Heartbreak Noir

Heartbreak Noir

Mold, Wales, United Kingdom | Established. Jan 01, 2023 | SELF

Mold, Wales, United Kingdom | SELF
Established on Jan, 2023
Duo Alternative Acoustic




"‘perfect blend of shoegazey goth dreampop!’ Review by Julianne Regan"

HEARTBREAK NOIR – Major Arcana E.P. By Julianne Regan

Heartbreak Noir are an offshoot of The Faces of Sarah, a band who started out in the London alternative scene in the late 1990s. As the FoS sound evolved across the years, it seems some songs just weren’t a natural fit and Nick Schultz sent off demos of these to Emma Newby. Then, while playing a special acoustic show in Germany in December 2022, the pair discovered that they enjoyed the different feel of the set, and in Newby’s words there was something about ‘…putting the passion of playing with a full band into a very stripped down format that really seems to move people.’ Inspired to carry on in that vein, they recorded the E.P. Major Arcana.

However, ‘very stripped down’ has become not-so-very-stripped-down-at-all under the production of Stephen Carey, perhaps best known for being the creative force behind The Eden House, alongside Tony Pettitt of Fields of The Nephilim. In fact, Schultz sang backing vocals on The Eden House song Timeflows, and so it’s clear that Heartbreak Noir’s goth credentials are intact, but how does the band feel about that mixed blessing of an association? Fresh from some dates supporting the rebooted Rose of Avalanche, Newby tells me;

“We were both big fans back in the 90s and this is the music we found inspirational, and so for that reason it’s a privilege to be associated with so many brilliant bands that paved the way. We tend to find that, just like us, the majority of people we meet have broad musical taste that expands outside of the genre, so we definitely don’t write with Goth in mind, but it is nice to have an anchor and belong somewhere; we can paint the canvas outwards from that point.”

One of the important aspects of Heartbreak Noir’s ability to ‘paint outwards’ is that Schultz reveals himself as a vocalist operating well outside of that sub-Eldritch growl so ubiquitous in goth, both old and new.

The Key is an emphatic opener, with an atmospheric Pink Floydian introduction, complete with citrusy Spanish guitar which sets up an imaginary scene in an ethereal spaghetti Western; all dust motes and low sun. Carey’s production and instrumentation is all over this like a welcome and gorgeous rash, with his trademark majestic spangling and panoramic use of stereo. Schultz is a proper vocalist; more than just a singer because there is performance in what he does, he and Newby are suitable foils for one another. The Key might be the coolest neo-Eurovision style ballad you’ll ever hear, like that surprise outsider everyone loves but that only comes second, simply because it’s too good to actually win.

No collection of shoegazey goth dreampop would be complete without a song in a 6/4 or 3/4 time signature, and for the non-musicians out there, that just means it’s something that swings like a waltz. And here we have it; a wadge of angelic vocals opens Shallow Depths, dovetailing into muted, slow-motion, tribal toms and framed with that symphonic octave guitar technique much beloved of the likes of Wayne Hussey and Robin Guthrie. Newby takes the lead on vocals here. More of her later.

The intriguingly titled Are You My Killer sets a balladlike almost King Crimson/Pink Floyd-like atmosphere. Heartbreak Noir’s feet may walk upon gothic ground, but their hearts seem to also beat in the contemporary prog area. There’s nothing here that would disturb a Steven Wilson fan. (Shh! It’s a bit like Candyman. If you say SW’s name three times, he’ll show up and remix your track!). Inspired by the Manchester Arena bombing, this is darkly romantic, all bleeding hearts and love, and tastefully melodramatic. Just when you think this song has spilled forth all of its splendour, at almost 6 and a half minutes in, comes the decidedly Gilmour-esque guitar solo. This has to be Stephen Carey, who does David Gilmour like nobody else, other than, well, David Gilmour. That’s not to take anything away from it. It is the über perfect cherry on this sumptuous cake of a song.

In Lift the Veil we’ve got another waltz, albeit a more up-tempo one. The soft tom tribalism is once again employed, supporting vocal melodies and counter melodies that are genuinely catchy, hooky and memorable, and which burst into an anthemic but not pompous chorus that might have Mission fans clambering on shoulders to chuck reams of paper confetti into the air. This is good songwriting, with carefully planned dynamics and a convincing sense of flow.

Next is Cimmerian Shade – and no, it’s not a cover of the Silence of The Lambs inspired song sung from the perspective of serial killer Buffalo Bill, by Angelo De Augustine and Sufjan Stevens. It’s yet another swinging, swaying 6/8-er. Emma Newby’s tone is seductively rich and warm, without any operatic histrionics to suffer, and no flimsy feyness either. Her voice has a subtle, attractive authority and importantly, a believability. With Schultz, these his ‘n’ hers vocals pleasingly weave in and around one another, blissfully backdropped by Carey’s celestial guitar orchestration.

Those first five tracks from the E.P / mini album enjoy the full Carey treatment but I’m very humbly informed that the final two tracks are ‘home studio quality’. Must be a stately home then because they’re far from lo-fi. What’s more, these two beautiful add-ons are enhanced by the presence of Ukrainian violin virtuoso, Anna Mozolevych.

In the acoustic offering of Are You My Killer, the violin is so extremely yet tastefully treated, that it presents as semi-amorphous sound sculpture. This is a brave take on the song as it’s big sister electric version is such a gorgeous sonic behemoth, yet because it is such a differently flavoured take, it succeeds in holding its own. In this version we have some spoken word, which is not an easy thing to carry off, and unless you’re The Proclaimers, is often delivered in a transatlantic accent, despite where the narrator is from. Thankfully these words are carried with what I hear as a slight Estuary English accent. The narration, complied by Newby and delivered by Schultz, is taken from the poem This Is The Place, written by Tony Walsh – who performs under the name ‘Longfella’. Walsh read the poem out to crowds at the vigil held Manchester’s Albert Square in the aftermath of Manchester Arena bombing in 2017. To say it’s moving is something of an understatement.

The closing track is the acoustic version of Shallow Depths. I could be projecting my personal interests here, so apologies, but there’s something of a Folk Horror feel to this, with its tumbling medieval rhythm and the violin sounding almost flute-like at points, all conspiring to create a vacation on an alternative reality Island of Summerisle but where nobody gets torched.

Heartbreak Noir will be playing in Europe at the end of this year and are also working on a full acoustic album release for the end of November. As for Faces of Sarah, they’re just on what Newby calls ‘a long overdue holiday’ and reassures us that ‘…there will be the odd song to share here and there with some special guest musicians.‘

The Major Arcana E.P. is available from Friday 21st July on Bandcamp. - Louder Than War

"Heartbreak Noir new single review"

Heartbreak Noir is the newly formed side project of Nick Schultz and Emma Newby from British goth rockers, The Faces Of Sarah.

The duo from Liverpool recorded a cover of Joy Division's “New Dawn Fades” and the video soon followed:

According to Nick Schultz, Heartbreak Noir's activity is by no means the cessation of The Faces Of Sarah, but the realization of a long-standing desire to do something different. Although the first samples of this acoustic project do not step too far from their familiar steps, the immediate future will be an artistic field that Nick wants to expand this time. - Soundcheck network (Greece)

"Heartbreak Noir en Costa Rica"

Heartbreak Noir En Costa Rica

El reportaje lo encuentran en la 506 Rock Radio


Garden Of Goth se vuelve a poner en alto con el evento celebrado el día sábado 28 de enero del 2023, nos situamos en Amon Solar, un sitio ya conocido como un “venue” apto para eventos tanto locales como internacionales de tamaño “medio”, por la cantidad de gente que puede llegar al show no por lo grande que son los artistas que se llegan a presentar al lugar.

Iniciamos la noche del sábado con unos minutos fuera de horario lo que daba paso a una fila en la entrada del concierto que mostraba las ansias de la gente por ver lo que iba a suceder, muchas caras distintas, algunas ya conocidas y esto alegraba más el ambiente, una noche oscura con buen rock , iniciando la velada con el trio MOLT, estos chicos que ya se han estado fogueando con otras presentaciones, sonido oscuro, con elementos sintéticos por sus arreglos de batería, siempre dando buena vibra y buena baile a los presentes con temas de su primer material editado por ellos mismos en formato casete bajo el nombre de Velos Insensibles, una joven banda que viene trabajando muy bien, esperamos que su próximo material nos sorprenda de manera interesante como lo hacen hasta ahora.

Los segundos en tarima fueron los ya veteranos en la escena oscura, Last Dusk, esta oportunidad como un sexteto, incorporando a sus filas la bajista Karen Masís que debuto en este show de la mejor manera, así como Marvin en segunda guitarra que le da más densidad a su sonido, como siempre una presentación sólida, temas de su repertorio enfocados en el goth rock, siempre interesante y profesional la presentación musical junto a una estética llamativa para acompañar y amenizar el show.

La noche continuaba y llegó lo esperado por muchos, la presentación desde Inglaterra de Nick Schultz y Emma Newby integrantes de la banda The Faces of Sarah que venían a presentarse como un nuevo proyecto llamado Heartbreak Noir, en formato electro acústico, voz y guitarra solamente, dando un ambiente singular, un set bastante extenso, con 15 temas entre los cuales algunos de FOS, un par de covers como el clásico “Love Song” de la Cura y el “Hit me baby” de Britney Spears divertido y coreado por casi todos los presentes, para finalizar el set el formato cambió a banda completa con integrantes de Last Dusk acompañando al dúo, el enconre fue con 2 piezas de FOS, cerrando con Misery Turns.

Para ir acabando la noche se subió a tarima el Dj Gabriel quien es parte de Last Dusk dando ambiente a la sala un buen set de postpunk, darkwave, etc… todo continuo hasta cerrar la velada siempre con buen ambiente, dejando esas ansias de más para futuros eventos, y dejando claro que hay un movimiento y escena que puede volver a surgir luego de estar apagado por buen tiempo y recordando lo importante “SER PARTE DE LA ESCENA NO SOLO DEL ESCENARIO”

Reportaje realizado por Subsuelo SA - DIY Radio Show - y Obscuria - Obscuria


CUBE IN THE CUBE CONCERT – Haus Witten 03.12.2022
The Dark Skies Over Witten team has put together a very special concert experience for the Christmas season in the former Burg Haus Witten. The CD recordings for 2 special live acoustic sets of The Faces Of Sarah and Another Tale took place in the concert hall. The ticket contingent was limited to 150 pieces. In addition to the concert, a VIP ticket could be booked, which included a drinks flat rate for the whole evening and a Mediterranean buffet before the concert.

At 8 p.m. the doors to the concert hall opened and an unforgettable evening began. The ambience is already unique with the old castle walls and the modern steel and glass elements, which created an extraordinary atmosphere with the illuminations on the walls in the concert hall.

After a short speech by Carsten from the DSoW team, The Faces Of Sarah started their acoustic set. Emma Newby and Nick Schultz knew how to get the audience excited right from the start and the songs on the acoustic version were even more intense than they are on the electronic version anyway. Accompanied only by the guitar, the range of Nick's voice really came into its own, but Emma also intoned excellently and didn't need to hide behind Nick. The voices of the two complemented each other so wonderfully and transported the themes and feelings of their songs to the audience that it gave one goosebumps after the other. Of course, "If I Could I Would But I Can't" was played again, especially for the organizer, which caused a real storm of enthusiasm from the audience. The cover version of Britney Spears "Oops!... I Did It Again" was enthusiastically sung by the audience. It's no wonder that the Faces didn't leave the stage without an encore.

After a 20-minute break, the second acoustic set continued. Another Tale looked a bit stacked in a sardine can on the small stage, but that didn't detract from the whole thing. The good, heated mood from Faces continued and the acoustic versions of the songs on Another Tale also worked very well. If the very intimate acoustic version of the song "Idiot" didn't pick you up that evening, there's no helping it. So it wasn't surprising that Another Tale were also cheered loudly and weren't allowed to have a well-deserved beer at the after-show party without an encore.

Conclusion of the evening: We can look forward to the CDs of the two bands, it should hopefully be a listening pleasure at its best after what was presented here this evening. An extraordinary ambience with excellent acoustics and 2 great bands in a different way, quieter, but much more intense, made this evening almost perfect. So it wasn't surprising that shortly afterwards the organizers said: we'll do it again, next year, same place, same bands. I only hope that the 2023 repetition will solve the problems in sourcing drinks and that there will be a little bit of light from the front for the photographers among us, so that a successful evening can also be reported with beautiful, non-grainy photos. For my part, as a precaution, I'm keeping the beginning of December 2023 free so that I can hopefully be there again.

Photography: Susanne Soer – Text contribution: Susanne Soer - Dunklehausen.de

"Heartbreak Noir Fulford Arms 29-12-22"

Heartbreak Noir, Nick and Emm's 'coostic Faces of Sarah show, if they play near you go see them, a stripped down show with all the power you would get with the full band...and the power of Nicks voice really comes through - Oh My Goth


Origins; Live at Haus Witten
Released January 2023

New Dawn Fades (single)
Released April 2023

 Major Arcana EP Released July 2023

 Wait a minute (single) October 2024

Tell Me (Single) December 2024

Hollow (Single) April 2023

Wait for you (Single) August 2023



Alternative, emotional, acoustic rock with powerful vocals, haunting guitars and melodic tunes, Heartbreak Noir is currently Nick Schultz and Emm Newby from the legendary UK goth/alternative band 'The Faces of Sarah'. Within only 6 months of forming they had already played to sell out audiences in Germany and Central America, going on to fill several reputable support slots throughout 2023. Now keen to take the music to a new, broader audience outside of the alternative scene, while maintaining the acoustic dynamic, Heartbreak Noir is an exciting departure and showcases the eclectic set of musical influences that have been with Nick and Emm throughout their lives.

Band Members