Goodtimes Goodtimes
London, England, United Kingdom | INDIE
Goodtimes Goodtimes
Self released
Has an emerging sound in the same way that artists find this through the release of one record that leads to greatness; this album is exactly that.
Franc Cinelli, a singer and songwriter who records under the name Goodtimes Goodtimes, was born in Rome but has lived in London for large parts of his life. Having also played across the USA, there is much credibility in this record with many layers of brilliance to discover.
Let it Begin simply took my breath away. With an incredible amount happening in its relatively short duration, this is a bone fide 21st century song but has the added bonus of having counterculture elements. Although it has a pretty standard opening, Fortune Teller Song then transforms by changing its beat and is a track that makes you want to keep on tapping the steering wheel in appreciation. This song was actually released as a single on last August and I reckon it must have gone down a storm by those who fortunately heard it at the time.
My fingers are crossed for a new record to be released no sooner than a year after this. Any longer period would be hell for the countless numbers who follow Franc Cinelli and the words of wisdom he has to offer the world. Russell Hill - Maverick Country
"Goodtimes Goodtimes is singer and songwriter, Franc Cinelli. Imagine a musical companion travelling with you across the unknown, through uncertain times, challenging encounters and further into the beautiful wilderness of eternity. A knowing voice with comforting songs of love and hope that fills the emptiest of souls with faith and promise".
Immersing himself in a melange of acoustic folk and gentle electric storytelling, Franc Cinelli is a rare musical maverick with a natural cinematic presence, iconic tendencies indeed. The buzz on the Internet surrounding this album release still remains gloriously hype free, there`s going to be a few major musical publications caught sleeping after Goodtimes Goodtimes self-titled album`s release date. I`m gonna stick my neck out, raise my head above the parapet and recommend the album as a cure for all iconoclastic social blackness and a bag full of factious mis-spent promises. Franc delivers his lyrical harmonies within regular Country/Folk boundaries, striking a fine balance between tentative Dylan-esque blues, upbeat Country and breezy southern Americana.
"I'm just the man who tells the stories at the fairground
A different potion for every passer by
I'll sell you dreams you never knew you wanted
Take your money and leave you stranded to the night"
The wide and untraditional production on this record produces a warm and deeply sensual sound, the guitar strings are vibrant and fortunately don`t suffer any volume twitches to compensate Franc Cenelli`s powerful vocal range. Contemporary Folk with alternating tempo and touching chord strikes give Goodtimes Goodtimes the ideal reason to tug vulnerable heart strings and instigate some appropriate foot tapping.
November 1st is the official release date for the album, The Pigalle Club, London will be hosting the launch show - Hear the fantastic debut in full, £5 tickets still available Here.
In the meantime we`ve got one copy of this fabulous release to send out to a reader. Simple task, just add yourself to the Goodtimes Goodtimes Facebook or Twitter page and mail me your details.
Photo Courtesy Chris Mastro
"Franc sings torch songs that unite and bring happiness, with undercurrents of the Italianesque corrido and a voice that gathers the tones of the great songsters of the American western migration - Woody Guthrie, Hank Williams, Bob Dylan, Johnny Cash, the desperado chic of Gram Parsons, the New Orleans warmth of Randy Newman, the cool Canadian folk rock buccaneers, Neil Young and Joni Mitchell with Cat Stevens, Robbie Robertson (also a Canadian) and The Band, the hard working Italians (who built the cities of the North Eastern seaboard from New York to Baltimore) Bruce Springsteen and the venal mischief maker Frank Zappa. It’s all there. It’s all in Franc’s voice".
Learn More And Join Fan List To Grab Free `Fourtune Teller` Download
Buy Album, Website/Amazon - Mojophenia
05 dicembre 2010 — pagina 18 sezione: PALERMO
ROCK angloamericano ma dal cuore italiano stasera al PaLab con la performance di Goodtimes Goodtimes preceduta da quella del chitarrista britannico Nick Evans (piazzetta del Fondaco 1, dietro la Questura, ore 21,30, ingresso libero ai soci, tesseramento gratuito anche online al www. palab. org/tesseramento. html). Nonostante norme restrittive che certo non agevolano i locali palermitani nel proporre musica dal vivo (al punto che molti di essi si definiscono, con amara ironia, "pusher culturali", ovvero spacciatori illegali di cultura), il PaLab ha avviato con coraggio un intenso programma che ai concerti settimanali, ai mercoledì di "Openmic" (microfono aperto a cantanti e musicisti professionisti e dilettanti) ed all' appuntamento musicalgastronomico domenicale con U' Brancio, aggiungerà a breve una serie di laboratori musicali con nomi di grande richiamo del panorama nazionale come Morgan, Daniele Silvestri e Cesare Cremonini. Stasera, dietro la sigla Goodtimes Goodtimes, che è anche il titolo del nuovo disco prodotto da Danton Supple (producer di Coldplay e Kylie Minogue) e presentato dal vivo in anteprima, si cela il cantante, autore e polistrumentista Franc Cinelli, one man band nato a Roma, cresciuto a Londra e vissuto tra Inghilterra e Stati Uniti. Pur rifacendosi alla tradizione melodica italiana, le canzoni di Cinelli posseggono struttura e sound tipici di quel folk-rock angloamericano che riconosce come modelli d' ispirazione miti come Woody Guthrie, Bob Dylan, Johnny Cash e Bruce Springsteen. «La musica di Goodtimes Goodtimes - dice la stampa inglese - è piena di speranze e di promesse, è come il sole che tramonta sul deserto, è ricca di candore fanciullesco». Dopo aver macinato centinaia di concerti nei pub e teatri londinesi e poi in ogni angolo della Gran Bretagna, Cinelli si è fatto conoscere ed apprezzare anche negli Stati Uniti esibendosi in locali prestigiosi come il Sidewalk Café e la Rockwood Music Hall di New York e nei templi del folk di Nashville. Nick Evans, invece, è inglese purosangue (classe 1952) ed è un valente chitarrista cresciuto con la musica di Beatles, Jethro Tull, Incredible String Band e King Crimson. Dopo un inizio giovanile di marca rock progressive, Evans da parecchi anni si dedica con successo al folk contemporaneo di matrice angloamericana. - GIGI RAZETE
- La Repubblica
This one also features a pleasantly fuzzy guitar sound, coupled in this case with a tune so chuggily easy-going and warmly sung that it never once sounds like something you haven’t heard before. And I mean this as a compliment, most definitely—another reason why those who seek to criticize some music for “not being new” are, to me, so off the mark. I don’t think music needs to have an agenda like that.
Goodtimes Goodtimes is the performing name for the Italian-born British singer/songwriter Franc Cinelli, who appears to have a particular affinity for the amiable but often discarded music of the ’70s. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but there’s a sturdy bygone feeling to “Fortune Teller Song” that has something to do with Gordon Lightfoot and Jim Croce and early Billy Joel and a bunch of others who strummed and crooned across our AM radio dials back in ancient times. And yet he does so with an organic rather than commercial touch; he isn’t trying to get on the radio, and it adds a grace to the proceedings that, to my ear, makes this song all the more appealing. The simple, character-based story also seems like a throwback, and Cinelli’s buzz-filled voice—nicely offset by the female backup singers in the chorus—makes me happy for no particular reason.
“Fortune Teller Song” is from the second Goodtimes Goodtimes album, this one self-titled, and scheduled for release next month on London’s Definition Arts label. The debut, Glue, came out in 2007. Cinelli has made the MP3 available on his site for an email address, but has been kind enough to let me post it here directly. - Fingertips Music
This one also features a pleasantly fuzzy guitar sound, coupled in this case with a tune so chuggily easy-going and warmly sung that it never once sounds like something you haven’t heard before. And I mean this as a compliment, most definitely—another reason why those who seek to criticize some music for “not being new” are, to me, so off the mark. I don’t think music needs to have an agenda like that.
Goodtimes Goodtimes is the performing name for the Italian-born British singer/songwriter Franc Cinelli, who appears to have a particular affinity for the amiable but often discarded music of the ’70s. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but there’s a sturdy bygone feeling to “Fortune Teller Song” that has something to do with Gordon Lightfoot and Jim Croce and early Billy Joel and a bunch of others who strummed and crooned across our AM radio dials back in ancient times. And yet he does so with an organic rather than commercial touch; he isn’t trying to get on the radio, and it adds a grace to the proceedings that, to my ear, makes this song all the more appealing. The simple, character-based story also seems like a throwback, and Cinelli’s buzz-filled voice—nicely offset by the female backup singers in the chorus—makes me happy for no particular reason.
“Fortune Teller Song” is from the second Goodtimes Goodtimes album, this one self-titled, and scheduled for release next month on London’s Definition Arts label. The debut, Glue, came out in 2007. Cinelli has made the MP3 available on his site for an email address, but has been kind enough to let me post it here directly. - Fingertips Music
In 2008, Franc Cinelli released his first album, Glue, under the moniker Goodtimes Goodtimes, which blended great acoustic and free feel, along with Cinelli’s fantastic voice and strong guitar work. The album has remained one of my favorites over the past couple of years, and since then, Goodtimes Goodtimes has been at work on his second album, which has just been released in the U.K.
The self-titled album opens quietly with the song Point One, and straight from the get-go, it’s clear that you’re about to listen to an evolutionary change. Where Glue really impressed me throughout, Goodtimes Goodtimes absolutely blew me away. Point One is the first indication, as it slowly grows and grows, adding on layers as the song progresses into a gorgeous wall of sound and vocals.
Over the past two years, I’ve heard various versions of songs as they were worked on and released, and was generally impressed with the styling and sound that came with each one. Let It Begin is the only song that seems to have made it onto the new album from this initial batch of demos, and the demo that bears the same name demonstrates that there were some changes to come: expected changes, from Glue to the next major effort. The album is a perfect example of where a band or singer/songwriter has taken their already notable music and figured out what needed to change. The result is an exceedingly superior effort, and I’d struggle to see what would come next that could be better.
Listening to the new album version of Let It Begin however is an entirely new experience. Frank comes out of the gate at a flat out run, with a blast of guitar, bass and vocals. Turning the volume up, there’s an incredible richness to the sound that simply didn’t come through before, from the guitar strumming in my right ear, the background vocalist in my left, with a speed and urgency that just didn’t exist before.
This continues through the album as a whole. Magic Hour and Love display the a slower tone, but the same level of richness through the vocals and music, and the album’s first lead single, Fortune Seller Song, brings the same casual level of energy and depth throughout the song. Burn and Diamonds in the Sky bring back the fast pace of the album, while other songs, such as By Your Side and Sweet England put together a sentimental feeling.
Looking between Glue and Goodtimes Goodtimes, it’s astonishing at how much better the latest album is. Listening over tracks such as Temporary Freeze and Kids, the supporting and basic elements that inform tracks such as Magic Hour and Fortune Seller Song. Going from track to track, I’m reminded of a beginning photographer learning to take pictures, but only later learn how to manipulate their results in subtle ways to bring out a better picture by correcting the colors and applying filters as needed. Goodtimes Goodtimes is an incredibly well polished, tight and exciting album that surpasses his prior works by miles, which says a lot, and makes a really good thing even better.
The best element of Goodtimes Goodtimes isn’t what has changed, however. The sound is together, polished and bright, but the core element that drew me to the group in the first place, the soul and songwriting has remained exactly where it was. The same, breezy free feel that has kept me listening to Goodtimes Goodtimes is intact and only improved by its actual execution over the course of the album.
The good times are back, but they’ve never really gone away. They’ve only gotten better and better.
- Worlds in a Grain of Sand
In 2007 recenseerde ik voor u de debuutplaat “Glue” van de in Londen wonende Italiaan Francesco Cinelli, die dat album uitbracht onder het pseudoniem ‘Goodtimes Goodtimes’. De opvolger voor die plaat wordt nu uitgebracht in de vorm van een titelloze cd “Goodtimes Goodtimes” met opnieuw rustige, melodieuze pop- en folksongs.
De tien tracks op deze nieuwe cd liggen volledig in het verlengde van zijn eerste album. De aftrap wordt gegeven met “Point One”, een song die met een mondharmonica-introductie in de stijl van Bob Dylan begint. Francesco Cinelli neuzelt de tekst zelfs een beetje op de wijze van de grootmeester. Wat later duikt dezelfde vergelijking opnieuw op tijdens het nummer “Get Ready” dat in Dylan-stijl wordt verteld. De vlotte popsound met stevige gitaren en drumbeat vormt de basis van het volgende nummer “Let It Begin”. Een monotoon voortkabbelende liedje met daarbovenop een twangende gitaar zijn de typerende aspecten van het derde nummer “Magic Hour”.
De muzikale verhalen vertellende troubadour in Cinelli komt aan bod in het liedje “Love” dat met het geluid van een akoestische gitaar wordt ondersteund. “Fortune Teller Song” - de eerste single uit dit album - is ons absolute favoriete nummer met alweer een monotoon doordrammend deuntje aan de basis, maar vooral heel mooi gezongen in duetvorm door Francesco Cinelli en gastzangeres Ivy Webb. Dit schitterende nummer zou zeker niet misstaan in de huidige hitparades.
Bijna even sterk gezongen is het catchy melodietje “Burn” waarin de ietwat hese stem van Cinelli voortgestuwd wordt door akoestische en elektrische gitaren. Dit zou net zo goed werk van iemand als M. Ward kunnen geweest zijn. Naar het einde van de plaat toe wordt het tempo serieus gedrukt en horen we de bijna akoestisch gebrachte ballad “By Your Side” en het afsluitende “Sweet England”. Daartussenin zit met de dynamische rocksong “Diamonds In The Sky” wel nog even het luidste nummer uit “Goodtimes Goodtimes”.
We waren al behoorlijk onder de indruk van debuutplaat ‘Glue” maar de progressie die Francesco Cinelli laat horen in dit tweede album belooft alleen maar veel goeds voor de verdere toekomst van dit onmiskenbaar grote talent. Ik laat intussen deze zeer mooie cd nog maar eens opnieuw door de speakers galmen.
- Rootstime.be
Goodtimes and the Fortune Teller
posted by spinhead on 6 July 2010
erky, yet crunchy. Or is it crunchy, yet perky? And oh, look! It’s 70s slide guitar, in the best possible sense. “I’ll sell you dreams you never knew you wanted . . . ”
Yep; it’s Goodtimes Goodtimes once again. I swear, Franc puts something in your tea that’s instantly addicting. I have, in my 50 years of constant ingestion, heard a lot o’ music. The Fortune Teller Song is one of that rare breed that has my feet tapping and head bobbing simultaneously, and that’s even during the third repeat. (I also love that the opening guitar riff is, um, an ‘homage’ [as in, lifted directly] from the Smith’s How Soon is Now?.)
You should go get your own absolutely free copy (well, it costs signing up for his newsletter; oooh) and be ready to snag a copy of the new album when it’s out.
And now that Best Beloved and I are going nomad, perhaps I’ll finally see Goodtimes Goodtimes live in its native habitat, which appears to be hip dives in London town.
- Know Your Music
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
ARTIST: Goodtimes Goodtimes
Last week I included a song by the talented Goodtimes Goodtimes in our "Snow Is Gone" playlist, and was excited to get an email afterwords announcing their plans to release an EP in the near future.
We originally wrote about Goodtimes Goodtimes (which is essentially Franc Cinelli) about a year ago after his debut album Glue was released (read that post HERE). While his music could be lumped in with the likes of several Bob Dylan aspirers, his knack for writing cheerful ditties like the ones below set him apart a bit. The music keeps a buoyancy worthy of Franc's moniker, and assuming the EP sees daylight soon, it'll make a perfect summer soundtrack.
Here are two tracks from the upcoming release, first the title track "Let It Begin", and second a finished version of one of my favorite Goodtimes Goodtimes tracks to date, "For All My Kingdom". You can also check out a video for "Let It Begin" below. Enjoy! - Whale In A Cubicle
bout a year ago, when my daughter started using the phrase "goodtimesgoodtimes" like it was a single eighteen-letter word to mean agreement with something I'd said or a positive comment on something that had happened, she was more excited about it than I was.
So, when she introduced me to a band called Goodtimes Goodtimes, spelled like that, two nine-letter words, I was less than enthusiastic. Fortunately, I got over it and as a result, I've discovered some of the best 'feel good' music I've heard in a very long time. The name that Franc Cinelli chose for his mostly one-man project is what I like to call 'truth in advertising'. The cover of Goodtimes Goodtimes' first album, Glue, is a rising sun of bright cheery yellow. And the music is decidedly happy. I don't get excited about angry music; there's a distinct lack of happiness in music today and I don't write about music that's not happy. Well, sad is okay. There's a place for sad songs. But not angry. I really prefer happy. Wanna hear happy? Listen to Kids or Sunshine Sunshine, happy songs.
Goodtimes GoodtimesThe entire album, right from the opening track Summer is perky and cheerful—the word perky keeps coming to mind; I hope Franc doesn't mind. The songs are simple, uncomplicated, lyrically at least. Musically, they're a little challenging. I've tried playing a couple of them and they don't just roll out of my guitar, I tell you.
Desire is one of those songs that for some indefinable reason makes me feel, immensely and intensely. I don't know if the chord progression reminds me of something else or maybe it really is just the intense feelings of yearning in the lyrics. The Red Sky and the Spanish Coast is just a really cool name, and at the end of it there is a little musical epilogue of sorts that I actually found (perhaps on the website?) as an mp3 called Glue, although there is no song Glue on the album. So there you go, Glue is actually the epilogue of The Red Sky and the Spanish Coast.
There's lot of slide guitar on the album, which I really like; acoustic slide guitar. It's a very acoustic album. It says it was recorded in the bedroom.
There's one mystery song, For All My Kingdom. It's not on the CD but I have an mp3 of it. I'm not sure how that happened.
The songs below, Let It Begin and The Rescue, will be on the new EP which should be out imminently—imminently means whenever Franc feels like it—and it already feels a little more mature, fleshed-out, robust than Glue, possibly because there are other musicians involved. And if you go to YouTube and search for Goodtimes Goodtimes you can watch videos of the songs. Or you can go the websites, which are linked down there in the bio, and read all about it.
Glue is well worth the paltry sum it costs to have it shipped to your home. I'm really excited not just about the EP that's coming out, the full-length album shortly after that, but I'm especially looking forward to Goodtimes Goodtimes someday doing a tour of the left coast of the United States. When they come to Northern California, you can bet I'll be right there in the front row, smiling.
Goodtimes Goodtimeshttp://www.goodtimesgoodtimes.co.uk
Goodtimes Goodtimes started life as a one man band; Franc Cinelli, an Italian raised in London, filtered his roots through a multicultural sieve to forge a unique identity and distinctive sound. A true bluesman, born out of his natual era, and so he blends his blues-folk with his personal optimism. He and his cohorts create ethereally wonderful alt.folk. You'll have each song on repeat in your head before it even finishes playing.
Drawing on traditional blues, folk and country music, the songs of Good Times Good Times are infused with the musings of a young man who is as much at home in London's Soho as in Rome's Trastevere or New York's Lower East Side. Inspired by the New York coffee house scene of the '70s and encouraged by the enthusiastic reception to his music, Franc spent much of the last couple of years playing the New York circuit. Thoroughly absorbed by the scene, Franc soon found himself playing in bars, clubs and coffee shops, developing a solid following among the music-loving New Yorkers; playing sometimes three or four times a night in different venues around the city; learning to take his guitar everywhere in case of an impromptu gig in someone's basement or loft apartment; and often playing until five or six in the morning. Moving on to touring up and down the "Coasts" and back again doing the same in the UK.
After the well received, bedroom recorded "GLUE" LP , Goodtimes Goodtimes new live EP , produced by Danton Supple, steps everything up a notch or two. Story-telling in the night; late night drinking and early morning wanderings. Irresistibly rustic killer hooks and a new favourite band.
Hey, click the little arrow thingy and play the songs!
Let It Begin is just so darn perky. I am strongly in favor of perky; there is far too much cranky already. will someone please tell those guys in system of a down? "down dow-n down, whoah oh oooh" indeed. must add more 'whoahs' to my own songs.
The Rescue feels more serious, but still positive. I think that's where you grab me, franc; all that sunny positivity. at my age, you finally realize that happy and perky are way more important than one's angsty teen years would indicate.
- Know Your Music
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Goodtimes Goodtimes - Glue
Photo: Chris Daffin
Good, honest folk music defies borders. Goodtimes Goodtimes is the band name used by singer/songwriter Franc Cinelli, an Italian raised in London who lists as his musical influences such diverse artists as Johnny Cash and Lucio Battisti. My ears hear the further influences of Bob Dylan, Tom Petty, Van Morrison, and the Band. Cinelli has molded these varied influences to create his own unique identity and distinctive sound.
Perhaps the biggest influence on his music has been the legendary New York coffeehouse scene of the '70s. For the past few years, Goodtimes Goodtimes has been playing to enthusiastic audiences in the pubs and clubs of New York as well as London. Strong, insightful lyrics that portray the full range of human emotions and catchy, melodic accompaniments have earned this talented young singer/songwriter a growing following of fans on both sides of the Atlantic.
Goodtimes Goodtimes has plans to be on tour on this side of the pond with gigs in New York this February. If you are in the New York area be sure to take in one of his shows.
Download or order a copy of Glue, the solo debut CD by Goodtimes Goodtimes, and expect to hear lots more from this talented young singer/songwriter as word gets out.
- Old Blue Bus Blogspot
Goodtimes Goodtimes
« H E » email
posted Sunday, 13 January 2008
So the other night I was driving along listening to a mix-tape of recently downloaded music--evaluating, if you like--when this really good song came on. I immediately wondered, where did I find this? Is it something I heard on the contrast podcast? Could it be from Toad? And then it hit me--it had come from my inbox! I laughed out loud at that. I was so sure I'd found it somewhere else. Oh dear.
Goodtimes Goodtimes is really one Franc Cinelli and he's from London. He's been playing his brand of acoustic folk music for several years now, both in the U.K. and in New York. He sent me an email asking me to listen to his stuff and I'm so glad he did. He plays guitar and harmonica, has a slightly gruff and gravelly voice, and writes the kind of lyrics that appeal to me straightaway. "I was born to let you know I love you" is a good example.
His self-released album Glue is out now and you can pick it up on itunes, his website or via a link on his myspace page. How can a guy this good be unsigned???
Goodtimes Goodtimes-- [listen] "Sea Shanty" mp3 off Glue (buy)
Goodtimes Goodtimes-- [listen] "Kids" mp3 off Glue
He's got his own blog, Goodtimes Goodtimes, and he appears to be quite enthusiastic about mp3 blogs in general, which of course wins him points in my mind! He's got a couple of shows coming up, two this month in London and one in New York at The Living Room on Feb. 23rd (check his myspace for details). I tell you, sometimes I wish I lived closer to the city, as there are so many bands that I never get a chance to see. There are two videos on his myspace page with him performing, but it's just not the same. *sigh*
tags: goodtimes goodtimes - Lost In Your Inbox
15 January 2008
Good times two
photo: Chris Daffin
Franc Cinelli is, for all intents and purposes, Good Times Good Times. An Italian born and raised in London, Cinelli's music defies easy categorization and avoids being tied to any one geographic area. Good Times Good Times songs grow from traditional blues and country, but as if they were planted in foreign soil. There is a uniquely European flair to his writing, and I can almost imagine these songs going down a storm in Nashville just as swiftly as they would garner applause in a New York coffee house, or on a Dublin sidewalk.
Cinelli sums his style best: "Telling stories and reaching out with a song and a strum is pretty special. I write about whatever takes my fancy; the usual suspects apply; girls, that night when I couldn't bite my lip and it got me into trouble, my mates, Johnny Cash, dance halls and love."
Good Times Good Times "Kids"
Good Times Good Times "Sunshine Sunshine"
Both tracks are taken from the album Glue, which is available via iTunes. Good Times Good Times play London's Troubadour tonight, so if by chance your in town, check out the show.
- Quick Before It Melts
Goodtimes Goodtimes
When listening to an artist for the first time, I will usually try to compare them to an artist I am familiar with. With the singer/band Goodtime Goodtimes, there are many names that come to mind. Tom Petty, Bob Dylan, Tim Buckley, and Mic Christopher. One quality all those artists have is the ability to help you relate to the music by reminding you of real life situations, such as lost love and pain. I was struck by the same feelings when listening to Goodtimes Goodtimes and was instantly hooked. A lyric in the song "Kids" goes: "I was born to let you know I love you", and anyone who has ever been in love knows exactly how that feels and how personal that lyric is. I've enjoyed what I've heard so far from this artist and look forward to hearing more in the future, hopefully you'll agree as well. Here are a few songs to sample, if you like them be sure to consider buying the CD titled "Glue" - Music for Humans
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Make Way For The Good Times
While I've been waiting for Sub Pop to send out the OK on a Ruby Suns MP3 for you guys (I see they haven't weaned off the Pitchfork teat quite yet), I got an email about an album that I'm possibly even more excited about, the debut from Italian Londoner Franc Cinelli, aka Goodtimes Goodtimes. Alt. Folk is something I've slowly accepted into my life as a way to transition from the void Elliott Smith left towards something/someone to fill it. Now this is much more Dylan than Smith, and a little more Jack Johnson than I'd like, but man it's hard to ignore.
[MP3] Goodtimes Goodtimes - Kids (highly recommended)
It's rare that I find a line like "I was born to let you know I love you" anything but a sappy cliché, but Cinelli pulls it off. It's actually rather endearing, painting an warm image of rural youthful nightlife with just as much sincerity as any rustic Americana folky in recent memory. It doesn't have the experimentalism that I typically yearn for, but the hooks are memorable and more than catchy. You'll have this song on repeat in your head before it even finishes playing.
[MP3] Goodtimes Goodtimes - Sea Shanty
Glue is the name of Goodtimes Goodtimes' debut, and it's available now. - I Guess I'm Floating
Sunday, 11 October 2009
Bring on the Goodtimes...
Are you ready for a live review and 2 album reviews? Well it's Sunday so pull up a chair, pour yourself a drink and bring on the Goodtimes Goodtimes.
So there's a history behind this story. I don't want to re-type it all paragraph and verse so in short...
Went out in early August, didn't expect to see music so had no camera, came across a couple of acts (Thea Ford and a band called Goodtimes Goodtimes) who sounded quite good in a venue that wasn't acoustically very good (Bar Music Hall), came away with no videos just a couple of promo cards...and that is that...I wrote a blog about it, moved on that was that.
So now fast forward in time to October and more specifically October 5th. On arriving at Koko to see Joshua Radin I ended up by the merch stall. I don't quite know why I was drawn in that direction so early or what made me take a closer look but something out the corner of my eye caught my attention, there was something familiar about it. On closer inspection it appeared to be a promo card I already had, for Goodtimes Goodtimes. I turned around excitedly to show my mate Dave having realised they were the support act, then turned the other way to see the lead singer Francesco Cinelli looking at me like I'd gone slightly mad. He seemed taken aback that I remembered them from August and that I'd remembered that like me, he's a left-handed guitarist (although one of us is amazingly good and deserves to be on a big stage - and the other shall keep writing this blog). He explained he was playing a solo set which made me completely curious.
So we headed for a quick beer and settled in for what turned out to be a bit of a surprise. When I heard Goodtimes Goodtimes back in August I was a bit impartial because the acoustics were so bad. You couldn't tell what was good and what wasn't only that in principal it sounded good. It turns out Francesco is amazing and the music is too. Francesco played a set for I guess 30 - 40 minutes playing songs from their recently released EP Let It Begin including Let It Begin, Love and a couple of tracks from their next album which is set to be released next February.
So there's videos on my youtube channel which you can now access more easily using my new super-fantastic video player in the sidebar.
That's it review over...nothing more to see...oh no no no, don't be so silly. We're only just beginning, take a pit stop if you want, get a drink, have a smoke, hit the toilet if you need to but for goodness sake hurry up and come back you don't want to miss what's below!
So after he'd played Francesco floor walked the venue selling CDs of the album Glue (which is also available on iTunes). I naturally bought a signed copy for myself but again didn't really know what to expect given that I'd seen them as a band in a poor venue and as a solo artist in a great venue. So on Monday night when I got back to the car, I put the CD on and was blown and I mean BLOWN away, in fact elated by what I heard. It was Goodtimes Goodtimes in a third different form a slightly laid back, relaxed and acoustic.
The album begins with the beautiful Summer which reminds me more than a touch of Josh Ritter then heads on into Kids which for some reason I can envisage Paul McCartney playing. We then head a touch more back towards the modern day with three or four brilliant tracks in Sea Shantry, Temporary Freeze and Desire which feel heavily musically influenced by the 70's and maybe a bit Eagles, maybe a bit Dylan-esque (although I hate name dropping Bob Dylan because it's an easy name drop).
Then out of the blue comes Sunshine Sunshine which was what I recalled the band being all about when I saw them back in August so it was re-assuring to know that I hadn't lost my senses that night. The album finishes with three utterly brilliant songs in The Red Sky & The Spanish Coast, You Know Why and the wonderfully laid back lazy and warm fuzzy Every Song. All in all its around 39 minutes of pure bliss, music heralding from a time when music meant people who could play and sing songs of genuine quality full of stories, humour and emotion. There's something "lazy Sunday summer late-afternoon" about the whole album, it's the sort of thing you want to listen to whilst laying under the scorching sun.
It's an album you absolutely MUST own, I'm currently viewing it as one of my top three albums of the year and I have bought a lot of new music this year.
Now usually at this point we're done but not so today. The good people of Goodtimes Goodtimes recently released a FREE EP - Let It Begin...Yes it's FREE, so you can download it without having to spend anything. It's 4 tracks with a slightly different but still utterly brilliant vibe, perhaps slightly more modern than Glue and a bit more electric. For all you Coldplay fans out there (and I'm not one, I detest them with a passion) you'll love the final track on the EP "Love", there's something very Coldplay about it. There's no official artwork for the EP and because I'm so anal about having music on my iPod without an album artwork, I knocked this together, which you're more than welcome to use. It's not endorsed by the band but it's my ident for the EP.
So I think I'm pretty much done for today's effort, if you do nothing else and you don't go any buy the album, just do me one tiny little favour, go and download the FREE EP. Oh and for those of you in the USA, they'll be playing 3 gigs shortly.
15th October - Living Room, New York, NY
26th October - Third and Lindsley, Nashville, TN
27th October - New Faces Night @ The Basement, Nashville, TN
No excuses people...go check em out.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend, whatever you do and wherever you are.
Rich x - The Singer/Songwriter, Folk and Rock Music Review from mrrichmuk...
From http://www.radiokgb.blogspot.com/
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Can We Ever Have Too Much Good Folk Music??
Seriously, can we?
I don't think so. A lot of people like folk for a lot of different reasons. I, for one, appreciate the simplicity of it. I'm all for layering songs beyond comprehension at times, Radiohead can be guilty of this. But sometimes all I want is some good, simple folk music. I want to focus on the melody and not get bogged down by a lot of other stuff.
So, with that said, here's something you probably haven't heard.
Here's a fellow playing under the band name Good Times Good Times. I suppose you can find out more about him here. He's recently completed a new album, Glue, from which I'll post a few songs. You can probably buy his album for cheap on his website. I've only got these three, so far, but I've definitely enjoyed what I've heard, you should.
I think he's got quite an ear for melody, which I think is most evident in the song Desire. I hope you all like these songs, I've been playing them for about a week now. Its probably the best artist submission we've received to date. Enjoy
- radiokgb
oct 22 -07
Goodtimes Goodtimes making life good
Every so often an artist comes along that brings fond memories flooding into your head and you just can't help but smile and start tapping your foot.
It's only fitting that this artist is called Goodtimes Goodtimes. This is the kind of music you have playing when you're with friends, when life is perfect and when you're... having a... good time.
Check out more goodness (sorry, another good pun) at their myspace page - concretecircles.blogspot.com/
both albums can be streamed in full at http://www.goodtimesgoodtimes.co.uk

Goodtimes Goodtimes is singer-songwriter Franc Cinelli.
Born in Rome, Italy and raised in London, Franc's Music 101 course came from his mother's vinyl collection: Springsteen, The Police, Dire Straits, Pink Floyd & Bob Marley. He learned his trade playing shows, jumping on National Express coaches to play gigs in pubs, venues and front rooms from Hastings to Stornaway and back again until there were enough songs to make a record. His debut album "Glue", released independently, helped him reach out to a bigger audience and internet fan-contacts took him on several tours around the US where his alt/country & blues influences matured. At first, this involved fitting in as many gigs as possible in a single night at the Greenwich Village coffee shops, bars and record stores, then graduating to playing seminal venues like Pianos and The Living Room on Ludlow Street, Sidewalk Cafe' and Rockwood Music Hall in Manhattan New York, Third and Lindsley and The Basement in Nashville.
Following "Glue", Franc returned to London and signed to Danton Supple's Definition Arts label who have recently released his second album Goodtimes Goodtimes.
After a European tour, he is now playing across venues in London.
For more information... info@goodtimesgoodtimes.co.uk