"Firedrill! is everything you dream of a cappella being in your head but never quite get the
opportunity to be a part of. Now's your chance to participate."
-- Brian Haverkate, reviewer for RARB - RARB (Recorded A Cappella Review Board)
I've always wanted to sing a show with Matt Damon...and one of them looks like a dock worker in any Jean Claude Van Damme movie...but seriously, if we could have their musicality...I'd...I'd die right now. - Moosebutter - 88.9 WERS All A Cappella
Firedrill! is the best a cappella group Firedrill! has ever heard! - Firedrill!
Dudes. I was just at the point where I didn't think I could possibly enjoy the Martin Sexton show any more, when suddenly Firedrill! appeared from the wings and started singing backs! Absolutely awesome. - Mypace comment by THIS GUY
You guys rocked the video and it seems that you must have rocked the house at Sweeps as well. I guess we also better bring our A game, after having seen that. - Euphonism (D.C. A Cappella group)
THIS is what contemporary A Cappella should sound like! - Samrat Chakrabarti (A Cappella community elite)
Debut EP - Rock Paper Scissors - Released in 2006
*Currently working on a full-length CD

In 2005, Firedrill! stepped back, got a big running start and LEAPED... making a big splash at the '05 Harmony Sweeps - winning the Boston regional. Two years later Firedrill! still has the same disregard for what contemporary a cappella is supposed to be. In 2006, Firedrill! released their first EP, Rock Paper Scissors. Since then, the group has been honored with several awards and nominations including but not limited to 2 Contemporary A Cappella Recording Award (CARA) nominations [http://www.casa.org/content/view/775/170/], an A Cappella Community Award (ACA) for best Pop/Rock album, ACA runner-up for Favorite Professional Album, and a track selection for the SING IV compilation [http://www.allforacappella.org/sing.html]. Since their last appearance the group has reconfigured and stepped up it's repertoire and performance schedule, appearing at SoJam in North Carolina and Hosting the ICCA Finals at Lincoln Center in April '07, opening several concerts for Martin Sexton, and nearly sinking a Boston Harbor Cruise ferry.
The future you ask? - Firedrill! is recording, learning, and gigging out in Boston. Expect to see us on a Wheaties box in 2008 for their "Non-Steroid-Using A Cappella Groups" tribute.
Band Members