Fangs on Fur is the first track and is just a great anthem-like song. Starting of with syncopated drums and bass, joined shortly by the very melodic guitars, the song starts rocking in full force when the voice kicks in - sometimes melodic but mostly an edgy, manic sound in the voice. I really like this track a lot!
Cigarette continues where the first tracks left off - the same melodic guitars, the same edgy voice, the same rocking music. F-Boy F-Girl is far more punk and I can almost hear the Toy Dolls in this.
I must confess that from this most unusual band comes a rather unusual offering that will strike a chord with many people that are into deathrock.
A great promo and I really am looking forward to them releasing an album!
- Gothik Radio
Q. What releases are making heavy rotation in your player so far this year?
A. …The Fangs on Fur demo…
- Automation - Online Radio Podcast for Experimental Music
"Rabid Revival"
Seeing Fangs on Fur play live is something like hitting a time warp and finding yourself instantly transported back to England in the late ‘70s. But unlike many other bands who aim for such a sound, Fangs on Fur manage to pull it off with such skill and vibrancy that you’ll be quite charmed. Their show at Bordello showcased the highlights of their fun-punk-meets-batcave, self-titled 4-track EP, but still ventured into darker forays on newer numbers. Like their early punk predecessors, another thing that Fangs on Fur do remarkably well is writing excessively catchy tunes. Their song “Cigarette” has been bouncing around my skull for nearly a week now, but I’m considering granting it permanent residency.
Natasha Desianto
January 3, 2008
- The Deli Magazine - LA
Fangs on Fur EP - Pachinkore Records

When two worlds collide...
It's like FANGS ON FUR
Only when the deepest, darkest jungle meets Los Angeles' shimmering streets can a true visionary project like
FANGS ON FUR come together - to become one of the most highly anticipated & talked-about bands of recent times!
Boasting a line-up that features veterans of the L.A. Goth and Punk Rock scenes (The Leaving Trains, Christian Death, Sluts
for Hire, 45 Grave, The Helpful Nuns, Faith & the Muse, to name but a few...)
Mashing together the best of dark-tinted Spaghetti Western guitars, tribal rhythms and the razor-sharp hooks of '77 British
punk rock, FANGS ON FUR explode into an exotic rock n' roll safari, captivating dance-floor divas and aggressive punk n' roll
fans alike.
Drawing comparisons to Ennio Morricone meets Killing Joke and X-Ray Spex meets The Congo, FANGS ON FUR combine all of these elements and more to uniquely create their own lush, seething mixture of angst and passion, already topping playlists of DJ's and music fans, both internationally & in the States.
The FANGS ON FUR live experience has now become the stuff of legend; F-Boy's swirling guitar twang comes face-to-face with Miss Koko's driving bass lines & Stevyn Grey's thunderous drums. On stage, the sounds, lights and visuals all reach a roaring pinnacle with F-Girl - injecting her sing-along vocals and on-stage antics that grab audience members by the collar and pull them into a wild world of savagery, ferocity and fury.
When scenes collide - it's like FANGS ON FUR
The natives are restless.
There - in the distance... can you hear it...?
The jungle drums are calling...