Joey Langlois
Montréal, Quebec, Canada | Established. Jan 01, 2013 | SELF
"From the first track of Joey Langloi’s Spin Around Me, it’s clear this young singer-songwriter has talent and loads of potential. A quick look at the album credits and acknowledgements show that there is an impressive amount of local talent working with Langlois supporting his musical project. In many ways, these names speak volumes.
Langlois’s musical arrangements are moving and his impassioned vocal make for lovely songs. Lyrically, there is a journal like quality that make them somewhat more appropriate for a younger age group perhaps. However, the melodies and hooks are catchy and in many ways this matters more. Well recorded and well produced, Spin Around Me is a strong debut for a promising local artist.
Favourites are “Maybe Just Maybe” and “Growing on Me”. There’s a kind of Gavin Degraw quality to Langlois’s tune “Pull Yourself Together”." - http://www.forgetthebox.net
"...I was on my way to work when I listened to “Maybe just Maybe”, and it put a smile on my face. According to me, a very uplifting song that recounts a feeling of being lost in a memory of hope and nostalgia for a better time and the acceptance of living in the moment which is something I can relate to at this point in my life. Langlois’ optimistic chorus “Maybe just maybe, you and I baby could work, Distance and time are no mountain to climb, When you’re on the other side” is something I enjoyed singing along to, and caught myself having this song in my head moments after listening to it. I pictured myself driving down a deserted road on a hot summer day alone with my thoughts and smiles. I can hear this being played on the radio..." - http://bucketlistmusicreviews.com
"...After the energetic title track of his new EP “Spin Around Me” he immediately launched into “Construction Paper”, a song that really shows the almost-operatic range and power of his voice, as well as his ability as a songwriter. The lyrics speak of advice from his sister telling him to regard the heart of a loved one as a complementary colour of construction paper, to which he can glue his own heart. The metaphor also refers to the memories of our lives forming a collage, showing the path of where we have been, where we are going, and just what we need. The message is one that is unique while universal, simple yet elegant, and very powerfully delivered.
The next song, “Maybe Just Maybe” is an upbeat, catchy piece, and although the crowd was somewhat sparse at around twenty-five or so, they really got into the song, enjoying its upbeat rhythm messages about how “distance and time are no mountain to climb” when one’s love is on the other side. Joey then asked the audience to snap, telling them the snapping will add to the dynamics of the next song “Miss You” and make it magical. He proceeded to perform the song on his own, nothing but his voice and guitar and the twenty-five people snapping along and lapping it up. His performance was simply infectious..." - http://bucketlistmusicreviews.com
Joey EP - 2007
SKYDIVE Demo - 2010
Home to Me EP - 2012
Spin Around Me EP - 2013

Through his newest EP, Spin Around Me, Montreal-based singer-songwriter, Joey Langlois aims to encourage compassionate motives and actions. Having recognized his own self-centeredness, Joey provocatively leaves listeners pondering: "We've made ourselves the center of a cosmic carousel," in hopes that realization leads to change.
The tracks seamlessly fuse a childlike authenticity with contagious melodies, addressing themes of love and relationships with a refreshing optimism that catches the audience off-guard.
The sound heard on the SAM EP was a maturation from Joey's previous projects. 2011 saw Joey move to the music-metropolis of Montreal, having begun his music career in Gatineau, Quebec. At only 9 years of age, Joey began his foray into song writing, commencing an enduring passion for the craft. He became an accomplished drummer and guitarist, and at the tender age of 14, he released his first self-produced EP, simply entitled Joey. The move to Montreal marked a shift in the song writing process for Joey, which can be heard on each track of the latest release, Spin Around Me, from the evolution of musical content to the considered approach of the lyrical process. Joey aims to make every word count, inviting deep reflections, whilst remaining upbeat and accessible, a quality often left wanting in songs of the same genre.
Joey has been performing with his band consisting of Justin Wiley on Drums, Alanna Martin on Keys and Back Vocals, and Eric Letourneau since the release of Spin Around Me on October 25th 2013.
Band Members