Katie Carroll
Dallas, Texas, United States | SELF
Katie Carroll. In a tub. And, wait, why is that bunny hanging from a noose?
?It was about a month ago now when I first came across Katie Carroll's "Paper Girl" via my pal Mark Schectman, host of KDGE-102.1 FM The Edge's "The Local Edge" (not to mention an Observer music section contributor, hey hey). He was playing the song on pretty much constant rotation for a few weeks there--and for good reason, too. "Paper Girl" is a gorgeous track. Just crushes me, really.
And here's the thing: The folk-pop song appears to be among the first thing Carroll's ever done. I spoke with her just a little bit ago over the phone and, sure enough, "Paper Girl" is the title track off her upcoming debut--which, she promises, is coming... soon. Live shows are on the way as well, although, at this point, Carroll's not sure on when we can expect those, either.
The good news? The album's done at this point. And the artwork's almost finished as well. So it should all be happening in the near future.
"I'm just now getting ready for all that," Carroll says with a bit of a nervous giggle. "And I can't wait."
After the jump, you'll see why you should maybe start getting excited, too. Carroll's been kind enough to pass along "Paper Girl," for your free downloading pleasure. Go grab it. And then proceed to turn into a big pile of mush.
Bonus mp3: Katie Carroll -- "Paper Girl"
Heartbreaking, huh?
- Pete Freedman music editor of the Dallas OBSERVER DC9 At Night
My first album Paper Girl was released 2010
Then my second album Desperada was released in 2012. Both are available all over the internet. iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, CD Baby etc etc.

Katie Carroll is crazy. She'll tell you herself. She's also brilliant - but she'd argue that fact. With her feet on the ground and her head in the sky, Katie's music also simultaneously exists in two worlds. It's acoustic and electric. It's loud and soft. It's tremendously calm, but also immensely exciting. Katie's songs were not written to appease anyone else's standards, or ideals. She wrote this music because it needed to be. Thankfully for us, this wonderfully amazing, haunting music is. The lyrics in her songs perfectly compliment the purity in her angelic vocals, and the delicate arrangement of sounds around her create a bed of sounds for any listener to dive in and enjoy. Paper Girl isn't just an album. It's a revolution of noise and emotion, riding on some broken angel's wings.