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Evan Michael "The First Time" with Streaming tracks on itunes or evanmichaelmusic.com

Grab a glass. Pour in some inspiration, balance, tenacity, bravery, and unparalleled might...mix it up with some melodies, and not only do you have the worlds newest cocktail, you have the Evan Michael project. And who is Evan Michael? He is a concoction of some of the greatest strength's this world has ever known. At 15 he was diagnosed with AML (Acute Myeloid Leukemia). After months and months of medically acclaimed cancer healing treatments Evan defied the odds and cleansed his body of the usually triumphant disease. At age 18, the unthinkable happened. He relapsed, and again the cancer fight was on. With a humbled support system, limited social acceptance, adolescence changes, an exhausted family, and unimaginable odds, Evan once again trounced this deadly disease. He now stands before us as a symbol of virtue for all of us, whether or not we have been touched by this earthly threat. Evan is the first ever double cancer survivor to release both a book and an album.
Evan now boasts a clean bill of health along with a degree from the critically acclaimed Berklee College of Music. His new album "THE FIRST TIME" offers twelve songs written with recognized SESAC song writing author Armsted Christian. Mixed by Bob St John (Extreme, Duran Duran). The songs offer a unique perspective that only one could hold by experiencing the life and love Evan Michael has.