Foul Mouth Jerk
Asheville, North Carolina, United States
Foul Mouth Jerk :: Streetlight Music :: GFE
as reviewed by Emilee Woods
If you're like me, one of the first things you check out when inspecting a new rap CD is the list of guest rappers on the back. By this criteria alone, Foul Mouth Jerk should catch your attention with "Streetlight Music," as it boasts guest appearances by an incredible array of respected artists, from Masta Ace and El Da Sensei to Murs and Grandmaster Caz. Seriously – Grandmaster Caz. When's the last time you saw him on someone's album?
Being relatively unfamiliar with Foul Mouth Jerk's catalog of work, I must admit I was shocked at the caliber of guests he lined up here. (Really? Grandmaster Caz??) Clearly I was the only one surprised, though, since, four albums deep, FMJ got the MC community to take notice and participate in his paean to the old school. As the title suggests, this one is a throwback to the days of hijacking streetlight power for neighborhood jams around early DJs' formidable sound systems, and the music and lyrics both reflect the old school focus.
The opener "Streetlight Music" sets the tone for the rest of the album, with a beat full of dusty drums, electronic sound effects, and a familiar organ sample set off with scratches by DJ Notik. FMJ's raps initially sound like an afterthought to the music but eventually take center stage as he name checks the original greats and puts the (relative) newbies in their place.
"Way before rap had a Grammy award
There was a time when hip hop wasn't carried in stores
It was not just a product you could go out and buy
It was the people and the party and the place, the time
Top 40 groups should have to pay dues
To cats like Spy, Herc, and Phase Two
For pavin the way for the rest to break through
Cuz them wildstyle techs y'all flexin ain't new
Pioneers like Melle Mel and Grandmaster Caz
shoulda gotten paid and had the cash
Like Dr. Dre and Aftermath
And every other artist with the platinum plaques"
Brycon – who, along with Waxwerkz, produces most of the album – contributes the album's freshest track for "Small Town USA," on which Masta Ace stops by to pay tribute to the podunk towns that always show love on the road. Another standout is "One Room Shack," with its beat of melodic xylophones and clanky keys courtesy of A-List, who also provides the hook's scratches of the obvious "Juicy" sample, "Thinkin back on my one room shack." Brycon's "Neighborhood Drug Dealer" features a similar vibe with another recognizable vocal sample, this time from KRS-One's "Love's Gonna Get'cha."
The tracks that stand out the most are those that depart significantly from the old school mood, for better or worse. While the molasses slow weed ode "Mr. Green" is decent enough, it doesn't quite match the feel of the rest of the album. On the other hand, a pair of political commentary songs near the middle fit better musically despite their unique subject matter. "The Decider" is an instrumental track by Waxwerkz that lets our president present himself in all his glory. It's littered with the Bushisms we have come to know and love, including winners such as, "Families is where our nation finds hope, where wings take dream." This is followed by the electric guitar laced "Culture of Life (Jesus Doesn't Give A Shit)," which finds Foul Mouth Jerk taking the US to task for its many political conflicts of interest and the human fallout that results.
"Is anybody even payin attention
to the basic direction this nation is headin?
The multinationals have seized control
The presidential cabinet is full of CEOs
Gives a whole new meaning to 'executive branch'
And Bush makes sure that their agenda's advanced
While the companies they run are overseas profiteering
Under the code name Operation Iraqi Freedom
Both sides suffer combat casualties
While Exxon sets record profits on gasoline
The whole administration says, 'Support the troops'
Then cut combat pay, now that's a poor excuse
When the coffins come home, they won't let you see
So you wear a yellow ribbon on your SUV
But let your loved one catch a slug, set a Mass
'God and country' ain't nothin but a hollow epitaph"
And that's just the first verse. He goes on to rail against "big business dressed up to look Christian," and notes of the war effort, "Everyone that perishes creates more terrorists." You might not agree with every last statement, but after eight years of the Bush administration you'd be hard pressed not to at least sympathize with the sentiment.
There are a number of other high points too, including a guest appearance by Breez Evahflowin on "Lost in the Sauce" and a jazzy interpolation of the newly revived Beatles classic "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" on "Played Out." It's different enough from both the original and Wu-Tang versions to merit re-use, and it's subtly done, so that you may have a hard time picking out the melody on first listen.
Foul Mouth Jerk achieves a remarkable consistency of tone throughout "Streetlight Music," which is not always a good thing. While the beats are individually enjoyable, they tend to all blend together by the time you get to track 16. Additionally, he rarely switches up his flow, which is just competent rather than really great, and he doesn't have the most commanding voice you've ever heard either.
Everything on this album is on the verge of being truly exceptional. The beats are very good but lack that extra punch. FMJ's rhymes are well-crafted and meaningful, but his delivery and flow leave a bit to be desired. The guests are superb and provide a welcome change of pace, but they can't mask the feel of sameness that creeps in as the album wears on. Regardless, this is a high quality album that is worthy of its amazing line-up of guest MCs, and it deserves more recognition than it will probably get. If you're already a Foul Mouth Jerk fan, you won't be disappointed with "Streetlight Music," and if you aren't, this is a great place to start.
Music Vibes: 7.5 of 10 Lyric Vibes: 7.5 of 10 TOTAL Vibes: 7.5 of 10
Originally posted: April 22, 2008
source: www.RapReviews.com
- rapreviews.com
With a little help from some legends, especially Grandmaster Caz and Masta Ace, former wandering street rapper Foul Mouth Jerk settles into some powerful jams on Streetlight Music, his fourth release. It's as much a homage to old-school rap as it is deadly up to date. A mix of boasts, party tips and
political rants, the album features some of the best attributes of hip-hop: killer beats and angry but honest finger pointing.
Foul Mouth Jerk has gotten some heat for the political sides, but to me those are the best tracks. His anger is well-aimed and he often hits his targets right on. “The Decider” and “Culture of Life” names names and events that have caused us to lose faith in government. Rap gets all the bad press for its focus on rims, grills, and bank accounts, but that's only half the story. Foul Mouth Jerk shows that rap is still capable of being, as KRS-One said, the black CNN, the reportage of the streets.
Ultimately, though, Streetlight Music is about killer rhythms and beats that hit hard and evoke what the party was like in 1992. Among the better tracks in that vein are collaborations with guests: “NJ Transit” features El Da Sensei; "Day One" features Caz and TOPR, and the truly hot “Lost in
the Sauce” gets help from Breez Evahflowin’.
Foul Mouth Jerk has reverence for his great teachers and for his listeners, enough so that he doesn't alter his jams or his message for the sake of airplay. Streetlight Music is a record to party to but also to respect.
- July 9, 2008 - prefixmag.com
Quick Hitters:: Foul Mouth Jerk - Streetlight MusicThe man known as the Foul Mouth Jerk has, as the kids say, "been on the blogs" (actually no one other than people that write blogs say this) , quite a bit over the last month or so. He's even been on this here site already as I used his enjoyable Small Town USA in my post for Ack's recent birthday. "So if he's everywhere why post on him?" I hear you asking. Well his name is Foul Mouth Jerk, which, as rap monikers go, is pretty awesome. Plus his album is pretty decent, so I thought I'd quick hit it up.
The Jerk is a native of New Jersey, which is where his love for hip hop was born. He didn't remain in NJ though, travelling across the US as kind of a hip hop hobo, busking on the street for gas money and travelling only with a mic and dream in his bindle stick (he likely never had a bindle stick, but would I pass up the chance to make a bindle stick reference?). Anyway, Streetlight Music is the Jerk's fourth full length and while he isn't the most natural MC I've ever heard, he has an enthusiasm and a love for hip hop's true school that makes it pretty enjoyable.
The Jerk's Theme features the Jerk breaking down what he's all about over a pretty solid piano loop, but the chorus is built around an Axel Foley/Milk Dee sample combo, which pretty much makes it awesome by default. There are some solid guests on the album, and fellow NJ native El Da Sensei makes an appearance on the smoothed out, horn-laced NJ Transit. Master Ace features on the aforementioned Small Town USA, and like 97% of the songs Master Ace appears on, it's a very good song. One Room Shack is the kind of track the Jerk seems most comfortable on as he breaks down the nasty condition of his bachelor pad over a jazzy track. The old school hommage Day One features Cold Crush Brother Grandmaster Caz, and his flow sounds pretty current, which is all-around awesome. The Decider is a rather enjoyable clip of Dubya's verbal misteps which leads into the serious, anti-Republican anthem Culture Of Life which shows the Jerk has much more than old-school party rocking on his mind. One more guest mention for good measure as left-coast underground fave Murs makes a very solid (as per usual) cameo on the remix of The Hard Part.
If you like your MC's foul-mouthed and addicted to the old school, yet also willing to tell the Bushes to suck his wang, give Foul Mouth Jerk a go.
- herohill.com/quickhitters
Since the early 1990's there's been a steady procession of talk about how good rap used to be. Foul Mouth Jerk certainly seems to long for 1980's golden era, at least judging from the sounds of his recently released fourth album Streetlight Music. There's plenty of scratching, samples of classic rap tunes(Audio 2, BDP and others), and boom bap styled beats built on sonic muscle rather than computerized gloss. For instance, "NJ Transit" featuring El Da Sensei sounds as though it could have been lifted from a lost Artifacts session, and the raps about riding through Northern Jersey's rail system feel somewhat refreshing compared to the seemingly endless onslaught of of luxury car and private jet advertisements unloaded in most popular rap songs. Indeed Jerk was wise to team with some of rap's most overlooked talent, something he also does with Masta Ace on "Small Town USA", among the locations where Streetlight Music will resonate. - The Source Magazine 7/08
After so many anticipated albums getting pushed back(thanks Nas, Wayne) -where can I get my rap fix but the underground hip hop scene? Surprisingly, Foul Mouth Jerk was nice enough to make an album that I can enjoy. Streetlight Music sheds a light on the life of the streets and takes the music back to the days when hip hop advocates stayed out late doing what they love. Don't worry new listeners, Foul Mouth Jerk won't fill your ears with four letter words that made you go "oooh I'm tellin" as a toddler, he just gives the facts. Like in "One Room Shack", a song playing off the old Biggie line talking about how busted homes are in his stomping grounds of New Jerz. He further defines his art of storytelling on "Neighborhood Drug Dealer" & "NJ Transit"
He also expresses lyrical activism with "Culture of Life" talking about the corrupt systems introduced by hilariously serious quotes from W. Bush on "The Decider". Foul Mouth gets some lyrical blessings from other artists such as URB cover star Murs, EMC member Masta Ace and even old school rapper Grand Master Caz. - URB Magazine 7/08
You may not have heard of him before, but underground New Jersey rapper Foul Mouth Jerk began coming up in the 1990's, and his pedigree includes the O.G. crew GFE. He's done shows with talents like Talib, Mos Def & Run-DMC. He's even recorded with the Atomic Dog himself, George Clinton. And he just released his fourth solo album entitled Streetlight Music. So why don't you know who he is?
The reason may be because he's stayed true to the underground ethic of hip hop, grinding & playing clubs, which may be why folks like Murs & Grandmaster Caz(from the Cold Crush Brothers) agreed to appear on the record. It's got that late 90's underground feel: Smart lyrics, scratches, samples from BDP(and plenty of other old school legends), and simple beats that stress swing over hook. The single "Small Town USA" featuring Masta Ace is extraordinary, but so are tracks like "NJ Transit" featuring El Da Sensei, and "Trying to Eat" a coming-up-on-the-scene cut.
The verses are the kind of tracks you need to hear over and over, because the lines are complex enough that you can't catch them on the first or second listen. He's witty deep and innovative. On being poor he says "got a broken computer with so many virus'/ that the piece of shit can barely even tell what time it is". After noting that "drug dealers are people too" he tells of a junkie who "quit fuckin with that LSD & ecstacy/ ever since they raised the penalty it ain't worth the energy" And on the political track "The Decider" he simply samples George W. and lets the man speak for himself. Not too many rappers have a dis track for the President. But more should
FMJ may have just dropped one of the most interesting albums of 08. Check it out. - berkelyplace.wordpress.com
Hashashin Perspective 1998
Vespucci's Ransom 2003
Skrilla Warfare 2004
Streetlight Music 2008 (hit #10 on CMJ hip hop album chart 6/08)
Small Town USA ft. Masta Ace single (hit #2 on college hip hop singles chart 5/08)
"The Oldest Trick In the Book" 2010

Foul Mouth Jerk is like the 4th of July, a titty bar & the shark from Jaws all rolled into one. If Einstein impregnated Jenna Jameson with a baby panther, the resulting offspring would be the Jerk. His live shows are more awesome than a diamond-studded birthday cake for a war hero. Upon hearing Foul Mouth's "I Want In" playing in the club Palxico Burress immediately shot himself.
In short the man is a walking James Cameron film. He has performed & recorded with George Clinton, The Artifacts, Masta Ace, Murs, Grandmaster Caz, and many other legends in the music game.
"This guy makes me look & feel like shit"
-Kanye West
"Dude is a beast!"-Godzilla
"For just a brief while, I stopped being gay"-Ellen Degenerous
"he's really not a nice person...but the sex was phenomenal" -ex-girlfriend
"Holy Fuck!!!"- Barack Obama