Ginger Root
Huntington Beach, California, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2016
70's SSW然とした素敵なポップスを奏でる Cameron Lewのソロプロジェクト Ginger Rootが、10/8にリリースしたニューシングル 'Two Step'を公開!
元旦リリースが故に埋もれたアルバム『Spotlight People』のときよりも、さらに洗練されていてどんどん好きになっていきますね。Vulfpeckファンにも届きそうな予感。 - Niche Music
Akin to the flavours in the name of the musical entity Two Step (available on bandcamp) calmly and elegantly slips through the speakers prior to filling the room with a warm texturing which builds in intensity prior to quietly slipping back in to its dinner-jacket and departing with as little fuss as it arrived.
Ginger Root creates music which is easily ingested and potentially ignored as listless, though so to do would be remiss as – underpinning the compositions are subtle and immensely satisfying layers. To sort of maintain the food analogy: There is the immediately presentationally attractive ‘fast-food’ radio play music which on second bite in reality tastes as bland as the first bite – then there is 족발 (Jokbal) with its infusion of ginger root. - Emerging Indie Bands
With lounge jazz chords and an ascending guitar riff in its opening, you know that ‘Two Step’ by Ginger Root will be a terrific track even before the vocals kick in. The soulful chill of the singer contain traces of Jamiroquai, while the chorus has the bouncing bass of the likes of Ducktails and Vulfpeck. ‘Two Step’ is a track of two impacts; it’s structure and melody will appeal to your pop sensibilities, and the splicing together of various styles and changes in pace and key will make you admire Ginger Root’s own musicianship. - Born Music Online
Still working on that hot first release.

By day, he cuts films, videos and other multi-media, and by night he plays music in shady bars, possibly ran by the mafia. Cameron Lew, the film student from Huntington Beach, merges an indie sound, with hints of funk and soul. “Fans of Jamiroquai, Melody’s Echo Chamber, Ducktails and Vulfpeck will like this one.” -Divide and Conquer Music. Cameron has been a part of many musical projects around SoCal, but now he pursuits his solo project, Ginger Root, with bandmates Anthony Grisham on Squire VI (bass) and Matt Carney on drums.
Featured in blogs from the UK to Japan, Ginger Root has landed in numerous curated playlists, as well as Spotify's Fresh Finds playlist in October 2017.
Band Members