For A Season
Gig Seeker Pro

For A Season

Band Christian Rock


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This band has not uploaded any videos



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- Strength For The Weary (2011)
- Lion Hearted (2013)

- Get Up (Strength For The Weary)
- Be My Strength (Strength For The Weary)
- Let It Out (Lion Hearted)
- Sunrise (Lion Hearted)

Tracks that have/are receiving radio play
- Get Up
- Let It Out



For A Season is a Christian Rock band based out of Southwest Florida that weaves an artistic approach into their live shows. With an edgy approach to modern contemporary Christian music, the band incorporates live speed paintings (performed by bassist Joshua Noom) to their sets. The combination of visual thematics and crowd participation is the vehicle that For A Season uses to share a message of hope and life in Christ.
For A Season's latest project "Lion Hearted" features "Let it Out" (feat. KJ-52) has propelled the band onto the Christian rock radio charts, as they continue to expand and imprint their music and art onto the Christian music scene.