Judah Priest
Staten Island, New York, United States | MAJOR
Przyszedlem z nikad i zrobilem cos date.png Dodane 07.12.2010, 17:16 date.png Przez BigPa
Judah Priest,a wlasciwie DaShawn Brown bo tak brzmi jego prawdziwe nazwisko to najlepiej zapowiadajacy sie amerykanski raper. Wkrótce ukaze sie jego czwarty solowy album pt. " Valley Of Kings ", mielismy okazje porozmawiac o jego najnowszej plycie oraz o kilku innych rzeczach, zatem zapraszam do lektury wywiadu.
Opowiedz cos o sobie. Twój pseudonim artystyczny, Judah Priest, skad on sie wzial?
Judah Priest: Na wstepie, pozwól mi podziekowac Ci za ten wywiad. Cos o sobie.Jestem z Filadelfii. Obecnie mieszkam na Staten Island w Nowym Jorku. Tworzeniem muzyki zajmuje sie odkad mialem 7 lat. Mój pseudonim artystyczny zaczerpniety jest z Biblii. Judah pochodzi od jednegoz plemion izraelskich, które bylo najmocniejsze i najbardziej popularne w Biblii, a Priest oznacza lidera i nauczyciela. Ich kombinacja oznacza mnie. Jestem silny, jestem nauczycielem i liderem.
Jak dlugo rapujesz?
Judah Priest: Rapuje odkad mialem 7 lat, ale wszedlem do biznesu gdy skonczylem 19 lat.
Opowiedz cos o swoim rapie. Co chcesz przekazac swoim sluchaczom?
Judah Priest: Tematami moich utworów sa: zycie, religia, polityka i relacje miedzyludzkie. Chce dac ludziom poczucie, ze nie jestem tylko artysta ale takze czlowiekiem który ma takie same problemy jak kazdy inny. Chce by oni takze doswiadczali drogi która podazam, moich zmartwien, problemów które przezwyciezam oraz mojego sukcesu. Chce by wiedzieli, ze przyszedlem z nikad i zrobilem cos.
Nagrales kilka dobrych albumów, teraz pracujesz nad kolejnym, czego zatem mozemy sie po nim spodziewac? Jakich gosci zaprosiles? Jak dostales sie do wytwórni Chamber Musik? Kiedy planujesz premiere albumu? Czy planujesz jakies koncerty? Jakies tournee po Stanach lub Europie?
Judah Priest: Tak , zakonczylem wlasnie prace nad "Valley of kings” . Pracowalem nad tym albumem jakies 3 lata. Fani moga oczekiwac mnóstwa serca wlozonego w ten projekt, sporo pokarmu dla umyslu. Powodem dla którego pracowalem nad tym albumem tak dlugo jest fakt , ze nie chcialem wypuszczac niczego od tak , potrzebowalem czasu zeby wlozyc w to uczucie i mysl. Chcialem ,zeby fani mogli sie odniesc do istoty rzeczy. To jest bardzo przyjazny album dla sluchacza, jest tu sporo uznanych i lekko skomercjalizowanych raperów, nie chcialem byc jednym z nich. Album zostanie wydany przez Chamber Musik/ Fat Beat Records. Na albumie zagoszcza przedstawiciele Wutang Clan' u : Hell Razah, Buddha Monk, Timbo King, Darkim Be Allah. Beda tez goscie inni goscie min. : Sadat X, Chubb Rock ,eMCeeM, William Cooper, Staten All-Stars, Surgeon, G Clef the Mad Komposa, Nabul i kilku innych. Producentami krazka sa oczywiscie ludzie z Wu Tang Clan, Kevlaar 7 & Bronze Nazareth, Derrick Christopher z Rugged Cross recording oraz Krohme. Plyta ukaze sie w pierwszym kwartale 2011. Z Chamber Musik jestem zwiazany od 2003 roku. Poznalem G clef ( wspólzalozyciel wytwórni przyp. red.) wypisujac posty na stronie internetowej Chamber Musik . Buddha Monk robil mixtape, a ja chcialem sie na niego zalapac, wiec zadzwonilem do G clef na numer który byl podany na stronie. Rozmawialismy z jakas minute i poprosil, zebym do niego zajrzal na spotkanie. Buddha Monk zakonczyl wlasnie tournee po Europie i kiedy wrócil i powiedzial , ze jestem jego oficjalnym artysta i kiedy tylko bede czegos potrzebowal moge liczyc na jego wsparcie. To jest mój przyjaciel.
Co sadzisz o rapie w Europie?Slyszales kogos stad? Masz jakiegos ulubionego europejskiego rapera?Slyszales cos o polskich raperach?
Judah Priest: Mysle ,ze artysci w Europie sa mocni , sa jednymi z najciezej pracujach. Tak slyszalem kilku, chociazby eMCeeM'a , Aslan'a , Mahatma Masta Builda’s i paru innych.
Spróbuj dokonczyc : " Kiedy bylem mlody chcialem..."
Judah Priest: Kiedy bylem mlody chcialem odniesc sukces w czymkolwiek. Chcialem poprostu to zrobic.
Co Cie inspiruje?
Judah Priest: Motywuja mnie moje dzieci, rodzina i przyjaciele. Tylko swiadomosc , ze maja moje wsparcie i kibicuja mi w drodze na szczyt oraz w ciezkiej pracy sprawia , ze staje sie silniejszy.
Ostatnie kilka slów dla polskich fanów?
Judah Priest: Moje ostatnie slowo do fanów to pracujcie ciezko, odnoscie sukcesy. Badzcie pewni , ze Judah Priest “Valley Of Kings” nie rozczaruje Was. Odwiedzajcie mnie na: facebook'u www.facebook.com/judahpriest Priest, MySpace www.myspace.com/Judahpriest1 oraz Twitter www.Twitter.com/JudahPriest1 www.twitter.com/IamJudahPriest . Wielka milosc dla Was.
Specjalne podziekowania dla eMCeeM'a za ten wywiad , Staten All-stars (Fes Taylor, Stumik, P.C & D.C, Baka Don, Hedi Flyce , Iron Mic, Bomb Official, Franchise frenchy, Red Top, Grampa). Surgeon, G.S Advance, Jus P, Yung Budd, Chamber Musik, Love Hurtz, D.C z Rugged Cross, Wisemen, Buddha Monk, Wu Tang, Dj Rob Low, A.N.D Musik group, Dj Beans i calej mojej ekipy. Skrzydla do góry.
Q:How did you get a name Judah Priest?
I use to Go by Poetic Priest and but it really didn’t stand out to me So my Mom’s was like let your name have meaning and I was in my Sabbath class one day and my minister was talking about the Tribe of Judah so I went home did My Own Study on the word Judah and I always went by Priest since I was like 11. So I put them Together “Judah Priest”.
Q: How did you get involved with rapping and hip-hop?
It was a mixture Between My Dad & My Cousin Michel. My Dad was a local DJ and he was always playing music around the house early in the morning to late at night. I started out wanting to DJ, My Cousin moved in to my house and was always playing Instrumentals and rapping to beat I told him I wanted to do that to so he took the time and show me the format.
Q: For how long have you been rapping?
Since "92" but I started taking it seriously in "98"
Q: What kind of message are you trying to bring with your music?
The message I want people to get out of my music is that music is life, I want people to see I been through some of the things that they been through and I’m still standing. I put the word of GOD In my music cause that is what kept me grounded through all my trials and tribulations.
Q: How did you get involved with Chambermusik and the Wu?
The Way I got with ChamberMusik, I was surfing the Internet one day and I was on WutangCorp and clicked the links button I was scrolling up and down and the first button I pushed was chambermusik. I seen that Buddha Monk was putting together a mixtape and was asking for submissions and there was a number on there so I called, I think I called to much cause G Clef was like we going to set up a meeting and have you come To New York and Talk. When I got there me & Clef built he told me what he wanted to do I told what I’m looking to do and its been family ever since. I got with Wu FAM through Buddha Monk, Darkim Be Allah & Hell Razah
Q: What Wu Killa bee collabos have you done to date?
I Just did The New Holocaust Theater Of Pain Album "Fancy Boxing" & a remix to Cappadona’s "Grungy" Off the "Slang Prostitution" album
Q: Tell us about a new album. Any guests? Any particular sound fans can expect? When is it dropping?
This is going to be a surefire album! I haven’t decided how many tracks I’m thinking 16 to 21 songs is going to be on there. I have a lot of guest features on the album. So far there’s Hell Razah, Timbo King, William Cooper, Sadat X, Darkim Be Allah, Buddha Monk, Dainjamental, Ice Water (Hanz On, P.C, D.C & Stumik), Dark Skin Assassin, Fes Taylor, Shogun Assassin (Killa Army), Yung Budd, Hump Squad, Falling Angelz, Kevlarr 7, G Clef, Surgeon, Rustee Jux, & some surprise’s. Production By: Cee Tha Architek, Bronze Nazareth, Kevlarr, Falling Down & D.C From Rugged Cross Productions. I am looking to drop it this summer.
Q: What themes are you trying to cover in your lyrics in upcoming album "Valley of Kings"?
I’m covering a wide spread of things: Life, Politics, Money, Trails and Tribulations, Relationships etc. This album will cater to a lot of people.
Q: How would you feel if your new album or mixtape turned out as a download on file sharing site on the web?
Really I don’t know. On one hand I might be a little upset, but on the other I might be honored that somebody took the time out to really put my music out there and if people are downloading it that means my name is out there.
Q: Do you think anyone, with practice can become rapper? Or some people just possess this gift?
I think with practice anybody can become a rapper but it’s the deducation and hard work that makes you a artist. Anybody can put words together but its how you put the words together and what are you saying in your song’s, it’s the long nights writing and perfecting your craft that makes you a artist.
Q: How do you differentiate yourself as an emcee from other emcees?
I try be original I don’t try to talk about the same things that everyone else is talking about in there musik and I don’t wanna sound like anybody else. Like, If I do a song with Holocaust I don’t want to sound like Holocaust , there’s only one Holocaust. I want to stand out on my own and have people be like I like you for you not because you sound the same as him or speaking about the same things he is.
Q: You are from Philly right? What’s your view on Philadelphia hip-hop scene?
Yeah I’m from North Philly (NiceTown), I stayed in NY for a young min when I was younger. Philly music is cool right now everybody is grinding but the one problem we having here is that we don’t support one another there’s no unity here. A lot of artist is breaking ground here, Meek Millz, Joey Jihad, House Wife, and Hedonis Da Amazon. Yung Chris is still grinding as well as Ms Jade. So we have artist that’s doing there thing but we need to more united.
Q: How do you feel about what's on the radio these days?
I hardly listen to the radio these days to be honest. Radio in Philly sucks they would play the same song or the same artist in the same hour, like Ill listen to “Hot 97” When I’m In the City or Shade 45 when I’m driving, but other then that I’m focusing on writing and hitting the studio.
Q: Where do you see yourself in 3 years as an emcee?
In three years, I'll still going to be trying to leave my mark on the music scene, still grinding still networking still making moves.
Q: Where can fans find out more about you and buy your albums?
They can find me on my website: http://www.JudahPriest.com, http://www.twitter.com/JudahPriest1 http://www.reverbnation.com/Judahpriest , http://www.myspace.com/Judahpriest1 or hit my email, I do respond back JudahPriestinfo@gmail.com This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
Q: Your last words of inspiration for wuforever.com fans?
Never let anybody tell you that you can’t do it, prove them wrong show that you can. Don’t let anybody hold you back. Please make sure that you keep yours eye’s out for the Valley of the king’s album I promise you it will not disappoint. Shout out to “WU- Forever for this interview thank you for letting me be heard, Glef & Buddha Monk for making this happen for me, Dungeon Masta, Falling Down Cee Tha Architek, OTV Entertainment My Staten Island All-star’s and everybody who been rocking with me and believing in me.
- Wind Walker
I was privileged to have “Judah Priest and Company” at the “Know me by my Fruits Music Ministry” perform at my church on April 1, 2005.
With catchy rhymes and inspirational lyrics, Philly-Native, The Psalmist, and Judah Priest have proven themselves to be men after God’s own heart. These rappers know what it takes to get the crowd moving and dance for the Lord.
I recommend this Christian rappers to any organization that needs to be uplifted. With energy and excitement, these artists will blow you away!
Joe Quatrone, Jr.
Director of Youth Ministries
- Joe Quatrone, Jr.
What is the logic behind your name?
The name Judah Priest stands for Joy teaching that’s is something I like to do. My Mom once told me that Judah Means Joy so that’s how that came about and Priest followed me. I use to be known as Poetic Priest, Priest means teach, so when I put them together, I get Joy Teaching.
How long have you been into Hip-Hop?
I have been into hip hop since I was five. My cousin Mike brought me into this, he was the first person I heard rhyming.
What motivated you to get into this industry?
Its Funny, when people say their mom, its means that their mom supported them. Not This time around, when I got into doing this it started at my church, I was doing the cursing songs at first not at church, but when I saw my God sister (White Diamondz) on stage doing her thing. I was like “Yo I want to do that”. So I told my mom, she said that I could not do secular music, like I actually knew what that was, but I started doing the Jesus thing living both sides of the fence. Listen to the Flesh, you Know, Totan Blunts and what not and on Sunday Be Praising the Lord wit lyrics. I did not do those things the day before, but My Mom Always told me rap is going to die, and it’s not for you, do something else. So I came to the point were I started to trust in God let old habits die out and asked God what was in store for my life. And here we are
What was your first single/recording?
In 1994-95, I was apart of an underground Group called Royal Nation we put out a 4 song EP in that time period.
What was/is your favorite single/recording you did?
Off the EP the song was called: Temptation
How would you classify your style as an artist?
A Blunt Spoken East Cost Mc.
What artist(s) have you not worked with, but would like to?
Sup The Chemist, Miss Moses, and Dirt.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Still Praising The Lord and putting some off the wall music out from 39Lashez and Kingdom Souljahs.
What do you feel is the toughest part of the music industry?
I think getting the right tracks and finding the right people to work with and finding trust is the hardest thing in the music industry.
What would the ultimate reward for you be?
Just to see Young Children get saved from the message that God has me to give to them.
What message are you trying to get across to fans?
Stop Playing With God
Do your friends and look at you differently now?
NO! Most of my friends know who the Priest is and what the Priest is about. I only roll with my Crew; 39lashez( Noble, Lts, Tha Young Sonnz Realyfe & dramatic) & Carriers of the Cross. My Brothers that keep me straight are Omega and Beridox. My Mangers (Otv) also keep me straight.
If someone were to look in your CD player or tape player right now what would be in it?
Omega & Carrier of the Cross, Dj Vaugh , Ndia, Secta, Raiders of the Lost.
Personally what does hip hop mean to you?
That’s something I really can’t say, I'm saying I love hip hop I love music but I do this for the Love Of Christ. I love It Cause God is in what I do.
If you could change one thing in world, what would it be?
If I could change something it would have to be all the false wannabe Gods, and I would change the outlook that people have on Christians.
If you could have one superhuman power, what would it be?
The Power To Heal
What should we expect from you in the future?
The upcoming CD “The darkest Hour” and The 39Lashez album "Children Awake" and maybe some speaking at Churches and youth Groups.
What would you like to say to all the new artists in the game?
Keep the faith and believe that God will take care of everything and let God be in full control.
How can your fans contact you?
e-mail : Judahpriest@msn.com URL: http://www.judahpriest.com
Any last words?
Get Ready For The Darkest Hour the first LP from Judah Priest. Shout outs to Omega, Beridox, LTS Noble, Dramatic, Cloe Ferby, 1st Child, Duece Life, Serenitty, Realyfe, Rice, Carriers of the Cross, Nazerene Sect & Ndia and Faith Tabernacle Church.
Let the whole body of Christ keep representing.
- Light Online Magazine
Still working on that hot first release.
Hip hop artist hailing from the streets of Philadelphia. , Judah Priest was introduced to Hip-Hop at a early age by his father a former Dj & his cousin a Former Hip-Hop artist. Priest began his career by performing in local talent shows and artist show cases in Phila, NYC, NJ, VA, DE and C.T.
Priest has traveled a long road in hip hop, releasing 3 well received albums, The Darkest Hour (99), Gods Beloved (2002), and the Sacrifice (2006). Priest is now preparing for his forth release “Valley Of Kingz“ which will be released through Chamber Musik Records/Fatbeats. Affiliated with members of the Wu-Tang Clan Killah Bee's such Buddha Monk (Brooklyn Zu), Hell Razah (Sunz of Man) & Darkim Be Allah (A.I.G) Priest has help Priest take his music to heights that seemed out of reach. Judah Priest has collaborated on many songs with the like's of Holocust (Wu-Tang Clan), Cappadonna (WU-Tang Clan), Solomon Childs (Wu-Tang Clan), Timbo King (Wu-Tang Clan), Sadat X (Brand Nubian), and Chubb Rock.
Priest has performed with many notable artists in the game, such as GhostFace Killah, Mobb Deep, State Property, Ms Jade, Manio, Red Cafe, Force Md's, Inspectah Deck, Cappadonna, Shyheim The Rugged Child, Grand Agent, Chief Kamachi & others.
Priest has also co-starred in Alpha Productions independent movie “The Round Table” and Is set to began working on a new movie "A Date With Destiny" .