History Majors
Burlington, Ontario, Canada | Established. Jan 01, 2014 | SELF
History Majors - Shadows
According to their Facebook page, this Toronto trio play music that is the sounds of cats kissing. This is essentially a direct quote and if you really think about it that sounds would either be the very quiet noise of two soft noses touching or the caterwauling sound of scratching and squalling from the cat that wasn't happy about the kisses. We need to hear this, don't we? Single 'Shadows' is a jaunty, jangly, upbeat piece of indie-pop that is Scottish in tone but West Coast U.S. in attitude as it perfectly mixes those perky guitar riffs with slurred, slacker vocals. Back in the 90s I would have taken at least one bus to buy a copy of this on 7" or maybe even tape, such is the quality of this indie slacker anti-anthem. The main thing that I'll take from this single is that I am genuinely worried about the cats that this band own and why they are being forced to kiss. And why the hell that makes a sound like 90s slacker indie pop. All very concerning. But fun. - Listen With Mongers
“Shadows” the latest single from the three-piece Toronto Indie Rock Band, is a track that begins with an enticing guitar intro that sets the pace for the songs gloomy energy. Dark and brooding, “Shadows” stays true to its name, however the songs catchy chorus certainly brings light to the track. For fans of a straight forward indie rock sound, check out the up and coming History Majors." - Grey Owl Point
History Majors - Trafic EP

Singer/Guitarist Mitch Clark and drummer Mike Neglia have been collaborating and working in bands together since they were in high school. Growing up in Burlington, Ontario, band practice and songwriting were a daily routine for the two and a strong musical bond inevitably grew. History Majors is the most recent effort put forth by Mitch and Mike with the addition of bass player Kevin Appleby. In 2013 History Majors began the process of writing songs for an EP. The songwriting process was very spontaneous and in the moment. Songs were born on the spot during rehearsals and crafted meticulously with contributions from all members of the band.
History Majors recorded their first record titled "Traffic" at Chalet Studio's in Clairmont, ON. Plenty of room was allowed for creative indulgences during the recording process leading to the capturing of some previously unexplored sonic territory. The records translation to live performance was kept in mind during recording in order to maintain coherence between the recorded songs and the live shows.
History Majors Traffic's release date is set for March 1st. The band has been in the process of writing material for a full length record and preparing for a set of upcoming shows around the GTA.
Band Members