Jennifer Lee Snowden
New York City, New York, United States
Jennifer Lee Snowden's piano pop is at once mesmerizing and sensually jazzy.
Snowden, who grew up in Muskegon and Spring Lake and now lives in New York City, works as a private investigator by day and plays piano and sings by night.
Today's featured track is "Lost in the War" from her debut CD, "In My Own Company." Visit her Web site at myspace.com/ jenniferleesnowden. - Grand Rapids Press
Debut album "In My Own Company" available on itunes.

Jennifer Lee Snowden grew up in the small town of Spring Lake, Michigan where her love of music was fostered by 2 music teachers; her mother and grandmother. At the age of 5 she began holding choir practice in her grandmother’s coat closet and singing for anyone who would listen. Then in 1992 at the age of 8 Jennifer received her first cassette tape, Gloria Estefan’s “Cuts Both Ways” and immediately knew that she wanted to be a recording artist and have an album of her own one day. Jennifer’s mother and grandmother quickly realized her ear for music and promptly enrolled her in piano lessons. From that point forward Jennifer began singing and playing piano for church, weddings, talent shows, and school musicals. On one beautiful Sunday morning, Jennifer sang a spiritual for her grandmother’s Lutheran church. A man from a local Baptist church was in the audience that day, loved her voice and asked her to join his gospel choir. Jennifer was the youngest girl in the choir and she fell deeply in love with the passion and soul in gospel music. She was soon singing solos and touring the area’s local Baptist churches and gospel celebrations. Her early roots in gospel and the church shine on her debut album In My Own Company. Tracks such as “I Wanna Love Somebody”, “One More Day” and “When it Rains” are filled with soulful melodies, organ, dramatic chord changes, and full harmonies. After high school, Jennifer Lee Snowden attended Northwestern University where she studied theater and continued her music training. During her freshman year, she was devastated to learn that the older brother of one of her high school girl friends had committed suicide. It was a tragic loss for everyone in her community and one that affected Jennifer very deeply. Unsure of how to express her anger and sadness over the loss, she sat down at her piano and began to play. Words and music poured from her heart and for the first time Jennifer discovered that she could write. “Eternal Wire” is her first song and is the haunting tale about a young man who lost hope, the family that he left behind, and the struggle to find faith after tragedy. Jennifer is now living in New York City where she has begun studying jazz and singing with other local bands. She just finished recording her debut album In My Own Company. The album takes the listener on the emotional journey of a young woman finding her voice in the world, losing her first love, learning to stand on her own two feet and ultimately learning to “Fly.” She has played at some of New York City's most fabulous venues including The Gates, The Royalton Hotel, Norwood Club, Ella Lounge and even opened for Norah Jones at Rockwood Music Hall.