New York City, New York, United States | INDIE
File Under: Raging, ruthless post-punk, right-angle rock and roll topped with sneering, siren-like vocals.
For Fans Of: PJ Harvey, X-Ray Spex, the Pop Group, Slug Guts, the Birthday Party, Bikini Kill, Huggy Bear
From: Brooklyn, NY
Personae: Alyse Lamb (vocals/guitar), Jeff Maleri (bass), Nate Rose (drums)
EULA doesn’t merely command your attention — they grab you by the throat, throw you across the room and leave you no option but to pay them heed. They are a tornado dressed up as a rock band, the fierce, lunging vocals of frontwoman Alyse Lamb divebombing again and again between thunderclaps of guitar.
Their songs are dirty and driving; the title track pitches fits like an ornery toddler, Lamb sneering and scowling over tarry bass guitar. You can hear hundreds of albums exploding at once — not just avowed influence PJ Harvey, but also X-Ray Spex and the Pop Group and Bikini Kill. Their background is just as fascinating: they met, of all places, in rural Connecticut. Each of the band members lived, essentially, on farmland, far away from the buzz and bustle of the city. But after meeting in art school, they felt an instant kinship, and began to work together to create lean, blinding post-punk. Get familiar with them in the video above, then download their debut, Maurice Narcisse — the latest addition to the eMusic Selects roster. - eMusic
BRI: Eula’s playing here. The lead singer’s wearing black spandex, covered in medical tape and scrawled words like “rhymes” and “mind.” On her midriff it says “embryo.” Her voice is spunky and so are her dance moves, but she sounded frightened when she sang, Where the fuck were you?!
- Fader
As the second half of August wrings the last drops of sweat from us, it's important to make the most of the time we have left before fall makes us feel like we have to go back to school. To that end, Waste of Paint spent the weekend at three archetypical seasonal entertainments: the sweaty loft show, the grandiose riverside concert, and the friendly beach jam.
Friday we hit up Dead Herring in Williamsburg for the record release party of ascendant Brooklyn sludge-punkers Sleepies. But first, opener EULA thrilled me immensely by combining several different sounds in some pleasantly surprising ways. A petite, blonde, bundle of energy, singer/guitarist Alyse Lamb can shriek like Yoko Ono, belt like Screaming Females' Marisa Paternoster, and sing a pentatonic scale like Deerhoof's Satomi Matsuzaki in the course of one song. Despite the sauna-like heat, folks nodded along, and the three-piece set-up produced a punchy, post-punk spareness. I'd call it "art punk," but I don't want to make them sound pretentious: more than anything else, EULA wants you thrash around and have fun. - Village Voice
EULA remind me of sharks in that there is the sense that if they as a band stop moving forward, they will die so they destroy the past in anticipation of the next kill. I had seen EULA back in October, so I knew what to expect from the live performance; tight and precise instrumentation with a fierce commitment to the art of performance.
Not a second spent on stage is still as Alyse alternates gentle crooning with nonsensical vocalalizations in the style of Molly Siegel of Ponytail. She will reach up to caress the microphone, and then step back to lock eyes with drummer Nathan Rose dropping her hands to her instrument as the guitar and drums produce a complex interplay onstage for a handful of bars before that element of the song vanishes off the cliff of the track and the rest sounds desperate, clawing towards something unobtainable and the instruments dance playfully; as Alyse and bassist Jeffery Maleri come together and break apart so often you’ve lost count and as you think you’ve grasped what’s happening on stage that suddenly…silence… a brief look up, a “thank you” and then…
It’s a new song.
Saturday’s thirty minute set was filled with new songs, one so new that it came with a bit of a caveat from the band that was a bit warranted as the track fell apart within the first 16 measures but they got through it the second time. However, each track was “new” in its own way, as the arrangements varied from the copies of The Language of Threat. Sometimes mildly, such as on the Locomotive Rhythm tracks of “Rosie”, and new bass elements on Housewolf; while tracks like Fight Riff become nearly whole new affairs, which I find to be a shame as that opening guitar is as near a distillation of what youth feels like as has been captured in a studio.
Talking to Alyse after the performance, they will be recording the new material within the next month and are looking to see if they can grab any sort of label interest or they may release it on their own as they did for The Language of Threat. Their next show is in Williamsburg on Feb 18th at Bar Matchless. Their EP The Language of Threat is available for free from them at shows or you can buy it from iTunes. - Eric Rex, King of the Gigabitches
So this post contains (pretty much) all of my favorite mp3s from 2009. I have not put them in any sort of preferential order. These are sorted by artist in alphabetical order.
Take your time, scroll slowly, there are some real gems here. You may notice some big names missing here. Well, you know you can find those mp3s elsewhere (right?).
I will be putting up best of 2009 posts all week, so make sure you check back here soon. Also, if you haven’t already, you should check out largehearted boy’s 2009 Year-End Online Music Lists. Good stuff.
Without any further ado, I present the Top 109 Downloadables of 2009. - Gimme Tinnitus
On their much-hyped debut album Maurice Narcisse, Brooklyn post-punks EULA take their audience captive, shoving down their throats a smorgasbord of influences that read like a who’s who of American alternative rock. That’s not to say the three-piece sound derivative, though. They sculpt and mould their musical forefathers into something fresh, unpredictable and, above all else, loud.
While a brief listen to the growling basslines, wiry guitars and riot grrrl shouts of opening track ‘Dirty Hands’ may well have you shouting out “Bikini Kill, Erase Errata, Teenage Jesus”, you won’t be decrying these similarities, you’ll be reveling in them. Perhaps it’s down to frontwoman Alyse Lamb’s intensely cathartic performances or maybe the group’s songwriting chops are just well and truly honed to perfection, but these guys are just impossible to dislike.
The album’s title track continues the theme of affection through abrasion, endearing itself to your ears through driving, gnarly verses – and choruses – of noise rock, intersected by the odd breakdown of wispy picked guitars and saccharine sweet vocals, a la Deerhoof. Structurally, many of Maurice’s songs take schizophrenic, structural u-turns, keeping the listener on their toes at all times.
‘Oh Lord!’ sees the band continue plowing the past for inspiration. Lamb, sounding akin to a repressed victim at one moment and a sensuous, all-powerful conqueror the next, recalls Kim Gordon in her early Sonic Youth years. Meanwhile ‘Texas Stampede’ with its churning, Big Black bass parts and upbeat, twang-heavy guitars, provides lighter – thematically, at least – listening.
Though Maurice can at times appear derivative of the current batch of no wave/post-punk revivalists currently engulfing Brooklyn and Shoreditch, there’s something inexplicably infatuating about EULA. Whether it’s the sugar-fuelled hyperactivity and catchiness of the songs on offer here, or the gleeful chaos with which they’re presented, they seem destined to get under your skin and burrow in deep. - Planet Notion
Eula, the post-punk musical trio hailing from New Haven, Connecticut just released their first full length album Maurice Narcisse. Eula unabashedly draws from different genres of music on their latest record, which is full of discordant pop harmonies and quick riffs.
There are moments when Eula’s psychedelic post-punk sounds morph into a weird melodic synth that makes you feel like you are in a Japanese garden on acid and under water. The song “Hollow Cave” is contemplative dreamy day-pop that reminds me of Mirah circa Advisory Committee. It’s the kind of song I would put on a mix tape for every girl I ever liked. Yes, it’s catchy enough to put onto a mix tape for a crush. Do it and thank me later.
Eula are well aware that they draw inspiration from so many different artists, that the songs they create are by no means original. But it’s their ability to own it and pay homage to their predecessors that makes their music pleasant to digest and fun to listen to. - The Wild Magazine
EULA knows just when to offer the audi ence a lol lipop and when to slap it in the face. Often, the artist man ages to do both at the same time. Alyse Lamb’s soft soprano vocals can come across as cute, but with an unde ni able under current of sar casm. She’s like the devi ous kid sis ter who melted your legos in her easy bake oven or folded your base ball cards into paper cranes, but some how man aged to shed enough fake tears to evade pun ish ment. Lamb’s voice is beau ti ful, and a lit tle bit cruel. With spas tic rhythms and appro pri ate lev els of dis tor tion, the instru men tals tap into the fuck-you sen ti ment of vin tage punk and thrash but with out so much anger. Instead, the music veers into bursts of dance able eupho ria. The min i mal ist three-piece for ma tion helps to avoid the clut ter that could oth er wise ensue, and allows each instru ment or voice to stand out in the mix. Still, EULA reminds us that it doesn’t take a large band to create a lot of noise. “Mau rice Nar cisse,” leaves no doubt that the artist has a good time on stage, and ends each show with a smile and no remorse for the blown-out sound sys tems left behind. - Ampeater
Brooklyn’s EULA have been on a tear lately, just having wrapped up a slew of local shows that brought them to many of my favorite venues (and some newer ones like Big Snow and NXL LVL). It was hard to pick the perfect time and place to see them with so many good options, but Cameo Gallery seems to have a been a great choice. The stage wasn’t overlit, the sound was spot-on, and the band, well, they were on fire. EULA’s sound updates the classic three-chord postpunk of the riot grrl era, recalling classic bands like Bikini Kill, Le Tigre and Sleater-Kinney. Frontwoman Alyse Lamb does her predecessors proud with a confident vocal delivery and equally strong guitar attack; she comes off in her role like a combination of Kathleen Hanna and Debbie Harry (the band has a pretty mean Blondie cover, I hear). But this band is more than a great frontwoman; they’re a tight group of musicians capable of delivering uptempo rapid-fire bursts of quality postpunk.
This set focused on the band’s latest record, Maurice Narcisse, and the contrast between the more raw live versions and the studio versions – with their additional flourishes – is a positive one, with things to like about each. On record, the band comes across a bit more poppy – a song like “Wake Up” shows the contrast – whereas live their punk influences predominate, especially on songs like “Honor Killer”. They closed this show with a scorcher, the early tune “Fight Riff” from their Language of Threat EP.
EULA have one more Brooklyn show this month, at Shea Stadium on February 24, before heading out of town for a bit. They will return to NYC on March 22 at Zebulon.
I recorded this set with a soundboard feed from the Cameo engineer and Schoeps MK22 “open cardiod” microphones. The results are excellent. Enjoy! - NYCTaper
I’ve said it before: EULA is one of the hardest working bands out of New Haven, continually playing shows in and out of the city, as well as New York, Massachusetts and beyond. Alyse, Nate and Jeff play a unique brand of post rock that’s all the rage right now. They’re getting buzz all over the blogosphere and continually packing venues and playing with some of rock and pop’s hottest indie acts. They recently opened for Mission Of Burma as a result of winning a contest through Matador Records. They’ll also be playing next month’s B.O.M.B Fest in Durham, Conn., with the likes of Of Montreal, Ra Ra Riot and Girl Talk.
EULA will play the Saturday matinee show of ECPF at ArtSpace New Haven.
Check out what others are saying about EULA:
“Combining the quirky, awkward-but-sexy nature of CSS with a more defined loud-vs-soft side, EULA is a fun new wave group from New Haven. Their music is packed with the loud, pointed guitar riffs and rapid basslines that would make Northwest pseudo punk proud; think a blown out of proportion and hyped-up Kill Rock Stars release.” — FensePost
“[Housewolf] starts as your little sister screeching in your ear and gives way to testosterone laden girl punk backed by ‘Peter Gunn Theme’-inspired driving bass.” — Perfect Porridge
“EULA absolutely propel themselves with their dynamic rhythm section and then stab you again and again with front lady Alyse Lamb’s high-pitched, shrill voice. It’s an exciting sound, one that makes you want slam dance or just plain slam things.” — Pop Tarts Suck Toasted - Dan Goodwin, February Records
Combining the quirky, awkward-but-sexy nature of CSS with a more defined loud-vs-soft side, EULA (MySpace) is a fun new wave group from New Haven. Their music is packed with the loud, pointed guitar riffs and rapid basslines that would make Northwest pseudo punk proud; think a blown out of proportion and hyped-up Kill Rock Stars release.
“HOUSEWOLF” comes to us from their latest EP, Language of Threat. Alyse’s vocals are shouted cleverly; they are emotive but there’s also a lack of emotion. How is this possible? You’ll just have to listen to find out. In a way, it’s a clash of the aforementioned CSS with Mika Miko, and maybe even a hint of OOIOO.
Curious for more? I sure am. Language Of Threat is slated for self-release on March 10. They’ve got two events planned in the near future: this weekend they’ll be playing a special Valentine’s event at Charleston in Brooklyn, and they’ll be at S.W.A.N. fest in Hartford this coming March 28. The east coast always gets the best shows. Nonetheless, keep an eye and ear out for this New Haven trio – they’re sure to make some waves! - FensePost
Sounds like old Sonic Youth, My Bloody Valentine, maye some Eric’s Trip, Tuscadero, Blast Off Country Style thrown in for good measure. Cute, fun, badass indie pop.
Download - Left Hip Magazine
EULA hail from New Haven, CT and it is not that often I get to write about bands from my home state. The band met while Djing of New Haven’s WNHU independent radio station. “Language Of Threat” is the second EP from the band that follows their first release “Fill Your Heart.” A quick list to this EP and you can’t help but ask the question how is this lot not more popular? The first track “Housewolf” features this frantic high pitched vocal by Alyse combined with the trashy bass make for some great dance floor fotter. A track like “Rose” sounds like a frantic mash up of Deerhoof and CSS and we are all caught in the middle. The EP gives the listeners a lot of different looks from the punk sounds of “At Its Worst” to rhythmic “Above The Weather” you will not get bored listening to this band. They go right after you will glowing results. - Comfort Comes
During a boozy late night in New Haven a few weeks ago we stumbled upon aural gold when we walked into a Eula show. Gutsy, energetic and approachable Eula smashed us with their frenetic, guitar driven siren songs.
I asked guitarist Alyse to visit us on the blog!
Hi Alyse, how are you?
I am through the roof actually - We [EULA] just found out that we're opening for Mission of Burma on Sunday at MIT!!!! Crazy shit. surreal actually.
Tell us about yourselves! Where are you from, what's it famous for?
Eula is a 3-piece outfit from New Haven, CT - Nate (drummer) is the pants, Alyse (singer/guitarist) is the blouse, and Jeff (bassist) is the cumberbun. We taste like post-punk-pre-historic-medium-gauge-indie-rock, with a splash of lemon. I would say New Haven is famous for its pizza, playas, and ponies.
How did you meet?
The three of us met at college in New Haven - we were all DJ's on WNHU [88.7FM!!!!]
When did you decide to record your E.P? You give it away for free, OMG!
We usually have this cycle of writing lots of material in the summer, recording in the fall/winter, and releasing it in the spring. So we released our latest E.P., Language of Threat, back in April '09. We hope to begin recording our debut full-length this winter. Anyone out there want to release it for us? haha :)
When did you start learning guitar?
After seeing PJ Harvey's video for Man-Size, I got my first guitar at age 12 - it was love at first sight. I've been playing ever since. Much thanks to my parents for sitting through my awkward songs and shitty chords and inspiring me to keep at it!
When's your next gig?
We're playing RUDY's in New Haven, CT on Saturday, Oct. 3rd with our friends Fay Rey. Then we're off to Cambridge, MA on Sunday Oct. 4th to play the biggest show of our lives...... opening for Mission of Burma, YAY!!!!
Thank you Alyse! Man, I am pissed we won't be able to see Eula at Rudy's. Rudy's has delicious double fried fries and in general is just a grungy bar. So good. - The Grates
The more that I work in and around the music industry, the less I understand the logic behind what draws a crowd. Last week, eula played a great set of original music to a decent-sized crowd at Crash Mansion. At the same time, there are classic rock bands (that feature one-two original members) playing to a sold out crowds of 1,000 - 2,000 fans. Somewhere there must be some logic here...
Getting serious for a moment, eula plays art-punk in the style of Pylon and Gang of 4. Lead singer Alyse Lamb has a distinctively raw and quavery voice that sits well on top of the band's angular guitar riffs and loping bass lines. - Brooklyn Rocks
Equivalent to a Mythical Beast, EULA uses the gigantic rhythm section of Jeff and Nate to lumber in with intense grooves that are the body of this beast. Thick and heavy, these guys have a cosmic awareness of how to slam their “in-your-face” punk attitude across the soundscape with a very knowledgeable, polished, and raw feeling that is unique in today’s modern music. While Jeff and Nate keep this beast crunching forward, it’s Alyse’s innocent, yet experienced, sharp-edged vocals and guitar that are the teeth of this beast. Tearing through the rhythm with an extremely seductive (in a heavy way) vocal, which at times can also be shrill and warbley, and a razor pitch guitar that slices frantic to delicate (sometimes within single notes), Alyse walks the tightrope better than most leadpersons. It’s a very hard tightrope to walk, one that takes confidence in what one is doing.
As a band, Eula exudes that confidence. Take a few listens to these 6 songs – another perk of the EP format, you can toss it on repeat and dig along many times over. At first you might wonder whether you’re listening to another Math Rock, Post Punk, or freaky Industrial Rock poser, but if you can throw out all the preconceived influences we all reach for so quickly, you’ll find that EULA has done the same as well, and as a result, created their own brand of rock. EULA has taken their early D.I.Y. roots and fashioned a new genre, which this reviewer is satisfied in calling Mythical Rock. - Independisc
We are very, very happy to announce the winner of the Battle For Burma. The winner, who will be opening for Mission Of Burma at their free show at MIT on Sunday, October 4, is New Haven, CT’s own Eula. - Matador Records
Spastic is most definitely an understatement when trying to describe what this band is trying to do with their sound. In fact, I think that there will be a large number of you who will very easily find plenty of things to love AND hate about it. Personally, I think it's a fun listen that hints at a whole lot of potential, and I hope that their Language Of Threat EP is full of the same. Expect to find out in March. - Side One: Track One
"I Collapse/"Little Hearts" Single - [Godmode Records] Feb 2013
Maurice Narcisse (LP) - April 2011
2010 (demo) - Dec 2010
Language of Threat (EP) - March 2009
"Fight Riff"/"Fight Riff - Kid Ginseng Remix" Single - April 2009
Fill Your Heart (EP) - May 2008
Up In Arms (EP) - June 2007
"The band is a small Brooklyn unit – just Alyse Lamb on vocals and chicken-scratchy wire-barbed guitar, Jeff Maleri on bass, and Nate Rose on drums, but they kick up a massive racket, one that feels like chewing gum rubbed in glass. Loose and rubbery in the bass, jerky and over-caffeinated in the drums, topped with Lamb’s squealing sour fight-song chants, EULA’s groove mingles low-rent sleaze with righteous punk rally cries. " -eMusic