Hey Sugar
Montréal, Quebec, Canada | INDIE
Every music information source seems to have a "Bands/Artists to Watch List" aside from PureGrainAudio. So, for the first time ever, we have decided to give you our list - more specifically, my list - of "Bands to Watch In 2011". These are bands, in no particular order, you should check out and keep in rotation on your music player of choice over the course of this coming year and into the future, as they will be picking up speed. There's so much to say about each of these bands, but I’ll keep it as brief as possible. Check the bands out and let me know what you think by leaving a comment!
01. Hey Sugar (Classic Rock, Hardcore, Southern Rock)
the Skinny: These dudes from Montreal, QC have successfully combined the sounds of Every Time I Die and The Tragically Hip. I don’t know how else to intrigue you, they’re rad dudes with a great sound and can easily fit in at a Blues Rock show or a Hardcore show. You can download the track “All That I Need” in PureGrainAudio’s “Audio” section; the track received over 200 downloads in the first 4 days of being posted.
links: MySpace | Facebook
02. A Primitive Evolution (Death Rock, Alternative, Rock)
the Skinny: Straight out of Toronto’s underground rock scene, this Death Rock band is sure to be hitting the airwaves and the main stage at all of your favourite festivals very soon. With vocals by Brett Carruthers, that seem to be a cross between Billy Corgan and Marilyn Manson, and hooks that will be stuck in your head for days to come, A.P.E. is not to be missed. Check out their amazing live show and you won’t be disappointed.
links: MySpace | Facebook
03. Rodrigo Wilde (Trip Rock, Dance/Experimental)
the Skinny: Definitely one of my favourite bands, Rodrigo Wilde takes elements from a plethora of musical genres and combines them into one awesome band. The best way to describe the sound is The Blood Brothers meets Queen; yes, it is insane. Lead singer, Alex Mei is an opera singer and barely needs a microphone, definitely a site to see. Rodrigo Wilde is currently recording their debut album, though it is hard to capture the songs as the band tends to improvise on the songs when in a live setting. Check out some live videos, and a show if you live in Toronto, while you wait for the album.
links: Facebook
04. The Box Tiger (Indie, Rock)
the Skinny: If you dig Metric, you’ll love this band. Every time The Box Tiger plays a show they walk away with a new legion of fans. Front woman Sonia Sturino’s vocals are some of the most pleasant I have heard in a long time and each song is catchier than the last. Sonia is also in Portland, ME based band In The Audience.
links: MySpace | Facebook
05. Citizen (Rock, Indie, Classic Rock)
the Skinny: If you’re down with The Tragically Hip and looking for some more “Canadiana”, check out this local award-winning band from Southern Ontario. Singles that will leave you singing and distinct vocals provided by Brad Moore, this band is a must-hear and you will be hearing more Citizen in the near future.
links: MySpace | Facebook
06. Fitness (Electro, Indie, Disco)
the Skinny: Ever seen an 80s workout video? Catching Fitness live is the same experience, but way more fun. Fitness will have you dancing, sweating, singing along and getting fit all at the same time. Fitness plays workout video inspired tunes and has a live show with musical theatre-esque dance numbers to go along with the stories told in their songs. Come out to a show and get your booty movin’!
links: MySpace | Facebook
07. Dancing With Paris (Hardcore, Metal, Pop)
the Skinny: DWP has a sound that we have coined “Meshuggah-pop”. The band itself sounds like a combination Meshuggah, Deftones and Poison The Well. Lots of groove, poppy choruses and 8-string guitars; Dancing With Paris is definitely worth a listen. You can download their debut EP for free on the band’s MySpace.
links: MySpace | Facebook
08. God Falls (Metalcore, Hardcore)
the Skinny: There are a lot of bands from Montreal on this list; however, none seem to be making as big of an impact on the hardcore and metal scene quite like God Falls. The band has been around for some time but is finally making their well deserved mark. Recently debuting their new album “Make Me Alpha”, God Falls will hopefully be breaking out of Canada this year and leaving all sorts of skid marks on your favourite under garments.
links: MySpace | Facebook
09. Mythosis (Metal)
the Skinny: When Chris Donaldson (known for his work with Cryptopsy) has a new band going, you know it’s going to take off. Reviews from various sources have labelled this band as the next Slipknot. Could they be? Check out the tunes and judge for yourself. If you have the chance to catch these dudes live, chat them up after, super cool guys…trust me.
links: MySpace | Facebook
10. Never More Than Less (Metalcore, Rock, Nu Metal)
the Skinny: Quebec City’s Never More Than Less have recently returned from touring France where crowds were going crazy for them. NMtL has just released “The Album” to their salivating fans and will be tearing up a city near you very soon.
links: MySpace | Facebook
11. Secrettes (Dance Punk, Pop, Electro)
the Skinny: Time to party? I think so. Though most people seem to find it impossible to admit they like catchy songs, Secrettes will change that. Hearts of gold, lyrics that you will be constantly singing, mixed with tunes that will have you dancing all night long is what makes this band great. Listening already and seeing when they’re playing near you? Perfect!
links: MySpace | Facebook
12. The Twin (Hardcore, Rock)
the Skinny: The Twin is a hardcore band from Ontario. There is obvious Poison the Well influence and a pleasant lack of the over-used chug-a-chug-a “breakdown”. Also, if you catch their awesome live show, you will hear a cover of “Row Your Boat”, it’s hilarious!
links: MySpace | Facebook
Thanks for checking out my list and I hope you enjoy the bands. [ END ] - Puregrain Audio
With some pinch harmonics, 70’s inspired riffing and an anachronistic fashion sense, Hey Sugar look to merge some unlikely genres; hardcore, classic rock, and southern Rock. “All That I Need” has the grandiose riffs of the latter two genres but it also has the vocal screams of modern punk. There are moments that sound like pure hardcore: screaming, heavy palm-muting, and mega-phone vocals; and then there are moments of southern twang and classic swagger.
It’s hard to say whether it caters enough to one end of the spectrum, or simply alienates both extremes and bores everyone else in-between. But either way, it’s definitely unique, and if hardcore legends The Bronx can get away with their conspicuous mariachi pseudonyms, then who’s to say Hey Sugar aren’t on the right path.
The song is memorable, and the album’s worth checking out. Head over to PureGrain’s audio section where you can listen to and/or download “All That I Need” for free. [ END ]
- Puregrain Audio
Name of Patient::
Hey Sugar
Date of Birth::
Region and Country of Origin::
Montreal, QC, Canada
Hey Sugar are a brand spanking-new band.
This is their first full-length.
Significant Findings:
In The Matrix, Neo is shown a battery and told it is what humanity has been delegated to. This is far from science fiction. We are what makes this matrix work. We power it and help it to live. We give it the importance it has. For the most part, we have been duped into trusting its structure. Sometimes, when we become aware of the structure, we convince ourselves that nothing can be done to dismantle it. But like dreams that vanish by the morning, if everyone agreed not to take part in in the structure, it would vaporize. We have forfeited our human power to machines. Every ounce of power that we give up is a power they readily claim. Every inch of power we have given them ends up fueling a machine that comes in between us and that power we use to have. Instead of walking places, we sit cars and use our feet to make the machine move forward. Instead of communicating directly with people, we speak into a machine that filters our voice toward anothers machine, for the content to finally reach another human. we have donated our eyes to televisions. Our experience to the Internet. We have learned to be ashamed of our own human traits. We masquerade our humanity with all sorts of disguises to describe our moods and personalities. So little do we now trust ourselves that we let lifestyles and demographic machinations tell us who we are. We define ourselves through brands and styles. We regurgitate propaganda like an opinion, and express experience through jingles and slogans. Take out a bill of currency and look at it right now. Ask yourself, "How did I come to trust this paper?" The paper is no different than any other piece of paper. We are those who give it its importance. Imagine for a minute that we take away the power held by the bill. What really disappears? The force which maintains this illusion is our own making. We enforce it and give it its power. But we also possess the strength to take it all away.
Possible Diagnosis:
Human experience has now become interposed with some kind of mechanism and delivered to another being. The human experience is now harnessed by artificial things. The tactile world we once knew is vanishing before our eyes. The simple things we once knew no longer exist. Gone are the feelings of touching another's skin, or feeling blades of grass with the palms of our hands. The sensation of your lips on a fuzzy peach. Those actual human experiences were far more powerful in the past than they are today. With progress, we have arrived at the point where the machines take and humans give. The way things are going, we will soon no longer be able to touch the things we do today. The human process has become amputated at every intersection of its own existence. Fruits are no longer attached to trees, fish no longer exist underwater, and animals no longer derive from natural habitats; all corrupted thanks to the growth of machines.
The musical experience still holds truth; it does to all humans. Of course, this remains the place where we are battling it out. Artists and listeners communicate via an increasing number of filters, barricaded, yet music and art still overreach their own boundaries. This is not to imply the balance does not sway back and forth. With the vibration of amps and thundering of the drums, music offers anthems to destroy these infrastructures. Never sellout the human in you. Never give in to the padded cubicle. Never sellout the human nor nature itself. You have the power to take it back, one handful at a time. Together we can take it back, so come along for the ride. Never utilize your human powers to enslave others. The power to liberate ourselves lies within. - hardtimes.ca
Hey Sugar - Demo (2008)
Hey Sugar - Along for the Ride (2010)
Hey Sugar - The Smell of Burning Wood (Coming 2013)

“Along For the Ride is more than just
music. For us, it is a new breath!”
Bridging the gap between rock’n’roll, hardcore and blues and strongly influenced by what rock’n’roll has been in the 60s and the 70s, Hey Sugar brings back the heartbeat of this free minded dream once again.
With their old-time liberating classic rock spirit and modern hardcore touch Hey Sugar reaches for a sound more powerful and defined than ever. “We started to write our first songs, as a band, on a road trip across North America two years ago” says Marc, “and we have been working hard on defining ourselves ever since”.
Having finished their ten song debut album with producers Matt Ray and Oli Jean (The New Cities, Crystal Keys, Les Midnights) in Montreal and mastered by Joao Carvalho in Toronto (Alexisonfire, Death From Above 1979, Protest The Hero), Hey Sugar brings their uniquely forged aesthetic sound they are known for during a live show to their album. Along For The Ride takes us back to the sources of rock’n’roll with its hard-rocking riffs, smoky solos and lyrics that talk about getting together and having a good time.
Hey Sugar brings a new ideology in today’s music scene and brings back the real values that have been lost in time. “We enjoy good music, new or old” explains Jeff, “we want to break the barriers between genres and show kids that together we can create something wild and strong”. Hey Sugar is on the beginning of something new, a blend between vintage and modern, a contrast between heavy music and yet a passive ideology.
The band is now back from a tour across Canada, they won the "Envol & Macadam" contest to play in a three day festival in Quebec city and their videoclip will be airing on the Much Music (Much Loud) network in the next few weeks.
**Watch ''All That I Need'' music video **
**Download "Along For The Ride" full album**