Debut EP from this new North Carolina band that produces some fine aggressive groove/tech death but with some wacky prog breaks that are a lot of fun and help to give the album a great deal of needed variety. - Prog Metal Zone
"The Hologram Project"
Debut EP, Released October 2015

“Kairos. is a Progressive Metal band from Charlotte, NC,” is how this bio would start if we wanted you to read all the information listed on our Facebook page. "Kairos has played with several metal giants, such as progressive juggernauts Symphony X, and long-time thrashers Overkill," is how this bio would start if we wanted to list our achievements in an attempt to garner favor. However, since we approach things a little differently, we thought we would start our bio like this:
CHUG CHUGGA bana dana beenawww CHUG CHA-CHUG
That’s the sound of chunky progressive metal soup warming your cold, winter-ravaged heart (and by winter, of course, we mean top 40). The Kairos. brand of Progressive M3T4L breaks a fresh wind in the metal scene. One moment you are floating in the reverb-saturated ocean of emotional compromises, and the next, BAM! You are in the throws of a war between Leonidas and a group of squealing pigs.
Kairos began with a little old-fashioned basement jamming, complete with obligatory pizza and Family Guy. We've added members over the past few years and finally released our debut EP "The Hologram Project" in October of 2015. As a band local to Charlotte, we enjoy playing shows with other great bands and having the opportunity to meet new people and hear new music. Our sound is constantly evolving, rooted in the fertile grounds that are the progressive metal greats, but never forgetting our love of the br00talz. Thought-provoking music infused with groovy breakdowns and jazzy jingles are what our audiences have come to expect. We will be sure to keep your landscape changing on your visit to the world of Kairos.
Band Members