Gypzee Heart
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Gypzee Heart

Band World Acoustic


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"Texas Platters "For the Sake of the Song""

Revered blues mama Leeann Atherton and former Red Elvises guitarist/vocalist Zhenya Rock join forces in Gypzee Heart, a meeting of his fleet-fingered ability on all things stringed and her soulful sensibilities. Lyrical moments are almost offset by the amount of love poured into their worldly acoustic grooves. Jim Caligiuri Jan. 19, 2008 - Austin Chronicle

"Gypzee Heart spicy cd"

Rootstime Jan. 2008

Gypzees Heart is a spicy cd' tje, scarcely thirty minutes long, but fresh and sparkling as a stream in the spring. The songs flee playful as fish in a bed, where balalaika, bongos, banjar and a 12-snarige Martin guitar the instrumentale choreografie on self take. 'Live Musical Capital or The World' inclines to hoisted sung inclines does think to reggae, it 'Tim' to country jazz and the bluesy 'Lazy Sunday' of a Brazilian sunset. The samenzang in 'From The Heart' is romp a loves song. The most songs arose in assistant-authorship through the duo Zhenya Kolykhanov and Leeann Atherton, except of 'Romale' that based is on a traditional Russian zigeunersong. Zhenya Rock, as he is named also, comes by Russia and discovered as adolescent all the bluegrass via a periodical with bijhorende plate, what him direct bekoorde. Only firstly he played roll as anarchist gitarist in a Russian rock' n tie with Chuck Berry features. The tie adorned self with the applicable groups name 'Reason Elvises' and brought an achttal cd’s out. Later on Zhenya its own flat label founded and began to write he for film and Tv-shows. Active in the music scene, he cannot choose ostensibly also now between the group Zeegras, The Flying Balalaika Brothers, that Russian folkmuziek interpret or for a duo-career with Leeann. Singer and gitariste Leeann has been bitten already as much as by the muziekmicrobe. For 18 year travels they already singing and sometimes also dancing the world around from her biotope Austin in Texas. Her warm voice does think what of the Indigo Girls. Under her international musical friends may they as well Dad Mali as an Alejandro Escovedo figure. Also in these 'Gypzee Heart', geproducet through Zhenya, know to give the duo their original bluegrass a multiculturele radiation with vitamin run zigeunersongs. A plate in love with with the jaunty triangular contrabasbalalaika as match-maker to become.

- Rootstime Belgium


GypZee Heart

Lead guitarist/bassist Zhenya Rock (yes, that’s his real name)
plays brilliant lead guitar and bass on the same instrument, at the
time. And all with seemingly effortless skill. It’s truly an
outrageous idea
that allows him to juxtapose his raw talent and amazing expertise on
instrument with two distinct sounds. Technically, his "secret" is a
devilishly clever combination of a a loop station, an extra pickup
even the sound guys are shaking their head’s in amazement. Actually,
real secret is just a lot of talent.

Leeann Atherton is the perfect partner for Zhenya’s musical
point. Her charisma "on stage or off, will capture your soul, She
the world with her heart. No timid performance here! She will capture
heart with the love she has for her audience. She utilizes every
portion of
her body and soul, taking her audiences listening and watching
experience a
step above the rest. She is a world class performer and together, they
a world class performance that you will never forget.
Seeing Zee in action is a visual musical adventure. Hearing them
s a musical journey.

Zee spent more than seven years honing his craft crisscrossing the US.
and the Red Elvises paid their dues, playing anywhere and everywhere.
Everywhere they went, smiles were left behind with audiences that
always had
a good time, but also knew they’d been in the presence of real

Leeann's talent has been appreciated Friday night for over seven years
one of the Austin, Texas "Hotspots" Maria's Taco Express. It is almost
unheard of for any musician to hold the same venue captive for so long
time. This fact alone speaks very well of her appeal to her

Zhenya’s classical background is evident in his mastery of his
His rock influences embrace such diverse groups as Radiohead and Angus
from AC/DC which afford him the range and ability to create any sounds
imagination can devise.
Zee (Zhenya) has grown up fast but his music points to maturity rarely
found. He is constantly experimenting and pushing that musical
Together he and Leeann are growing in confidence and musical cohesion.
are, simply, the act to choose.

- Les Vaughn


"Gypzee Heart" - CD
"Musical Capital of the World"



Gypzee Heart was born as an idea to create an international project to combine musical styles from all over the world; (Africa, Russia, Jamaica, South Carolina, Texas...) Planting seeds for the first international Russian/American Peace festival, their intention is to move you and get you moving!

About Gypzee Heart :

Zhenya is originally from Russia. former Red Elvises guitarist/singer, Zhenya Kolykhanov "Rock". Along with 2 soundtracks for movies, "Six String Samurai"and "Mail Order Bride", he recorded 9 CD's with Red Elvises, 3 independent CD's on his own label, and arranged and composed music for various TV shows. He now lives in Austin, Tx. He leads the innovative band, Zeegrass; and the traditional Russian folk band with a jagged twist, The Flying Balalaika Brothers.

Leeann Atherton is a soulful, powerful singer based in South Austin. She is an award-winning, songwriter and energetic performer. She has played in Austin for over 18 years and has toured the world. She is well known for her Full Moon Barn Dances; hosting Peter Rowan, Papa Mali, Steve James, Toni Price, Alejandro Escovedo, and many international artists from Brazil, Norway, Japan, Sweden, the Netherlands, Denmark, Australia...)


"Gypzee Heart"
