Insects vs Robots
Los Angeles, California, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2014
Insects vs Robots @ DEL MONTE SPEAKEASY Venice, CA
L.A.'s Insects vs. Robots have a new self-titled album just barely out, and they manage to cram a million different things into only six songs. An adjective like "folkapsychecanyondelic" probably is going to break the spell check and flummox the copy editor, but there's just no other word for it. Like Love, or the United States of America in the '60s, or Olivia Tremor Control or Neutral Milk Hotel in the '90s reincarnation of the '60s, Insects vs. Robots are about possibilities. That's why they can wrap a lyric like "please, fuck off" in lovely strings and make it sound so sweet. That's how they make their old-timey stringed instruments sound so cosmically futuristic, too. (And that's also why their electric guitar solos shred.) This is heady stuff, in all senses of the word. — Chris Ziegler - LA Weekly
Geryl and the Great Homunculus (2009)
Tales From the Blue House (2011)
Insects vs Robots (2013)

Venice Beach California's Insects vs Robots have been carving out an experimental and
boundaryless musical vision since 2008. Known for their high energy live shows and
unique visual universe, IvR combined forces with producer/engineer Matt "Linny"
Linesch (Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros) in the summer of 2013 to record their
most evolved album to date. Insects vs Robots recently performed at the annual Farm
Aid concert and the 27th Annual Bridge School Benefit as well as touring in Texas, New
York and California.
Members of IVR also owned and operated the Los Angeles music venue "The Cozy Castle" from 2009 until 2011
"IVR is a psychotropicturesque quasi-nomadic music tribe roaming the jungles of Los Angeles. They employ violin, charango, guitar, drums, bass, voice, harp, banjo, kazoo, harmonium, saran wrap, sitar, megaphone, and other sonic confibulations to weave landscapes of otherworldly, folksy, and volcanic rock music. Their performance causes audiences to enter a state of frenzied joyous dancing, leaping, frothing, singing, moshing, and bewilderment. Having entered into their world, I have peered into the strange polyphonic canyons of their realm, and have no choice but to remain and chronicle their journey. I will not be returning to civilization."
From the recovered Field Notebook of missing Anthropologist Dr. Theophrastus Bombastus III.
Milo Gonzalez
Tony Peluso
Micah Nelson
Jeff Smith
Nikita Sorokin
Band Members