Falling Anvils
Montréal, Quebec, Canada | INDIE
Aujourd’hui nous passons outre-atlantique afin de vous faire découvrir un groupe du Canada, « FALLING ANVILS », originaire Montréal plus exactement. Ce metal band est orienté hardcore, mais somme toute un métal puissant et structuré de surcroit. Bob chanteur, possède une voix axée rock/hardcore mais néanmoins détient ce petit truc dans la voix qui ne laisse pas indifférent. rythmiques de gratte de Dan (basse) et Matt (guitare) sont hyper-toniques: une puissance électrique à l’état pure; le tout boosté par percussions de Dany.
Ils viennent de sortir une galette nommée « Take it », distribuée au Canada par Indie Pool, mais est également disponible en écoute leur page myspace !
Avec « TAKE IT « , le processus de promotion est enclenché: Falling Anvils tournent jusqu’au 10 octobre 2010 au Canada et puis zikos feront un sérieux détour par la Belgique, mais aussi par le Nord de la France avec une date à la Péniche Igelrock...
A retenir donc.
- 28 août 2010 par Bryan
La pêche que dégage le groupe est vraiment entrainante. Les morceaux sont rapides et puissants sans êtres trop complexe, ce qui fait que les morceaux sont faciles à suivre et on est vraiment dedans ! Garouel apprécie notamment la basse qui est assez mise en avant, ce qui donne encore plus de punch ! Le tout est bien structuré, équilibré et bien mené, ce qui en fait un groupe aux musiques efficaces ! - Hornth 14 octobre 2010
(Style : voir chronique) un vrai talent !
Quand les Québécois de Falling anvils m’ont envoyé leur cd « take it », je ne m’attendais pas à cela ! Il arrive parfois à mes oreilles un groupe qui sort du lot, ce groupe canadien en est la vivante expression ; Leur style ? Sur un squelette metal / rock très puissant, viennent se greffer des soupçons de hardcore, de néo metal, de hip hop (stars fade with war), de rock, de heavy. Bref, une sorte de metal alternatif
En fait, en plus actuel, ils me rappellent la démarche de Faith no more qui mettait dans sa musique pas mal d’influences diverses, et eux le font par petites touches inventives. Chaque titre a sa vie propre et variée. A noter qu’ils aiment mettre assez souvent des passages aux rythmes tranchés, découpés façon hardcore.
Une basse qui claque, un bon batteur et des guitares bourrées d’énergie. Toute la palette décrite plus haut se joue sous leurs doigts….heureux d’être là ! En plus, ils savent faire des « chansons », c'est-à-dire des morceaux aux airs qui vous accrochent rapidement (mother's milk, feeling the breeze, wasted talent, blast that shit).
Enfin le chanteur, donne dans un chant rock, dont il sait varier le menu, allant même parfois jusqu’aux vocaux hardcore / noisy plutôt hurlés (sweet life). Il possède de temps à autre, un petit grain de folie assez proche, dans l’état d’esprit, de System of a down. Remarque qui vaut aussi pour les mélodies de certains titres (refrain de "feeling the breeze", intro de "stars fade with war") ; attention, ce n’est pas du SOAD, loin de là, c’est juste un petit quelque chose entre les lignes. Rajoutez aussi, pendant qu’on y est Therapy.
Voilà, j’en ai fini avec cette chronique et je cours de suite m’en remettre une louche .
Bien à vous.
- olivier no limit 15 octobre 2010
We here at The NewReview like new music. Our spies comb the globe harvesting everything from cassettes at garage sales to indie releases from the nether-regions of sub-sub-sub-sub-cultures. For every hundred or so new bands we see, one will blow our doors out and make all of the car chases, torture scenes, and evil villains worth it.
Falling Anvils made my year with a mind-blowing debut, Take It. Falling Anvils, not to be confused with the band of the same name consisting of Yosemite Sam, Droopy the Dog, and Tex Avery, hail from Montreal, Canada. This power quartet made of Robert Macarthur (Vocals), Mat Barette (Guitars), Dan Pante (Bass), and Dany Lalonde (Drums) are very hard to pigeon hole into a genre. This is the first sign of greatness.
The next sign of greatness is when I communicated with the band, they didn’t drop names. Instead Dan Pante, the bass player said this of their influences: “[Falling Anvils] come from different musical backgrounds such as blues, rock, metal, rap, or punk and have been influenced by even some classical or jazz music.” These guys don’t want to be restrained by assumptions based on names they drop. And they can’t be easily categorized.
Before I give you my own comparisons, keep in mind I’m a trained professional. Do not try these comparisons at home or you will lose an eye.
I want to compare Falling Anvils to King’s X and Faith No More. Yeah, I just typed that. It’s not because they sound just like them, though. It’s because Take It is funk metal infused with a plethora of influences. Each song is distinct, yet consistent with Falling Anvil’s raw rock style.
Robert Macarthur is a vocalist to make other bands suicidal with envy. During the opener, “Sweet Life”, I thought Macarthur sounded like Dave Wyndorf of Monster Magnet. Then in “Mother’s Milk” his voice takes on a quality reminding me of Doug Pinnick from King’s X. In “Stars Fade with War” Macarthur takes on a sound like Benji Webbe of Skindred. Macarthur continues these vocal changes throughout the whole album.
Guitarist Mat Barette plays a straight-forward hard rock style for most songs. “Sweet Life” contains subtle, but fantastic riffs. Barette shows off more in “Mother’s Milk”, a guitar-heavy blast of Freudian angst. Barette has some great moments throughout the rest of the album. I particularly like the hooks in “Little Tree” and “Time”.
Dan Pante’s bass is prominent in every song. The bass leads as much as the guitar, giving Falling Anvils their funk. “Take It” is a bass-heavy rocker and probably best epitomizes the band’s sound. Dany Lalonde’s drums are as stylized as the other parts of the band. I think I would know his drumming anywhere. I love what he does throughout “Blast That Shit”.
You can say you heard them at The NewReview first. Take It is the strongest self-produced release from an unsigned band I’ve ever heard, and I’ve heard so much it can only be measured with orders of magnitudes of mass. The best part is the band is giving away the album for free. Sometimes the gods of metal will smile down on us all. Falling Anvils are my favorite new band. I expect excellence from them in the future.
- July 23rd, 2010 at 3:02 pm by Keith Anderson
2008 EP
2010 TAKE IT
SPRING 2013 Upcoming

Falling Anvils is a regroupment of four musicians who didn't threw the towell with all of the obstacles in the music industry today and managed to get over them. All this with one purpose, Tour, Record , Share and Express their philosophy and way of life through their art.
The four members,Robert MacArthur(Vocals), Mat Barrette (Guitars) ,Dan Plante (Bass) ,and Dany Lalonde (Drums) , come from different musical backgrounds from metal to electronica, blues to hip hop ,these guys don't like the idea of beign categorized in one particular genre. Each member has gained his own experience playing with numerous bands along the way.
Countless hours spent in various studios ,working with a bunch of different soundtechs , gave them, after several years of experience ,the knowledge and instincts to record and autoproduce their very first album called Take It.
With original rythms, a metal edge that's dry and in your face followed by a distinguishable voice that delivers a whole lot of guts!
You will feel the music!
FA's Music represents and reaches for everyone who feels that there is something wrong with the system.....
It represents those who have been waiting for changes....in society or in themselves.
After touring extensively their first album in Canada and Europe , The FA's are back in the studio with Producer Jef Fortin at Badass Studios and are finishing up the second album.With the experience gained on the road ,this upcoming full lengh will be the true signature of what FA can deliver and raise the bar to a whole new level
It is due to come out May 2013
Altough there isn't much tour dates at this time, Falling Anvils remain and are always available for live performances and gigs of any sort.
Book us and experience to power of Falling Anvils.