Jill Criscuolo
West Orange, New Jersey, United States | INDIE
January 17, 2012 | by Admin
Jill Criscuolo may not be a household name, yet, but with a few radio hits under her belt, an upcoming reality show and a summer 2012 tour, you might not be able to get her out of your head. And that’s precisely the idea.
Q: You have a new single coming out in support of your 2012 tour, can you tell us anything about the single and what we could expect to see/hear live?
A: My new single is very exciting, as for anything else you don’t tell what the gift is before someone unwraps it! So.. you shall wait and see:). During my live performances everything is very real and down to earth. I truly sing live, my band is amazing, the dancers kick butt, and last but not least this is a show you should not miss!
Q: I’ve read that you’re learning to play guitar, does that have an influence on your songwriting and will you be playing it on your tour?
A: My guitar lessons are very inspiring to me! It’s very interesting to mix “my baby” which is my voice, with the guitar! The two instruments are new to each other so they are trying to get better acquainted, as for my tour we will have to wait and see how well they are getting along around that time!
Get the Official Jill Criscuolo Mobile App: http://www.reverbnation.com/mobile-app/7476/jillcriscuolo
Q: Would you tell us about your upcoming reality show, is it reflective of your music career?
A:Each project is inspired by ideas from life experiences of mine as well as my collaborators. My recently completed TV pilot is called Voyeur. Voyeur is actually based on a fictional character, who owns a secret nightclub! Voyeur is being shopped as we speak, as for my music career being followed on television that is hopefully soon to come. We also are in the process of shooting various TV show projects that are in the works. When all is finalized whichever project stands out the best will be the direction that we will be headed towards. I guess time will tell. :) Don’t you love intrigue!!!!!
Q: You’ve recently performed an Anti-Bullying rally, how did you get involved in that and what made you decide to support the cause?
A: I was asked by the Union County Prosecutors Office to perform at this pep rally, and I was extremely honored to be involved. This particular cause is important to me and I feel bullying needs to come to an end. I hope to be apart of more events such as this one in the future. I deeply pray that the program and the music touched the heart of the victims and sent a message to the bullies around the world.
Q: Besides singing and songwriting, you’ve also learned how to self-produce demos using Garageband and Pro Tools, as well as playing piano and guitar. Is music production something we might hear from you down the road?
It’d be interesting to hear a woman’s perspective on song/music production as it’s still pretty new ground.
A: To answer your question about production in the future, I learned to never say never ! At this point in time I am enhancing my musical skills and educating myself to the inner workings behind the voice, that makes the song come together. For now I am going to leave the producing to my team, they are the gurus!
Q: Tell us about your new phone application for Android. Was that your idea and what does it do?
A: My media team first started out with the Jill Criscuolo iPhone app way back, we always try and stay on the cutting edge of technology and social media! The new android app contains bio, photos, music, and future events. The best part about this app is that it’s free!!!!!!! so there is no excuse not to check it out. While you are doing that don’t forget to go to http://jillcriscuolo.com and Facebook/jillcriscuolo.com :-)
Q: How important is family support to you regarding your career choice to become an entertainer?
A: I am extremely lucky because my family is over the moon supportive about my career choice! They practically are the vehicle driving me to the stars! They are great :-)))
Q: If you could tell the world anything right now in one sentence, what would you most want people to know about you?
A: Everyone always says follow your heart…. well… my heart says sing :)
By: Douglas Garnett – douglas.garnett@gmail.com - Skope Magazine
"My Life"
"I'm Sorry"
"Now you'll see"

Her musical journey began conspicuously at age 13 and in an interesting story-tale wrapped in fabric of a ritual of her culture, Jill found her thrill of this moment break out into song music began to play an integral part of the soundtrack of her life in the stage was set to whatever is to follow the personal teenager was still active in various aspects of performing over the years, when we fast forward to the current model actress comes into her own letter of intent to build on its ever-developing abilities with confidence, courage and purpose she intends find its place in the music industry "I did it my way" is the declaration of independence that burns like a fire in her personality that lights upthrough in an obvious sense of "Jilly" as she is known to those close to her now channel their skills and competitive spirit to create songs that she says "is not only my own life, but also draw on the experience from my friends"
A new star in entertainment galaxy vocalist songwriter Jill is a new sense extending its wings and powerful vocal cords emerging as an unclassifiable artist and step forward confidently with her debut album she is continuing on a path towards the shaping into a promising recording career, a stylish addition to the ever-changing world of entertainment She has evolved from amateur to professional after having displayed her sense of many an audience seasoned from years of vocal training grounds is inmusicals and dance her performances of cover songs is when intew passé as originals are the focus of her repertoire
Do not be afraid to cross boundaries and take risks with her music her direction out the gate is one with passion while expressing respect for her contemporaries, she chooses to do not set boundaries for her artistry not want to be placed in a category that does not like to give itself the CD is an eclectic mix of tempos and rich in live Pop Rock and Dance genres Aiming to push the boundaries of conventional releases she adds her own formula drawing from the diversity of musical influences that stimulated her intense desire to sing exemplify such an artistic mesh is a challenge that she takes the easy while Jill hasIT in the production hit making squad GBLG Productions (Kevin Grady Walter Brooks, Andre Lovell, and O'Brian Grady) pooling their talents, resulting in songs that are not constrained by the status quo production is first class and gives her the "big" sound and Sonic textures one would come to expect from projects by major stars
The versatility and range of her abilities is evident in songs like "My Life" a frantic dance number that sends its message that "nobody can hold me back not even myself"
On "Ride" a rock-flavored tracks that flaunts her "Wild Side" a cowgirl looking for a "cowboy" Then there are soft but still strong "I'm Sorry" a ballad where she speaks the simplicity yet power of those two words, the total co-operation with producersalso a sprung songs like "Cast Away" "If I had a Dime" Fun "" 10 Step "" By my life, "" Fantasy Boy "and" look into my eyes'
Find out in song to formulate the music that found a way into her heart, her blossoming talent as a songwriter reflects strength determination and beauty in the good-fied rising star who express an instant platinum style talent shows versatility, she can get the party started and rock and pop world through your collection of carefully selected and genre spanning of songs that gives her a clear path to a wide audience
Jill is bridging the gap and with the focus with this release, bringing a fresh airworthy collection of songs, she goes all out their exhilarating approach shines forth in her music embodies hennessyn of life and vice caps an impressive effort by the dynamic newcomer The New Jersey native credits his family for supporting her dream of a career in entertainment in the hunt she climb the stairs to the heavenly heights
The new entrance to the music scene is Jill, and she has come with high hopes are on the verge of achieving great success is that she is destined fate