Jesper Norda
Göteborg, Västra Götaland, Sweden | SELF
This band has no press
Little Ones EP, 2008
We have the guts EP, 2009
You know EP, 2009
April archives collection No 1, 2010

"It's the quiet ones you gotta worry about. The louder, more blustery the threat, the less likely they'll follow through. At least that's my experience. Jesper Norda bristles with white-hot violence in this ballad and I don't doubt for a minute that he'll make good on it. In the same way that Tindersticks brings the darkness to their version of soul music, Norda does the same with his restrained piano ballads and I'm way into it. His deep voice seethes with darkness and brings danger to every line. Even the title track from his "Little ones" EP (free download here) is unnerving, despite the far tamer subject matter. Proof positive once again that less is more. Always. To quote Foetus: say what you mean and say it mean."