Gift Eaters
Gig Seeker Pro

Gift Eaters


Band Alternative


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- Bird Omen EP (2008) [self-released]
- We Haunt the Homes we Keep EP (2009) [self-released]
- Bird Omen/ We Haunt The Homes.. 2x EP Cassette (2009) [BART Records]



Gift Eaters came to fruition in mid-2007, the brainchild of 4 young men with a shared passion for progressive, inventive DIY hardcore and punk.

Drawing on a rich vein of dark 90’s indie rock, as well as the ongoing underground renaissance in hardcore and aggressive melodic music, Gift Eaters craft songs that are equal parts bile, intensity, and joy.

Gift Eaters strives for unabashed expression and honesty in a cultural landscape painted largely in muted tones. Ideologically, the band can be seen as a reaction, however futile, against the aggressive commodification of all that is “hip,” or the branding of lifestyles and the atomization of the individual that such a cultural logic engenders. Inch by inch, year by year, we are being left with fewer and fewer spaces to express ourselves without filters, and so this project unflinchingly seizes upon our remaining opportunities for emotional catharsis in the here and now. Gift Eaters has vowed strict adherence to the DIY ethos, printing, designing, and assembling all artwork in-house, and making its own merch from scratch.

This is not music for everyone, and not a project undertaken with any hope or desire towards personal, social, or financial glory. It is music with the noblest goal in mind: abolition, pure and simple.

(Feat: Members/ex-members of Hills like White Elephants and snic )