Jaclyn Dima
New York City, New York, United States | SELF
Jaclyn Dima will be performing at Lilly Coogans in NYC on Sunday, December 6 at 8 pm, at the release party for her new album, The Fall of Finding You.
Classically trained singer/songwriter Jaclyn Dima fuses blues, folk, and rock to create a soulfully unique style of her own. Her influences range from revolutionaries of the 60s to modern day funk. Currently you can catch her some nights at Banjo Jim’s or the famous Bitter End.
Lilly Coogans, 102 First Avenue at 6th Street, New York; Performance Dec 6th at 8:00pm; no cover.
lynn wood
December 5, 2009 at 9:58 am
I have heard this beautiful artist in NY. Jaclyn is warm, wonderful and talented. She is a wonderful lyricist and her music reaches onto your soul. Expect to see and hear more of her. She is a rising star. We will be there!
December 7, 2009 at 7:11 am
I saw Jaclyn perform at Lilly Coogans in Manhattan last night . . . she was fantastic! I understand she’ll be performing in Maplewood soon . . . can’t wait. - Maplewood Muse
Jaclyn Dima is a classically trained young singer/ songwriter from Cincinnati who has spent the last two years regaling NYC audiences with her bluesy anthems at mainstays like the famous Bitter End and Banjo Jims. For her debut LP, The Fall Of Finding You (Freshbyte Records), Dima fuses funky rock riffs with folksy freestyle rhythms and deep vocals. You bop your head to the woven melodies while imbibing the forceful and always personal lyrics.
On the track "Rusty," the songstress warns us not to confuse "lust" with "trust"—of course she's referring to her own feelings. Her vocals are guttural and sultry. The hard-hitting, punchy acoustics are perfect accompaniment. For "Love of My Life," Dima evokes a Pink Floyd howling intro and descends into a classic rock love tale complete with psychedelic guitar solos and surreal lyrics.
Both songs are available for a free listen at Dima's website www.jaclyndima.com along with pictures and upcoming performance dates.
For the rest of The Fall Of Finding You, listeners can be on the lookout at iTunes where all the tracks are tentatively being released in the coming months. Dima's album release party in NYC is slated to take place in the next few weeks. The venue is TBA.
URL = http://www.prlog.org/10318968-young-singer-songwriter-slated-to-make-her-nyc-debut.html
TITLE = Young Singer/ Songwriter Slated To Make Her NYC Debut
- prlog.org
Classically trained singer/songwriter Jaclyn Dima is an up & coming talent to be on the lookout for in the future. Dima, who's style could be described as a little bit of jazz mixed with a little blues and a little folk, just released her debut album The Fall of Finding You this past December.
After attending Indiana University's School of Music, Dima started pursuing a career in music, performing at a number of venues in her native Cincinnati before taking the plunge and finally moving to New York City. Following the dreams of thousands of other talented twenty-somethings hoping for their big break, Dima is a step ahead of the pack, having already released an album. Now with occasional gigs at Banjo Jim's and the Bitter End, Dima is ready for her big break.
Her album, produced by Hank Woods and released on Freshbyte Records, is a true testament to this girl's talent and strong ambition. The album starts out with the jazzy/bluesy number, "Burn Me" which pulsates with attitude. "Rusty," which also features Dima on backing vocals, creates beautiful harmonies as it floats along. "Love of My Life" really showcases Dima's strong vocals while "On One Knee" shows off her fun and playful side. An album highlight for me is most definitely the beautiful "Pardon Me," where a haunting melody and emotional lyrics come together to create a truly stunning piece of music. Another favorite track is "Back Me Up," a fun up-tempo pop/rock jam, with a driving beat and hard hitting vocals.
The Fall of Finding You is a fabulous debut from this beautiful, young talent, and while the majority of the album tracks feel a bit too folky to receive any airplay on mainstream U.S. radio, Dima has the potential to go far. I look forward to hearing more of what she has to offer.
Favorite Tracks: "Pardon Me," "Back Me Up," "Tattoo," "The Fall Of Finding You," "Rusty" - http://musicallyinclinedfool.blogspot.com/2010/02/jaclyn-dima-beautiful-start-to.html
On One Knee

A native of Cincinnati, Jaclyn grew up in a musical family, resulting in early exposure to the fundamentals of jazz, piano, and music theory. After years of classical training, Jaclyn continued her vocal studies at the Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University in Bloomington. There, she spent a great amount of time on the 4th floor of the music building in Singing Hoosiers, a renowned choir in the midwest, and training to be a professional coloratura soprano. When she wasnt partaking in regular school studies and activities, Jaclyn was writing her own original music in the comfort of her own home. Through this time is when she realized her calling in life was a bit funkier than the operatic arias she had been perfecting for years. After graduating from Indiana, Jaclyn dropped classical music almost entirely and began writing and experimenting with original music full time.
Singer/songwriter Jaclyn Dima fuses blues, folk, and rock to create a soulfully unique style of her own. Her influences range from revolutionaries of the 60's to modern day pop, rock, and funk. After graduation, Jaclyn performed at a number of venues throughout Cincinnati before packing up and moving to New York City. She has performed at Banjo Jims, Bitter End, Rockwood Music Hall and Arlenes Grocery to name a few. She credits her creative success to an amazing community of musicians, helpful friends/ family, cheap beer, coffee, and central park.
Jaclyn resides in Manhattan where she released her debut album, The Fall of Finding You on December 6th 2009 with her producer and good friend, Hank Woods. Today, the band that has been playing Jaclyn's music is building and the music is evolving beautifully. Be ready to rock out with the new music coming your way!
Jaclyn Dima