Gustavo Cortiñas Snapshot
Gig Seeker Pro

Gustavo Cortiñas Snapshot

Chicago, Illinois, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2014 | SELF

Chicago, Illinois, United States | SELF
Established on Jan, 2014
Band Jazz Latin




""Snapshot" Review (Chicago, IL)"

Mexico City-born and Chicago-based drummer Gustavo Cortiñas’ first album as a leader, Snapshot, demonstrates a captivating mélange of exuberant energy and sophisticated subtlety.

Cortiñas deftly guides the quintet through eight of his intricately constructed compositions that allow the others ample space for spontaneous expression. The melodic backbone of the bluesy “Hanaki” is guitarist Michael Allemana’s earthy, midnight-colored, slow simmer over Cortiñas’ percolating drums.

Trumpeter Justin Copeland blows his mellow horn with deceptive ease, like a cool breeze, while tenorist Roy McGrath’s darkly hued vibrato-filled saxophone adds an intriguing touch to the piece.

Following bassist’s Kitt Lyles’ clever, crisp solo “dance,” Cortiñas takes center stage with a viscerally powerful yet harmonically complex percussion before the quintet returns to the delightful, loosely swinging head.

Cortiñas is not overshadowed by the presence of a senior musician as his mentor––saxophonist Victor Goines. In fact, this collaboration brings forth an even more refined creative expression. “Wish I Could Be There” opens with an unaccompanied, innovative and intelligent drum interlude that seamlessly melds into the electrifying main theme.

The bright bubbling sound of the front line cedes to Allemana’s conversational guitar’s angular and edgy improvisation. Goines’ wailing tenor and Copeland’s clear, longing notes add a warm, passionate touch to the tense and dramatic atmosphere.

Cortiñas also peppers his tunes with spices of his native land on such tracks as “La Balada del León” and “When I Leave You,” the former, dedicated to his late father, is a lyrical ballad that is more celebratory than mournful. Lyles’ swaying bass lines weave a poetic and elaborate paean while Goines’ evocative and warm lilt adds to it a shimmering tone.

The second, written for a former lover, is a nostalgic song that features McGrath’s gently caressing, yearning tenor over Latin flavored vamps of the rhythm section. This is an auspicious and rewarding debut from a highly talented and imaginative artist.

It whets the appetite for more of what Cortiñas has to deliver in his, hopefully, long and successful career.

––Hrayr Attarian - Chicago Jazz Magazine - Hrayr Attarian

"Snapshot Review (Finland)"

TA’ Babuino Records

Todella rehevän energistä ja vankkaa tekemistä on tämä rumpali Gustavo Cortiñasin johtaman kokoonpanon esikoisalbumi, elokuussa 2013 julkaistu Snapshot. Heti ensimmäisistä sävelistä lähdetään reippaasti liikkeelle ja meno on rehevän rempseätä. Kolmen puhaltajan, kitaran, basson ja rumpujen yhdistelmä toimii tehokkaasti. Käytännössä kokoonpano soittaa kuitenkin kvintettinä, sillä Lincoln Centerin ison orkesterin saksofonisteihin kuuluva Victor Goines ja toinen tenoristi Roy McGrath vuorottelevat eri raidoilla. Tasavahvat muusikot tekevät soittamisesta helpontuntuista ja kuulijaa viedään kuin pässiä narusta liukkaasti ison orkesterin mahtipontiseen tyyliin.

Syntyjään meksikolainen Gustavo Cortiñas on käyttänyt sävellyksissään tuoretta latinalaisamerikkalaista rytmipohjaa ja koko yhtyeen soitossa korostuu tehokas svengaava rytmi, perinnetietoisuus ja erinomainen melodisuus. Tuntuu siltä, että soittajat ovat sisäistäneet Gustavon sävellykset erinomaisesti. Yhteinen johdonmukaisuus ja linjakkuus ovat löytyneet ja kaikki ovat omistautuneet toden teolla saman päämäärän toteuttamiseen. Gustavo on sanonut, ”että levy koostuu lyhyistä otoksista. Se on kuin joukko valokuvia, mitkä luovat yhtenäisen kokonaisuuden ja maisemallisuuden. Se kertoo hänen erikoisesta omasta kokemuksesta, missä elämän merkityksellisyys korostuu hetkessä, jolloin tunteet ja ihmisluonne yhdistyvät. Sen hetken koimme ja jaoimme keskenämme tätä levyä äänittäessämme.”

Timing Is Everything on räväkkä aloitus, mutta seuraavassa When I Leave You hiljentää vauhtia surumielisen kauniin balladin tahtiin, missä toivo elää jokaisen hyvästijätön jälkeen. Hyvin ilmava Chimeras on saanut innoituksensa muinaiskreikkalaisesta Homeros ja Ilias -tarustosta. Skepticism kertoo rytmikkäästi, musikaalin tapaisesti, ihmiselämän henkisistä ristiriitatilanteista. Se alkaa Kitt Lylesin basson hartaalla jumputuksella, johon kitaristi Mike Allemana vastaa pehmeästi hyvällä soololla ja muut lähtevät yhdessä voimallisesti mukaan. Roy McGrath rymistelee kappaleen loppupuolella tenorillaan erinomaisesti soolossaan, johon trumpetisti Justin Copeland puhaltaa ruudikkaasti sekaan. Kymmenen minuutin kappale kehittyy loppua kohden monisärmäiseksi raivoavaksi tulipesäksi. Se on todellinen taidonnäyttö Gustavon sävellyskyvyistä. La Balada del León on omistettu Gustavon isälle, joka kuoli 2011. Tässä surumielisessä, rytmiltään vaihtelevassa kertomuksessa pääosissa ovat basisti Kitt Lyles, Justin Copeland ja Victor Goines sooloineen. Hanaki, värikäs bluesviritteinen melodisesti uudenaikainen sävellys eroaa monipuolisella rehevyydellään, jossa kaikki ehtivät vuorottelemaan tiukoilla sooloillaan. Hanakia seuraa lyhyehkö Gustavon itse rumpusoolona esittämä välisoitto johdatuksena kappaleeseen, Wish I Could Be There Now, missä Mike Allemana, Justin Copeland ja Victor Goines kiitävät sooloissaan todella maittavan nautittavasti. Levy päättyy toisenlaiseen näkemykseen kappaleesta When I Leave You.

”Soittoyhtymä” svengaa menevän tyylikkäästi välillä rankahkosti ”rynkytellen” välillä taas hienovaraisesti kainolla antaumuksella emotionaalisen syvällisesti tulkiten. Soittajien soolot taipuvat ja lentelevät ympärille näyttävän maukkaasti. Levy on värikäs kokonaisuus lyhyitä ”otoksia”, mitkä on onnistuttu keräämään mukavasti yhdeksi tuoreeksi sanomaksi. Hetkellisen sanoman löytäminen, sen tulkinta, oikea-aikainen ajoitus ja terävöittäminen on kuin valokuvaus, missä tarkkuus, oma mielikuva, sattumanvaraisuus ja värien yhdistely on onnistunut kokonaisuus. (JKi)

Victor Goines: tenorisaksofoni (raidat 1, 5, 8), Roy McGrath: tenorisaksofoni (raidat 2, 3, 4, 6), Justin Copeland: trumpetti, Michael Allemana: kitara, Kitt Lyles: kontrabasso, Gustavo Cortiñas: rummut ja symbaalit.

Äänitys: Scott Steinman, Studiomedia Recording Company, 1030 Davis St., Evanston, IL. 28. helmikuuta ja 3. maaliskuuta 2013. Miksaus ja masterointi: Scott Steinman. Tuotanto: Scott Steinman. Kannen suunnittelu: Damián ”Rafiki” Robles. Kuvat: Gustavon ja Cortiñas Fouilloux perheen kuva-arkistosta. Julkaistu: 2013.

1. Timing Is Everything 5:59
2. When I Leave You 4:15
3. Chimeras 6:27
4. Skepticism 10:13
5. La Balada Del León 5:42
6. Hanaki 9:32
7. Wish… (Interlude) 1:45
8. Wish I Could Be There Now 8:44
9. When I Leave You (Another Perspetive) 3:01

Kaikki kappaleet ovat Gustavo Cortiñasin säveltämiä, sovittamia ja tuottamia. - JazzRytmit

"Snapshot review (England)"

"The native mexican, US-based drummers fairly polished quintet is indebted to the hard-bop/latin-infused jazz tradition and the debut leans also in part towards something more experimental." - JazzWise Magazine

"Snapshot Review (Italy)"

...a lineup of nine original songs performed by a group of musicians of absolute value, both technically and expressively. Cortinas carves out few solo spaces for himself, and his musical style is mainstream jazz in the larger scheme which includes situations of great calm and elegant execution, such as Whe I leave You, but also moments with fast tempos like the beginning of Timing is Everything, capable of singling out important metronomic stress. The Latin roots of Cortiñas emerge only filigree, with references to some polyrhythmic solutions, and as a whole the album is characterized for the good flexibility of the interpreters, capable also of producing great lyricism in ballads like La balada de Leon." - Jazz Italia - Roberto Paviglianiti

"Snapshot Review (AAJ)"

Gustavo Cortiñas has long been a musical seeker and sponge. The Mexico City-born drummer relocated to New Orleans in 2007 to pursue a BM in Jazz Studies at Loyola University New Orleans, learn from the best around—like legendary NOLA drum guru Johnny Vidacovich—and soak in the sounds of that storied city. When he completed that degree in 2011, he packed his bags and moved north to the Windy City. While in Chicago, earning his Masters at Northwestern University, Cortiñas came under the tutelage of drummer Willie Jones III and saxophonist/clarinetist Victor Goines, who both furthered and broadened his knowledge base in all-things-jazz. Now, with Snapshot, Cortiñas is using all of his hard-earned knowledge to make his own artistic statement(s).

This nine song program sheds a light on the many and varied talents of Gustavo Cortiñas. It's not a drummer's record in the traditional sense; it doesn't focus on insanely complex grooves and, with the exception of "Wish... (Interlude)," doesn't feature any lengthy drum solos. It does, however, give pause to admire the musical skills, taste, touch and compositional acumen of a fine musician. Cortiñas creates music that's driving ("Timing Is Everything"), episodic ("Skepticism") and straightforward ("Hanaki"). He can swing with the best of them, but he's not bound to the swing pulse. He's just as comfortable twisting and turning in other directions as he is delivering the old spang, spang-a-lang on his ride cymbal.

The majority of Snapshot is quintet centered, with drums, bass, guitar and trumpet appearing throughout, and one of two tenors alternately joining in on seven of the nine tracks. Goines joins in on three numbers, making a go of things in choppy fashion on "Timing Is Everything," taking a more nuanced approach on "La Balada Del León," and bringing up the rear on "Wish I Could Be There Now," where he follows guitarist Michael Allemana and trumpeter Justin Copeland in the solo running order. Tenor saxophonist Roy McGrath is featured on a diverse array of music, from the mellow ("When I Leave You") to the stitched together ("Skepticism") to the comfortably swinging ("Hanaki"). The only tracks without a tenor in sight are the drums-only "Wish... (Interlude)" and the album-ending "When I Leave You (Another Perspective)," which finds Copeland in the driver's seat.

Snapshot, like an actual picture, captures a specific moment in time, when Gustavo Cortiñas began to spread his musical wings and fly. Hopefully he'll remain in flight for many more musical adventures in the future.
Track Listing: Timing Is Everything; When I Leave You; Chimeras; Skepticism; La Balada Del León; Hanaki; Wish… (Interlude); Wish I Could Be There Now; When I Leave You (Another Perspective).

Personnel: Justin Copeland: trumpet; Victor Goines: tenor saxophone (1, 5, 8); Roy McGrath: tenor saxophone (2, 3, 4, 6); Michael Allemana: guitar; Kitt Lyles: double bass; Gustavo Cortiñas: drums, cymbals.

Record Label: Self Produced

Style: Modern Jazz - All About Jazz - Dan Bilawski

"Snapshot Review (US)"

"A Smörgåsbord of the moods and nuances that make up the human experience... an idiosyncratic album that intrinsically fuses the personal to the universal...most listeners will empathize with this introspective music, as showcased by the interplay of his pluralistic ensemble...Their simpatico contributions create a rich and cohesive listening experience, in which each voice adds greater depth and texture...spirited brass fueled excursion...minimalist...deceptively understated yet vital touches that embelish...stylistic sophistication in Cortiñas' arrangements...propulsive rollicking drum solos...dramatic..." - JazzIz Magazine - Lissette Corsa

"Jazz En San Cristobal, Arte En crecimiento (Performance Review - MX)"

"from Chicago came Gustavo Cortiñas' Quartet, with a swing that slid through the different emotional states that life has given him; this quartet and each of Gustavo's compositions are a musical voyage throughout different landscapes...and what can we say of young and talented master Gustavo, who despite the fact that he moved up north, he never lost track of the roots that bind him to Mexican Culture, quite the contrary, he has become a link between contrasting musical sceneries, without mentioning the fact that he is a genius of rhythm, and talented composer, basing his performance of this memorable night on his most recent discographic production: Snapshot".
Desde la escuela de música de Chicago llegó el cuarteto de Gustavo Cortiñas, un swing que deslizaba los diferentes estados emotivos que le ha dado la vida, así que este cuarteto y cada una de las composiciones realizadas por Gustavo son un viaje musical por distintos momentos; los sentimientos de dolor y gratitud por la muerte de su padre o el encuentro con el filósofo Descartes, se convierten en piezas musicales ejecutadas con maestría, acompañado por un excelente trompetista, que fue aplaudido en cada una de sus intervenciones; Justin Copeland nos transportó a momentos sublimes con su entrega musical, deleitándonos con tesituras sonoras pocas veces escuchadas; el diálogo sonoro lo realizó con Roy MacGrath, otro mago de los instrumentos de viento, ahora con un saxofón tenor, el cual literalmente reía, lloraba, jugaba, vibraba de dolor o de impotencia, mientras ejecutaban cada una de las composiciones de Cortiñas.

El contrabajo de Kitt Lyles fue el sostén con sus notas graves. De estos lucimientos antes mencionados, Kitt ejecutaba el pizzicato con tal entrega, que por momentos parecía estar suspendido en el escenario, absorto por su gran instrumento, concentrado en cada una de las notas, y claro que también se lució regalándonos los llamados solos que solamente el jazz le permite a este instrumento de la familia de los cordófonos; y qué decir del joven y talentoso maestro Gustavo, quien aunque se fue pal’ norte, nunca perdió los rumbos que lo enraízan a la cultura mexicana, por el contrario, se ha convertido en un enlazador de escenarios musicales, sin dejar de mencionar que es un genio del ritmo y un talentoso compositor, basando el concierto de esta memorable noche con las piezas de su más reciente producción discográfica, terminada apenas en marzo del presente año: “Snapshot” se titula el disco y nos explica que es una instantánea fotográfica, un disparo velos de luz que fija un instante, un recuerdo, un sentimiento, vale la pena darse el tiempo para visitar: - Mirada Sur

"An Evening of Jazz With Snapshot"

"In front of a large audience, Gustavo Cortiñas' "Snapshot" performed yesterday by invitation of El Consejo Estatal para las Culturas y las Artes (Coneculta). Gustavo Cortiñas and his quartet, featuring Roy McGrath, Justin Copeland y Kitt Lyles chose to charm the stage of El Centro Cultural Ex-Convento de Santo Domingo with their sounds. The concert was little over an hour, and that was enough top send the audience home satisfied with the execution of "Snapshot," which was without a doubt a great performance of a kind and calibre that we scarcely get to witness in our state.


Ante un gran auditorio, se presentó ayer Snapshot de Gustavo Cortiñas, una agrupación de jazz desde Chicago que actualmente está de gira por varios estados de la República Mexicana.

Por invitación del Consejo Estatal para las Culturas y las Artes (Coneculta), Gustavo Cortiñas y su cuarteto integrado por Roy McGrath, Justin Copeland y Kitt Lyles escogieron el Centro Cultural Ex-Convento de Santo Domingo para deleitar con sonidos de trompeta, sax, contrabajo y batería a los públicos local y estatal que se dieron cita la tarde del 17 de julio en este gran escenario de la ciudad de Chiapa de Corzo.

Gustavo Cortiñas es originario de la Ciudad de México y comenzó a tocar batería a los 10 años. Su manera de tocar se destaca por su dinámica interacción, swing y enfoque en desarrollo melódico -y la influencia de las interacciones que sostuvo con sus maestros Johnny Vidacovich, Wayne Maureau, Willie Jones III, Víctor Goines y Hernán Hecht- que junto con su conocimiento de la tradición del jazz, así como las tradiciones y ritmos de Latinoamérica y de México, su tierra natal-, le permiten ofrecer un sonido fresco y nuevo.

Además Cortiñas se ha presentado en varios escenarios de renombre a nivel internacional como Estados Unidos, Puerto Rico y México.

El concierto ofrecido en la localidad chiapacorceña duró alrededor de una hora, y eso bastó para que el público se fuera satisfecho con lo ejecutado por Snapshot, que sin duda fue un gran espectáculo que, en pocas ocasiones, tenemos en nuestro estado.

Gustavo Cortiñas agradeció al público por el recibimiento y por los ánimos que expresaron durante todo el concierto, y agregó: "Definitivamente este espacio del Ex-Convento de Santo Domingo, es algo magnífico y hermoso. Muchas gracias a todos por haber asistido y esperamos volver a regresar a Chiapas, uno de los mejores estados en la república por su gran diversidad cultural".

El día de hoy se presentarán Gustavo Cortiñas y su cuarteto, en la ciudad de San Cristóbal de Las Casas en el "Festival de Jazz Espontáneo" el cual tendrá lugar en el Teatro "Daniel Zebadúa", evento que concentra a los mejores intérpretes de jazz a nivel internacional. -


Still working on that hot first release.



A graduate of Loyola University New Orleans (BM Jazz, Minor in Philosophy, Magna Cum Laude, 2011), and Northwestern University (MM Jazz, June, 2013), Gustavo Cortiñas has performed and recorded with many outstanding individuals and ensembles in North America, Latin America, Asia, and Europe. “In his playing stands out the dynamic rhythm section interaction, swing, and keen focus on melodic development – a result of his interactions and discussions with his mentors, Johnny Vidacovich, Wayne Maureau, Willie Jones III, Victor Goines and Hernán Hecht - which together with his familiarity with the jazz tradition and the musical traditions of his native Mexico and Latin-America, offer a new and fresh sound” (Cristina Zenteno, El Heraldo de Chiapas). This can be heard on his latest record, "Snapshot" (July 2013), "a Smörgåsbord of the moods and nuances that make up the human experience... an idiosyncratic album that intrinsically fuses the personal to the universal... most listeners will empathize with this introspective music, as showcased by the interplay of his pluralistic ensemble” (Lissette Corsa, Jazziz Magazine). "Snapshot" features Lincoln Center's saxophone and clarinetist extraordinaire Victor Goines (tenor sax), and Von Freeman's Mike Allemana (guitar), as well as Justin Copeland (trumpet), Roy McGrath (tenor sax) and Kitt Lyles (upright bass). The album is comprised of original compositions by Cortiñas. “This nine song program sheds a light on the many and varied talents of Gustavo Cortiñas... gives pause to admire the musical skills, taste, touch and compositional acumen of a fine musician. Cortiñas creates music that's driving, episodic and straightforward”(Dan Bilawski, All About Jazz).

​Born and raised in Mexico City, son of Leon Cortiñas and Gabriela Fouilloux, Gustavo started drumming at the age of 10, studying under Santiago Fortson. In 2004 he enrolled in Centro de Investigacion y Estudios de la Música, where he studied music and drums under Rodrigo Jimenez. Subsequently, he studied privately in Mexico City with Hernán Hecht, who mentored him until his departure from the country.

​In 2007, sponsored by Loyola University, he moved to New Orleans to pursue a BM Degree in Jazz Studies, and a minor in philosophy, graduating Magna Cum Laude in 2011. In New Orleans he embraced the opportunity to learn the jazz tradition in the birthplace of jazz, studying and playing with some of the city’s finest musicians, such as jazz icons Wayne Maureau, Johnny Vidacovich, John Mahoney, and Tony Dagradi. Interactions with many other talented players on the local scene led to his long-standing musical partnership with saxophonist Roy McGrath, with whom he has been playing since 2009. He was also featured on McGrath's debut record "Long Shot" (New Orleans, 2010) and his sophomore recording “Martha” (Chicago, 2014) Another product of his musical ventures in New Orleans was the birth of the Collective Vision Sextet, founded with Sebastian Valenzuela, Leland Baker, Woody Rinker, Erin Demastes and Calvin Morin-Martin. The Sextet released a record in 2010. That same year, Cortiñas was awarded the Gerry and Franca Mulligan Foundation Scholarshipfor his outstanding development and achievement in jazz at Loyola University.

​In the fall of 2011, sponsored by the Rev. John M. Krump Endowed Scholarship, Cortiñas moved to Chicago to pursue a Master of Music in Jazz Studies degree at Northwestern University, studying under Willie Jones III and Victor Goines. Proximity to a network of gifted musicians in the Chicago area gave him the opportunity to lead his own groups and to support, as a sideman, some of the city’s great artists, including Victor Goines, Marlene Rosenberg, Mike Allemana, Geoff Bradfield, Hans Luchs, Marcquis Hill, Justin Copeland and Kitt Lyles, amongst others. The recording of Chris Larumbe’s “Sonido Obscuro”, Sasha Bayan’s “Do I Know You?” and Roy McGrath’s “Martha” are some of the testaments to his work in Chicago.

​Cortiñas graduated from Northwestern in the spring of 2013 with a Master of Music degree. A month later he released his debut record“Snapshot”. Since then he has been performing regularly in Chicago, and touring throughout the USA, Latin America, Europe and Asia. For more info, press, detailed discography and more, please visit

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