Get Dexter
Southampton, England, United Kingdom | SELF
After seeing their spectacular live show at The Joiners I caught up with the sprightly 'Get Dexter', a new upcoming four piece, home and grown here in Southampton. The lads unlike most young indie bands seem not to be self consciously rock 'n roll, smoking some kind of flora and declaring themselves to be the beginning middle and end of music. Get Dexter produce an intoxicating musical cocktail that is timeless and thoughtful, you can't help being left with the impression that surely the band have been honing their craft for many years? It therefore may come as a surprise to learn that Get Dexter are currently studying for their GCSE's and are only at the tender age of 15!
Already reviewers have compared them to top acts such as The Arctic Monkeys and Franz Ferdinand and even The Beatles. The eccentric quartet come in the forms of front man Charlie James (lead vocals and rhythm guitar), Reece Davies (Drums and vox), Rob Franklin (lead guitar and vox) and not forgetting the pint sized dynamo Ben Clift (Base guitar and vox). Always providing an electric performance and a stage presence rivalling bands with twice as much experience, this band are sure to be massive this year.
AY: Hi Guys, nice to see all again, how did you enjoy the gig?
GD: (All) It was awesome! The audience were so good the atmosphere really was electric and everybody we asked had a good time, and a stage invasion is always great.
AY: I can imagine. So you guys seem to be springing up on gig listings all over Hampshire where did you come from?
GD: (Charlie) We all met at The Romsey School, where we all still go. I remember the whole thing was very rushed, it started out Ben and me being Introduced by our mutual friend Seb on the first day of year 7, so we had a bass player and a singer/guitarist, now all we needed was drummer. Ben had this friend called Richard that he knew played the drums so he introduced us. So we had our line up. Then of course, "You could have it all so much better" by Franz Ferdinand came out. So of course, I was like "shit man we need another singer/guitar player we need to sound like Franz" then I was introduced to Rob. One thing lead to another we kicked out Richard and got Reece on the drums the rest is history really"
AY: Well after viewing that brilliant performance I think a change in the line up has defiantly paid off. So I am curious where the name 'Get Dexter" came from?
GD: (Charlie) Our name doesn't really come from anywhere cool, so this question's always been a bit embarrassing. Like, some band are like "oh dude like, our band name was written in the stars" or the side of a boat or the bloody clouds. How we got our name was just a brief conversation between my uncle and me. "You got any band names?" …. "Get Dexter?" "Okay"
AY; (laughing) well that clears that up then, maybe you should credit your uncle for artistic input on your new EP?
GD: (Charlie) Oh I will never hear the end of it if a record label snapped us up!
AY: As we know you lot are all still in school doing your GCSE's how on earth do you manage to balance practice, gigs alongside your work?
GD: (Charlie) Well, I just had to write a Spanish essay that was late in, and do a page of Core Science GCSE just before this interview. School Is Inconvenient, but It's just one of those things, It's a drag at the moment, It's not long until we can leave now though, It's just about being patient. (Rob) Yeah it is Difficult to balance them, but I used the band website for my media coursework and we used our tracks for music compositions so it's swings and roundabouts a lot of the time.
AY: You lot must be a million miles and hour, would you say that school is the biggest obstacle for you as a band then?
GD: (Rob) Getting everyone together in one room is the most difficult. Predictable, yeah but practice is what a good band needs.
(Reece and Ben) And also I think it trying to get your music out there for it to be heard by absolutely everyone. There are only a tiny percentage of people who would make things happen with you, rather than just listen to your music.
(Charlie) For me it's writing. I write lots, but a majority of the time it's just little silly poems and stories and stuff, like Dr Zeus. It's either the guitar part, or lyrics that I struggle with, never both at the same time. You'd think I'd be able to piece something together, and I suppose that's what our songs are.
AY: So do you all write or is it down to one person?
GD: (Reece) Charlie writes most of the songs but we have our inputs here and there. I think as a band, we're all starting to become more open about our songs and what we could add to them to make them sound better. I've even started writing some material myself that could perhaps be played as a band.
AY: Your set list is very bouncy and gets people up dancing, but what would you say your music sounds like?
GD: (Benn) Ambient and relaxing ( - Joiners -Live
A couple of weeks ago I had the privilege of watching one of the best gigs I have ever seen. It was made up of completely unknown bands, the majority of performers being still at school but god was it amazing. The first band I would like to advise all to look out for is Get Dexter. They are a four piece Indie band who covered tracks from the likes of The Raconteurs and Kasabian. I've heard alot of covers of The Reconteurs' "Steady as She Goes" but never in my life have I heard a better version. The video below will definately give more of an insight into the band. This is was a jam session at the time, but soon after they developed a similar instrumental which they opened their set with the other night. - Last FM
''Southampton locals Get Dexter are growing and growing. Their indie-rock anthems are helped along by some bellowing vocals that deeply engrave themselves into their musical back drop that calls to mind the slightly gloomier players in the scene.'' - Hamptons
coming soon . . .

Get Dexter are a 4 piece Indie/Pop band from Southampton, formed in early 2007 but started seriously in early 2008. The band has performed at many venues across the area and 2010 is going to be the year for seeing newer and bigger places. With reviews from around Southampton telling the public to look out for this band in the future, and being compared to such high acts as the Arctic Monkeys, Franz Ferdinand and even the Beatles, youre sure to not be disappointed by their highly energetic performances and great musical ability. The band is Charlie James, Rob Franklin, Ben Clift and Reece Davies.