Depuis quelques années, Montréal a été désignée comme étant la nouvelle destination de la musique indépendante avec des groupes comme Arcade Fire et We are Wolves. Dans la même lignée, plusieurs groupes locaux ont suivi la tendance et certains d'entre eux commencent à faire beaucoup de bruit comme le groupe GIRL.
GIRL, c'est avant tout quatre amis. Ils composent, jouent et chantent les déboires de leur génération. Le tout est fait avec une twist qui leur permet de se démarquer de cette vague de nouveaux groupes.
Ils ont un premier mini-album qui surprend et s'écoute très bien. Sans réinventer la roue, les textes de GIRL reflètent une vie de fête, d'amour et de questionnements. On apprécie le genre qui nous rappelle beaucoup le mouvement new wave des années 80. La voix du chanteur, Félix Roy, nous rappelle d'ailleurs The Cure ou New Order.
Louis Lupien, guitariste, parle avec enthousiaste des projets du groupe. Prochaine destination pour GIRL: la grosse pomme, où les quatre membres déménageront leurs pénates, dès le printemps prochain. Après avoir donné des spectacles partout au Québec, GIRL est maintenant prêt pour l'expérience de leur jeune carrière: conquérir la scène internationale.
Pour les amateurs de la scène alternative des années 80 en version 2000 améliorée, le premier album éponyme de GIRL est disponible sur iTunes. - MSN.CA - Vivre dans la nuit
"[...] their pop flavor makes you want to go on a road trip to the United States with girls in mini-skirts. Girl makes you want to become a better person, to drop the drugs, to believe that anything is possible, to hit the road to compostella, etc.. " - tonpetitlait.com
“ [..] To my great surprise, upon loading their website, I realized that GIRL was not the band I thought it was, although sharing similarities on their names. Wrongfully accused, I had to make amends by giving their music at least a good listen and boy, was I awfully pleased with what I heard … Heavily influenced by our western neighbours from the UK, they bring a hint of freshness to the local scene of Montreal. Their first song New Wave also greatly reminds me of a song I know, but I can’t quite put my finger on it, my faulty memory might come back later on.
Needless to say that GIRL is a band to watch locally, nation-wide and even internationally, they have what it takes to appeal the mass audience, so support away. [...]” - Above and Beyond Mag
2009 - GIRL EP

GIRL makes music that makes you lift your fists in the air with each epic chorus. GIRL is written all caps because they record major future classics. Why GIRL? Because these four boys love girls, because they're a frequent subject in their songs and simply GIRL sounds good. Lifelong friends, the four piece gained early notoriety in 2005 on Vrak.tv when they wrote and performed the theme music for various shows. Following this experience that the current incarnation of GIRL took form in the fall of 2008. Influenced by Brit Rock; Félix, Louis, Maxime and Olivier adorned a classic 60's stage look with their stunning white suits. GIRL played packed shows pretty much everywhere during the course of the year and brought their slick mix of new wave and pop rock to an ever-growing number of fans. The band has now evolved into a tight party machine on stage.
Following their series of sold out concerts in Montéal, the band enters the studio in Spring 2009 self produce and record their first EP. Result? 5 songs that will stay in your head fovever, unmatched technique, incredibly crafted pop rock hymns. One of their songs: Woo Woo sums up what we want to yell throughout the entire listen. Unsurprisingly, GIRL sold out the Sala Rossa on June 1 2009 for the launch of their EP, and set the tone for their future concerts where their fans can't seem to get enough. GIRL is currently working on their upcoming full length, an indicator of more big things on the horizon. GIRL, music for you, girl. And also for you, boy.