Peter Bielagus
Bedford, New Hampshire, United States
Peter Bielagus (Bill-a-gus) became The Go To Guy For Young People And Their Money the hard way by first falling deep into credit card debt. Six months into his freshman year of college, Peter owed the credit card companies more than $5000. Realizing many young people fall victim to the same fate, Peter began reading what amounted to over 300 books on personal finance. His research eventually turned into the book Getting Loaded: A Complete Personal Finance Guide for Students and Young Professionals. After college, Peter got his financial planning license and opened up the first financial planning firm in the United States that specialized in young people. Peter now travels the world speaking at high schools, colleges and military bases. A frequent guest of the media, Peter has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, USA Today and the Miami Herald. Recently Peter was featured on the nationally syndicated PBS Special Your Life, Your Money. Mixing humor and emotion with real life examples, Peter empowers audiences of all ages to take control of their financial lives. His latest book, Why Bother? How The Worst Pickup Line Of My Life Changed My Financial Future And How It Can Change Yours Too is available on his website www.peterbielagus.com.
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