Father of Sam
New York City, New York, United States
This band has no press
C-Section ( released on November 12, 2011)

The band Father of Sam was formed in the summer of 2008, when Alec (vocals) have met Stephan Kuziv (guitar) in one of the fast food joints in Brooklyn. Stephan dropped a guitar pick on the floor, while looking for some change in his pocket, after what Alec asked him if he was a musician. Their discussion about musical interests turned into an exchange of a home made demos. They clicked right away. Alec realized that his psychotic vocal style and at times violent and depressing lyrics, could benefit from Stephan's unusually interesting sense of melody and spontaneous guitar playing. That was the beginning of the project called Father of Sam. Later on they wrote over a 100 songs, influenced by many artists, including: PJ Harvey, Grinderman, Beck, Radiohead, The Beatles, etc. The line up of the band was changing multiple times , except for the two founding members. Their debut album was released in November of 2011, in which you will hear the true face of New York's underground indie rock.