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"Flutronix Brings Out the Wicked Side of Woodwinds"

"...redefining the flute and modernizing its sound by hauling it squarely into the world of popular music." - MTV Iggy (April 12, 2013) - MTV Iggy

"A Face Lift for the Flute"

"...a unique blend of classical music, hip-hop, electronic programming and soulful vocals reminiscent of neo-R&B stars like Erykah Badu." - Tad Hendrickson, The Wall Street Journal (March 21, 2013) - The Wall Street Journal

"Flute Groove"

“These flutists have cut loose from the orchestra to plug-in and party hard.” - Eli Rosenberg, The Brooklyn Paper (May 27, 2012) - The Brooklyn Paper

"Flute Groove"

“These flutists have cut loose from the orchestra to plug-in and party hard.” - Eli Rosenberg, The Brooklyn Paper (May 27, 2012) - The Brooklyn Paper

"Gig Alert - Flutronix"

“Nathalie Joachim and Allison Loggins-Hull are both accomplished players of the instrument in their own right, but together as Flutronix the duo conjure something special.” – Alexander Abnos, WNYC's Soundcheck (January 15, 2013) - Soundcheck - WNYC

"Gig Alert - Flutronix"

“Nathalie Joachim and Allison Loggins-Hull are both accomplished players of the instrument in their own right, but together as Flutronix the duo conjure something special.” – Alexander Abnos, WNYC's Soundcheck (January 15, 2013) - Soundcheck - WNYC

"Flutronix - Flutronix Album Review"

“Joachim and Loggins-Hull’s success here lies in the duo’s impressive timbral coordination of acoustic flute with the inherent polish of synthetic sounds – no simple achievement.” – Doyle Armbrust, TimeOut Chicago (April 28, 2011) - Time Out Chicago

"Flutronix - Flutronix Album Review"

“Joachim and Loggins-Hull’s success here lies in the duo’s impressive timbral coordination of acoustic flute with the inherent polish of synthetic sounds – no simple achievement.” – Doyle Armbrust, TimeOut Chicago (April 28, 2011) - Time Out Chicago


Flutronix - 2010



“…a unique blend of classical music, hip-hop, electronic programming and soulful vocals reminiscent of neo-R&B stars like Erykah Badu.” - Tad Hendrickson, The Wall Street Journal (Mar 21, 2013)

Flutronix is Nathalie Joachim and Allison Loggins-Hull, two blazing young flutists who share their combined influences and aspirations to create a new kind of music greater than the sum of its creators.

“Nathalie Joachim and Allison Loggins-Hull are both accomplished players of the instrument in their own right, but together as Flutronix the duo conjures something special.” – Alexander Abnos, WNYC Gig Alert (January 15, 2013)

Their multiple roles as composers, performers and producers has moved them to collaborate with artists and ensembles from different realms and disciplines, including electronic music sensation Dan Deacon, hip-hop producer Ski Beatz and the International Contemporary Ensemble.

“Remarkably free of gimmickry and deep as a forest, these pieces bewitch the ear … they’re sturdy and mysterious in a way shared by Classical, New Music and Jazz instrumentals alike.” – Matthew Finch, Music Director, KUNM 89.9FM Albuquerque, NM (Nov 10, 2010)

Nathalie and Allison knew they had to master and manage every aspect of their work — from music, publishing and business interests to sharing their hard-earned knowledge and experience – in order to achieve success on their terms. Flutronix publishes its own work and hosts an online web series sponsored by The Flute Center of New York, Real Flutists, which presents iconic flutists from all walks of music in an informal interview format where they share their insights directly with viewers. Flutronix also presents on-site workshops for university students to develop their confidence, know-how and awareness in developing and sustaining a music career in the 21st century. They teach musical workshops for grades K – 12 using guided discussion and live examples to demonstrate non-traditional performance techniques, including improvisation, sampling, extended range polyphonics and integration of electronics and surroundings.

“Joachim and Loggins-Hull’s success here lies in the duo’s impressive timbral coordination of acoustic flute with the inherent polish of synthetic sounds – no simple achievement.” – Doyle Armbrust, Time Out Chicago (Apr 28, 2011)

Flutronix has gained traction and a growing fan base through performances at WNYC’s Greenespace, the Brooklyn Museum and 92Y Tribeca, and the duo produce an ongoing collaborative new music series, Flutronix and Friends. Their eponymous debut album was co-produced by Flutronix and Steven Berson and was released in 2010 to critical kudos. Their original compositions, described by NewMusicBox as “equally indebted to and comfortable in several musical lineages,” navigate a shared landscape of experimental and contemporary music combining acoustic and electronic elements.

“All in all, the nine tracks on Flutronix’s recorded debut make a strong case for a post-stylistic, post all-powerfulsingle-auteur-driven music, one that allows multiple voices to share in the shaping of a music that is equally indebted to and comfortable in several musical lineages.” – Frank J. Oteri, NewMusicBox (Jan 04, 2011)

Much sought after as clinicians and educators, Flutronix has presented and lectured for the Juilliard School, New England Conservatory, the New York Flute Club, the Atlanta Flute Club and other institutions across the country.
Flutronix has performed at leading new music venues and events including the National Flute Association’s annual convention, 92Y TriBeCa, Brooklyn Museum and WNYC's Greenespace, and they produce Flutronix and Friends, a collaborative new music series. The duo is regularly sought after as clinicians and educators and has presented and lectured for the University of Madison-Wisconsin, the New York Flute Club, the Atlanta Flute Club, the Oklahoma Flute Society and other institutions across the country.  Their self-titled debut album, released in October 2010 on the duo’s label, has been broadcast on WNYC, WQXR, Q2 and other stations nationally. Additionally, Flutronix publishes their original works and hosts Real Flutists, an online web series sponsored by The Flute Center of New York.