Julie Clark Shubert
Woodruff, South Carolina, United States | SELF
Interview with Julie Clark Shubert and Skope Magazine - Skopemag.com
Kimberly Kelly of scene on 7 WSPA discovers Julie Clark Shubert and plays a bit from her video "The Change" - Scene on 7 12/01/2011
Swan Thong
http://shedidwhatnow.com/her-swan-thong/ - Deanna Reynolds
Swan Thong
http://shedidwhatnow.com/her-swan-thong/ - Deanna Reynolds
" I Make the Coffee" # 4 October Top Ten Indie Hits - Live 365 Internet Radio Women of Substance
VOICE of the CITY, WESU 88.1FM: Live interview with Julie Clark Shubert
Only once in a blue moon does someone defy the odds and inspire us to remember our dreams, and our potential to live them! Julie Clark Shubert is a talented singer songwriter who began her her musical journey at 50 years old. For Julie's 50th birthday her husband brought her a Stradacaster electric guitar. Almost five years later Julie has written over 40 songs and has just released her first album. "From the Inside Out", which was recorded at Coffeehouse Recording Studio in Middletown, CT. This album rocks!
J-Cherry interviews Julie Clark Shubert on VOICE of the CITY. Listen to the show recorded at WESU 88.1FM here:
"I met and married my husband, Gary Shubert in 1976, when I was almost twenty years old. We had our first child Josh, in 1977, he was followed by Beth, Hauns and Jamie. I had always wanted to be a mother and for the next twenty eight years I was home mothering our kids on a full time basis.
During the twenty eight years I mothered, I lost myself and found myself about as many times as we moved. My active mothering experience was the most precious and extraordinary experience of my life.
Gary bought me an electric guitar and now I am gig playing guitarist singer songwriter. I have written over forty songs and I’ve just finished my first studio CD. I don’t think I have ever received a bigger or a better surprise than to discover that I can play guitar and write songs. I cannot even tell you how much fun I am having."
http://www.allthingsjulie.com/ - J-Cherry, WESU 88.1FM, Middletown CT
“The production value on the CD is very good. I like "I Make the Coffee" as the morning guy I tend to like coffee songs! I also like "Never," I think it’s catchy and toe tappin.” Jeff Powell Music director WGWG 88.5 FM The Range - WGWG 88.5 FM
MIDDLETOWN - Julie Clark Shubert is a unique performer because of her story. At age 50 she wrote a bucket list, and on that list was to learn to play the guitar.
So her husband gave her a Fender Stratocaster for her birthday. One day while practicing, she hits a chord and writes a song. Several songs later, she is playing The Buttonwood Tree, something she thought she would never do.
Shubert started the show with a one-woman, one-guitar performance. Julie sang songs that are on her CD for her CD Release Party and unreleased songs like “Sammy.”
Later, Julie Clark Shubert’s band consisted of Mike Arafeh on guitar, Ed Misenti on guitar, and Dave Willard on piano, some of the same players that appeared on her album "From the Inside Out."
“What we did in the studio was magic, with songs about woman estrogen,” Shubert said.
She played songs like “The Change,” “We Can Do This” and “I Make the Coffee.” Before the mystical song “Mary, Mary,” she said “with resilience, we can find strength to do anything.”
The last song of the night, “Someday,” was dedicated to the audience. For more information about Julie Clark Shubert, visit www.allthingsjulie.com - Middletown Press, by John Henley
On this album "From the Inside Out", Singer-Songwriter Julie Clark Shubert serves up songs with full-band backing, not simply as a solo singer with guitar or piano. It's not clear how she performs her gigs - solo or ensemble. One of the interesting things about her songwriting is that these songs could be performed in a variety of styles - rock, pop, country, roots - and work in almost any genre.
Opening tune "I Wish you Well (What Didn't Happen)" sounds like a bittersweet final goodbye to a teenage love. Driving rocker "I Make The Coffee" (my favorite tune of the six here) is a wife's lament. Great piano and guitars on this song.
All the songs feature talented musicians, including a sad cello and almost Spanish-sounding guitar on the ballad "Mary Mary" and an emotive violin on "Let The Inside Out" and "Let Me Know".
Another interesting thing about Julie Clark Shubert is her range of vocal expression. Sometimes her voice sounds soft and vulnerable, other times strong and almost brash. That's a rare gift.
- Indie-Music.com
Brace up, America! Here comes The CHANGE…
A singer, songwriter, and producer, Julie Clark Shubert is releasing her first studio CD this month, living to the fullest that famous proclamation of Oprah Winfrey that, “Life begins at fifty.”
Born and raised in Utah, the oldest of seven children, Julie Clark Shubert grew up in a musical household. Her grandfather was a professional big band and jazz musician. She was raised playing the piano and the bass violin.
“A funny thing happened on my way to getting old,” giggles Julie as she shares her story. “My husband of thirty four years, Gary, surprised me with an electric guitar for my 50th birthday after reading my bucket list. On my list, learning to play the electric guitar was next to tap dancing. I took guitar lessons thinking maybe I could become good enough to play some covers. I was shocked when I hit a C chord one day and a song tumbled out. That song was “From the Inside Out.” The last four years have been filled with writing lyrics and chords as I chased the melodies that danced around in my head, and learning how to play the music I had written.”
After perfecting the performance of her own songs on the electric guitar, Julie started playing at fairs and coffee houses, house concerts and clubs in Connecticut. She typically plays solo but enjoys collaborating with other musicians and recorded this first studio CD with the help of a talented backup band.
"The most important thing I have learned on my journey is that I am never defined as a person. If you dream it, you are half way to making it a reality. If I can do this, what else can I do? Maybe even tap dance at seventy!”
Julie Clark Shubert currently lives in Woodruff, South Carolina, enjoying family and friends, playing the guitar every day, taking tennis lessons, riding with her husband on his bike and airplane, and of course enjoying rides in her Toyota MR2 Spider, named “Sydney.”
Julie Clark Shubert’s music can be described as ‘music for grown-ups” and represents the past 35 years of her life as a woman, wife, and mother. Her songs tell stories from real life experiences, mixed with humor and delightful wit.
To hear Julie Clark Shubert’s music, read more about her adventures, or contact her go to: www.allthingsjulie.com
- Dimi Warwick
"From The Inside Out", 2011

Natural musicians and songwriters are just that, they were born with the gift. What if however you were that musician, but you never knew you were. Then one day all the stars align and that part of you just appears, opens up with the natural gift that was always been there, but added to that all the experience and wisdom and music heard over fifty years. Who you would have is Julie Clark Shubert
The story is awesome. Julie, a very musical person learned piano when she was eight, but the piano and the classical music she was playing did not have the rhythm that she needed. But before she could discover the guitar and the “rhythm” her life got busy and she got married just turning twenty years old and had her first baby when she was twenty one. So for the next thirty years she listened and danced and sang her away through the years as she drove her mini-van around and raised her four kids. Then she turns fifty, panics, and writes a bucket list where learn to play electric guitar is right next to tap dancing. Her husband buys her a Fender Strat, she takes lessons, two months into lessons a song tumbles out of her. Shocks her really, considering it a freak accident she has no idea the flood gates have just opened up. The music in her head races out like water held back by a dam. She found herself obsessed by the guitar, playing hours every day and writing in some crazed frenzy that none of her family or friends could figure out. All they knew was that no one should be able to play the guitar that well that fast and write the chords and melodies that seemed to effortlessly flow from her except someone who is gifted and how could she just be discovering that at the age of fifty?
Not only does Julie Clark Shubert play and write and sing, she produced her first studio CD. She trusted herself, her musical ear, all the music she had ever loved, and the people she picked to help her because really what was the down side. No one expected anything from her, why not give them everything. And that’s what this CD “From the Inside Out” gives the listener. Her quirky funky chords and rhythms are fleshed out by some amazing performances by the seasoned musicians that back her. And whatever you think this CD will sound like you will be pleasantly wrong. Each song is unique, some with sax, some with cello and some with keyboards, and all with guitar. The lyrics are fearless as she channels the experiences gained by years of living. Her humor, sarcasm and wit is everywhere. There are great dancing, toe tapping rhythm driven songs along with intimate ballads, twelve very unique songs on this CD.
"From the Inside Out", “Singer-Songwriter Julie Clark Shubert serves up songs with full-band backing, not simply as a solo singer with guitar or piano. Another interesting thing about Julie Clark Shubert is her range of vocal expression. Sometimes her voice sounds soft and vulnerable, other times strong and almost brash. That's a rare gift.” Indie-music.com
According to Julie it’s never too late to follow your dream. “If you can dream it you’re half way to making it a reality.” If Julie and her music, her CD, her career is anything it is passionate and surprising and that makes this woman worth listening to.
Julie makes her home in Woodruff, SC just outside Greenville. She lives with her husband of 35 years Gary. She is the mother of four grown kids and four adorable granddaughters.
You can go to http://www.allthingsjulie.com to read her lyrics and check her videos and music.