Jenne Lennon
Gig Seeker Pro

Jenne Lennon

Naperville, Illinois, United States | INDIE

Naperville, Illinois, United States | INDIE
Band World Celtic


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This band has not uploaded any videos



"Windtalker: Peace, Love, and Tranquillity Conversations with Jenne Lennon"

If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other. ~Mother Teresa

Peace cannot be achieved through violence, it can only be attained through understanding. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Victory attained by violence is tantamount to a defeat, for it is momentary. ~Gandhi

We challenge the culture of violence when we ourselves act in the certainty that violence is no longer acceptable, that it’s tired and outdated no matter how many cling to it in the stubborn belief that it still works and that it’s still valid. ~Gerard Vanderhaar


You are what you eat. I read this statement from Jim Corr a couple of years back in Time magazine when an article about Irish musicians making it big came out. True. What we watch, what we listen to and the kind of friends we hang out off-line and online speak about our personalities. So you might ask: is there a chainsaw in my horizon since I love to watch gory flicks?

I got an interesting discussion with artist Jenne Lennon yesterday. As much as I want to keep it for myself, I think she has many points that are interesting. So I am putting some of them here. She is launching Windtalker radio podcast and they talk to artists, activists, media, etc. and really anyone who is making a positive impact in the world around. According to her my having 120,000 hits on this site in support of good music is making an impact .
L to R:Liz Madden and Jenne Lennon

L to R:Liz Madden and Jenne Lennon

Listen to Jenne’s “Anam Spirit” song here:

CMF:I told her that I am “just a vessel of something much bigger :) We are all part of this pattern and we do what we can to make that pattern work.”

Jenne: “I would definitely have to agree with that statement. We are all vessels of something bigger. Here to send a message and make an impact. My hope for the world is that everyone would want to make a positive impact and that people would realize the potential within themselves to create a bigger impact than they believe is possible. We sell ourselves too short as humans. We do not give ourselves enough credit. We believe we our powerless over our own destiny and we accept mediocrity because we think we should. But, we always long for something greater. That’s why I created windtalker radio, with Liz’s help and the help of my producer Roland Labana, and then created the windtalker blog. And, that’s why I create this music along with Shishonnah. longing for something greater.”

“With what is going on in the world, we need more positivity. We need to believe on something. And I think that the more people like you who are doing this project, the more we will make this world a safer place to live. Kudos to you and Liz and the people involved in this project. This is a milestone…and personally? I think this is the best part of being alive today . Making an impact and knowing kindred spirits!”

“Absolutely. Life as difficult and as complex as it can be, is really that simple. We as humans bring an unnecessary complexity to it and in our journeys here on earth, must find our paths to bring us back to the loving simplicities of life. And, I suppose it only happens through impact and suffering. But, that is something we all share, and I hope all of us can learn this in the new century and I would hope many more people will make an effort. Yourself included, you are doing great work too! :) and thank you for the well wishes. They are always appreciated!”

“Who would have thought that I will come face to face with amazing people when I created that blog out of loneliness. But yes , the little things we do, we will just be surprised that one day, like a seed it is going to bear fruits. And the greatest fruit of all is knowing that what you do is not for yourself alone but for others , and making it easier, making it better…connecting to that bigger source where all things come from.”

“I suppose we all seek creative endeavours of loneliness…huh? Bono said it best, that the artist always feels a sense of emptiness that needs to be filled. Or, in one of Anne Rice’s novels, a lead character says that strong people always feel a depth of loneliness. We create in an effort to create a better world around us, without even knowing that is why we are doing so. Basic human psychology. It’s kind of funny if you think about it. I understand loneliness, definitely. But, I hope you don’t feel alone anymore. It is a different world now. A different century. People are getting better though the media would have you think otherwise”.

“We are actually launching the second single “I will Carry You” on Friday. I think you will like this one. Very different from Dance With The River. A slow ballad talking about loss and knowing that one day things will get better. We are already getting a great response from listeners. A lot of people identify with the lyrics. Maybe, you might too. :) “

“I think I can relate to that. I parted ways with someone very dear recently because long distance relationships don’t work. So this song will have meaning to me. One of those “soundtrack of your life” kind of thing. I know I will love this song.”

“Something similar happened to me a little over a year ago, but it does get better. The universe can be very kind. When you bravely take a big step in your life such as a breakup or a career move, or even grieving a death, it changes the energies around you and steers the positive your way. Taking a big step like that can actually bring something greater your way. A few months later I had an incredible experience on top of St. Michael’s Mount in Cornwall. A few days later stepping off a plane, Liz found me in the U.S. and so did my husband. All of that suffering brought great new changes”.

“I agree with you. The universe is kind. All you need to do is take it easy, step back and wait a bit longer. Something will turn up.My big congratulations to you and your new life. We are blessed!”

“Yes, definitely we are blessed. A lot of people forget that. That’s why I work so much with the Native Americans. They understand this and they accept pain and suffering willingly. A lot of world religions preach this, but don’t execute it. The Natives do and find happiness and contentment in so much. Working with them saved my life.”

Going back to my interview with her in 2009, she has been very outspoken in her work with the Native Americans.

- The Celtic Music Fan

"Jenne Lennon's New Single"

Those who are excited to get a full length audio treatment of Jenne Lennon’s Anam/Spirit will catch it here: The song is taken from Celtic Dreams under Quickstar Productions. Here’s an invitation from Jenne:
Hello Everyone. My new single “Anam/Spirit” is making its radio debut this Saturday, Sept. 11th on The Songwriter’s Network Live 365 radio from 6PM to 11PM Eastern time. This marks a sad day for America, but a song about forgiveness and the in-conquerable human spirit seems fitting. Thank you all for the support.

*** - The Celtic Music Fan

"At The Mike Stand....With Jenne Lennon"

Jenne Lennon is one of a rare breed. See, she's an Irish/Italian/American singer/songwriter (and user of most of our backslashes it would seem, doesn't she know there's a recession on?).

The Chicago-based songstrel, that's what we call singer/songwriting-type young ladies round here you see, is well-regarded in her field as being something of an expert in Celtic/World music, with some critics even referring to her as the 'Janis Joplin of Celtic music', no really, they do.

In 2009, the hard-working artist even founded her own record label, Glencoe Records (, which she intends to use as a base to promote and develop the recorded works of Celtic and World Music artists worldwide.

Her latest single, 'Bonny Portmore' is currently on sale at iTunes,, Rhapsody and most other online outlets, and is featured on the 'Going Back Home Volume 11' compilation album through Quickstar/Sony Productions.

In the midst of all this musician-type business however, she was kind enough to step aside and answer some ridiculous questions for us. Jenne, welcome to 'At The Mike Stand'.

What would you like your own tribute act to be called?

Gaelic and Garlic. I'm half Irish and half Italian.

When's the last time you laughed out loud?

About 5 seconds ago when I read your question about my tribute act!

What act would you like to have seen perform live?

I've never seen Sting or The Police live. Had the privilege of jamming with Sting once, but never had the chance to see him perform. I would also love to see Lisa Gerrard, Dead Can Dance, or Afro-Celt Soundsystem.

What team do you support?

Unfortunately, none at the moment! This year has really gotten away from me and I've found practically no time to follow sports. I used to follow The Chicago Fire and The Cubs, but I don't think I've watched The Super Bowl in years.

What period in history would you most like to have visited?

I would have to say late Medieval to early Renaissance. Joan of Arc is my favorite historical person and I am fascinated with the time that she lived in. This was also a very important time in history for music. Ancient choral music and notation was starting to form and become more uniform.

What song would you most like to have written?

Stevie Wonder's "Superstition" I could never have written anything like that. That song is not even my style, but damn! It is one hell of a song!

Who or what, would make you leave a room?

Spiders! Absolutely no exceptions! Big, small, whatever color! If I see one, I jet!

What decade rules (and why)?

The 80's, it was the decade I was born! Seriously, I hope this next decade coming will rule and prove to be the best. I think the world and America particularly has come quite far in the past couple of years. I really hope the next decade will be a special one for all of us around the world.

What cover version do you most enjoy performing?

U2's "Mysterious Ways".

What movie role would you like to have played?

Any female role in 'The Lord of The Rings'.

Have you ever been told you looked like somebody?

I'm told on a daily basis that I remind people of someone. The two women I get the most are Anne Hathaway and Norah Jones.

What's the first album you remember buying?

Oh, dear. I think I received a Wilson Philips tape on my 10th birthday! On my 11th, I bought myself a recording of Beethoven's 3rd, 7th, and 9th Symphonies.

Who's your favorite Beatle?

Most people would think it was John because we share a last name, but my favorite is Paul. I think he is an incredible songwriter even after his work with the Beatles, and to this day he has such a sweet voice that really speaks to me. He never disappoints when he performs.

What's your favorite Christmas song?

'O Holy Night'.

Who's the most rock and roll person who ever lived?

That's a tough one. My favorite rock star is Bono, but if we're talking lifestyle, I think Elvis, Janis Joplin, Mick Jagger, and Jimi Hendrix were very rock and roll.

What artist/song/genre do you secretly enjoy listening to?

I love Asteroid Galaxy Tour and Muse. I don't think anyone would expect me to say that!

Who would you most like to meet/have met?

Deceased, Joan of Arc. Living, Barack Obama.

What book can you read again and again?

'The Pillars of The Earth' (Follet).

What's the greatest album ever recorded?

Damn, that's tough! In my humble opinion, it would be the Beatles White Album and U2's "All That You Can't Leave Behind."

What artists would you most like to have played with in the band of your dreams?

That's a great question! Sting, U2, Stevie Wonder, Paul McCartney, Ella Fitzgerald, R.E.M, and Bonnie Raitt.

What do few people know about you?

I have an identical twin sister named Dani.

What sitcom character can you most identify with?

Daphne from "Frasier". She's quirky and silly, but kind-hearted like me. Though, my friends and family think I'm a balance between Rose and Dorothy from 'The Golden Girls'.

What movie can you watch over and over again?

'Stardust' and 'The Proposal'. I really like films that are innocent and fun. Those kinds of movies never get old.

Who's your favorite cartoon character?

Homer Simpson and Spongebob Squarepants.

What's the greatest place you've visited?

That's the toughest question yet! My favorite city is Vienna, but Cornwall is the most powerful place I have ever been. I cannot remember being so moved by an area's history and landscape.

What's mankind's most wonderful invention?

It's a tie between written word and flight. Two things that changed mankind forever.

What's mankind's most irritating invention?

Fax machines. I don't see the point especially with email attachments in existence. They're loud, unreliable, and you can't get through to someone on a landline if a fax is going out. That terrible screeching sound it makes over the phone pierces the brain!

Who's the funniest person who ever lived?

Without a doubt, Robin Williams.

Who's your favorite namesake?

I don't know if anyone shares my name. Mine's pretty unusual, though the root of my name is a form of Jennifer, which comes from the Welsh form of the Cornish Gwynefaar-i.e. Queen Guinevere, so let's go with Arthur's Queen Guinevere. - Irish Examiner

"Interview With Jenne Lennon"

How did you get started with all this?
I started singing at the age of 3 and was professional by 8 years old. I sang with the Elgin Childrens Chorus for many years, which brought me all around the world and introduced me to the world of international music. I started seriously pursuing celtic/world music at sixteen years old, and I received my degree in music performance in May 2006 from the University of Illinois at Chicago. After that, I toured Europe and the United Kingdom for a few years, which inspired a lot of the material that I write. Over the past few years I have been writing, producing, recording, and traveling like mad. It's been great.

What's the message to transmit with your music??
The message simply, is to find strength and peace within. To know the world around you and your place in it. None of my songs are about dancing at nightclubs or falling in love under a willow tree. I hope my music uplifts the spirit and illuminates what is right within each of us.

What's your method at the time of writting a song??
I have many methods for writing. I suppose, it depends upon the piece. Sometimes, I will start with a melody in my head that comes to me while driving in the car or hiking or something. I'll then go to the piano and work a basic chord structure around it. Once I'm pleased with the music, I'll start developing lyrics. Or, I might set some poetry.

Lately, I've been going to the piano, just intending to play around and coming up with full length songs. I'll find a chord progression that really speaks to me, and will play it over and over again until a melody comes to mind. From that melody I will form a basic chorus or refrain. Then, I'll start to work on verse sections, bridges, maybe some key changes, etc. Sometimes, the lyrics come simultaneously with the music or I'll have the lyrics finished after a day or two. On certain days I can write 4 songs in one afternoon, some I can write only one song minus the lyrics. It really depends on the day. Some days are more creative than others.

Which is your music influences??
I have many influences. If I had to narrow it down, I would start with Lisa Gerrard, Peter Gabriel, Sting, U2, Moya Brennan, Clannad, Afro-Celt Soundsystem, Ladysmith Black Mambazo, Deep Forrest, and Nakai.

What plans do you guys have for the future??
Well, I'm working on some really exciting projects this year. The most exciting of them being my new partnership with Irish singer Liz Madden of Dublin. She has relocated to the U.S. and we have formed a powerful duo called Shishonnah, which all tracks, web stuff, and EPK materials will be up in November. Through my record label and her production company Glencoe Records/Healing Sun Productions, we will be releasing a full length Shishonnah album in the new year. We are working on many performances in and outside of the United States, Europe, and The United Kingdom in the Spring and Summer of 2011. We are in talks to form our own radio podcast show and numerous television, documentary, and theatrical projects to follow. I think we're booked through 2013. We're very busy! Lol.

Which has been the greatest day in the band?
For me, it was the day that launched my solo career and the day that I first met Liz. I was asked to perform at the Chant Du Femmes concert in Lorient France, which takes place at the famous Lorient Interceltique Festival. I was the only American musician out of nearly 5,000 musicians asked to perform at the festival. I had just graduated from college, and knew how big of a deal this was to be invited, so I was a little nervous. I remember the sound check, walking into the dressing room and seeing a beautiful green gown hanging up above one of the mirrors. I hadn't been told who else was on the program with me, but knew there was a group from Ireland. As I was putting my stuff down, I heard music coming through the speakers in the dressing room. It was the music of Rua, which I was a fan of. I couldn't believe that I was on the same program as them. I was taken to the stage to meet them, and that's where I first met Liz and her former partner Gloria Mulhall. That night was one of the best performances of my life and I was so proud to share the stage with so many talented women from all over the world.

Which has been the funniest prank you guys have been or took part while on tour or after a show??
Oh, man. Well, I don't know if this qualifies as a prank or not, but both my translator and my driver left me in France with a group of wild Scottish musicians and I had to walk home six miles to my hotel, completely intoxicated! It was great craic! As we say in the U.K. and Ireland.

If you guys were stranded in the middle of nowhere after a show or while on tour. The help is 65 miles away from where you guys are, ¿Who would you guys send to look for help?
The person to send for help would definitely be Liz's husband Brian. He's tall and tough and would probably make it to help while fighting off wolves or worse-the townspeople! He'd come back in one piece too, probably while riding a tank. We're all safe if Brian's around.

And if while the rest wait, there's no food and the only way to feed yourself is by eating each other, ¿Who would you eat first?
Oooh, I think I'd have to become a vegetarian in that case. The lads in the backup band are all pretty skronny and can run pretty fast. It would be a waste of energy I think, lol. I'd probably consider boiling shoe leather or something for protein. If we're close to the woods or something, might go hunting even.

What are your hobbies?
When I can, I love horse back riding, kickboxing, hiking, and going to choral concerts.

Which country you guys would love to play?
I would love to go to Australia. I haven't been there yet and I have plenty of Aussie friends.

With which bands you guys would love to share stage??
Peter Gabriel, Sting, and U2!

Are you guys OK, with the direction the band is going actually?
Absolutely. I can't remember a time when I've felt more at peace and fulfilled.

Check out more:, - Vents Magazine

"Celtic Artist Teams with The Elgin Childrens Chorus"

Be a part of this magnificent March celebration as the Elgin Children’s Chorus presents “Isles of Song.” This program will feature Jenne Lennon, an international Celtic singer and songwriter, and alumna of the Chorus. Jenne has appeared on radio and television stations throughout the United States and Europe. Jenne’s recent hit single, “Bonny Portmore,” was the number one song in Scotland. Jenne will perform the traditional Celtic melodies"Carrickfergus" and "Flanders Field" as well as perform with the choirs. This concert will also feature the premiere performance of the Elgin Children's Chorus Boys Ensemble. - Crazy Kids

"Celtic Dreams, Vol. 1:Grab your Copies!"

Celtic Dreams is one exciting compilation with fresh talents you might have heard already and those you are yet to discover. It contains one song from Jenne Lennon called Anam/Spirit which displays her vocal prowess and skill in gathering atmosphere even in stripped down acoustic settings. Quickstar has goodies to share and this is one interesting album from a label that unites artists from all parts of the globe sharing one common musical culture.

Prevews and samples can be found here


Check out the Weekly Inspiration :

*** - The Celtic Music Fan

"Jenne Lennon"

You can now get a copy of the fantastic PBS show hosted by Moya Brennan. The Music of Ireland (Welcome Home) is now available exclusively at Barnes and Nobles. You can see
snippets of this video of you co to ….Jenne Lennon is in studio working on he new album.
Her moving rendition of “Bonny Portmore” is for sale at I-Tunes,, Rhapsody , and all other online stores! Download the single
that’s making all of the buzz in Scotland and the U.K.! The single is featured
on the “Going Back Home V.11” Compilation Album through Quickstar/Sony
Productions according to her website: Jenne Lennon is hard at work on a new
performance schedule for the spring and her debut solo album! Keep checking the
sites for more updates on all of Jenne’s endeavors!…Luka Bloom is one of the important international
artists to head the 20th Caribana Festival. Experience diversity and
a kind of music that pushes the limits of what’s mainstream and what’
‘alternative’…. Albums, news and interviews of Irish Balladeer Brian
Kennedy can now be seen when you go to also watch out for new up-coming autobiography!…For the
month of June, Solas has the following tour dates:
- LiveIreland

"At The Mike Stand With... Jenne Lennon"

Jenne Lennon is one of a rare breed. See, she's an Irish/Italian/American singer/songwriter (and user of most of our backslashes it would seem, doesn't she know there's a recession on?).
The Chicago-based songstrel, that's what we call singer/songwriting-type young ladies round here you see, is well-regarded in her field as being something of an expert in Celtic/World music, with some critics even referring to her as the 'Janis Joplin of Celtic music', no really, they do.
In 2009, the hard-working artist even founded her own record label, Glencoe Records (, which she intends to use as a base to promote and develop the recorded works of Celtic and World Music artists worldwide.
Her latest single, 'Bonny Portmore' is currently on sale at iTunes,, Rhapsody and most other online outlets, and is featured on the 'Going Back Home Volume 11' compilation album through Quickstar/Sony Productions.
In the midst of all this musician-type business however, she was kind enough to step aside and answer some ridiculous questions for us. Jenne, welcome to 'At The Mike Stand'.
What would you like your own tribute act to be called?

Gaelic and Garlic. I'm half Irish and half Italian.
When's the last time you laughed out loud?

About 5 seconds ago when I read your question about my tribute act!
What act would you like to have seen perform live?

I've never seen Sting or The Police live. Had the privilege of jamming with Sting once, but never had the chance to see him perform. I would also love to see Lisa Gerrard, Dead Can Dance, or Afro-Celt Soundsystem.
What team do you support?

Unfortunately, none at the moment! This year has really gotten away from me and I've found practically no time to follow sports. I used to follow The Chicago Fire and The Cubs, but I don't think I've watched The Super Bowl in years.
What period in history would you most like to have visited?

I would have to say late Medieval to early Renaissance. Joan of Arc is my favorite historical person and I am fascinated with the time that she lived in. This was also a very important time in history for music. Ancient choral music and notation was starting to form and become more uniform.
What song would you most like to have written?

Stevie Wonder's "Superstition" I could never have written anything like that. That song is not even my style, but damn! It is one hell of a song!
Who or what, would make you leave a room?

Spiders! Absolutely no exceptions! Big, small, whatever color! If I see one, I jet!
What decade rules (and why)?

The 80's, it was the decade I was born! Seriously, I hope this next decade coming will rule and prove to be the best. I think the world and America particularly has come quite far in the past couple of years. I really hope the next decade will be a special one for all of us around the world.
What cover version do you most enjoy performing?

U2's "Mysterious Ways".
What movie role would you like to have played?

Any female role in 'The Lord of The Rings'.
Have you ever been told you looked like somebody?

I'm told on a daily basis that I remind people of someone. The two women I get the most are Anne Hathaway and Norah Jones.
What's the first album you remember buying?

Oh, dear. I think I received a Wilson Philips tape on my 10th birthday! On my 11th, I bought myself a recording of Beethoven's 3rd, 7th, and 9th Symphonies.
Who's your favorite Beatle?

Most people would think it was John because we share a last name, but my favorite is Paul. I think he is an incredible songwriter even after his work with the Beatles, and to this day he has such a sweet voice that really speaks to me. He never disappoints when he performs.
What's your favorite Christmas song?

'O Holy Night'.
Who's the most rock and roll person who ever lived?

That's a tough one. My favorite rock star is Bono, but if we're talking lifestyle, I think Elvis, Janis Joplin, Mick Jagger, and Jimi Hendrix were very rock and roll.
What artist/song/genre do you secretly enjoy listening to?

I love Asteroid Galaxy Tour and Muse. I don't think anyone would expect me to say that!
Who would you most like to meet/have met?

Deceased, Joan of Arc. Living, Barack Obama.
What book can you read again and again?

'The Pillars of The Earth' (Follet).
What's the greatest album ever recorded?

Damn, that's tough! In my humble opinion, it would be the Beatles White Album and U2's "All That You Can't Leave Behind."
What artists would you most like to have played with in the band of your dreams?

That's a great question! Sting, U2, Stevie Wonder, Paul McCartney, Ella Fitzgerald, R.E.M, and Bonnie Raitt.
What do few people know about you?

I have an identical twin sister named Dani.
What sitcom character can you most identify with?

Daphne from "Frasier". She's quirky and silly, but kind-hearted like me. Though, my friends and family think I'm a balance between Rose and Dorothy from 'The Golden Girls'.
What movie can you watch over and over again?

'Stardust' and 'The Proposal'. I really like films that are innocent and fun. Those kinds of movies never get old.
Who's your favorite cartoon character?

Homer Simpson and Spongebob Squarepants.
What's the greatest place you've visited?

That's the toughest question yet! My favorite city is Vienna, but Cornwall is the most powerful place I have ever been. I cannot remember being so moved by an area's history and landscape.
What's mankind's most wonderful invention?

It's a tie between written word and flight. Two things that changed mankind forever.
What's mankind's most irritating invention?

Fax machines. I don't see the point especially with email attachments in existence. They're loud, unreliable, and you can't get through to someone on a landline if a fax is going out. That terrible screeching sound it makes over the phone pierces the brain!
Who's the funniest person who ever lived?

Without a doubt, Robin Williams.
Who's your favorite namesake?

I don't know if anyone shares my name. Mine's pretty unusual, though the root of my name is a form of Jennifer, which comes from the Welsh form of the Cornish Gwynefaar-i.e. Queen Guinevere, so let's go with Arthur's Queen Guinevere.
- The Irish Examiner

"News: Moya Brennan, Jenne Lennon, Luka Bloom, Brian Kennedy and Solas"

ou can now get a copy of the fantastic PBS show hosted by Moya Brennan. The Music of Ireland (Welcome Home) is now available exclusively at Barnes and Nobles. You can see snippets of this video of you co to ….Jenne Lennon is in studio working on he new album. Her moving rendition of “Bonny Portmore” is for sale at I-Tunes,, Rhapsody , and all other online stores! Download the single that’s making all of the buzz in Scotland and the U.K.! The single is featured on the “Going Back Home V.11” Compilation Album through Quickstar/Sony Productions according to her website: Jenne Lennon is hard at work on a new performance schedule for the spring and her debut solo album! Keep checking the sites for more updates on all of Jenne’s endeavors!…Luka Bloom is one of the important international artists to head the 20th Caribana Festival. Experience diversity and a kind of music that pushes the limits of what’s mainstream and what’ ‘alternative’…. Albums, news and interviews of Irish Balladeer Brian Kennedy can now be seen when you go to also watch out for new up-coming autobiography!…For the month of June, Solas has the following tour dates: - The Celtic Music Fan

"Jenne Lennon Shares Her Off-The-Beaten Path Musical Journey"

Jenne Lennon Shares Her Off-the-Beaten Path Musical Journey
September 21, 2009 by celticmusicfan

© Andrea Behrends. Make up by Adrianna Ghilarducci.
Jenne Lennon ( Pronounced JEHN) is our guest for today From the United States. I discovered her music around two years ago through MySpace. There is something about her voice that’s captivating and beautiful. Of course, upon realizing that she is also a talented instrumentalist and song writer,I placed her on my map. It took two years- and eventually this blog -to get me in touched with her.

Her full-bodied vocals and operatic range has endeared her to critics and earn her followers. It looks like many things are looking up for this artist after years of hard work and dedication to her craft. I personally found her responses interesting!

Jenne, before we start I want to thank you for taking time to answer these questions. It is a rare opportunity to get in touch with someone of your caliber, being a vocalist of high order.

Critics call you as the “Janis Joplin” of Celtic music due to your passionate live performances and the unusual strength and depth of your voice. How do you react to this?

I find it amusing. After all Janis was never known for her vocal quality, but rather for her stage performances. But it says to me that critics recognize and edge and unusual quality both my voice and performances. I am grateful that I can convey something different and unique within Celtic music and to be recognized for it.

You are from Chicago right? What influenced you to take the path of Celtic music ?

-Yes, born and raised. My father’s family is Irish by origin. The Lennons come from County Mayo. Celtic music was always played in our house. Everything from traditional to contemporary. Chicago also has one of the largest concentrations of Irish diaspora around the world. The city itself is run by Irish families, so throw a stick and you’ll hit an Irish cultural center, a pub, a festival, an art gallery, etc. We also have the grandest St. Patrick’s day celebration in the world. We dye our river green every year! lol. The rest of the Celtic nations are very well represented in Chicago. Especially the Scottish. So, Celtic music was everywhere. In my home and everywhere I went. I couldn’t avoid it.

You have been singing since three. Who inspired you musically as a child?

Well, my parents for starters. My mother was an amateur opera singer and my father was an enthusiast of ancient choral music. Some of my favorite artists as a child were Moya Brennan, Clannad, Lisa Gerrard, Enya, Anuna, Eine Meneghan, Sinead O’Connor, Niamh Parsons, Afro-Celt SoundSystem, Ladysmith Black Mambazo, Simon and Garfunkel, Sting, Peter Gabriel, and U2.

Jenne with Baal Tinne at Metro in Chicago for Concern and Bono's One

Do you have other siblings who are into music?

I have an identical twin sister Danielle who is an up-and coming actress/director in Los Angeles. She has a similar voice and still keeps up training, but has chosen another artistic path. Our older brother Sean works in computers, but he is fanatical about his musical tastes just like we all are. lol. Completely different from mine entirely.

You have two tracks up in your MySpace . Bonny Portmore and Open my Eyes. Can you give us the background behind these songs?

-This particular arrangement of “Bonny” was written specifically for the Going Back Home Vol. II series through Quickstar Productions. I was asked to record a traditional track and I could think of no better one. I first learned the song working with the Irish academy of music in Chicago and Noel Rice. The haunting air never left my brain and I just had to have a go at it. I arranged the song in an unusual setting, scoring the instrumental intros and breaks in 4/4 meter, while keeping the air in 3/4. I took this arrangement to my producer and my band and they worked their magic. Eric Remschneider, who has worked with the Smashing Pumpkins and the Plain White Tees, graciously added his distinct cello parts and it all came together.

“Open My Eyes” is an original song that I wrote a couple of years ago. I am a Native American rights activist and a poverty advocate, and I was particularly moved by an experience that I had had working in those fields, and poured the emotionality of the experience into the song. I sent a demo track of the song to my dear friend Sarah Class in Bristol, U.K. She liked the song so much, that she scored the orchestra parts and recorded them on top of the vocal line. We were both very happy with the outcome.

What’s the recording process when making each song?

-I typically start by presenting a piece that is fully complete and arranged to my producer, Chris Wilson and band and we rehearse for about a week or two and bring it to the studio. I like to devote a day to laying down all parts of a new track, and then a second day spent mixing with Chris and the engineer. It’s all rather organized and straight-forward. We’re recording the new single tomorrow actually, and we’ll be working with the sound engineer from Styx. It should be good fun.

© Andrea Behrends. Make up by Adrianna Ghilarducci.
Bloomington Herald calls your style as “deliciously eccentric”. What’s your reaction to this statement?

-I am delighted by this statement. Anyone who spends five minutes with me learns that I am a bit eccentric in my taste of music, clothes,food, performances, etc. This is another statement in the press that comments positively on my uniqueness and I am glad that they get it and it is well-received.

Is this a conscious or unconscious effort for you to be ’different’ in terms of your vocal style.

-As far as vocal style, initially it wasn’t intentional at all. It was after years of feedback (both negative and positive) from concerts and competitions that I realized my voice was truly different. I hadn’t noticed before then. I had just written music that satisfied my ear, my taste as a writer, and suited my voice.When I sit down to write a song, I won’t write it so that it will challenge my voice, it’s in the end of the process when a song is nearly complete, that I go back to certain sections and will add trills, lilts, or other distinct techniques that fit stylistically and artistically with what I originally had in mind; and can also reflect facets of Celtic/World style.

You have an amazing range and a beautiful timbre. Any advice to aspiring singers on the genre?

-Thank you.Yes, practice, practice, practice!!!!! Experiment with your voice and technique even in moments when you are most satisfied with your talents. Study works of the many artists in the field who have come before you. They are your greatest inspiration and your greatest resource.

Your resume says that in 2006, you are the only American singer out of 5,000 Celtic artists worldwide to be selected to perform in the Interceltique Festival in Lorient. That’s quite a feat!

-Indeed, it was. I can hardly believe it myself sometimes. I was virtually unknown as a Celtic singer at that time, and to be added to the line-up two weeks before the start of the festival no less-was quite an honor and a defining moment in my career. I look back on that time as one of the best times of my life.

What’s the best thing about doing what you do now?

-The people I have the fortune to meet and work with. I’ve met and worked with many of the artists that have inspired me and am in talks to collaborate with others in the future. And it’s not just the Celtic artists themselves, it’s the back-up musicians I work with, the producers, and the lovely fans who are not shy about sharing their thoughts about my music.

What’s the downside?

-The only downside I can think of right now is the internal pressures I place upon myself sometimes. To be recognized for being unique and sort of groundbreaking does not come without its pressures. In weak moments I tend to push myself a little too hard musically, physically. But, I’m learning balance and to focus on being creative, not different.

Jenne, today you are still recognized as the lucky student who got to jam along with Sting on an episode of MTV’s Stand In (April,2004). You played Native American flute to Every Breathe You Take. The episode continues to re-air on MTV late at night.( For footage of the episode, check out or locate the clip at How did it feel at that time?

-I was shocked. I didn’t really have the time to digest what was happening. We were all just so excited (ironically, we were all Sting fans). I remember being giddy with excitement, but when he pointed to me and said ‘flute solo”, I think my exact thought at the time was “oh, s**t. ” lol.

Were you able to talk to Sting after ?

-Unfortunately, no. Would have loved to. We all would have. But, we were able to ask loads of questions that weren’t aired. He had a concert and took off immediately.

Sting at UIC during MTV's "Stand In"
You have been to different parts of the world and performed with great musicians. What did you learn from all these?

-That to be a musician is truly a gift. To have the courage and the stamina to pursue a lifestyle that is off-the-beaten path, to satisfy a personal need to create and to be fulfilled is a gift.

When you are up there singing, surrounded by these wonderful musicians and watched by many; how does it feel?

-Strangely, intimate. Though there are many in the room, it feels like only a few. It’s one of the few moments I have to express myself purely, and openly, without question or pause. To be truly Jenne, uninhibited for a little bit, is a freeing experience. I also feel an immense sense of gratitude to be onstage with such wonderful musicians and to be appreciated by lovely guests. There is nothing better than that.

What are your current projects? Upcoming ones?

Well, we are recording the new single for “Celtic Dreams” through Quickstar productions. I am in production for my debut album, that we will start recording in the New Year. I’ve launched and indie record label, Glencoe records, and am working on many concerts and festivals for 2010.

Is there an official website that fans can check updates?


When can we expect a full length album from you?

-I’m hoping no later than the summer of 2010.

If you were to promote another artist other than yourself who would it be?

Lisa Gerrard, Moya Brennan, and Afro-Celt SoundSystem.

When not teaching or doing music, what’s your usual routine?

-Working on the label, or I love kick-boxing, horse-back riding, cooking, and working with the Native Americans.

Once again thank you Jenne for taking this time with us.

My pleasure. Thank you for your interest.

- The Celtic Music Fan

"Sting Surprises Music Students"

Sting Surprises College Music Students
By Stephen M. Silverman
Originally posted Wednesday April 20, 2005 09:00 AM EDT
Photo by: Kevin Mazur / Wireimage

Sting, who once taught school, reverted to his old profession in Chicago this week, serving as a surprise musical mentor to a group of college students.

The British rocker, 53 – accompanied by MTV cameras – popped through a side door into a music composition class at the University of Illinois at Chicago to speak and jam with the class on Monday, Reuters reports.

Student reaction? Cheers. (The kids had only been told they would be filmed for a university promotional video.)

He started by playing the Police hit "Message In A Bottle." Sting played an electric bass, accompanied by two acoustic guitars and a shaker.

Later fielding questions from his educated audience, Sting also confided: "A blank page terrifies me, that's why I tour so much" and. "The more I figure out about music, the more I realize I haven't a clue."

He advised the students not to sweat the details and to keep playing music as a way to nourish the soul. "We're not building cathedrals of sound here, we're building sheds," he said.

"It was amazing," said junior Jenne Lennon, after Sting asked her to play a solo on her Native American flute during an extended jam session of his biggest hit, "Every Breath You Take." "Opportunities like that come only once in a lifetime, and I'm completely shocked."


Going Back Home V. 11, Quickstar/Sony Productions

Celtic Dreams, Quickstar/Sony Productions (in production)

If The Spirit Moves You, Glencoe Records Summer 2010



This young singer songwriter has been described as "A Spectacle," La Telegramme (France), "A Brilliant Singer," Chicago Celtic Fest, "Deliciously Eccentric," Bloomington Herald (Illinois), and "A Haunted Beauty," Chicago Tribune. Critics have donned Jenne "The Janis Joplin of Celtic Music" for her passionate live performances and the unusual strength and depth of her voice. Jenne has performed allover the United States and Europe with some of the top names in World and Celtic music, including Rna, Eine Meneghan, Catherine O'Connell, John Williams, Jimmy Moore, Baal Tinne, The Academy of Irish Music and many more. She has appeared on radio and television stations in Chicago, Boston, Canada, France, Newfoundland, and the United Kingdom. In July of 2006, Jenne opened the coveted Chant du Femmes concert at the Lorient Interceltique Festivval in Lorient, France. Jenne was the only American singer out of thousands of Celtic artists to perform at the festival that year. Jenne received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Music from the University of Illinois at Chicago in May of 2006. There, she worked with top names in international music, including Dr. Mary Goetze of the International Vocal Ensemble (Indiana University) and creator of Global Voices; Dr. Michael J. Anderson of the International Federation for Choral Music; and African composer Sheesby Matiure. When Jenne is not performing, she serves as a clinician, helping academic and professional ensembles allover the United States to develop an accurate performance of Celtic music in their programs. Jenne is also a skilled Native American flute player and appeared in an episode of MTV' s Stand In performing with Sting. She is also an active advocate and fundraiser for the Lakota Native American Tribe of South Dakota In addition, she has performed benefit concerts for both the Concern and One Charitable organizations, to raise awareness and funds for poverty and AIDs throughout the world. Jenne is currently hard at work on her debut album out in Spring/Summer 2010 through Glencoe Records, Jenne's Indie Record Label. All album and performance news can be found at