Six years between albums is barely acceptable for established acts. For those that haven't left the dark recesses of the underground, it's damn near an eternity. I mean, why bother? Everyone's moved on to something else, right?
If that's true, then let's just treat Iron Giant's Creator of Scars as the debut album by a brand new group, not the follow-up to an album that came out over half a decade ago (and, to be honest, one that wasn't all that distinguished to begin with). The band falls decidedly in the 'riff rock' category, with the most obvious influence coming from Deliverance and onward Corrosion of Conformity. But in spite of the genre and band familiarity, Iron Giant makes Creator of Scars their own. They've got some real strong tracks, such as the anthemic title track, the Motorhead thrash of Blind by Midnight, and the booze fueled destruction of 'Flip the Switch. Other songs, such as Fuel on the Fire and Everytime sound like what America's Volume Dealer could have/should have been hard driving rock that puts the emphasis on groove.
Simply put, this one's too good to allow it to fall through the cracks. Let's hope there's not another six years before the next album. Recommended. - StonerRock.com
A long six years have passed since Moncton's Iron Giant released their debut record. And although some of these songs have been posted on the group's Myspace page for months now, fans have clearly been clamouring for more from the Giant and that time has finally arrived. From the word "go", the group lays down dirty, heavy riffs sure to please the most ardent metal or stoner rock fan. The Giant has always straddled the boundaries of both of these genres (in my opinion) and continue their take no prisoners approach on Creator of Scars. Highlights include the hard-hitting Black Hides The Sun, the COC-worthy title track as well as the sludgy Sabbath drawl of Nothin Means Nothin To Lose.
I doubt a better-crafted record will emerge from Moncton this year. Iron Giant is best appreciated live, but Creator of Scars should hold you over nicely until you can see the band up close and personal for yourself. Check this out. - HERE N.B.
From the opening title track Iron Giant has me hooked. Their mighty music moves enough meat, muscle, and testosterone to live up to the moniker they have chosen to take on the world. Their rude rubicund rouse should be a wake up call for those of you who think you know the rock but have not proven it as your destiny. The Dionysian drive is so there that it causes one to start playing air guitar immediately. The riffs are as big and bad as the best MONSTER MAGNET has to offer. Maybe it’s the weed I’m smoking today (a tiny bowl of reg I bummed from a friend) or the fact that MUDHONEY is playing, what appears to be, their first show in South Florida tonight since the 90’s I suppose. Today I got the rock and can’t be stopped.
Although Chris Lewis' range vocally is not anything to write home about, his attitude and strength more than makes up for it. He hits and holds longer notes when the time calls for them with solid tone and timber. He also has the balls to print all his lyrics (most of which are pretty damn good). Derek Robichaud’s moving Marshall madness is so friggin’ thick that it’s hard to believe he does not completely drown out bassist PJ Dunphy’s solid suction of all things low end. And how can PJ go wrong with Jon Flanagan’s flails that fuse his tight twenty-two action with double duty pedal to the metal? Actually the double kick drum sounds as much rock as it does metal. It’s as if Jon fully understands the TOMMY ALDRIDGE approach to two bassers when it comes to rock. Most drummers turn your rock into metal whether you want it or not when the double kick commences. I hope the drummer named Jon that my band is trying out next week plays like this. I gotta keep those fingers crossed.
The sheer power of “Creator Of Scars� is so that it is easy to overlook it’s slight missteps. The twelve tunes in 38 minutes would weaken if even a song or two were added. This could be a concern if the band were to play live for over an hour. What would make it work better would be to stretch out the jams a little further with more guitar solos or some more powerful extended middle sections with more group improv and what not. These guys got the meat and potatoes in spades. There could be just a little more spice sprinkled. If two to four of these three and a half minute monsters of mayhem were stretched outwards to six minutes with some this (and some of that), you can sure fire bet that there will be absolutely no dissent what-so-fucking-ever from the DMD camp. Shit, there hardly is any of that in the first place. - PeaceDogMan.com
Though they may not be known too well in the United States, Canada’s Iron Giant have made quite a big name for themselves throughout the eastern part of the country. After some lineup changes and a near six year gap since their debut album, the group is back with Creator of Scars and is sure to impress hard rock/rock ‘n roll fans everywhere. Iron Giant may not be the most complex, but as far as hard hitting, ass kicking rock ‘n roll goes they are certainly near the top.
Right from the start, the riffs on Iron Giant’s sophomore album are sure to draw comparisons to both Motorhead and Corrosion of Conformity (and for a more recent example, Valient Thorr). But unlike Corrosion of Conformity, this band only has one guitarist. However, guitarist Derek Robichaud is able to create noisy enough riffs that could rival bands with two players. A few of the songs on this album do admittedly sound a little similar to one another, but as a whole Iron Giant offers up great groove based hard rock that is sure to please listeners from far and wide. The tempos typically range between fast and mid range (definitely closer to COC than Motorhead if you want to go by comparison), and this is yet another band that has shown that simple can sometimes be better.
As one might expect from a band of this type, Iron Giant’s vocalist sings in a gruff style that matches the nature of the instrumentals. While Chris Lewis does a competent job fronting this group, he is admittedly not my favorite vocalist on the market for this style. The reason for this is that from time to time his voice sounds a little shaky, and although he never becomes unlikable these minor shifts are noticeable to the listener. But as a whole, his gruff singing fits the band like a glove.
Creator of Scars ultimately has minor flaws, but nothing that holds it back from being a great release for fans of the genre. Fans have been eagerly anticipating this one, and these individuals will be extremely happy to learn that after six years Iron Giant has come back better than before. Hopefully this release will also help them to gain further US exposure, as this Canadian band could easily rival many of the hard rock/rock ‘n roll bands to have come from the United States in recent years.
-Chris Dahlberg
June 08, 2008 - Cosmos Gaming
East coast white-powerhouses iron Giant are a patient bunch of boozehounds. Only Axl Rose is more determined to take fucking forever to put out an album. Yet with the confident assault on sophomore effort Creator of Scars, waiting over half a decade for 11 songs seems understandable. Crisp, yet full of low, chunky guitar/bass lines, wailing vocals and hammering drums, the thick rumble of 'Fuel On The Fire," "I Bleed" and "One Million Times" comes blasting forth with the realization that the elongated wait was worthwhile. Lumbering and beastly, the Giant's groove-laden metal draws influence from Corrosion of Conformity, Motorhead and Clutch, yet contains enough of their own convictions. Passionate and dynamic, motivated and roaring, Creator of Scars is like a fully-loaded semi uncontrollably barreling down the highway at a puny Toyota. You can imagine what happens when said transport finally connects. (Diminished Fifth, http://www.diminishedfifthrecords.com)
-Keith Carman - Exclaim! Magazine
Creator of Scars (2008 - Diminished Fifth Records)
No Longer Sleeping (2002 - 12th Planet Records)

WINNER of the 2009 East Coast Music Award: 'Loud Recording of the Year'
IRON GIANT IS A MACHINE.......a crushing, relentless, bulldozer of a band. The intensity of their live show is as legendary as their off-stage insanity, and, unlike most, you should believe the bullshit. With down tuned fury and blue collar frustration, they plan to show you that they fight, and bleed, for what they believe in and few can match their blood and piss conviction while doing so. Iron Giant's, Sabbath meets Motorhead monstrosity is the heaviest of the "Rock" with enough ball-rumbling groove to get the whole room going.
This is NO CLASS, HEAVY ASS, WHITE TRASH, ROCK-N-ROLL! In times of cookie cutter rock, and here today/gone today stars, Iron Giant isn't a breath of fresh air... It's a booze soaked fist in the face! Tried, tested and all too true, this is the good shit that'll never get old.
Sponsored by Jagermeister Music Canada and with the East Coast's only Heavy Metal label, Diminished Fifth Records, behind them Iron Giant is an unstoppable force.
FOR FANS OF: Motorhead, Black Sabbath, Goatsnake, Clutch, Corrosion of Conformity and The Sword