J.D. King
Los Angeles, California, United States
http://www.zeegig.com/live-music-venue/house-of-blues-san-diego/concert-review/jd-king/3667.aspx - Zee Gig
http://www.expressmilwaukee.com/article-3077-jd-king.html - Express Milwaukee
http://jdkingmusic.blogspot.com/2009/08/album-review.html - Fit Parent Magazine
Here's J.D. King! (2008)
J.D. King is a definitive testament of a force recapturing the good old fashion way music was made and produced. Mixed with his own thoughtful, lovingly directed material he can embody the past as well as the present with an effortless and timeless manner. Whether using his acoustic guitar or his live hot lickin' country rock three-peice he'll capture the crowd with his "sweet country honey vocals" or "force-to-be-reckoned-with guitar picking". Reaching into his bag of songs, he'll keep a crowd tuned-in and entertained all the night with hand picked standards or fresh signatures from his own pen. You may have heard his beloved, self-penned "Two Six Packs A Day" on the radio, caught one of his shows opening for Pete Yorn during his extensive summer tour in 09', or read a review or two of his latest album or gig. Watch for this "New Star" on the rise. Truly J.D. is "a sight to behold".