down, until she found solace in music. Now she hopes to comfort other bullying victims with the music she makes, reminding them they are not alone.
Katja inspires thousands of fans via her social media sites, and prefers to call them friends, rather than fans. It was one of these friends through music who pushed Katja to enter the BEAT100 network, which Katja thinks is a ‘fantastic resource and community for artists…an all round positive and uplifting experience, just how life should be.’ Having found an encouraging environment online, Katja continues to work at her music, always striving for her dream of stardom. Catch Katja’s weekly videos on YouTube, and allow her to inspire you to reach for the stars. - Beat 100
Up and coming singer Katja Glieson recently left her Australian home to take the plunge and jet to the land of opportunity, Los Angeles, where musicians, dancers and producers are aplenty.
I had the pleasure of chatting with Glieson one on one about her budding career, struggles and who she hopes her music will inspire.
Glieson’s just-released first single “Look At Us” is catching on like wildfire, as she sets the tone for a career in pop music. It was important to her that the first release be a feel good, fun song. Creating the video was a great experience “We had a lot of fun that day. All the dancers were wearing Disney princess-inspired costumes, [and we] included stars from RuPaul’s YouTube Drag Race. It was just a big party.” Glieson was thrilled with the choreography for the video, and had nothing but praise for Choreographer Jovver Fortuno. “He always brings such a fresh vibe and energy to the stuff that we do.”
One of the best things about social media for those just starting is that it’s an effective platform to be seen, and can help build an audience. Glieson feels it allows for ordinary, down-to-earth, real people to put their work out there and connect them with the audience. “I think that barrier between a famous person and the real world has been broken down,” she said, adding, “That’s what’s awesome about social media. It’s leveled out the playing field and everyone is equal.”
Gliesen made an appearance on Whitney Avalon’s YouTube Princess Rap Battles. In one of the most watched contests, with more than 24 million views and rising, Glieson Elsa (Frozen) took down Avalon’s Snow White. Glieson loves the idea of contrasting the 1930s-era Snow White and the thoroughly modern Elsa.
The road to stardom for Gliesen has not been without challenge. Glieson talked about struggling with shyness and bullying growing up, made worse by being an overweight kid (at one point, she was at 200 pounds). Suffering more than her fair share of ridicule and bullying in elementary school she turned to music. Singing gave her a positive outlet. “I used to sing to myself to kind of feel better and fill the void of having friends. It made me feel better,” she said.
While there’s lately been a lot of talk about cyber-bullying, Glieson believes that physical bullying has been sort of lost in the mix. She hopes to spread the word to young people to use their energy for something positive. “People don’t realize the power within, they’re just wasting it. You have the ability to do great things in the world.” Her message to victims of bullying? “Always know that it’s not about you. If you’re a victim of bullying don’t play the victim, work from the inside out. You can’t control what other people think and feel, say and do, but you can control how it affects you and how you feel.” She adds, “They’re looking for someone they can affect so they can feel better about themselves.” As she looks back upon her own experience with bullying, she sort of put herself in their shoes and understands the situation with much better clarity. Glieson also says it’s important not to turn into a bully as part of revenge. “Take the high road. Make sure you change the world for the better so that no one else has to go through what you went through.”
These days, the presence of YouTube, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook allows for bullying on a greater scale, Glieson believes that social media can also be used to empower individuals in a more positive way. She describes how she was able to start exercising to shed her weight via YouTube videos, which then helped to make her feel better about herself. Glieson is also preparing to take her empowerment message to YouTube with the release of a dance tutorial. This will give kids the opportunity to learn from experts in the field who otherwise may not have the ability to afford dance classes.
Glieson is passionate about the way in which women are often portrayed in music, movies, television. With software like Photoshop, it’s easier than ever to change your looks, however Glieson feels young girls need to learn to love themselves no matter what others say or what the media feels and depicts as “beautiful.”
How did she realize music was her passion? Growing up, she’d listen to Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Lady Gaga and Katy Perry. “All their music seemed to make me feel better and it eventually got to the point where I wanted to create that for other people. If music helped me, maybe I can create music to help other people.”
So, which artist inspires Glieson? Interestingly, the very first concert she ever attended was Carlos Santana. “The moment he plays music you can feel that he puts his whole heart and soul into it. It’s Katja Glieson4communicated in his music and it really touches you. He’s a great example of a musician that knows what music is about and tries to heal the world through his music.”
Glieson is also a major advocate for LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) equality. To that end, she will showcase her music as part of Phoenix PRIDE concert coming up April 11, 2015.
Being such a television junkie, I asked Glieson if she has any favorite shows. She loves The Walking Dead, and she binges on the Netflix series Orange is the New Black and House of Cards.
Glieson seems very down-to-earth and has loads of talent. I wouldn’t be surprised to see her in contention for a Grammy, right up there with Taylor Swift next year! For more information on her concert dates and album, check out her official website. And, be sure to follow her on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. - Blog Critics
Look at Katja Glieson
by Deborah Wagner
Today is a big day for Katja Glieson! The eighteen year old Australian recording artist and dancer is releasing the music video for her new song “Look At Us.” This new video produced by well-known producers “Trend Def” features Ongina, who rose to fame on RuPaul’s Drag Race, and we are featuring the video right here at PopEntertainment.com!
You might remember Glieson as the battle rhyming Elsa in the viral video “Snow White vs. Elsa: Princess Rap Battle.” With nearly 24 million views, the popular YouTube video starring Glieson and actress-turned-rapper (at least for the video) Whitney Avalon proves that even the most beautiful princesses can get down and battle with the best of them.
Glieson has a strong following and fan base that she fondly calls the special agents of her Pop Cult. She is a strong and vocal opponent of bullying which she has experienced first hand as a heavy teen. Glieson is also very involved in supporting equality and has participated in many awareness concerts including LA PRIDE, Capital Pride and OC Pride.
Glieson’s new song and video “Look At Us” is described as a song that embodies female empowerment and celebrates being confident and true to who you are. All of these traits seem to be what this young, award winning singer from Down Under stands for, so go ahead and check it out now! - Pop Entertainment Blog
Katja Glieson is an award winning Australian artist who writes her own songs and music video concepts. Most recently, Katja starred in the Princess Rap Battle viral video where she rapped as Elsa from Frozen. The video has received over 100 million combined views on YouTube & Facebook with press coverage by Perez Hilton, Cosmopolitan,Huffington Post, Smosh, Elite Daily, MTV, Pop Crunch, Daily Motion, The Disney Blog, and Breakaway Daily! The viral smash has also inspired countless cover versions, been voluntarily translated into adozen languages, been watched in 232 countries and become a culturalphenomenon leading to additional Princess Rap Battles. Katja has overcome obesity, abuse, and bullying to make it where she is today. She continues to bring an awareness to these issues and is a proud supporter of the LGBT community.
BREAKAWAY DAILY: How did your music career start?
KATJA: I think, much to my mothers dismay, that my passion for music started before I could talk! I remember her always saying I was singing before I could talk. Unfortunately, it took me a long time to gather the courage to follow the passion and begin my career. I didn’t start singing in front of people until high school when I joined a Girl Band and began doing musicals. But once I let that little singer out, there was no stopping me!
BREAKAWAY DAILY: What is your favorite part about performing live? Do you do anything special before you hit the stage?
KATJA: The absolute best thing about performing live is creating an experience and sharing it with the audience. I know from being in the audience of an awesome live show, how wonderful the experience can be, and I love being the facilitator of that. Before I go on stage, the dancers and I kind of do a team huddle. It’s really important to make sure we are all in the right space, working together and supporting each other to give the best show possible.
BREAKAWAY DAILY:You got to perform at LA Pride and Capital Pride. Can you talk a little bit about why the LGBT community is close to your heart and share the story of your aunty?
KATJA: It is such a special experience performing at PRIDE events. The people there are so awesome. I mean what an amazing event to celebrate love!
Unfortunately in Australia, where I was born, those in power aren’t really discussing the topic of gay marriage. It’s particularly important to me because it has seriously affected my family. My Aunt’s partner, whom I knew as my Aunty Vick, passed away suddenly of a brain aneurysm. If losing the love of your life of 35 years isn’t traumatic enough, my Aunty Vick’s family wouldn’t acknowledge their love and union. At her funeral, my Aunt couldn’t even give a eulogy. The family just ‘made up’ an identity of my Aunty Vick. An identity that they wanted to believe. Something that wasn’t true. It was as if I was attending the funeral of a complete stranger! A week later, my Aunt lost her house, her holiday house and her belongings. Aunty Vick’s family took everything! If only marriage were legal, this may not have happened. The family would have had to accept who my Aunty Vick really was and respect the love between them. They wouldn’t have legally been able to pull my Aunt’s life apart.
I just hope I can continue to give my voice to the LGBT community. To me, it’s incomprehensible that marriage equality is not already the norm. Love is love.
Breakaway Daily: You have overcome obesity at fourteen and also bullying. What motivated you to make these changes?
KATJA: I certainly have overcome obesity! That was a long and difficult road. Unfortunately, the bullying still continues. The important thing is I don’t let it stop me from being who I am. In terms of obesity, I was extremely unhealthy. I was in a horrible cycle where I was unmotivated and in pain from being teased and lonely. So I would sit on the couch, watch TV and eat junk. It all changed when I wanted to follow doing music. When I made that conscious decision to follow my dream, I knew I couldn’t be in this destructive cycle. I began to study health. I became vegan and started to exercise for the first time in my life! It was so scary at first, but once you begin to feel the benefits of healthy living, it slowly gets easier.
BREAKAWAY DAILY:For people who are struggling with body issues or bullying, what advice can you give them?
KATJA: What people need to realize, is that bullies are in more pain than anyone. If you break down why someone is bullying you, you realize it has nothing to do with the victim. It’s all about the bully. Their anger, their sadness, their fears. They have a need to project their negative emotions onto someone else. Once you realize if you’re being bullied that it’s not about you, it can’t hurt you. If anything, you can feel empathy for the bully.
I thought for a long time, the reason why I was bullied was because I was obese. But as soon as I lost the weight, I realized that wasn’t true. The same people just found other things to say about me. I took a moment to imagine how my bullies must be feeling, I put myself in their shoes. I could understand why they were in so much pain. Or why me going for my dreams and bettering myself can trigger someones anger and fear that they perhaps don’t feel like they can follow their passion. The best thing to do is always to focus on yourself. Be a good, loving person and don’t give energy or attention to the negative. Always enforce the positive and give your energy to those who deserve it.
BREAKAWAY DAILY:When you are traveling and performing, what is it about Australia that you miss the most?
KATJA: I actually live in LA now. I made the decision to move myself closer to where my producers and team are. I knew that I always wanted to live in LA, I just didn’t realize how hard it would be. Firstly, I had to save up for a long time. I worked so many random jobs and would always take on extra responsibilities to be able to save more. I definitely miss my close friends and family. I think the one thing I miss most is the family Christmas. I do call them and get passed around the table, but I miss my mums traditional German potato salad and knödel (bread dumplings) the most. I wouldn’t change it though. I am more fulfilled than ever.
BREAKAWAY DAILY:Your latest music video is a cover of Iggy Azalea’s “Black Widow.” Does it give you inspiration seeing a fellow Aussie at the top of the charts right now?
KATJA: I loved being able to cover “Black Widow” - it’s really cool when fans request I do a song, and I can put my own flavor to it. I was so lucky I had the gorgeous Sarah Vee playing guitar in the acoustic intro and Ash Fizz choreographing and dancing with me.
It is absolutely exciting to see how international the charts are. There are so many people not only from Australia, but England, New Zealand, Canada and many others in the charts. I completely believe that’s how the world should be. I love that music can be at the forefront of bringing people from different countries together and not making it a “thing.” It’s just music, that we are all enjoying.
BREAKAWAY DAILY:What are your hopes and dreams for the future?
KATJA: In the near future, it would be an absolute dream to have a track charting and on terrestrial radio. I would love to tour nationally and internationally supporting one of my favorite artists. Even though I’ve done a lot of touring and live shows already, I really think I could learn so much doing a support tour with a high profile artist. I would love the opportunity to release my music to as many people as possible.
BREAKAWAY DAILY:What does music mean to you?
KATJA: Music is a universal language. It’s something that speaks to our soul. Some of the most memorable moments of my life are links to certain songs. There are some songs that remind me of both difficult and amazing times. There are other songs that lift my spirit when I am down. Being a part of the magic of music is one of the greatest honors and responsibilities any artist can take on.
BREAKAWAY DAILY:What’s up next for you?
KATJA: I am currently working on a couple of new cover videos. This time I am trying to do some collaborations. It is always a bit of a challenge coordinating videos and music that involves others, but I think it’s important to work with others.
I am also about halfway through recording my first album! It is so much fun and such an experience being able to piece together a large project. We already have some really great tracks. I can’t wait to make more.
I already have some PRIDE shows and other performances booked, so I’ll be in the dance studio very soon to piece together a bigger and better show than last year.
BREAKAWAY DAILY: Thank you Katja for giving us a glimpse of your beautiful soul and best of luck with everything!
KATJA: Thank you so much for the amazing questions! I hope to meet you in the very near future. Love Katja xxx - Breakaway Daily
Australian pop princess Katja Glieson has released her new music video for her single, “Look At Us.” The video features Ongina from RuPaul’s Drag Race and YouTuber Zedakiah Koterba.
The song, “Look At Us,” was produced by Trend Def. Lyrically, “Look At Us” embodies female empowerment and celebrates the idea of staying true to who you are. The video shows just that with all of the dancers and Katja being styled in the likes of modern day Disney princesses, who have stepped out of their shells and owned who they are. Can you tell what princesses are in the music video?
Disney princesses seem to be Katja’s niche. If you think that she looks and sounds familiar then you may recognize her from the first Disney Princess Rap Battle, where she played Elsa! - Pop Wrapped
Australia is home to several of Hollywood's top stars including Keith Urban, Nicole Kidman and other noted celebrities. When Melbourne native, Katja Glieson, takes a casual stroll on the walk of fame or goes in for a styling session at Cosmo on Melrose, people stop her frequently as they often wonder, "Hey, isn't that Britney Spears?".
Glieson is living the Hollywood dream come true for a new independent Pop Princess turning heads with approval on her latest music venture. While out on rounds, she was discovered by a prominent record label executive and quickly found herself releasing a major music release through LRT/INgrooves Fontana/Universal, a noted distribution firm .Besides being a blonde beauty, Glieson is an actress, singer, dancer, and a solid martial artist,talents that can come in handy on the set of a music video shoot indeed.
This week is a festive one for Glieson and her new label as they celebrate the official Vevo debut of her new music video, Peek A Boo.
Peek A Boo is an action packed, mini movie with a solid story line taking viewers into the future of a dramatic thriller sequence of events comprising Episode 4 of a series of videos that Royal Slave Records intends to release for the young talented recording artist. The video is filled with flashes from the past which will be explained according to sources in the next series of music video releases that the label plans to produce for the young starlet.
Glieson's natural acting talent is impressive as she plays two character roles in the production. She plays the part of a young naive female who is captured and brainwashed to be rescued by her look alike who is by no means naive but rather a skilled martial artist who is daunting at the very least. Her finesse as a fighter is comparable to Scarlet Johansen's Natasha Romanoff character in the Oscar nominated action blockbuster, the Avengers.
Glieson's work is refreshing in "Peek A Boo". Watching her work, she makes it a point to entertain the viewer and peak the viewers interest with suspense through an action packed video complete with solid choreographed routines, solid scripting, signature dance moves, Avengers style fight scenes and distinct character portrayals. From the looks of this cinematic style video, it would not be surprising that we soon see Glieson picking up a Grammy for "Best Music Video" in February of 2014. - The Examiner
Australian recording artist Katja Glieson on why Pride is important to her, her live show, the LGBT community, being overweight, bullying, being in shape and much more at LA PRIDE in West Hollywood, Ca USA June 7, 2014
Interview by Shayla Girardin
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Many are talented but few have star potential. As we've all seen on reality competition shows such as American Idol, X-Factor, and So You Think you can Dance. These shows have also taught us that no matter how talented you are, if you don’t have a big enough fan-following, you will be “eliminated”…taken out of the equation and left to find another route into the industry.
I've interviewed and featured many artist on Dreamheart Spotlight both rising and established, but never have I seen an artist right on the pivotal point of their career. Until now! By way of the outback country, meet Katja Glieson. This Melbourne, Australian born singer/songwriter living in Los Angeles is on the cuffs of a record deal!
Her ReverbNation shot up to number one in the charts in a little over a week. Her first music video has been accepted to screen at the 2013 Phoenix Comicon Film festival and nominated for best music video.
Katja’s electric music videos are unforgettable. But unless you are subscribed to her website, you’ll only get teasers on YouTube.
“The idea of all my music videos is that they follow a story line. So each single as it is released has this recurring character "Special Agent Kitty and her cyborg double MK1 fighting crime, falling in love, kicking butt and saving Terminium City (the city the videos are located in)”, she said. - Kindred Dreamheart
Posted by GirlTalkHQ × February 18, 2013 at 10:00 am
I recently met a musician and actress by the name of Katja Glieson. Some of you may have already heard about her and some may not. I had the chance to sit down with her and chat about her career, but what fascinated me most, and the reason why we wanted to share her story with GirlTalkHQ readers, was her life experiences which she is using to inspire others. While she is a talented artist, Katja is a girl who is using her creativity as a vehicle to spread some important messages for women out there.
Katja grew up in Melbourne, Australia and always dreamed of Hollywood, and is passionate about songwriting and creating good music. Her music icons include Michael Jackson, Gwen Stefani, Bette Midler, Roy Orbison and Britney Spears to name but a few.
She started her music career in Australia, but was pigeon-holed in the bubblegum pop world there which she didn’t really like. The decision to try her luck in Hollywood was the wider scope of opportunities and songwriters in different genres which exist here. She has been in numerous indie features in Australia and has toured with theater groups. Her love of music and creative ambitions led her to where she is today, but it wasn’t always an easy road for her.
The thing about Katja is, while she may not be splashed across every Access Hollywood bulletin and Cosmo mag cover just yet, she is in this for all the right reasons... - Asha K
Still working on that hot first release.

Aussie recording artist Katja Glieson is one of the ‘most loved’ broadcasters on the new social media phenomenon Periscope. Check out this article highlighting the top Periscopers to watch: http://www.socialmediatoday.com/social-networks/carianneking/2015-05-22/5-periscope-celebrities-watch-literally?utm_content=buffer76d3b&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer
Katja is also known for starring as Elsa in the first ‘Princess Rap Battle’ viral video that’s had 100+ million views on YouTube & Facebook, and her popular mainstage performances last year at LA PRIDE, Capital Pride and OC Pride alongside Bonnie McKee, Jennifer Hudson and Azealia Banks. She just came off performing her brand new huge show on the mainstage at Phoenix Pride on April 11. She is an award winning artist, having won a number of awards for her music videos and was voted Beat 100s Top Artist of 2014. She’s performing at Avalon on June 13th 2015, will be appearing with Famous Birthdays at their booth at VidCon in July and performing at OC PRIDE on August 1st.
She’s also released a new music video directed by Christian Strickland and featuring Ongina from RuPaul’s Drag Race teaching Katja and her ‘Modern Princesses’ how to be a true Queen! This video had over 100K views in a week and has been featured on PopWrapped, Queer Me Up, Blog Critics and a number of other websites, and the single and video is currently playing on mainstream radio & TV throughout Europe, including the prominent RadioDeeJay in Italy where it has had significant airplay. Watch ‘Look At Us' here: http://smarturl.it/lookatus
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