The best kept secret in music
This band has no press
Still working on that hot first release.
Feeling a bit camera shy
So, according to sonicbids, this place was left empty in order for me to write about…me. So let’s do it (youhou! )… Well, I was born in a house (amazing, hu!). In the house were parents, brothers and sisters… which is not a bad start if you think about it. It is not like I was born in a musicians family or anything but, you know, everybody more or less played guitar every now and then. So when they did, I used to sing along. In fact, I used to do it even when they didn’t play. When you are a child you’re innocent, you don’t think about what you‘re doing. You sing and that is it. It is not like wearing pink glasses with a little bow on top of every corner. When you do THAT, you know you are doing something weird (even if I didn’t at the time), but let’s try to stick to the point. Well, the innocence ends where music school starts and, for me, it started early. As a child, as a teenage, as a young adult, I always went to music school. The schools changed, of course, and the styles of music as well. I practiced my scales like a good child does, but it was not always as funny as I thought it would be when I first watched the Aristocats. But I did it. And just as I was finally more or less in control of the structure of classical music, Jazz came in and blew everything. Scales just became a playground, a fertilizer. My tiny musical tree was ready to start its struggle for life. Finally (I was 21) the Aristocats were back in the game. I kept studying music, but this time it was Jazz, and it was a totally different world. And eventually, I graduated. I had a Jazz degree !! Which basically means that you have spent a few years at school with people you can jam with afterwards around the city. And that’s what I did for a few years, in Brussels. It was quite by chance that I met Jarek Frankowski a few months after I graduated. He wrote and recorded songs. I was willing to sing them. So we did it, with some of the people I mentioned earlier (those of the Jazz degree, remember) ? And here we are, with this album. There are 15 songs on it. We can not figure out exactly if it is Jazz, Soul, Pop or something else. But we hope you’ll like it.