Jamison Drew
Tampa, Florida, United States | SELF
This band has no press
Still working on that hot first release.

His resonating voice and inventive songwriting break down the preconceived notion of what a typical R&B/Soul singer should be. Jamison’s smooth baritone voice superbly captures the emotions behind his lyrics with the intention of inspiring the listener. “I'm all about joy, spreading it and seeking it. If my music genuinely improves someone's mood for a couple minutes, I've accomplished my goal. A person in a positive state of mind is a force to be reckoned with. I would love it if my music assisted in creating that state of mind.”
Jamison’s versatility innately creates a new blend of his favorite genres and as a result, places him in a category all by himself. Even though he is influenced by blues, folk, funk, soul and even country; hip-hop is always there as the most powerful muse which is why, there are often elements of hip-hop floating just beneath the surface of every project, “I sing R&B, but I do it with a hip-hop heart.”
His passion for doing what he loves is evident in every song, always keeping in mind how his lyrics and voice mutually create a purposeful result that goes beyond simply making “catchy” club tracks. “I relate my love about singing and songwriting very closely with dance. The lyrics being the steps, matched with the voice, the movement. Both sides must do their part or there will be little gained from the endeavor. Picture a great routine danced poorly, or a beautiful and poignant song sung badly. It will be lost to the world. The lead (the lyrics) acts as the foundation for the dance. Without it there can be no other. But, it is the flowing movement of the partner that usually garners the most attention. It is up to the singing to translate the lyrics effectively and pass on their message to the listener, just as it is the duty of the dancers to add feeling and focus to the steps.”
Born in Cleveland, Ohio, the city’s cultural diversity played a major role in exposing him at an early age to a wide variety of music. As a child his home was filled with all types of music from the Beatles to opera, courtesy of his stepfather, as well as folk singers and songwriters like James Taylor and Carol King. Due to the fact that his friends primarily listened to hip-hop, he quickly discovered the album the “Great Adventures of Slick Rick” and it was then that his love of hip-hop truly began.
In his teenage years he spent time in choirs and collaborated with other singers solely for fun. Before long a regular group of producers, rappers and singers had banded together to create a very talented crew. They put out a mixtape but the lack of vision and direction led the members in different directions. He then began singing around his house and creating his own song ideas. His first recorded song idea as an individual artist was, “My Version of the Blues”.
After high school, Jamison moved to Queens, New York to pursue a work opportunity, as well as work on his music. He spent time in home studios throughout Queens, Brooklyn and the Bronx collaborating with other like minded musicians and was able to assist in a few projects. Working with experienced producers allowed him to sharpen his skills and to grow musically.
Several years later Jamison moved to Tampa, FL and made the decision to work on his music full-time. “The moment I understood that it was only a matter of choice, is the moment I knew I wanted to pursue my dream.” He eventually met the respected producers at Short Circuit studios and together they began creating a fresh sound while paying homage to their own favorite artists.
In December of 2011, Jamison’s debut single, Lullaby was released. “It's an anthem for the "good" man. Like a "good" woman, a man must be able to provide equal amounts of physical satisfaction as well as emotional support. This track speaks to both sides of the relationship.”
And there’s definitely more to come in 2012 as he is working in the studio on finishing several more tracks. “This is only the beginning, expect big things!”