Juice McCain
Phoenix, Arizona, United States | INDIE
1. Your "American Me" and AM2 mixtape/album has crazy features from up and coming MC's to Industry Legends. Is there any features missing that you really wanted but is not on the body of work?
Of course. Anthony Hamilton, is one of them. The Cataracts, and I would have to say Fabolous is someone I would certainly like to work with. - hiphopsheartbeat.com
Essince: Has anything really changed stylistically from Juice to Juice McCain? Can fans of Juice on “Death Certificate” still vibe with Juice McCain?
Juice and Juice McCain is basically the same individual but Juice McCain is just mature and more musically inclined. Having the opportunity to go on tour with Game and meet other artists gave me a certain motivation to continue to excel and better myself as an emcee and a business man. - 365voice.com
The Experience of the streets. The mind of a hustler. The work ethic of a CEO. The intelligence of a politician. The backing of two moguls in the making. The will to never stop, never quit, never take no for an answer. The voice of a generation.
Q: What are some of the projects you’re currently working on?
Juice: Right now I’m working on “American Me” mixtape/EP I got a Part 1 and a Part 2. It’s a real hot project. Then I’m also getting prepared to hop on this tour it’s called the NBA Live Nation Tour. I’ll be traveling to different cites and get it popping, sell the “Juice” brand…….. as well as Black Wall Street.
Q: How did the name “Juice” come about?
Juice: My grandma use to call me Juice back in the day. I played basketball and that was kind of a big deal; I also use to play football and people would always say “That kid got juice.” When it came down to me starting to brand myself as an artist and rapper, I didn’t want to go for something so left field but using something that didn’t define me for who I was, so the name Juice stuck with me and that’s what you have today.
Q: So why use the name Juice McCain, what’s the story behind that?
Juice: Basically, I’m from a city with its back against the wall; we don’t have a major music scene such as L.A. or New York or Miami or even Texas. Then there’s John McCain, who the senator of our state and he doesn't support my people, so I took it upon myself to be the voice of the city and state. I’ve been branded by the people and they call me Juice McCain because I’m so active in my community and I live by that.
Q: Can you describe in your own words why Arizona is misunderstood by the hip hop industry?
Juice: We have a lot of artist's that are making major buzz here but because we haven’t been looked at by the mainstream in the past they don’t think to recognize us now. But that’s about to change.
Q: Do you feel you have more to prove being from Phoenix?
Juice: Of course; I remember I was in New York at MTV with The Game and he was like this a new kid from Phoenix and niggas was like “Phoenix, What the fuck is in Phoenix” and I took offence to it at first because I was like if you don’t know about it, you got to learn about it and it made me work that much harder. So people can respect my flow, my movement and what I’m about. But I think at this point being branded by The Game in music and having business savvy skills to have a partnership with Amar’e Stoudamire I think that automatically puts me in a different category compared to a ordinary rapper coming from a nowhere ass state. I think people are now taking my music and my city serious so it’s really coming from all corners.
Q: Why do you think Hip Hop down play/over look the West; It goes from Cali to the South to the East?
Juice: I don’t think people witnessed or been here to really give judgment. That’s like any city you haven’t been to down play something you’re not a custom to. For example take Texas but Texans took it among themselves to come together and get their sound heard and that’s the stage we’re currently in. I feel in due time hip hop will start to recognize and give respect where is due.
Q: With two other fellows’ artist signed to labels (Willie North pole signed to DTP and Hot Rod signed to G-Unit) What sets you apart to make a difference to put your city/state on the map?
Juice: For me it’s a number of things; the people I have behind me, the knowledge that I have. I’m a student of the game I’ve set back watched and studied a lot of great artist. The expectation I have for myself is higher than the average artist want to achieve. I make a lot of calculated moves, I’ve had the chance to sit behind The Game and see how he created an album, to see what made it successful what didn’t bring his view to a maximum point. Then I have the opportunity to sit in board meeting with Amar’e and see him make hundred million dollar moves and trades for his company. I really feel I’m in all the right situations and I can’t fail, I take full advantage of everyone and everything around me so that I can create my own path. And this isn’t to take away from Willie or Rod cause true Hot Rod was the first to sign his deal and Willie North Pole was the first to drop an album but I’ll be the first to hang a plaque (believe that)
Q: To clear up and any misunderstanding cause in the past there has been some head butting between yourself and Willie North Pole, is that still going on?
Juice: It is what it is, when you got two artists from the same state and both are trying to up lift it you’re going to have some “friendly” competition. We see each other out and its all good we have that respect for each other.
Q: SO would you say you’re an Arizona artist or a West Coast artist?
Juice: I would say I’m an artist (period). It don’t matter where I’m from or where I am the point is I make good music across the board. I have that glow where I can go anywhere and get t - The Fushion Magazine
Last night we touched down in Phoenix for the third vitaminwater uncapped LIVE event with AZ’s own Judge, Juice McCain and Trap. Club Red was packed all night and we’re grateful for that. As New Yorkers it pains us a little bit to the say this, but Phoenix y’all earned it: best dressed uncapped crowd yet. You had a Tuesday looking like a Saturday. A few special guests came through that deserve our thanks: first and foremost, Judge’s mom for showing up and showing support. Thank you to 2-Tone Da Supastar for hyping all the artists, to DJ M2, and thanks to Compton Menase for coming through for his track with Juice, a little surprise West Coast influence before next week’s LA show. It’s a close race for favorite moment of the night between Juice’s “I’m single” on-stage serenade to a lucky lady and Trap going over a Dr Dre medley. Good times all around, thanks as always to Heineken for the open bar. Phoenix: we didn’t want to leave.
Read more: http://www.thefader.com/2011/03/31/photos-vitaminwater-uncapped-live-in-phoenix/#ixzz1J7sncwYz - www.thefader.com
24: What up Juice, how you been? How’s everything?
Juice: Everything’s good family just out here working on the album "The Anticipated" coming soon. Everybody knows I just did the "Position of Power" Mixtape which is killing the streets right now. I’m in Atlanta just trying to put the finishing touches and finish creating a monster album so I can get ready and launch it to the world.
24: So I am aware you just got off tour, how was that experience for you?
Juice: Tour was great you know what I'm saying, opening up for the big homie Game, tapping into a whole different fan base and market. It’s kind of getting me and my team prepared for when we launch off on our own and we have to handle business.
24: Tell me about the "Position of Power" Mixtape you recently released with Don Canon. What message were you trying to send to the fans and the industry?
Juice: "Position of Power" was a real real solid look everybody been giving me a lot positive feedback. Basically the message or view I was going for was….. Everybody comes into the game with somebody trying to help them out or try and give them their particular shot or lane. At this point it was time for me to create my own lane. People always compare me to Game you know, you and Game sound alike, this and that. At this particular point I ain't the Memphis Bleek type of guy I ain't gone feel cool or comfortable just sitting back and eating off his success. I had to step out with my team and the people I deal with to really solidify and get the respect for what I do just like Game get his respect, yah dig.
24: Is it true you just recently signed to NBA superstar Amare Stoudemire?
Juice: Yeah man that was a power move within itself. I was running threw the city you know rocking shows, dropping mixtapes,creating a real good buzz and a demand on the West. Due the fact Amare plays for the city where I'm from we sat down and did some real big business. I told him my blue print and idea for a label and it went on from there. Now we own a company called Hypocalypto Records HYP. Amare is a good Business man with a lot of things going on, when the opportunity came about I decided to get my nigguhs that needed work that really get it in and give them jobs. Everything is going good and were getting things in play.
24: How do you feel about the current state of West Coast Hiphop music?
Juice: Really people got to stop comparing artistd from the West to the early 80’s you can’t compare everyone to N.W.A or classify everyone to just Bloods and Crips even though the West Coast is where all that originated. This is a new movement filled with new blood. This is a new day and a new season, all new movement. I think artists like myself, Xo, Rockett, JayRock, Nipsey Hussle are all creating a new lane where people are going to respect West Coast music.
24: When it’s all said and done what do you want to be remembered for the most?
Juice: I want to be respected and remembered as a great artist you know, be aligned with the greats like Nas, Jayz, and Ice Cube.
24: Is there anything you don’t like or not feeling in today’s music industry?
Juice: Real talk I love music some of the music its just not quality music though. What I mean is that a lot of the labels are dictating what the artist feels, I am not going to make music for no white guy that is sitting behind a desk. I'm going to make music for the peoples I fucks with and the people that like real music. I make music and think of it for the longevity not just for the instant success.
24: If you had to say two words that define you what would they be?
Juice: IM NICE
24: What’s next for Juice?
Juice: Well I just released the tape and I'm also finishing up the Album "The Anticipation". I am also planning to release a special edition of the "Position of Power". I'm also getting ready to release my new single next month as well as part 2 of the mixtape and get into acting.
24: Any last words for the people and the fans out there in the world and on 24hourhiphop.com
Juice: Yeah make sure you log on to www.IAMJUICE.com and get a copy of the new cd "Position of Power" as well as check out www.myspace.com/juice my Album is coming soon stay tuned to that Juice.
- 24 Hour Hip Hop
DJ Booth: What’s goin’ on, everybody? It’s your boy “Z,” doin’ it real big, and joining me inside the DJ Booth is an emcee from Phoenix, Arizona who at NBA All-Star weekend [this] month will finally be in a Position of Power. Please welcome for a second time, a man with a new situation, a new outlook, and a hunger that rivals the fattest kids in America: my man Juice – how you doin’?
Juice: I’m good. How are you, Z?
DJ Booth: I’m wonderful, thank you so much for asking. Your Cardinals are in the Super Bowl.
Juice: Let me tell you something; I said this 12 months ago, and I think you were the first person I told this to: I said, “Homie, my state is on the bubble.” You’ve got myself, Juice, the Arizona crown-holder in the flesh, you’ve got my Phoenix Suns holdin’ it down with Amar’e Stoudemire, and, of course, right now I’m gonna say it again, live and direct, for the world to know, my Arizona Cardinals sittin’ in the Super Bowl.
DJ Booth: Why couldn’t the Cardinals have done a better job of gettin’ to the Super Bowl the year that it was held in Arizona, though? Wouldn’t that have made more sense?
Juice: I feel that, but everything’s positioning, baby – there’s a reason, know what I mean? Everything is timing and everything is positioning.
DJ Booth: I couldn’t agree with you more. Last time we spoke, you joined me inside the Booth for an interview, I asked you how you were able to breathe so easy in an industry that’s really full of high stress, and you said, thanks to KBS, which we all now know is “Kobe Bryant syndrome,” no matter what comes your way, no matter what you’re doin’, you’re always gonna drop 81 points a game. So, almost a year later, do you still suffer from KBS, and, if so, what are some of the side effects that everyone should be on the lookout for?
Juice: Let me tell you something – I said it, and I’ll say it again: I suffer from the Kobe Bryant syndrome. No matter what I do, or what I’m about, I always do it to the fullest and the max. I’m all about continuous progress, homie. If you were to speak to me today, and I was in the same situation that I was 12 months ago, that [would mean] I wasn’t doin’ my motherf*ckin’ job. Like I said, everyone knows that the game furnished me with the skills and the armor and the mental ability musically to create a classic album and mixtape, but I’ve also got a label situation dealin’ with Amar’e Stoudemire called HYP, which I do have an ownership stake in, which will be helpin’ push my album as well. Bein’ a new artist standin’ by one of the legends in the game, [The Game], and also bein’ backed by NBA superstar and business mogul Amar’e Stoudemire, it just tells you that I do Kobe Bryant sh*t, and I ball.
DJ Booth: [laughs] A lot of artists would be like, “Well, he’s already got Game’s backing; let him just be patient,” but obviously a situation presented itself. Explain what the case was and why you decided to make the move.
Juice: I wanted to put myself in a position where I could really show my true talent. Every artist strives for ownership, every artist strives for success, and every artist strives for creative control. When Game put me in that position and I watched him do Doctor’s Advocate and helped him do L.A.X., and once he stamped me and was like, “Young boy, I think that you’re ready to do what you need to do,” I thought it was my duty and my obligation to add more to my foundation, know what I mean?
DJ Booth: Absolutely.
Juice: A lot of artists and a lot of people do this five years down the line, when they’re on their sixth record. I’m not like that artist, I’m way different; I’m doin’ mine straight from the gate. It’s just like the Kobe Bryant Syndrome – you know, you go from high school to the league, and that’s what I did: I went straight from high school to the league, went from zero to a hundred, and I’m gonna do it well.
DJ Booth: Juice, when we talked last, we discussed the concerns about comin’ up under The Game, ‘cause when you come up under a well-established artist, sometimes you don’t get your shine on. You said, “Absolutely.” Now, knowing the comparisons that were made between the two of you – regionally, you’re both from the West Coast, people said that your vocal tone was somewhat similar – did identity as an artist become an issue for you?
Juice: The more people [saw] me with Game, the more difference they put between us. I think that it was a great thing to be attached at the hip with Game, ‘cause, like I said, we’re both form the West Coast, we do have similar vocal tones, we do have similar writing styles and tactics, but at the end of the day, once people see me next to Game, [they see], “Okay, this kid right here is the new fresh, he is the new West, he brings something a little different than Game does.” Game has been around Dr. Dre and 50 Cent , so he has a whole lane to himself. I’m from a whole new generation of emcees, and I’m about to gar - DJ Booth.net
Although it is unclear just how involved the only other rapper in The Game's Black Wall Street stable of talent (Bay Area heavyweight Ya Boy) will be in the camp's future, Phoenix Arizona's Juice has made it clear that he has taken the reigns as the "heir to to the BWS dynasty". With the release of a promising mixtape and a DVD on the horizon, a rep in his home state and a steadily-growing buzz throughout the rest of the country, and a full length in the works, things have never looked better.
Last week, this rising star took a moment to catch up with SOHH Left Coast and get everybody up to speed on what he's got going on right now and more importantly, to anser the question... who is Juice?
SOHH: So first off, what are you up to right now?
Juice: Right now, man, I’m just putting these finishing touches on my mixtape The New Breath Of The West Coast that’ll be reaching everybody May 18th, ya dig. If you don’t know about it, learn about it.
So May 18th is the magic day, huh?
Yeah, you know the business. It’s the magic day.
Who are some of the guests you got on there?
Of course I got the homie Juelz Santana, I got 334 Mobb, I got Game, I got a record with Wayne on there. I got a couple features, man. Real real talk, I’m really trying to not do the whole feature thing right now ‘cause I want the world to know me for me and let n****s know how real it is.
So as far as the ratio of features to non-features, there’s a lot of just you on there.
Exactly, exactly.
That’s something you don’t see a lot on mixtapes these days. It seems like people are just trying to ride the strength of everybody else.
With me comin’ from Arizona and havin’ that classification of a couple of the artists who got signed and came out and they didn’t really live up to the expectation of the other cities and other states, so I really feel like I want the world to know me and know ya boy Juice is a real lyricist, ya know what I’m sayin’? He really is the real deal with Phoenix, and I’m gonna do what I gotta do to put my state and city on the map, by all means.
Now I obviously don’t know Arizona as well as you do so I could be wrong, but it seems like as far as making connections to get some people as guests on the mixtape, it would be harder place to poly than in California or New York or some places in the South.
I mean, Arizona’s been overlooked for a long time. LA been running it for so long, New Yorkbeen running it for so long, Atlanta had their time... Now, it’s time for the new West Coast to begin. Real talk, if people ain’t been to Arizona, this mixtape is really gonna show them, yo, Phoenix is the real deal. We got the same s**t goin’ on that the next city got, man; we got hoods, we got ghettos, we got white collar cats, we got million dollar s**t goin’ on. Everything that the next city and next hood got, we got too. It’s just about time for a person like myself who got the quality and skills to really highlight our state and city.
So as far as other people that are reppin’ Phoenix, who else do you feel is representing the city properly?
I mean, I really can’t fake... it’s just me right now. Like I said, there’s really only two signed artists from Arizona- there’s that other guy from that other crew, and there’s me. And at the end of the night, we’re two totally different artists who represent two totally different things. I ain’t gonna sit there and hate on dude ‘cause I ain’t got time to do that, you know what I’m sayin’? I’m worrying about myself and my situation on my label that I run with, but as far as Arizona go man, I got my whole city behind me and it shows. If you go to my myspace page you can hear a couple of tracks, but on top of that I got a theatrical trailer to my dvd that’s comin’ out called The New Breath of the West Coast.
What’s the DVD gonna be all about?
I mean, basically it just takes you through Phoenix and lets people know how real I got it out here. With me, man, I’m not all fake and slanted, you know what I’m sayin’? N****s don’t write my music. I was the dude who was out here in the streets slangin’ my mixtapes that the city respect, that the city uplifted. But I got Amare Stoudemire on there from the Phoenix Suns; I’m doin’ his Nike commercial. I got GLC and Good Music. When people come to the city, they holla at me, you know what I mean? And I just make sure everything is good; set ‘em up and do the right thing, man. People really f**k with Phoenix, I just gotta be the one to highlight it and put us on the map like that.
As far as people rolling through Phoenix and getting a hold of you, is that kind of how you linked up the features that you do have on the mixtape?
Not really. The reason I got those particular features is just cats really respect my hustle, respect my grind and really respect the way I spit. One thing about myself is, I’m a West Coast dude mixed with a East Coast swagger, you know what I’m sayin’? So I kinda got the best of both wo - Sohh.com
Determination means taking no for an answer. Phoenix bred rapper Juice is the perfect example of how far determination can take you in life.
Hungry for a deal, Juice approached The Game with one of his mixtapes at a nightclub but was met with resistance from the West Coast rapper's bodyguard.
Not taking no for an answer, Juice laid out Game's bodyguard.
That kind of determination got Juice signed to Game's Black Wall Street imprint.
Since then, Juice has appeared on Game's video's, been on two world tours and garned a large following.
He is now setting up his debut album and is planning to release his latest mixtape titled Death Certificate.
The Black Wall Street soldier recently sat down with Sixshot.com to talk about his free mixtape, hip hop and knocking out Game’s bodyguard before he was signed.
Sup Juice? So tell me how you got started rhyming?
When I was young, my uncle took me to an Ice Cube concert and ever since then I was a fan of gangsta rap music.
Who influenced you in terms of music?
Ice Cube, Nas, Game, Common, Talib Kweli.
The Game was doing a show out in city, and recording with Swizz Beatz. There was a event at one of the local clubs, I had just completed my mixtape at the time, so I went to the club to see what's good. I was at a point where I wanted Game to hear my music so I went to hand it to him, but his bodyguard grabbed my arm in a crazy way, so I knocked
Game's bodyguard out.Real talk, Game respected that ... Listened to my mixtape, hit me on my cell when I was in Phoneix, flew me out to California and it's been Black Wall Street ever since.
Is it beneficial to have a boss who sold millions of records?
It is beneficial to have boss who has sold millions because it makes me work harder to be just as good, and strive to be better. It's more than just the fact he's sold millions - I've been able to learn what it is to put an album together.
I was there during the entire Doctor's Advocate project. I pulled all nighters with Game in the studio I was able to study what to do and not to do. I've been on two world tours, and been able to see what a lot of artists new to the industry don't.
You really pay attention to your lyrics? Is lyricism a lost art?
I believe a lot of artists don't give a fuck about what they say. Despite me being a gansta rapper, I'm a lyricst with substance in my music. On some real talk, the West Coast gets a lot of flak for being too gansta, and not really lyrical. I'm different than your average
West Coast artist, I pride myself on lyrics and providing my fans what they want to hear, but I keep the gangsta in it at all times.
How do you feel about the hip hop right now, is it going uphill or downhill?
I believe the industry is changing at a rate that artist's don't understand. We got major labels cutting costs by firing people to focus business online. I try to stay on top of the game by seeing what is going on, and one of the ways I do that is through Myspace to
stay connected with my fans.
I am one of the most viewed profiles without a single on the radio, ya dig. I get about 500,000 views monthly because I stay connected with the industry and the people who
buy our music. If us, as artists can't keep up with the industry, we're going to be left behind, and that's why I called my mixtape Death Certificate.
I believe this industry at times is full of shit. I believe a lot of artists don't understand the risk they're taking with their lives. As much as the good shit you can attain as an artist, the flip side is this music industry can kill you. Being a new artist I fight for the death for what I believe in, and that's expressing my music with no stipulations to it.
It's hosted by Skee and Haze. Is It improtant having big DJ's hosting your joint?
To an extent, yeah, but when your the new breath of the west coast and good at what you do it don't really matter. The whole point was to get my music spread on a national level. I'm a West Coast artist, but I'm such a diverse MC that niggas from every hood will feel me.
I fuck with Skee because he is one of the most prominent DJ's in theWest Coast. And DJ Haze is out of NYC, and he's got that on lock. I also have DJ September 7th who's from the Cali Untouchable DJ's. I think I brought the right connects to provide my music to the world.
Is there a lot of original music on there?
Yeah, I've got a record called "Put Cha Hands up". I also got a record called "The W" which features Crooked I and Roccett. The track is going to really show the strength in this New West Coast movement. I've got more available but you're gonna have to grab the mixtape, Nov 28th!!
I see there's a lot of big name guest apperances. How did they come about?
I have a lot of respect for each artists, and they share the same feelings when it comes to this music shit. Right now I'm known as being Game's right hand man, the frontrunner of Bla - SixShot.com
"Death Certificate"
"Position of Power"
"American Me"
"AM2 - The Progression"
"AM3 - Coming Soon!"

Richard Evans possessed the intense passion, the ardent lyricism, and the continuous support from his peers as an aspiring musician. These elements combined eventually motivated him to track down rapper The Game and personally hand him a demo. Now better known as his stage name "Juice McCain," he proves to be an unstoppable force with the encouragement from his famous mentor, captivating records, and lyrics that touch the soul of any listener.
Juice McCain's short time in the industry has already led him on a myriad of successes that most rapper could only dream of achieving. He has been featured on tracks with superstar rappers Nas, Lil Wayne, and Ice Cube. In addition, multi-talented act Kanye West has even produced his breakthrough single "We Rollin." In just a few years, he has done two U.S. tours and world tours throughout China, Africa, Europe, and many more. He also has been featured in renowned hip-hop publications XXL and Source, and has even performed at the 1st Annual BET Hip Hop Awards.
As an artist currently affiliated with The Game's Black Wall Street label, Juice continues to display the purpose behind his flourishing career. The two even appeared on famous late night show David Letterman together. He truly emblazons with pride his self-proclaimed nicknames the "Arizona crown-holder" and "New Breath of the West Coast."
The Pennsylvania-born but Arizona raised Juice McCain ultimately caught the attention of The Game after going to great lengths to give him a demo as well as freestyle for him. The rest, as they say, is history. The Game immediately took Juice McCain on tour and signed him the following day.
Juice McCain currently has three released mixtapes called Death Certificate, Position of Power and American Me, which were subsequently released in 2008, 2009 and 2010. Death Certificate garnered so much attention that it was nominated for 4 Justo Awards including Mixtape of the Year. American Me received over 1.25 million downloads. Juice McCain is currently hard at work on two upcoming mixtapes American Me 2 and Position of Power 2, and his debut album The Anticipated.
Juice McCain's powerful verses and strong passion for the industry heavily influence his talent. He exhibits debonair characteristics, yet a cutting-edge swag that comes to life in each song. A star has definitely been born.