Josephine Ancelle
New York City, New York, United States
Joséphine Ancelle - The I Love You's
2009, Joséphine Ancelle
Joséphine Ancelle left home in Paris at the tender age of 17, moving to Montreal in pursuit of her dream, a career in music. Her two years there found her joining The People's Gospel Choir Of Montreal and winning a Vibe Award with that group. All the while she was biding her time for the jump to New York City, the center of the music world in her eyes. Ancelle threw herself into the city's music scene. She wrote and recorded her debut album, Unfinished Life (2007), which received rave reviews from around the world (including here at Wildy's World), and continued to grow as both an artist and a person. Two years later that growth is exceedingly evident on her follow-up EP, The I Love You's.
Ancelle has one of those voices where you just hope she never stops singing, and that hasn't changed, but the quality of her songwriting has matured significantly in the two years that have passed since Unfinished Life was released. Ancelle's ability to project herself honestly into her songs is both breathtaking and refreshing. She doesn't waste a moment, opening with Les "Je T'aime" (The I Love You's); a brilliant bit of folk pop done primarily in English but with some French as well. It's a childlike yet mature perspective on love and has serious commercial potential. Si C'Etait La is a gorgeous francophone ballad. My 20+ year old high school French can't keep up with Ancelle, but her voice soars like that of an angel. The arrangement is wonderfully lush and the melody is subtle but unforgettable.
Half Of Me reminds me seriously of Lisa Loeb. Ancelle has that same nerdy/sexy emotional un-sureness that Loeb personified in the mid-1990's. This is a love song that's highly personal, highly vulnerable, and very highly licensable. I Think Of You is a lovely English/French song of longing. There is something incredibly pure and heartfelt about Ancelle's singing style here, and the arrangement is amazing. Ancelle ends on a high note: I'm Happy captures the amazement and "floating" feeling of new love perfectly in song. There are no filters here; no attempt to make things sound like a storybook. It's just pure emotion, honest written and transfer from heart to voice and heart to guitar. The song is brilliant.
If I have one complaint about The I Love You's, it's that the CD is only five songs long. The EP is an amazing leap forward from a highly talented artist whose limits are likely as high or low as she sets them herself. In our review of Ancelle's debut album and in this review we have noted similarities or resemblances to other artists, but I have a feeling it won't be too long before we and other folks in the music media are comparing new and up-coming artists to Joséphine Ancelle. The I Love You's is brilliant, a Wildy's World Certified Desert Island Disc. Make sure you check it out.
Review: 5 Stars (Out of 5)
You can learn more about Joséphine Ancelle on MySpace or Facebook, and you can follow here on Twitter! The I Love You’s will be released on or about the first week in October here in the US, and will debut at a show on September 28, 2009 in Paris, France. Keep checking her MySpace page for availability. - Wildy's World
Jeune chanteuse française résidant à New York, Joséphine Ancelle est de celle qui rêve au destin pour mieux l’envisager. Le taureau par les cornes, la musique acharnée, c’est au son de sa voix et en compagnie de ses musiciens qu’elle virevolte d’albums en scènes, en quête de succès.
Poursuivre sa chance ailleurs
C’est le cœur battant la mesure de New York et la chanson dans la peau que Joséphine Ancelle avoue s’être lancée dans la musique. A 19 ans, cette jeune française s’installe aux Etats-Unis et rêve à ses lendemains de scène. Ce n’est pas sans difficultés que sa carrière commence : travailler la langue, parfaire son art du chant, obtenir un visa à n’importe quel prix. Le sourire aux lèvres, Joséphine Ancelle évoque ces années comme un cheminement artistique, une découverte nécessaire du monde musical au travers des carrefours new yorkais. Si elle est contrainte à l’époque de s’inscrire à une école de danse pour obtenir son visa, elle n’en oublie pas d’écrire et de composer, de sortir autant qu’elle peut. C’est une rencontre avec un auteur compositeur américain qui lui fera faire ses premières scènes. Le travail commence par une co-écriture puis se poursuit très vite avec la réalisation d’un premier album, véritable tremplin pour sa carrière. Il faut dire que le premier opus est le signe d’un futur, d’un nom, d’une voix, c’est l’esquisse d’une reconnaissance à venir et la clé pour se produire sur scène.
Officialiser sa carrière
Mais Joséphine va plus loin, elle en veut plus, avec un visa d’artiste son nom serait entendu, sa carrière officialisée. Pour avoir un visa il faut du temps à perdre en démarches administratives (autrement dit pour rassembler les preuves de son succès), un bon « background » artistique, et un avocat ambitieux. Joséphine trouve et le temps et l’avocat, rassemble sa vie avec elle, multiplie les interviews, puis chante, chante et compose autant qu’elle peut. Ce visa d’artiste qu’elle réussie à obtenir lui donne le droit, non seulement d’entrer à l’une des SACEM américaines, mais aussi d’espérer entrer un jour dans la famille des artistes passionnés qui gagnent leur vie en donnant de leur voix. Aujourd’hui, et elle a raison d’en être fière, ce sont les grandes scènes qui l’accueillent à bras ouvert.
La nécessité de chanter
Non sans peur, Joséphine Ancelle reconnaît ses influences musicales mais refuse d’y être enfermée : chanson française, jazz, gospel, tout est matière à dire et à jouer, tout n’est question que de rythmes et de mots. Puis, il reste à partager, et la scène semble alors être une évidence. Joséphine Ancelle fait parti de cette résistance, de cette musique qui s’enregistre comme un souffle, qui se chante au naturel, sans rajouts ni collages. Sur scène, elle livre sa vie à demi amusée, elle croise le regard d’un public qui partage ses émotions. C’est dans cette bulle scénique, sphère contemplative, que Joséphine Ancelle entend progresser et croire à l’élan de son imagination. L’avenir, elle le voit aux couleurs des songes musicaux et des guitares romantiques. Pour l’instant, le songe s’alimente de scènes, de petits boulots et de compositions, autant que faire se peut. Cette jeune artiste cultive le temps en attendant de le cueillir et compose sa musique aux rythmes saisonniers de sa propre existence. C’est de scènes en scènes qu’elle compte conquérir le cœur du public pour lui faire partager ses humeurs, ses rires, ses riens de la vie qu’elle s’amuse à chanter.
Annabelle Verjus
Interview Express :
En quoi aimeriez-vous vous réincarner ?
Je ne suis pas sûre de croire en la réincarnation et cela m’inquièterais de me réincarner dans quelques années.
Quelle partie du corps ou de l’être vous fascine le plus ?
Les yeux.
Quelle est votre idée de la consécration artistique ?
La diffusion de ma musique.
Quelles sont vos racines, réelles ou imaginaires ?
Quand je suis aux Etats Unis j’aime bien être française et quand je suis française j’aime être américaine.
Quelle dimension tient votre travail dans votre vie et quel sens prend- t-il ?
C’est toute ma vie, c’est ce pourquoi j’ai envie de tout donner. Je ne vois pas d’autres choix pour l’instant. - Annabelle Rejus for
[...]Sweetly sung songs fraught with anxiety, counting up regrets and fearing the dark.[...]One standout is “Right Here,” which slows things down a bit and introduces a splendid organ sound that makes all the difference in the world for the “soul” of the song[...] - Low Budget Superhero review (09/05/07):
#3 Josephine Ancelle - The I Love Yous
We were introduced to Joséphine Ancelle in 2008. Her 2007 debut album, Unfinished Life, was a sweet and compelling introduction to the Parisienne turned New York City lady with the little girl voice and mature, heartfelt lyrics. 2009 saw Ancelle return with The I Love You's, an impressive step forward both artistically and musically. Ancelle is already getting serious airplay in her native France, and is destined for big things stateside as well. As things stand, The I Love You's finishes #3 on our Top-10 EPs list for 2009. - Wildy's World
In the Podsafe Cafe we talk with
Joséphine, a podsafe musician from
New York City who originally hails from
France via Montreal, and she shares her
story as an independent musician. I
recently had the opportunity to hear
Joséphine perform at PodCamp NYC,
and sheʼs brilliant.
May 13th 2008 edition - Bill Palmer - iProng Magazine
1. “great vocalist and songwriter.great album.” BRFCP Internet Radio
2. “wow, the word that comes to mind once the vocals came on, talk about
pure talent” Radio Now Internet Radio
3. “The song I think Of You , wonderful and touching. I'm looking froward
to playing more of you music, Thank you for the wonderful work you do”
Much to Do About Nothing Podcast - Podcasters
Joséphine – Unfinished Life
2007, Joséphine
Joséphine brings a certain grit and vivacity to her music that is belied by her little-girl looks. To say I was pleasantly surprised by her CD Unfinished Life is an understatement. This Paris native left home at age seventeen for the streets of Montreal, landing in New York City by the age of nineteen. Joséphine discovered her love of performing in Montreal with the Vibe Award winning People’s Gospel Choir of Montreal and has never looked back from there.
Joséphine offers up twelve very mature and emotionally honest songs on Unfinished Life. Songs range from ballad to soul-influenced rock. My personal favorites here are Stronger, Heart Vs. Head, and the moving Can’t Let Go. I Sing is also of particular note, as it is an ode to chasing your dreams.
I Think Of You (Je Pense A Toi) is also a lovely ballad, incorporating both French and English lyrics. All in all there is not a weak song here, and there is life in these songs that would seem to belie a mischievous and fun streak in the artist. It is a talent to be able to project these traits into recorded media on a consistent basis. If Joséphine can project these traits live then her concerts will be a treat worth lining up for.
I was struck by the vocal similarities between Joséphine and one of my favorite Indie folk artists, Jess Klein. The sound of their voices is almost identical at times, although stylistically they differ. The texture of Joséphine's voice would make her interesting to listen to if she were singing names out of the phonebook.
Joséphine is a very talented and worthy artist, and Unfinished Life is very much worth a listen or six. I highly recommend Joséphine’s Unfinished Life to my readers.
Rating: 4 Stars (Out of 5)
You can learn more about Joséphine at You can purchase copies of Unfinished Life at
Posted by Wildy at 6:30 AM - Wildy's world
Ends With Always - EP 2010
The I Love Yous - EP 2009
Unfinished Life- Full length album 2007
Joséphine Ancelle, pop folk singer and songwriter reaches new octaves of her musical journey with the success of her latest EP, “The I Love Yous”. Joséphine also just released her second music video for the single Les "Je T'Aime". Currently receiving steady airplay in the Paris metro market on influential stations such as Radio Néo and Vallée FM , Les “Je T’Aime” is also at the first song featured on the French Sentier Des Halles compilation album.
Joséphine Ancelle left her Paris home at the tender age of 17, moving to Montreal in pursuit of her dream—a career in music. Her two years there found her making major strides toward this goal, recording a Vibe-Award winning album with the People's Gospel Choir of Montréal, and also singing in a Narta television commercial airing in France. She soon realized she had to make another move to chase her dream.
Upon arriving in New York, Joséphine co-wrote, recorded and independently released her first album, Unfinished Life, in November 2007. She quickly made an impact on the local scene in New York, playing famed venues such as The Bitter End, The Living Room, Crash Mansion, The Sidewalk Cafe and Cafe Vivaldi. Appearances on NYC TV, mentions in publications such as Time Out New York and Metro New York, some stateside airplay on online radio and podcasts, and the development of her music video for “I Think of You," followed. The FIAF (French Institute - Alliance Française) even called on her talents in 2008 and 2009 to participate in their Bastille Day concert in the Big Apple.
Joséphine’s mostly guitar-based and frequently bi-lingual pop-folk songs are highly personal and complex, often balancing introspection and vulnerability with jubilance and confidence. Her sound has been compared favorably to Lisa Loeb and can be described as Sixpence None The Richer interpreted by Ingrid Michaelson and Yael Naim. Wildy Haskell, renowned blogger of Wildy’s World, states that “Ancelle has one of those voices where you just hope she never stops singing,” and muses, “There is something incredibly pure and heartfelt about Ancelle's singing style … It's just pure emotion, honest written and transfer from heart to voice and heart to guitar.”
Joséphine continues to entertain fans on the world stage. She performed with her band at the renowned Sentier Des Halles in Paris in September and December of 2009 to introduce the songs of her latest EP, "The I Love Yous". When released in September, “The I Love Yous” received rave media reviews on both sides of the Atlantic.
Since, she was invited to play again in Paris a few times including at the famous Réservoir. She has just recently perfomed at the well established New York SongCircle showcase at the Bitter End and her song Les "Je t'aime" has been getting ongoing radio airplay since the end of August in Germany. Following up her success to "The I Love Yous", Joséphine Ancelle is currently adding the final touches to a new selection of hits recorded in Nashville with a release planned for November 2010.