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"Caught Up"
"Boys in da Hood"
"The me Nobody Knows"

India knew what love, pain, struggle and "feel good music" sounded like since the time she was 8 and listening to hip hop and R&B gurus like Digable Planets, Al Green and Marvin Gaye--- all the way up until her recent years observing artists like Amy Winehouse and Stevie Wonder. The product of her past, present, and future; India’s twist on R&B, hip hop, jazz, alternative, soul and pop music gives her an impervious edge which many suggest is unparallel.
India naturally experiences and experiments with life without limits. With her outspoken and unforgiving approach to music, lyrics, melody and the world in general; India has never been afraid to speak exactly what she’s feeling…and reproduce literal thoughts into song. Her raspy yet clear, intriguing and signature sound is what gets consumers every time! A sexy, soulful, sassy, curvy and petite five foot one woman giving so much energy while preaching the gospel of love, happiness, realism and pain gives her an outstanding and remarkable beauty. She allows the audience to suffer her pain and enjoy her anticipation. Whether it be the raunchy yet ear edible lyrics from her recent single, ‘Boys In da Hood,’ or the soft and charming tunes of ‘Caught up,’ India is sure to highlight on all aspects of life and speak out the silent thoughts individuals have trouble saying!
Growing up on the dull streets of Penn Hills, a small divisional suburb right outside of Pittsburgh PA, India felt obligated to get out of the small town and be heard, inspired, informed and discovered. Her life was somewhat rough; she didn’t have much (financially) and is the product of a broken home. Always over the top and extra determined, India pushed the envelope of what she describes as Pittsburgh’s ‘fuck it’ mentality. At twelve she began studying music and learning songs. Her peers were fascinated at how fast she learned music and lyrics. It usually took her one listen to learn most or all the words of her favorite tunes. By the age of 14 she discovered her passion and began writing music while maintaining a full time job. At 17, after mastering several customer service/ hospitality positions and saving money, she owned her first vehicle and began collaborating with local rappers. Years later, she had her own apartment, car, and was a junior at Howard University studying Theatre Arts and Music. Her writing kept her happy and alive. Very much an English geek with a musical heart, India excelled in advanced college English courses and applied her concepts of story telling to music. After studying musical theatre with some of the most talented directors at Howard University, India turned her lyrics and melodies into hip hop, r&b, alternative and soul musicals.
Her years at Howard University gave her just what she asked for; a keen ear for good music, an intensive 4 years of training in performing arts and pertinent information about the entertainment business. Her education has also given her the tools she needs to successfully and intelligently make decisions as an independent artist. Her independent and charming demeanor has won over numerous hearts. “I love music, but I also feel it is my duty to get educated as much as I can,” she would express to her confidants. “I want to be different from the old bunch, and show the new culture that it is ok to be different,” she says.
Similar to her hip-hop/rap super-hero Jay-Z, India doesn’t actually ‘write’ her music. She hears a beat and is instantly inspired or inert. Her inspirational thoughts drive immediate rhyming words and catchy melodies. Much like a rapper, India’s words flow fluently with the music. ‘Boys In da Hood’ was an instant song in 20 minutes. She knew exactly what she was going to say and her rhymes were effortless. When asked where her thoughts and inspiration derive from, India simply states “life and individuals….”