Mendham, New Jersey, United States | SELF
Here is the musical lineup for Thursday September 8th, 2011 at Maxwell’s. There is a an $8 cover for these four bands starting at 8pm:
Alien Father
The Deafening Colors
Barbiana Complex
Maxwell’s is located at 1036 Washington Street in Hoboken, NJ. Call 201-653-1703 for more information. Or go on the inter-webs at:
Website: http://www.maxwellsnj.com/
Here is the schedule for their shows: http://www.maxwellsnj.com/shows.html - The Boken Online
While band inspiration stories range pretty far, high school friends becoming band mates because of the influence of Hiawatha, leader of the Iroquois tribe, is pretty unusual. This can explain why they themselves compare their band to a tribe. Going under the name Hyawatha, vocalist Christopher Gennone, guitarist Andrew Merclean’s, drummer Gordon McGrath, and bassist Marshall Green create a unique concoction of sound.
Hailing from New Jersey, Hyawatha describe their sound as “electric swamp rock.” Confused? Gennone explains: “Well, if you’re ever in New Jersey, you can immediately feel the heavy air and swampy feeling it gives off. It’s noisy, dirty and lo-fi, but it all blends together like New Jersey does.” Influenced by The Doors and Sonic Youth (just to name a couple), their music isn’t something your ears have likely heard before. Their sound isn’t polished and clean, and that’s exactly how they like it.
They faced obstacles along the way to becoming what they are now, from long commutes to familial disapproval of the rock lifestyle, but writing songs in college dorm rooms and extensive basement practices were well worth it. They’re getting show offers every week, and over this past year, they’ve gotten ready for their first official album, this year’s Marilyn Monsoon.
It seems, however, that no matter what the future holds, the band is happy, just as long as they’re making music together. Gennone says it’s all about the music, not the fame, understanding that while it might sound naïve, it’s the reason they got started. Their steamy New Jersey roots keep their feet on the ground, all while providing mass amounts of inspiration.
So, look out for one of their shows in the New York/Jersey area, but until then check out their album, Marilyn Monsoon. It’s available to purchase on their Myspace page, where songs like “History Lesson Part III” will induce a swampy trance of lo-fi noise. Or you can stream it below… - Consequence of Sound
01.21.2011 | FRI
Alien Father, Deaf/Athletic, Sentient Machine, Sex with Rollercoasters, Dock Ellis
Alien Father punk rawk/lotta noise from Mercer County & described by TCNJ’s student newspaper as “loud.” they’ve been in the studio for way too long so they’ll be easy to rile and likely to get pugnacious
Deaf/Athletic THEIR DEBUT! feat. that Champs bartender you know and love, Dusty Lynn backed & side-by-sided by Alec Gabin (ShitSleeper) and Kevin the “King Vagine”)
Sentient Machine self-described as “screeching,” “pounding,” “bombastic” and “strange but captivating” AND they have their own .net website !! woah gnarly !!
Sex With Rollercoasters keepin it simple, keepin it rock n roll
Dock Ellis pitched a no-hitter in 1970 while tripping on acid. but if you name your band after a real person, you’ll never be found on the internet !! (that’s like… two lessons in one…)
Hyawatha have also taken acid. music by good musicians who take acid can go a few different ways… luckily these guys really like the Doors & New Jersey (and hate college)
$10 (less than $2/band!…)
The Backstage at Championship Bar
931 Chambers Street
Trenton, NJ
Facebook event
- JOYdropper
Jestesmy ambitnymi dzieciakami, które tworza ambitna muzyke. Wszystko, co robimy, jest naturalne i szczere. Mamy tylko muzyke i siebie nawzajem - takim haslem witaja nas panowie z projektu Hyawatha. Patetyczne? Brzmienie na szczescie sie broni.
Grupa pochodzi z New Jersey, tworzy ja czterech muzyków inspirujacych sie takimi zespolami, jak The Doors i Sonic Youth, skupia sie przede wszystkim na psychodelicznym, brudnym graniu, choc... nie pogardza tez jazzem. Wszystko, co zwiazane jest z nazwa Hyawatha, robione jest metoda DIY - zaczynajac od dzwieków, na projektach okladek skonczywszy. Tak jest równiez w przypadku najnowszych propozycji formacji - dzis na bandcamp pojawily sie jej trzy premierowe utwory, a promuje je kawalek Go Ahead Call the Cops. Calosc nie jest (na razie?) dostepna do pobrania, ale mozna odsluchac ja chociazby tu:
- Distribution (Poland)
Hyawatha’s latest dose of “electric swamp music” soaks up noise rock and heavy-psych, which in turn, produces a mire of sound. - Chybucca Sounds (UK)
Release Date: December 2010.
Record Label: Unsigned.
“Electric swamp music” is how Hyawatha describe their vision of heavy-psych, rock and jazz.
The New Jersey four-piece play out spontaneous psychedelic passages and piano interludes, while tugging on the heartfelt intensity of Miles Davis and Sonic Youth.
At times it feels like you are witnessing a raw DIY project that is brimming with inner determination and strength, and having been estranged from each other since college, the quartet: “realised that the only thing that made sense anymore was making music.”
Wishing to prove their family members, [and anybody else who doubts their credentials] wrong, you get the feeling that this self-titled release is just the start, as Hyawatha will continue to push themselves further, in order to achieve their collective dream of “reaching for the stars.”
http://www.myspace.com/chrisgennone - Chybucca Sounds (UK)
hyawatha ep - (summer '08)
basement tapes - (winter '08)
to be young cd-r - (fall '09)
flamingo shoes cd-r - (summer '09)
attic recordings - (summer '10)
reaches for the stars project - (winter '10)
flamingo shoes single - (winter '11)
marilyn monsoon ep - (winter-spring '11)
we're working our new record, fall '11

we're from a small town in Jersey. we write and play songs, and let the music speak for itself.
we do everything ourselves. it's raw, noisy and honest.
'The Appalachians' live at the Elephant Talk Indie Music Fest
For booking:
Chris: serpico104@aol.com