http://www.lajornadamorelos.com/noticias/cultura/69271?task=view - JORGE SIFUENTES CAÑAS
Urraca Alejandro Flores

Turn Turn Sunflower (Gira gira girasol) and Turn the wind resonance, reasons, flavores, instruments of the traditional music from the gulf to the pacific and from the north to the south of Mexico. Musical winds that rotate and revolve around of the resonance of the violins, quinta and jaranas that are fusion with contemporanean instruments like sequencers and electroacustic bass, they are flowing free with sound of our present. All of it aspires to be the project "Turn Turn Sunflower" (gira gira girasol), that reminds us the name "Turn Turn Sunflower", a beautiful piece of that great chilean folklorist and sings author Victor Jara. Let's listen without prejudices or vain pretentions to Alejandro Flores and his musical concerns around the mexican resonance, resonance that save us, always so nice and ansestral, Alejandro Flores "Turn Turn Sunflower", He's accompanied in this adventure by mexican musicians from diferent traditions that are expressed through their instruments which are closed. "Turn Turn Sunflower" convenes a meeting with mexican music filtered in the prism of new proposals sound.
Alejandro Flores Betancourt from Emiliano Zapata, Morelos state, has participated in the mailling and collection of ethe traditional music with many bands and artists like Amparo Ochoa, Francisco Pancho Madrigal, Cafe Tacuba, Kronos Quartet, The band rock "The Wolves" in spanish "Los Lobos", a musical participation in the Jorge Morenos disc that is called "Vetas del Gran Arbol del Son Cuexteco".
A musical participation in the movie " Morirse en Domingo", with Jorge Morenos with the theme TAM TAM. http://www.morirseendomingo.com recordings and video discs Edited by discos Pentagrama. Amparo Ochoa: popular songs two(Cancionero Popular Dos). Edited by discos Pueblo. Francisco, Pancho Madrigal: El Tigre y el Nahual. Edited by discos Pentagrama. Edited only in Europe. Amparo Ochoa: A lo Mestizo live in the City Theater. Edited by discos Pentagrama. Café Tacuba: Avalanche of hits Edited by Warner music. Café Tacuba: Cuatro Caminos Edited by Universal. Joselo Rangel: Oso Edited by discos suave. Kronos Quartet: new participations in two themes: el Huapango, El Llorar and the song 12-12 with Café Tacuba. Edited by discos nunesuch. Y tu Mama También: participation in the join authorship of an item with Café Tacuba named Insomnia. Edited by Virgin and Suave. Los Lobos: The Ride musical Participation in the theme "La Venganza de los Pelados". Edited by Hollywood Records. Café Tacuba: DVD Unplugged Edited in 2005 by Warner music. Café Tacuba: Dvd "Viaje"(trip), Edited in 2005 by Universal. A theme in the disc of San Pazcualito Rey .