Hughes Taylor
Macon, GA | Established. Jan 01, 2014 | INDIE
“To say they outclassed the venue would be an understatement. […] They play it out like absolute pros, and before long, they’ve stunned even the gobbiest of sods into silence with a blistering Hendrix medley of ‘Hey Joe’ and ‘Purple Haze’. The former strides along on a groove that’s faster than the original and the sprawling guitar solos see Hughes play the guitar behind his head, behind his back, and with his teeth. But he’s no muso poser: while he’s definitely a showman, he – and the rest of the band, for that matter – bassist Nate Lee and drummer Adriana are incredible musicians who play with tangible passion.” - Christopher Nosnibor
Hughes Taylor opens the proceedings to great effect. Hailing from Georgia, the group are performing in the UK for the first time on this run and warmed up the crowd on this bitterly cold evening. The US-based power trio showcased a combination of blues orientated original material as well as a medley of Hendrix hits. Guitarist Taylor has flair in spades as he channelled the great man himself whilst simultaneously playing his trusty white Fender Strat behind his head.
There was even room for a brand new tune by way of Trouble, which the band recently laid down at Capricorn Studios in Macon, Georgia. With its heavy groove, rumbling bassline and blistering fretwork, it is sure to be one to watch out for upon release. - National Rock Review- Adam Kennedy
When your name is Hughes Taylor and you call your band The Hughes Taylor Band, you’re signalling to the world that there will be no fancy costumes, elaborately dressed stages or grand entrances here. It’s all about the music, man.
Fortunately, the guitarist is prodigiously talented in this area, leading a sprightly trio who eschew the turgidity that so often infects those beard-stroking purist blues. Hailing from Macon, Georgia (home, as if we needed reminding, of The Allman Brothers and the legendary Capricorn Records), theirs is a more fiery brand of blues-rock whose lineage stretches back to Stevie Ray Vaughan and Cream.
Oh, and there’s one other obvious influence. Tradition dictates that all bands of this nature must play a Hendrix cover. At least Taylor makes an effort to shake this up by melding two classics to form, ahem, Voodoo Joe.
His guitar playing is better than his singing – though he apologises for losing his voice, so perhaps it’s unfair to judge on the basis of this performance. And while there’s no reinvention of the wheel going on here, it’s certainly getting a bloody good spin. It’s safe to say the trio are winning plenty of new friends on their first visit to the UK. - Bristol 24/7- Robin Askew
And speaking of standing, this was my third standing gig in consecutive days and I can barely walk at the moment. But it was worth it. But enough of old-man problems. You just want me to tell you about the best concert I've ever seen.
But first, it's scandalous that I'm on the third review of the tour and I haven't mentioned the support band yet, the Hughes Taylor band. Because they are exceptional. Hughes Taylor is an American singer and guitarist (from the home of the Allman Brothers, he tells us, which might give you a clue), backed by bass and drums, and plays solid, old-fashioned blues rock ("Good Blues Fast" is the slogan on the t-shirt), the kind of music I didn't think young guys like this played any more. And he is just incredibly good. He's been slowly losing his voice over the course of the tour and I can hear him struggling tonight, but he gives it his best shot and it's still a great voice for the style of music—a typical blues vocal punctuated by long instrumental breaks, and it's in the band's instrumental jams that he really astonishes, because he is just a phenomenally talented guitar player. He goes down really well with Heather's audiences, but of course we're all old rock fans at heart and this is what we love. And it's an interesting pointer to the direction her music is taking at the moment, because five years ago you couldn't imagine a band like this opening for her, but tonight it's a perfect fit. - David Meadows
(Translated to English with Google Translate)
Barely twenty years he's just, ambitious and talented blues singer from Macon, Georgia. The city also comes from one of his favorite groups, The Allman Brothers Band. A few other major sources of inspiration for him, Eric Clapton, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Led Zeppelin and Jimi Hendrix (he also sometimes plays guitar behind his back). Especially his girlfriend of Hungarian descent, Evie, gave him material for his songs. Furthermore, they made the striking cover and also provided the background vocals on a song. His first chords he learned on his twelfth of a local musician, B. Keith Williams, who many occurred in the Irish pub the Shamrock. A location where Hughes himself played regularly in the past and still sometimes occurs. He is not full time with music, because he is still studying at the university, to his great regret, no music, because he does not read music can. Two years ago he released an EP, Stuff. The new album will be officially released on April 7 during Spring Jam, a big annual festival.
Hear My Melody opens with the firm Streams . You immediately feel the enormous energy radiated by the music. Also immediately notice the inventive guitar work and passionate vocals. Very sensitive and relaxed, the guitar playing in Hold You Tight, thinking of the laid-back guitar playing of Peter Green at the time of I Need Your Love So Bad. Like Shook My World was recorded the guitar part in his bathroom. He is clearly someone much his sound in again, looking for a totally unique sound. The content of the songs is very sober; only guitar, bass, drums and sometimes keys to. More, the music needs, for more easy to convince his inventive songs. Besides heavier songs you will also find a modest piece if You're Never Be Alone. Great grooving is Melody, which also made use of distorted guitar. When I play the guitar in the long stopper Shook My World is not enough, it would not surprise me that he once again is going to make a jazz record. But for now, after Ina Forsman he is the second interesting newcomer to the blues genre. Hear My Melody is already available from CD Baby. - Johnny's Garden- Review by Theo Volk
Blues and Classic Rock artist Hughes Taylor took center stage on Tuesday Aug. 18, and the 1960s vibe was in full swing. Guitar and vocal covers of Jimi Hendrix, Pink Floyd and Eric Clapton made the crowd, including UNG mascot Nigel the Nighthawk, sway to the music. Performing partly with the guitar behind his back, Taylor imitated Hendrix’s fashion and proved the bookstore staff selected an excellent act to kick off their first event. - UNG Vanguard
Trouble - Single (2020)
Good Blues, Fast! (2010)
1. Crossroads2. I'm Tore Down
3. Red House
4. Pride and Joy
5. Five Long Years
6. Voodoo Joe [Hey Joe/Voodoo Chile (Slight Return)]
Restless (2018)
1. Wake Me2. Just One Night
3. Promise
4. Three Little Words
5. After a Dream
6. Gotta Find My Way Home
7. The Way You Used to Love Me (The Angry Blues Song)
Hear My Melody (2016)
1. Streams2. Hold You Tight
3. You'll Never Be Alone
4. Melody
5. The Artist
6. Free
7. Shook My World
Stuff!-EP (2014)
1. Play2. I Gotta Feelin
3. Know My Name
4. Brittany (Where'd That Smile Go)
5. Same Old

Hughes Taylor is an energetic and ambitious blues artist from Macon, Georgia. He is known for his impressive and accomplished guitar playing and unique electric style that infuses traditional blues roots with upbeat and fast-paced blues and classic rock.
The Hughes Taylor Band is an internationally touring blues/rock power trio that is reminiscent of the Jimi Hendrix Experience, Stevie Ray Vaughan, and Cream. Most recently, the Hughes Taylor Band toured the UK in January 2020.
Following his successful first album Hear My Melody (2016), Hughes released his sophomore album Restless in May of 2018. In the summer of 2019, The Hughes Taylor Band released an album of blues covers titled Good Blues, Fast! Most recently, Hughes and his band had the privilege of being the very first band to record at the newly reopened Capricorn Studios in Macon, GA. The resulting product from these sessions is their brand new single "Trouble."
You can find all of his music everywhere online and streamed via Spotify, Pandora, and more. Click here to find it on your preferred music retailer: smarturl.it/ht-rstlss. Currently based in North Georgia, Hughes and his band stay busy by playing shows, writing, and recording.
Band Members