Julian Rhine
Brooklyn, New York, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2013 | SELF
“An Excuse to Riot” is [Julian Rhine's] most poignant to date, as he does not mince words on this track, opting for a powerful hook and lyrics which are delivered with the fury of a young (or old) Henry Rollins. - Ellenwood
Outspoken. Idiosyncratic. Anti-authoritarian...Born and raised in Brooklyn, Rhine is spreading his contempt for the government’s current state through his latest single, “An Excuse to Riot”. Interwoven with both alternative sounds and concepts, it’s a call for this generation to question the cops, reform our morals, and embrace the freaks among us. - The Drainage
The upshot of Julian Rhine in both form and function is that he is clearly a very diverse musician who uses all of the tools and talents at his disposal to divulge what he feels is a very important message...Rhine is taking hip hop in not just one but many different directions. Not since Public Enemy has there been a rap act with so much political fire, and Rhine seems determined to change the system one song at a time. - Guardian LV
Julian Rhine is bubbling hot in the hip-hop and pop world... - Yo! Raps Magazine
Purely outraged punk...exactly what we need. - Your Music Fix
Final Grade: A - The Examiner
Julian Rhine is not your average musician. He is a powerhouse of kinetic energy, hell-bent on shattering the mainstream “group-think” outlook on life sold to us by the government and the media. His individuality registers with every note. Each lyric peels back another layer of this controversial artist; drawing our attention & intriguing us enough to dig deeper. It wouldn’t be much of a stretch to call him a true force of nature. - Insomniac Magazine
Witty criticism and aggressive tone - The Source
"The song, like Julian, is bizarre, energetic, full of life and sound and passion." - The Source
"Julian Rhine, has his own unique musical style which he blends Hip Hop-Pop-and a little Rock- to get his hard hitting and controversial messages across with his music." - My Music My Life
"So this is a different brew..." - News Cult
"This NY native creates music that speaks to you on a religious and spiritual level." - VENTS Magazine
"His newest single “No God Flow” is the most scathing critique of the Big Man Upstairs I’ve ever heard on a rap track." - Your Music Fix
"Saying Julian Rhine is a rapper is oversimplifying it. What he does might go over the head of your average hip-hop fan" - Hiplanta
"When was the last time a rapper said something that took you off guard ? When has any hip hop come out in 2014 that has done something different ? Well upon taking a listen to the new single “No God Flow” it will be clear that is different" - Soletron
"No God Flow" is a bold new move to reignite thinking in hip-hop and is something I can get behind. This says lot considering how little of the art form has moved me in recent years. His new single is a must to check out if you have any interest in the genre. - Abysmal Hymns
"I like Julian Rhine’s rapping style...Overall, this is quite a cool cut. I like the whole thing a lot. " - Music Street Journal
"Julian Rhine is surely on the right path to gaining new listeners and fans, alike. Upon first listen, one might think back to the Beastie Boys as a comparison to Rhine’s delivery and flow. But his sound, overall, is unique and he flaunts it well." - The MC Report
"Julian creatively uses music as a conscious vehicle to challenge the status quo and address social justice issues. His new single, No God Flow, is a reflection of his unique and avant-garde style." - Vapors NYC
"His lyrics are powerful and honest." - Music News
Julian Rhine arguably has the most interesting biography I have come across and one of the best early 90s flows I’ve heard since well… the 90s. - Audio Emit
"New York Hip Hop Artist Julian Rhine is taking the music scene by storm with a practice what you preach vibe. His approach is to offer a perspective to hip hop that is not only unique but outspoken. His single, "No God Flow" is replete with lyrics that speak on the need for religious freedom and how each one of us need to accept that every individual has a particular path to walk and journey to take." - The Examiner
"I don’t think art is a manipulator. It’s honest expression.” - Ruwando
"Julian is welcomed back to VENTS for to discuss gun violence and what's coming in 2014."
See the full interview: page 88 of Issue 30 - Vents
Always fun and portraying a conscious message, Julian Rhine did not let us down with his new video Better Than the Gun. - Follow The Experience
Phase It Out - Best Dubstep Songs
Julian isn’t your typical rapper... - Fade or Fight
Julian isn’t your typical rapper... - Fade or Fight
This track deals with a controversial topic around gun violence and is also a joint-campaign with New Yorkers Against Gun Violence, where by 50% of all proceeds for the downloads will be donated to NYAGV. - Indie Minded
[Brazil - International Press written in Portuguese] - Bota Pra Tocar!
[Brazil - International Press written in Portuguese] - Bota Pra Tocar!
"Julian Rhine blew up the stage at Highline Ballroom May 7th. He came on with his enthusiasm and spread it through the crowd in waves. He was at the top of his game jumping around and getting the people to get the feel of his music." - EmpathyNYC
"Julian Rhine blew up the stage at Highline Ballroom May 7th. He came on with his enthusiasm and spread it through the crowd in waves. He was at the top of his game jumping around and getting the people to get the feel of his music." - EmpathyNYC
"He captured the audience’s attention enough to have them rocking out to unfamiliar tunes, a fusion of rock, hip hop and rap." - Follow the Experience
"He captured the audience’s attention enough to have them rocking out to unfamiliar tunes, a fusion of rock, hip hop and rap." - Follow the Experience
"His hard work is paying off big time." - Runnin With It
"A fantastic journey through sound. Lots of drama, tension, fun, and so many emotions and feelings that will wrap you up immediately." - Vents Magazine
"A fantastic journey through sound. Lots of drama, tension, fun, and so many emotions and feelings that will wrap you up immediately." - Vents Magazine
Instantly memorable...White Rhino is next level already. - NYC Indie Music Live
Instantly memorable...White Rhino is next level already. - NYC Indie Music Live
"When White Rhino plays a concert, it’s an event...There’s a potent chemistry experiment going on. When the elements come together, it’s a spectacle." - Ditmas Park Corner
"When White Rhino plays a concert, it’s an event...There’s a potent chemistry experiment going on. When the elements come together, it’s a spectacle." - Ditmas Park Corner
Gritty yet flawless sounding American rock and roll mixed with hip hop. - Alfitude
Gritty yet flawless sounding American rock and roll mixed with hip hop. - Alfitude
To the unsuspecting passer-by, they might mistake Rhino's spit-fire flow for an automatic machine gun goin off, that’s how rabid and fast this boy can spit. - Runnin With It
Here’s one of those hybrid rap/rock songs with some awesome bass from Brooklyn’s White Rhino.
- Runnin With it
Here’s one of those hybrid rap/rock songs with some awesome bass from Brooklyn’s White Rhino.
- Runnin With it
If you want to get an idea of his sound, close your eyes; imagine you are in a space shuttle being chased by Predator; at that very moment when it is about to catch up to you, there is a moment of suspense: the thrill of the chase. That thrill of the chase is what comprises the White Rhino’s eclectic, space-age hip hop beats. The lyrics are just as exciting. - Follow the Experience
Here’s 6 tracks that preview how dope the White Rhino‘s album will be when it drops in 2012. I think this is must-listen project if you're looking for a different kind of hip-hop coming out of NYC. - Before the Bigs
There is no one out there making music anywhere near this. - In Audio We Trust
A completely original, massive sound...he can craft a sound that no one else in the game is banging. - Before the Bigs
"Rhino has been shutting down shows and gaining a large following" - Spotlight on LI
"Rhino has been shutting down shows and gaining a large following" - Spotlight on LI
"[Rhino] is nothing short of a hidden gem..." - Boarding School Beats
"[Rhino] is nothing short of a hidden gem..." - Boarding School Beats
"Quite the banger...sick flow throughout the song" - Fruit Loop Music
"Quite the banger...sick flow throughout the song" - Fruit Loop Music
"Original...very up-beat and has some fast, steady flow" - The Sound Leak
"The Brooklyn rapper is charging head-first into the game" - Mostly Junk Food
"The Brooklyn rapper is charging head-first into the game" - Mostly Junk Food
"hot lyrics and even hotter verses" - Always New Musik
...a beat just begging to be rapped over, the White Rhino is happy to oblige. - Always New Musik
This is the White Rhino's most serious track to date. - Before The Bigs
This is the White Rhino's most serious track to date. - Before The Bigs
"Pure Flow" - Mostly Junk Food
"The EP showcases not only a great artist, but also a diverse one." - Fruit Loop Music
"The White Rhino fuses worlds together..." - Mostly Junk Food
What is he up to now? ... - Always New Musik
White Rhino keeps getting stronger and riskier - Music Gets Me Hyped
Brooklyn rapper The White Rhino is starting the summer off with his own song a week campaign called “White Rhino Wednesdays.” His first release has him spitting over and murdering Radiohead’s “The National Anthem.” Let me tell you, the dude goes hard. He spits fast with sick wordplay and kills it. - Before The Bigs
Rhino is stirring a minor buzz with his NYC live performances. A small group of in-the-know people are getting wild about The White Rhino. - Music Gets Me Hyped
He can rock, he can rap, he can sing...he's a triple threat! - Before The Bigs
"White Rhino’s music embodies much of the creativity lacking from mainstream products..." - Spacepack
"White Rhino’s music embodies much of the creativity lacking from mainstream products..." - Spacepack
You can hear the Brooklyn oozing out of him...The White Rhino delivers mastery. What separates The White Rhino [from other rappers] is the intricate wordplay while still maintaining meaningful lyrics. It's a feat only a select few have been able to pull off. - Oh So Fresh Music
"He definitely has the lyricism skills..." - Always New Musik
A dope new, high-octane rapper from Brooklyn, NY. His track, 'Aviators' is a straight BANGER!! Heads nod and hips shake thanks to the delightfully infectious melody and chorus. Lyrically, this track separates itself from the pack at the 2:00 minute mark, when Rhino lays down one of the most technically impressive, eargasmic verses of the 21st century. - The Deli
"Upbeat college party rap" - Before The Bigs
This is a straight BANGER! - Music Gets Me Hyped
Aviators is a a perfect party song, with a sick beat that makes it hard to not get up and start moving. You can check him out on his website too. Have at it! - Real Chill Music
This is a dope new artist - CampusMusick
A review of the single "Aviators" - 1146 Miles
Lemonade EP, TBR Summer 2015
The Journey of Julian Rhine, Released 8/15/2012
White Rhino Wednesdays, Releasing 1 new track each week. 4/27/2011~7/6/2011
Just the Tip EP, Released 11/15/2010
The White Rhino, Released 12/15/2010
Lemonade - 6/11/2015
Better Than The Gun - 10/10/2013
Stunning // The Journey of Julian Rhine - 6/9/2012
New York City // The Journey of Julian Rhine - 10/25/2011
Come Away // White Rhino Wednesdays. 6/29/2011
White Lights // White Rhino Wednesdays. 4/27/2011
There's A Light // The White Rhino, Just the Tip. 1/1/2011
Aviators // The White Rhino, Just the Tip. 11/15/2010

Julian Rhine was born in The United States of America, a country known for its overzealous Christian, a homophobic fried chicken chain, and lax gun laws. He’s lucky he didn’t grow up in a cult or with his face blown off from one of the many unattended guns in the US. Thankfully, he was raised in Brooklyn, NY and managed to survive just fine off of Difara’s pizza and the words of another holy trinity: Biggie Smalls, the Beastie Boys, and the Beatles.
After graduating college in Nashville and moving to the East Village, NYC (right at the cross streets of junkie hell and a new brunch spot) he began his rap career as The White Rhino. Under that name, he recorded two albums and performed at successful venues in NYC, Vegas, and everywhere in between. His music video Stunning received over 100k hits on Youtube.
Julian eventually took off the mask of Rhino to rap as himself because he had an agenda: to use hip-hop to take off the mask of religion in the United States. Let me give it to you straight. Julian doesn’t care about your God. The Big Man in the sky is nothing more than clouds, accumulation, lighting, and science. Life is unfair and amazing and completely random. Cry about it if you need to, and then live a moral life because you’re a good person, not because you want a one-way ticket into the all-you-can eat Virgin Superbowl Nirvana Fest that is heaven. To Julian, your God doesn’t exist, and he’s had enough of a righteous smoke monster and his disciples inserting themselves into the government of the United States. So he’s here to pull “Him” out of the good ole USA’s hands. He’s here to take God straight out of the dollar bill, the government, and your mother’s mouth: In God, We Trust Nothing. In America we trust. In Religion, we protest. In Julian, we listen.
Rhine has appreciated and admired the trailblazers before him that made civil rights the front and center of their music– Nas, Macklemore, and Lady Gaga – and is using their influence to fight for his own brand of social justice. The idea of “liberty and justice for all” will mean nothing until a separation of Church & State becomes mandate. And that’s what he’s here for. To make righteous, original beats in the name of this mission.
In Bible-speak: Think of Julian as your David, and God as your Goliath. He’s here to shoot the mofo down, in honor of all the atheists who have to watch the government get blood on their hands in the name of Christianity, who have to watch civil rights get questioned because of an old book, who have to watch people spit hate in the belief of an all-knowing cloud that cares about who you’re fucking. Well, spit away. Julian spits harder. And he’s got big enough stones to shoot Goliath down.
To sum it up: Julian Rhine is an Atheist-Raised-Jewish-Rapper-From-Brooklyn-Who-Believes-In-Gun Control. If that doesn’t send hip-hop spinning, what else would?
His new single, No God Flow, is a reflection of his east coast musical roots with his quest for social justice. The song, like Julian, is bizarre, energetic, full of life and sound and passion.
Julian’s resume is already impressive: performing at SXSW, opening for Mobb Deep and R.A. The Rugged Man, creating music videos and selling out venues. But it’s 2014 we really have to look forward to. What’s next? Julian will be hanging out with his cats in Brooklyn. He’ll be creating beats. Working out. Eatin’ meat. Smoking on the couch watching The Simpsons. Meeting little bitties at the club. And of course, taking the world by storm with new music and new singles, and a song coming out about his journey to atheism that will make Joel Osteen want to exorcise him. It’s how Julian do. If you’re against his message, he doesn’t care: he won’t be seeing you in hell, after all.
So take a listen and join the journey…as long as the Lord doesn’t compel you to.
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