Geno Five
Englewood, New Jersey, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2011 | SELF
On this record, he relies on the production skills of BrainOrchestra who crafts a mid-tempo backdrop for the emcee to vent his anger and frustration. A true student of the artform, he tackles the individuals who seem to take the artform for a joke while dropping some insightful relationship gems at the same time. He states "...Sometimes it's your flaws that make you great..." with confidence and passion. On this record, he strays away from any form of choruses but he sure delivers some melodic laced lines at the start of the song, I reckon just to ease the listener into the somewhat dense track.
Sour Grapes" is the opening track of Geno Five's LP The Feels and sets the mood for the introspective project. - EARMILK
“Feels”. As dramatic as this may sound, that word has more weight now, more than ever. We’ve heard “Feels” mean the negative, the sadness that we feel, we’ve heard “oh you’re in your feels” in fights, the word has multiple meanings. Clearly “Feels” is short for feelings and not just the negative ones. Englewood emcee Geno Five explores the different spectrums of feelings we all go through on his latest project “The Feels”.
With a title like “The Feels” one would expect this record to be downtrodden, full of sad music, with no hope of a foreseeable future. The minute you turn this on though, you’re met with an energetic delivery from Geno. “We The Crew” speaks on the triumphs and successes of going through the trials of life and coming out clean with the people you came up with. Geno truly captures the myriad of emotions, highs and lows that we experience in life.
It’s very easy to get wrapped up in the depressions and tough times in life, however Geno Five challenges us to look at the big picture. Don’t let our supposed failures keep you down, because chances are if you stick through it, blessings are on the other side of life’s difficult trials. - Hype Magazine
As much as people try to dismiss how impactful social media is on their lives, there are those who love getting the likes and the followers. As an artist, platforms such as Twitter and Instagram are extremely influential in promoting your content, brand, and who you are as a person. New Jersey rapper Geno Five decided to celebrate his milestone of earning over 10,000 followers on Instagram by delivering fans the “10k Freestyle” with a visual.
Oct 24, 2018
Geno Five deliver an immersive new tape.
by Armon Sadler
As much as people try to dismiss how impactful social media is on their lives, there are those who love getting the likes and the followers. As an artist, platforms such as Twitter and Instagram are extremely influential in promoting your content, brand, and who you are as a person. New Jersey rapper Geno Five decided to celebrate his milestone of earning over 10,000 followers on Instagram by delivering fans the “10k Freestyle” with a visual.
Shot by Aspire Films, the concept of the video is brilliant as Geno (real name Kennedy Smith) joins up with his crew for a workout at a football field in Rahway, New Jersey. He raps about the reality of longevity in the music industry, his intent to remain humble despite the following he’s earned, and how he still feels there is a lot to do. The cardio workout he and friends do serves as a metaphor for the fact that this achievement won’t hinder his effort in any way.
The wordsmith has enjoyed a year of progression in his music and fanbase, releasing The Feels LP back in June and performing in various venues down in Atlanta. His raw talent, storytelling, and humility despite being a standout lyricist in New Jersey is the recipe for even more growth and a successful career overall. - ELEVATOR
The New Jersey scene is just burgeoning with talent. Geno Five is another act that you need to keep your eyes on and his new release ‘Gettin Played’ is a good starting point. Produced by fellow Jersey producer .blank, the soulful beat is the perfect backdrop for Geno to really showcase his versatility. There’s no doubt that he can rap but he flexes a little melodic performance in this one too. This track is really just a breath of fresh air. - Fashionably Early
Sept 29th 2019 - Point Five
June 15 2018 - The Feels LP
June 23rd 2017 - GOLDEN
December 31st 2016 - Don't Get STUCK
December 19th, 2015 - Fore5ighted Triangle
October 5th 2014 - Devil's Advocate
May 19th 2013 - The View

Rising Hip Hop Artist, Geno Five is highly praised for approaching production with ORIGINALITY. When a trap beat comes on, I usually can predict what kind of flow and style artists are going to come with. Not the case with Geno Five, his powerful voice demands you take him seriously, but his cadence comes off so nonchalant that even Geno’s laughing at how impressed you are with him.
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