New York City, New York, United States | SELF
"Terminal City Inc. boasts two phenomenal lyricists, and a singer that will make you believe in the soul-sustaining power of music. TCI is backed by talented musicians that lay a mesmerizing soundscape, and keep the party moving."
- Burly Bird Magazine
"Did you know that Just One & Terminal City have made an impression on NYC’s underground performing at places like The Gramercy Theater, Alphabet Lounge and Webster Hall! Vote for your favorite today - the winning band will open for Gym Class Heroes!!! Check out the top 3 video submission in the Boxes tab or click on the link on our fan page."
http://www.vzwrldp.com/ - Verizon Wireless (http://www.vzwrldp.com/)
TERMINAL CITY INC. Some Kind of Wonderful.
Terminal City Inc. is a Hip-Hop ensemble that fuses potent lyricism with a sound that can only be described as something different rooted in something familiar. The band plays a mix of funk, rock, hip-hop, and soul, and lays a melodic sound scape for emcees Just-One & Terrordome to inundate with world play. Terminal City Inc. also boasts singer, Meghann Early, who's soulful voice ties everything together in unique and interesting ways.
Terminal City Inc. is prepping their debut album, India Gold, for release in 2010, and has been playing shows in support of the upcoming release. TCI has been featured at numerous New York City venues such as Gramercy Theater, Arlene's Grocery, Alphabet Lounge, R Bar, Uncle Mike's, and have an upcoming show at Webster Hall Studio on Saturday April 24th @ 10:00PM.
NYC wordsmiths, Just-One & Terrordome, bring a late 90's feeling to their lyrics and style, and move crowds with infectious flow and catchy hooks. They started performing together at an upstate New York college, and have since come back to New York City to earn their piece of the Big Apple. They are building a solid following by performing with their band, Terminal City Inc. as well as rocking Hip-Hop showcases with production by Turbz, Silk Sheets, Grumbles, and a variety of other up-and-coming talent.
Capone of rap group, CNN, says "Keep an eye out for Just-One & Terrordome, you'll never see them coming..." Legendary DJ Chuck Chillout calls Just-One & Terrordome, "The future", and that could very well be. Just-One says his goal is to bring back lyricism, "one day at a time" while "entertaining and enlightening."
The band includes four musicians who make the lyrics come to life with Hip-Hop, Funk, and Soul inspired backdrops. Ill Bill Miner keeps the pace on the drums, Seth Klugman drops in the bass lines, while Jake Miner and Derek Kunkel play keyboards and guitar. TCI plays at least once a month in NYC and are planning a tour to support the release of India Gold. Check them out at www.TerminalCityInc.com, and view their Electronic Press Kit at www.sonicbids.com/JustOneMC.
TCI can be contacted through manager, Liz Skollar, at lizskollar@gmail.com. - Hip-Hop Press/Hip-Hop PR Wire
HHR Blog recently sat down to do an interview with Just-One a member of the New York City band Terminal City. Terminal City was founded in 2009 by NYC emcee Just-One and guitarist/songwriter Derek Kunkel. The clash between Just-One’s edgy flow and Derek’s melodic guitar quickly became the basis around which Terminal City has developed. Today, the band fuses indie rock with hip hop and funk to create a dark intelligent sound that is both danceable and melodic.
Terminal City is currently working on their first EP, entitled India Gold, to be released in early 2010.
HHR Blog: Tell our blog readers about yourself…where are you from…where were you born…where were you raised…which city and state are currently home to you?
I’m Just-One… I am from NYC… I was born in Upstate New York, and raised in several places along the East Coast. I am currently residing in NYC working with my band, Terminal City Inc.
HHR Blog: What type of a family did you grow up in?
I was adopted by Ministers of the Protestant faith when I was an infant, and raised in a environment of spirituality and education.
HHR Blog: What do you like about the City you currently reside?
NYC is my muse, my mistress, and my disciplinarian. She inspires me, but keeps me humble, and reminds me that at any time she can eat me alive like a Preying Mantis.
Do you currently belong to a band?
My band is Terminal City Inc. and we have 7 members. Just-One & Terrordome are the emcees, Meghann Early is our singer, Seth Klugman plays the Bass, Bill Miner plays the drums, and Jake Miner plays keyboard and guitar, Derek Kunkel plays the guitar.
Which do you prefer: performing solo or with a band?
I love performing with my band, but I also love performing solo over dope production. I can’t say I prefer one to the other. I love them both exactly the same, but completely differently which is what we call a paradox.
Have you written any songs? Who has recorded them?
I have written numerous songs with my writing partner Terrordome, and have written songs with the band’s songwriter, Derek Kunkel. We are recorded at Smoke N Mirrors Studio in Brooklyn, and also at Wonderful Studios in Manhattan.
Can you dance? On a scale of from one to ten, with ten being phenomenal, how good of a dancer are you?
Like Vince Vaughn in Wedding Crashers, I’m obviously a phenomenal dancer.
If you do dance, what type of dance do you do?
That same ole Two Step
What inspires you as an artist be it singing a song or writing a song?
NYC inspires me. Pain inspires me. The occasional psychosis also inspires me.
If you belong to a band what is the name of the band. If not, what is your professional name(s) both as a performing artist and as a songwriter?
My band’s name is Terminal City Inc., and my name is Just-One. My performance and writing partner is Brooklyn emcee Terrordome.
What genre of music do you consider your work to be?
I consider the Terminal City Inc. sound to be a fusion of Hip-Hop, Funk, Soul, and Indie Rock
As a songwriter do you only write lyrics, or do you read and write music?
I write the lyrics of course, but I also write music. I can’t read music, so I record the melody I want and play around with the instruments until I get the sound that was in my head.
Where have you performed? What was your favorite venue? What was your least favorite venue?
I have performed with my band, and with my partner, Terrordome at several venues in the area including: Gramercy Theater, Webster Hall Studio, Arlene’s Grocery, Sullivan Hall, The Delancey, Bowery Poetry Club, and Crash Mansion, among others. I love performing at all of the venues, but Gramercy Theater and Arlene’s Grocery have phenomenal sound.
Is there an overriding theme to most of the songs you write and/or sing(play)?
I usually write songs about whatever is going on in my world, in my head, and in my daily travels. I guess it all depends on what kind of a mood I’m in.
What has been your greatest challenge as a musician and as a songwriter?
My greatest challenge in terms of songwriting would probably lie in turning a collection of hot lines into an interesting story. It can also be hard to say something different with the same words.
What advice do you have for people who want to break into the music or the Recording Arts Industry?
Don’t ever take no for an answer. If you can’t get a meeting with someone at a label, find out where they live, and make them listen. Throw it in their face constantly until they see the value in your art. In New York, we’re willing to kill to get what we need.
Where do you see yourself in your career five years from now?
I see myself creating opportunities for other artists, and building my company in five years. I plan to be successful enough to open doors for others that I had to kick down myself.
How can your fans gain access to your music?
Fans can listen to Te - Hip Hop Republican
Magnum Opus EP

Just-One is an American Hip-Hop artist based in New York City. Often noted for his complex and spiritual lyrics, Just-One is working on his debut release with Executive Producer, Block McCloud, entitled Magnum Opus through Disturbia Music Group. The Project is tentatively set to be released as a series of three EP's forming a trilogy (Magnum Opus Black, White, Red). The album will also be preluded by a series of mix tapes featuring Just-One, Block McCloud, Krome, and Mista Misk of the Disturbia Music Group (DMG)
Just-One is a member of Terminal City Inc., a collection of musicians incorporating hip-hop lyricism, indie rock, funk, and blues singing, forming a dark, intelligent sound that also has inspiring moments. Terminal City is currently working on their debut album, "Welcome to Terminal City".
Just-One is also a member of Event Horizon, a Staten Island rock band featuring Disturbia Music Group owner/CEO, Block McCloud (Brooklyn Academy, Army of the Pharaohs).