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Jay Haslam- Strangers (Release date June 2011) 10 song album
-radio play on CJSW 90.9 in Calgary

I fire my personality through the sounds of indie and folk.
I moved to Calgary in 2009 from Ontario with the goal of recording an album and further developing my craft. Working with producer Tony Blaine at AB Records, my debut album "Strangers" was released through iTunes and CDbaby in August 2011.
Working with Tony I really found out who I was as an artist. It enabled me to explore all the different genres I was interested in and figure out which direction I want to take my sound.
Having played various shows and venues throughout Ontario and Alberta (SCENE Music Festival, York University, Port Colborne, Toronto, Local 510, Market Collective) I am looking forward to touring summer of 2012 after a break from recording.