The Syncope Threshold brings together the best elements of metal, punk, and hardcore music into an interesting mix that they surely brand as their own. You'd think it would be a strange mix, but these guys pull it off, and have created something worth listening to. If their live performances have half the energy of their recordings, fans are in for a real kick-ass experience. - Editors Pick
Following up their debut EP, End Of The Beginning, The Syncope Threshold are releasing their first full length, Tale of the Complex Circuit. This album sports not only a better producer (which was my basic qualm with the EP), but also some deviations upon the style they laid out, while further advancing the frenetic metal that was prevalent on the EP.
Their ultra-tight guitarists are the first really noticeable thing about the album. It opens up with a fast, pummeling riff that's punctuated by quick technical work, and it's a sign of what's to come throughout. The solos in the first track are fantastic, as they are throughout the album. Guitarists like these, of course, instantly draw comparisons to Protest the Hero and their like. The comparison isn't too far off as far as this section goes, though the guitarists do tend to have a bit of a different flair to them than those of Protest the Hero.
The vocals are pretty evenly mixed up, though they can take on a few different faces. The growls are powerful, and the clean vocals have taken on a different form since the EP, and they're preferable to the growls in many places. The delivery is what really gives them life, and in many places the vocalist utilizes some pretty interesting ways of getting the lyrics out there. This is one place where I'm pretty much forced to point out the similarity to Protest the Hero. The way that their vocalist sings, in many places, sounds eerily similar to Rody Walker. Their voices aren't quite the same, but they both have that kind of soaring clean vocal delivery in many places and there are quite a few mechanics the vocalist uses in his delivery that remind me of something straight off of Protest the Hero's Kezia. I have to mention the song "Speak Now Or Forever Hold Your Peace" where, in the first verse, his showman-esque delivery dominates the arrangement and makes it one of the most memorable tracks of the album. He also shows off his vocals in the next-to-last track, "Alone in the Addict," where he delivers the lines "Can anyone hear me, or has my voice been used up/ I can't stop the bleeding, I can't fix what I f***ed up" in what sounds like an intentionally shaky falsetto, once again to great effect.
The album's styling is what really sets it apart from their EP. In some places, they still shred away and tear it up with the best of them, but there are many places where it seems more subdued and mixed up (which isn't a bad thing). It's actually pretty interesting, in some places it can seem purely chaotic and heavy, and in others they can lift the music up and out to where it's more subdued and even catchy. In an album full of vicious riffs and throttling vocals, it's a welcome respite to get a little bit of a break every now and then in the form of tracks that rely more on clean vocals compared to those dominated by the vocalist's growling. The songs that really strike me this way are "Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace" and "I, Harlequin: Our Unfolding." While these make up a small part of the album, they're some of my favorite tracks. Inversely, the band can also make quite an impression when they're full-on heavy, most notably in "The Chonchoid of Truth... In Blood," which opens with a straight-up vicious and technical riff and some powerful screaming.
With their blazing-fast guitarists, tight vocal arrangements, and what seems like an utter disregard for anyone's opinion, The Syncope Threshold are going to make quite an impression with Tale of the Complex Circuit. They've added just the right amount of change into their sound, while still furthering those factors that made the EP great to create an album that hits with that same ferocity, yet has a factor that makes it much more accessible and entertaining. Tale of the Complex Circuit, overall, is an extremely tight listen throughout. If you're a fan of heavier music, and can appreciate the level of skill that it took the members of this band to craft this album, then it's definitely not one you're going to want to miss.
- Klatzke
"The Syncope Threshold is audio bliss, with the punk roots we all love and the epic side we all crave, a very refreshing mix of style in this time of cookie cutter bands!" - Matt Janse
"The Syncope Threshold is perhaps one of the most surprising bands to appear on the California punk/hardcore scene as of late, and have instantly become a notable group amongst a sea of other new comers trying to capitalize on previous bands sound and style. Stumbling upon this band almost by accident while dredging through the seas of myspace.com's newer artists, The Syncope Threshold is easily recognizable by lead singer Joe Garcia's nicely blended mix of beautifully clean vocals and gritty , down to business roaring. Combined with the attack of twin lead guitars and a powerfully solid drum and bass section, this band certainly has something for any rock n' roll fan that appreciates talented musicians, great song writing ability, and an overall rawkus approach towards live shows. It's a rarity to find a band that is carving out their own style of music these days, and for such a band to be humble and gracious about their abilities is almost unprecendented. That said, if you enjoy fast-paced, in-your-face music with scathing guitar riffs and great vocals, The Syncope Threshold is a band you certainly wont want to miss out on." - Aaron G lead myspace music support
When I think of the mainstream excuse for punk-metal bands these days, I think of major labels, sellouts and guys that spend more time on their hair than my girlfriend. In my opinion the meaning of punk is lost, only held together by bands that still fear and loathe dictation of major label bigwigs. But hey, thats what punk has always been about, and lets face it, no band will ever do what the Ramones, The Clash, or the Sex Pistols did for punk rock. People learn new things everyday, and after hearing The Syncope Threshold for the first time, I may have too.
The quintet out of La Verne, California list themselves as a punk band but can hardly be classified as just that. If Genre cataloging were up to me The Syncope Threshold could quite possibly be in its own catagory. Many of their influences are clearly grounded in metal, hardcore,screamo, and alt rock, but they add a twist of originality you dont see too often these days. The vocals of front man Joe Garcia resemble those of Panic At The Disco's Brendon Urie (don't worry its a good thing) which ironically flows very nicely with the aggressiveness of TST's music.
The wide spread talent in TST is virtually gapless, uncommon in a lot of bands of late. From the technical drumming of Mike Tole, to the up-rooting bass of brother Ron, matched by the guitar masterminds of Tommy Borboa and Ryan Cano, TST continues to grow and surprise audiences everywhere.
While on the road to possible greatness, The Syncope Threshold have shared the stage with bands like Killswitch Engage, Coheed and Cambria, Paramore, Bad Relgion and Pennywise. Look for TST's debut full-length, "Tale of the Complex Circuit", due out in November on Razorheart Records.
Check out The Syncope Threshold at myspace.com/tstband and feast your ears on "A faceless Enemy" and "Translucent". - Sidehatch Entertainment/Andrew Mclellan
When Pressing play on Tale of the Complex Circuit, opening track "prelude" emerges with a sense of symphonic grandeur that instantly brings the epic stylings of Coheed and Cambria to mind, but as soon as "Definitive Behavior" erupts, it seems that Between the Buried and Me has turned up to piss in this punch bowl. For the most part, Tale of the Complex Circuit finds a middle ground between these two bands, creating a progged out technical racket that seethes with visceral metallic violence, moves gracefully across layers of intricately woven instrumentation, and surges skyward propelled by gigantic melodies that explode gloriously in the air. It is within the melodies that the California five piece truly excels, making all of their hooks seem effortlessly simple and mind-bendingly complex at the same time. This is not complexity for complexity's sake, the frantic guitar fretwork always fitting the song. The riffs are good too, in some places sounding almost like a Guns N Roses throwaway, in others reminiscent of prime Bad Religion while some would probably make Slayer proud, creating a diverse attack that threatens to go 10 thrilling directions at any given point. This adds up to a record that is catchy, inventive, and exhilarating. What more can you ask for? - dan slessor
This is the first full-length release from up and coming band, The Syncope Threshold. Tale of the Complex Circuit throws many influences into their music making a quite original sound. This album explores the music of metal, punk and progressive. The guitar work is phenomenal, one thing to mention is the incredible sweeps and catchy riffs. You can hear inspiration from technical bands such as Protest the Hero, The Human Abstract, along with other non-technical music influences as well. The instruments fit together nicely without the overpowering of the distortion on guitar or blaring of the drums. Tale of the Complex Circuit has an overall happy sound too it, although it still has range. You can go from a very punk sounding song like 'The Day I Died (Immunization)', to a very slow clean intro in 'Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace'. Tale of the Complex Circuit is a blend of all things good. // 9
Lyrics and Singing: The vocals in Tale of the Complex Circuit are outstanding. Vocalist, Joe Garcia, can go from a growl to a strong falcetto proving the range and talent of his abilities. Throughout the album you will hear vocal sections that remind you of some other vocalists. Such as when he screams, it can sound a bit like Randy from Lamb of God. And at certain parts when he uses the falcetto, he can sound like Claudio from Coheed and Cambria. In The Syncope Threshold's first e.p. 'End of the Beginning', he proved very strong and on Tale of the Complex Circuit he proves even stronger. The vocals also blend great with instruments and it's incredible to believe that he can keep up with them and make it sound amazing. // 9
Impression: Tale of the Complex Circuit blows bands out of the water that have been around for years and have released many albums. The creativity and talent in the instruments and vocals, aswell as musicianship wise shows very well in this album. Some songs that are my personal favourite in this album are: Definite Behavior, I, Harlequin: Dissolution, and Sunflower Avenue. If you are a fan of Protest the Hero, The Human Abstract, Coheed and Cambria, technical music or not; you will most likely enjoy this album. Even if you aren't a fan of any those bands, I would recommend giving a listen to The Syncope Threshold just to see the talent within this band. With their sound, creativity, musicianship and talent, this band can go very far and be very big. // 9 - ultimate guitar
EP- "End of the Beginning" 07'
LP-"Tales of the Complex Circuit" released 5/26/09 on Razorheart Records
*recorded as "The Syncope Threshold"

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