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Athens, Attica, Greece | MAJOR

Athens, Attica, Greece | MAJOR
Band World Alternative




"The Hidden Greece"

The Hidden Greece

A culture that struggles to survive

“It has been a long time that it was always in my mind the same dream: We were a group that was very fond of singing and dancing songs and ”tarantellas” from ‘another Greece.’ Using wooden instruments, guitars and tambourines we brought to people an amazing and magical world, revealing each one of our experiences and the secrets we had learned while traveling in east and west.”

The dream of Kostas Konstantatos had materialized. He and few friends from Athens founded the “Encardia” group; the “another Greece” is the Griko people, a community of Greek-origin people in southern Italy.

The Griko people are basically to be found in two regions -Calabria, in the “front edge” of the “Italian boot” and in the Salento peninsula which is the “heel”. They are the remnants of the Greeks who had came to South Italy in many waves of migration which begun as long ago as the ancient 8th BC century colonization, and up untill the 15th century.

They were once great, in the ancient world. “Magana Graecia” was the name of the south edge of Italy. They had built rich and powerful cities, with rich culture. Pythagoras was from there.

But from the Middle Ages until our modern time the people of this area, which became poor and hard place, struggled and succeeded to keep their identity, culture, language and heritage in the Italian environment. Modern times, mass media, migration to the big cities, “Italianization” and intermingling of people have been gradually eroding their uniqueness, mostly preserved today by aging people in some far and isolated villages.

The language is called Griko and it is a mixture of an old Greek and Italian. It is almost not in daily use anymore, but it is struggling to exist in songs and poems. “As long as someone is singing a song in Griko the language stays alive” says the singer Roberto Licci.

“Andra mou paei “- My man Leaves, Lyrics and music by Franko Corliano; a touching song about the men who are leaving behind their homes and lands, their sad wives and children, and go north to work for some money. The song was inspired by a real heartbreaking farewell scene in the railway station of Lecce that Corliano had experienced many years ago. Marinella sings (English subtitles):

One magical and mysterious way the Griko people had kept their identity throughout the generations is the “Tarantella” dance. This is a fast and frenzied dance ritual performed with much ecstasy.

The “tarantella pitsika”(pitsika-sting) is connected to the ancient Greek colony, a city today, Taranto, in the Salento peninsula which in turn gives its name to a local kind of a wolf spider “Lycosa Tarantula”. From the middle ages people believed that the bite of this spider caused a crisis mania-Tarantism. To heal the bitten person musicians gathered at his home with different colourful clothing, and begun to play a wild music hitting on the tambourine.“The patient began to hit and began a wild mimetic dance imitating the movements of the spider. This could hold three whole days without stopping. He would collapse to the floor, exhausted but healed.”(1).

But was it really like it? The bites of this spider may cause pain and swelling but it has been considered harmless to humans. It was something else. The movements of the dance and the tambourine are reminiscent of a dance of drunken women in Greek pagan cult to Dionysus-the god of the grape harvest.

These Greco people had been living in a very hard area, with little protection and security, and they have personal difficulties like everyone- a lost love, adolescence age, unfulfilled wishes,poverty and personal conflicts; but these people resisted the way of the Catholic Church to handle all these difficulties. They had their own way from ancient time to exorcise evil and they wanted to keep it and combine it with Christianity. They had it in the tarantella. “Laborers on the plantations of rice of Novara* or some mothers in the plains of Salento, who in order to escape the harsh working in the fields and violence from their husbands, fell as if they were poisoned by the bite of mysterious spider and then the musicians came for treatment”(1).

The Tarantism gradually disappeared around the middle of the 20th centaury, but not the dance which prevails in this area in ceremonies and summer festival which brings mass of pilgrimages every year. “It is as the earth is pushing you from below. It tickles your feet, you can’t stand still, it’s impossible not to dance…” (2)

Here is “Pizicarella”- a tarantella by the “Encardia” group:

The tale of Tarantula (3)

“Once upon a time outside the ancient city of Taranto lived a sweet girl, called Arhani (spider) or Tarantula, who wove beautifully like a goddess. All admired her. She thought very highly of herself that she said to all she was the best weaver in the world. One day she proclaimed that, indeed, not even the goddess Athena can compete with her in the weft. A young man who loved her was very sad because he knew well that when a beautiful girl is inflated with pride and selfishness she loses her beauty and intelligence. So he asked the goddess Athena to advise him what to do to help Arahni on this difficult position that put herself in.Without even thinking Athena told him to sing a song to the girl about the love that he feels for her, because love is the best remedy for all illnesses but most of all for the pride and selfishness…

Once the song of the young man ended, Arahni clothed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep. Nobody ever knew how many days, how many years or even centuries she slept there, beside her beloved , but it appears that the goddess Athena revealed to the boy a secret path that led into her dreams… And so he would go there often and sing to her, and she danced, danced continuously without ever getting tired, because in dreams the girls are dancing without ever get tired…

It seems that so many years passed, perhaps centuries, but Arhani did not wake up and the lad was always there, close to her, without aging and without getting tired, such as the way of young lads once they find their way into the dreams of the girls they love….

….Salento , at the beginning of the century; A small insect with black hairy legs wanders in the fertile plains and stings girls who casually enjoy the spring with venomous poison.

This insect is called Tarantula and an old story says that there was once a beautiful girl who had fallen asleep for many centuries. She woke up when the young man, whom she loved, stopped visiting in her dreams and went to a distant country carrying a secret. A daughter who is bitten by the insect falls down and they say that she will die unless there is someone who loves her.

Then come the boys with wooden instruments and tambourines and spur the girl to dance, and thus she saves herself from the poison. Only then she is getting married to the man she loves and they live happily together to old age…

Some people say that the ”tarantula” spider holds the secret of love and the poison is the herb that helps the girls to be married to their mates. Others say that this herb is a remedy for all illnesses but most of all for the pride and selfishness. Others think that the spider did not appear again in the Salento plains and a beautiful girl from Taranto was married at that time a lad who had returned from America…and they lived happily ever after…”

Two more beautiful songs in Griko, the first “To my beautiful girl” sung by Encardia and Roberto Licci

The sisters Eleni and Suzana Vougioukli sing “Kalinifta”-Good night; it is about a young man who is standing at night below his beloved girl’s window, revealing his love and pain to her. Where I go, where I am, I will carry you in my heart….Good night; go to bed as I leave…

(1) These quotations are of Kostas Konstantatos
(2) These quotation is from a trailer to film on Encardia in http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=vylPFgvqOxE
(3)Sources are from the booklet of Encardia album ” ?? pa?aµ??? t?? ta?a?t???a?- The tale of tarantoula, wikipedia, and the Encardia official site at http://www.encardia.gr/
(4) Another version of ‘Andra mou paei” with video of people from the region is at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5FoAzUKD-E
*Novara is in North Italy where women from the south came to work.
- Greek song Stories

"(GREECE) Charity Concert Collects Medicine and Milk Instead of Selling Tickets"

A different sort of concert offering a rather interesting ticket will take place in Athens, organized by the Greek Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation(ERT), in collaboration with the city’s Municipality, the Greek Therapy Center for Dependent Individuals(KETHEA) and the Doctors of the World.

Music band Encardia will entertain attendants of the event, aiming to support the work of the Doctors of the World financially.

Instead of purchasing a ticket, the viewers may offer antibiotics, whether for adults or kids, painkillers or even a carton of milk.

Music band Encardia became widely known in Greece after a film was made dedicated to their performances, as directed by Aggelos Kolovotsos. The documentary titled “Encardia, the Dancing Stone,” was presented at the annual Documentaries Festival in Thessaloniki. The film was inspired by the music traditon of Greek-speaking inhabitants in Southern Italy.

Members of the group often travel to this part of Italy, exploring the main features of the interesting culture of the region, which is partly Greek and partly Italian. Locals of Calabria and Grecia Salentina in Southern Italy call their own dialect “Griko.” This language variation dates back to the 8th century B.C. and had been used by locals until the Byzantine period.

In August 2008, Encardia performed in Italy, supporting singer Fabrizio Avantaggiato at the “La Notte della Taranta” Festival, which had about 12,000 attendees. - http://greece.greekreporter.com

"(ITALY) Encardia, la pietra che danza"

A Sternatia la Presentazione del film del regista Greco Kovostos

Lunedì 30 luglio alle ore 21:00 in Piazza Umberto I a STERNATIA ci sarà la proiezione de film-documentario del regista greco Angelos Kovòtsos:

Il film, vincitore di importanti premi e riconoscimenti in Grecia, segue il viaggio musicale intrapreso dagli Encardìa nell'Italia del Sud e in particolare nella Grecìa Salentina. Alcune scene e interviste sono state girate a Sternatia con la partecipazione di alcuni cittadini Sternatesi.


- Giorgio Vincenzo Filieri – Associazione Asteria
- Kostas Konstantatos – Gruppo Enkardìa
- Angelos Kovotsòs – Regista
- Pantaleo Antonio Conte – Sindaco di Sternatia - Agenzia per il patrimonio culturale Euromediterraneo

"(ITALY) La Festa di Cinema del reale Awards! Festival del Cinema documentario 2012"

???µa µ?a t?µ?t??? d?????s? ??a t? e??????? ?t???µa?t?? «Encardia, ? p?t?a p?? ???e?e?» t?? ???e??? ??ß?ts?? - a?t? t? f??? ap? t?? ?ta??a: t? f??µ p?? ??e? ????ste? se pe?????? t?? ????da? a??? ?????? sta e?????f??a ????? t?? ??t? ?ta??a? µe p??ta????st?? t? e??????? µ??s??? s?????t?µa Encardia a??? ?a? µ??s?????, p???t?? ep???µ??? ?a? a????µ??? ?a???t???e? t?? pe?????? t?? Sa???t?, p??e t?µ?t??? d?????s? ??a t? s?????es?a t?? st? fest?ß?? ?t???µa?t?? cinema del reale p?? ???eta? ???e ????? st? Sp???a t?? ??t? ?ta??a?.

? Sp???a ß??s?eta? st?? ?a?d?? t?? Sa???t?, p?? e??a? t? ???t?? t?? e???a e?????f???? ?????? t?? ?ta??a?. ? ?est? ?p?d???, t? ?e?µ? ?e??????t?µa t?? ?????? a??? ?a? ? d?????s? st?? ta???a ?a? st?? s??????t? t?? a?ta?a????? t?? a?tap????s? p?? e??e ? ta???a st?? pe????? p?? ? ???ssa t?? grico e??a? a??µ? ???ta?? µ?sa ap? t?? µ??s????, ta p???µata ?a? ta ???e?????a t?a???d?a.

? e??????? a?t?p??s?pe?a p?? s???de?e t?? ta???a µe s??te?est??, f?????, s??e???te? ?a? asfa??? t? s?????t?µa Encardia, st? t???? t?? p??ß???? ?st?se ??a ??f?e?? pa?????? ??? ap? t?? ???? t?? p??ß???? ?a? ?es???se t??? ?ta???? f????? µe ?????? ?a? t?a???d?a.

?? s?????t?µa Encardia (??sta? ???sta?t?t?? - ????st?, µa?t?????, ß????, t?a???d?, ?a?????? ?apa?e?????? - a????te??, f?sa?µ????a, t?a???d?, ??????? ???ta????? - ?????a, t?a???d?, ??astas?a ????f? - t?a???d?, ?asta???te?, ??µ?t??? ?se????a? - ???t?aµp?s?, t?a???d? ?a? ???sta?t??a ?a?????, G????a ?aµa???? - ?????) eµp??eta?, d?µ?????e? ?a? pa???s???e? µ??s???? ?a? t?a???d?a µ?sa ap? t?? p???s?a µ??s??? pa??d?s? t?? ??t? ?ta??a?. ?d?????e t? 2004 ?a? µ???? t??a ??e? p?a?µat?p???se? pe??ss?te?e? ap? t??a??s?e? ???ta??? eµfa??se?? se ??? t?? ????da, ?ta??a, ??t?a Ga???a, Ge?µa??a, ??p??, ???e??a ?t?. ??e? e?d?se? t?e?? d?s???? ?a? s??e??aste? d?s????af??? a??? ?a? se ???ta??? eµfa??se?? µe t??? p?? s?µa?t????? e?p??s?p??? t?? ??t? ?ta????? µ??s????.

?e t?? e??a???a t?? s?µµet???? t?? st? fest?ß?? cinema del reale, ? ta???a p??ß?????e st? s????e?a sta ????? ?a??µ??a, ????????? ?t' ?t???t? ?a? Ste???t?a. ?et? t?? p??ß??? st?? p?ate?a t?? ?????? a???????se ????? ?a? t?a???d? ap? t??? Encardia a??? ?a? µe???a ???µata t?? µ??s???? s????? t?? pe??????: ??µp??t? ?a? F?a?ts?s?a ??ts?, F????? ????????, ??t?a ?a?????a ?.?.
? d?????s? t?? «Encardia» st?? ??t? ?ta??a ???eta? µet? ap? t? ß?aße?? ?????? p?? ap?spase st? efet??? fest?ß?? ?t???µa?t?? Tessa??????? ?????e? t?? 21?? a???a. ? ta???a ??e? ?d? p????aµµat?ste? ?a p??ß???e? se p???? ???a fest?ß?? ?a? ?a ß?e? st?? a???a???? ????µat???af???? a????se? t?? ??t?ß???. - tovima.gr (To Vima - Greek Newpaper)

"(GERMANY) Music and Songs from the Mediterranean with encardia"

Musik und Lieder aus dem Mittelmeerraum mit encardia
Musikalisch knüpft encardia an griechische, italienische und lokale Dialekte und Traditionen an.

Inspiriert von der Musiktradition Süditaliens begibt sich das griechische Ensemble encardia auf die Suche nach einer Kultur, deren Wurzeln bis in die Zeit zurückreichen, als griechische Zuwanderer auf italienische Ureinwohner in Kalabrien trafen. In Tänzen und Gesängen der „tarantella“, des ältesten Tanzes Italiens, knüpft encardia musikalisch an griechische, italienische und lokale Dialekte und Traditionen an. Das Konzert beginnt am Samstag, 28. Januar, um 20 Uhr im Kulturhaus abraxas, Sommestraße 30.Jetzt bestellen! Das neue iPad inkl. e-Paper. - http://www.augsburger-allgemeine.de

"(SWITZERLAND) Encardia performing in Zürich in 2012!"

Encardia performing in Zürich in 2012 www.encardia.gr Encardia is the name of a musical ensemble inspired by, creating and presenting melodies and songs from the rich musical tradition of Southern Italy. The group came together in 2004 and has performed about 400 live concerts in the regions of Greece, Italy, Southern France, Germany, Cyprus, Switzerland and Algeria. The troubadours of encardia have released five albums, all of them critically acclaimed. - firstpost.com

"(GREECE) Encardia at Technopolis"

?? a?aµ??? t?? d?µ??????a? µ?a? ??ß????s?? ? t?? p????????? ???? e?????? t?? ???t? t? ß??d? µ?a µ???? e?d???s?-s??a???a ??a?e ?s??? ß?????a? e?e? ?a ta ?e??s??? ??a ??a ???? ?a? ?a ???????? st? ???µ? t?? ?a?a?t??a?.

?? tµ?µa ?p????????a?,??s?? ?a? ????t?sµ?? t?? ?a?te??? ?a?ep?st?µ??? ?a? ? ?.?s??a?? ??????se µ?a s??a???a µe f????e???µe???? t??? encardia ,t? e??????? s?????t?µa p?? eµp??eta?,d?µ?????e? ?a? pa???s???e? µ??s???? ?a? t?a???d?a µ?sa ap? t?? p???s?a pa??d?s? t?? ??t? ?ta??a? ?p? t?? ?d??s? t??? (2004) µ???? ?a? s?µe?a,?? encardia ????? st? ß????af??? t??? p??? ap? 400 ???ta??? eµfa??se?? se ??? t?? ????da a??? ?a? st? e??te????,p??te a???s?µe??te? d?s????af???? d???e??? a??? ?a? s??e??as?e? µe s?µa?t????? e?p??s?p??? t?? ?at??ta????? µ??s???? (G.Avantaggiato,R.Licci,Cinzia Villani ?.a.).F?s??? de? e??a? ???e? ?? f???? p?? ????? s??e??aste? ep? s????? µe ?????e? ?a???t???e?, ?p?? ? ?.???t?????????,? ???????? ??a???d??,? F??ß?? ?e??ß????? ?.a.

?a?? t? ?e????? ?t? ??????a t?? ?pa??? t??? ?a? a??et? ap? ta t?a???d?a t??? de? t??? e??a pa?a???????se? p?t? ap? ???t?. ?pe?d? ???p?? ?s?? t??? e??a? de? se ??p??a ap? t?? s??a???e? t??? µ?? e??a? µetaf??e? p??? ?et??? s????a ??a t? s?????? pa???s?a ?a? t? ??f? p?? p???a???? st?? ??sµ?,p??a t?? f??? µ?? t? ??f?? ?a? a??f???saµe ta ste?? s?????a t?? ????a?.? ????? e??e p?se? ?a? ??a d??se?? ae???? µa? s???de?e µ???? ?a ft?s??µe st?? ?d? ?????p??,?p?? ß??s?eta? t? studio ??d?a. ?? studio a?t?,st?? p?a?µat???t?ta µ?a s???? µe ???sµ??a ?a??sµata ??a t??? ?eat??, e??a? ??a? ????? p?? ???s?µ?p??e? t? tµ?µa ?a? ?d?a?te?a ? ?ate????s? t?? ????t?sµ?? ?a? t?? ????t?st???? ??a?e???s?? ??a t?? d??f??e? e?d???se?? t??:?eat?????,µ??s???? ??p.

??? ??a p?? ft?saµe ????? e??a? ???e? t?? eµf???s? t??? ?a? a?t?? st?? p?e????t?t? t??? ?ta? ?a????t?? p?? d?d?s???? st? tµ?µa. ????? ?a ?e????se? ?µ?? ? s??a???a ? ????? ??µ?se ?a? ?? ??µe?e? st????a? ??a ?a apa?a?at?s??? t?? st??µ?? .St?? a??? pa?a???????saµe t?? p??ß??? e??? ?t???µa?t?? µe ta ta??d?a ?a? t?? pe?????se?? t?? encardia st?? ??t? ?ta??a,sta e?????f??a ?????,?a??? ?a? t??? a????p??? µe t??? ?p????? ???a? se epaf? e?e?. ??a µ???? ?eat???? s?ets??? aµ?s?? µet? ap? d?? f??t?t??e? µa? ?ßa?e st? ???µa t?? a????a? ??'a?t? p?? ep???e?t? ?a ??s??µe µ?sa se a?t?? t?? µ???? a??? ta?t?????a ?a?µat????? ????.

?? µ??s???? ?e????sa? ?a? ?? st???? t?? Agapi mou fidella s??? s??? ?e?????ta? sta a?t?? µa?. ?? se??? t?? p??e t? Santu Paulu nuovo ?a? t? Oria mu fenesai ,e?? de??? de??? ? ??sµ?? ????se ?a ?e??????t? µe ???µ? ?a? ?a p??spa?e? ?a ?ata???se? t?? ?µ???t?ta µe e???????? ???e??,t?? ?µ???t?ta t?? ???ssa?. F?s??? de? ?a µp????sa? ?a µ?? a???st??? t?a???d?a ap? t?? ??? d?s?? t?? encardia, ?p?? t? Miterra . ?µ?? ,?ta? st?? ta?a?t??e? a??ß??e st? s???? ? µ?a ap? t?? d?? ???e?t??e? t?? s?????t?µat?? ta ß??µµata ???? st??f??a? st?? a????? ????s? t??,st? ???µ???t?ta ?a? t?? e?af??t?ta p?? t? ?a?a?t????e .?ta? sa? ?e???da ?a? de? ????se ?a pa?as??e? ?a? ?????? ?a a??ß??? st?? s???? ?a? ?a ???????? µa?? t??.

??te,?a????t??,f??t?t??,µ??s???? ????a? ??a s?µa,??a e?stat??? s????? p?? ?e?t??????se ap???ta e?a?µ???sµ??a ?a? s????????,?????? s????????. ?a???a? de? ?e?????e,de? p??spa???se ?a ?ep??ß???e? ap? t? p?????,a??? ß?ßa?a d?at????se t?? µ??ad???t?t? t??,t? ?d?a?te?? ?f?? t?? st? ????. ??t? ?ta? ?a? ap? ta p???µata p?? µ?? ??a?a? t?? µe?a??te?? e?t?p?s? e?e??? t? ß??d?. G?at? ?a µ?? µp????µe ?a ?e?t??????µe s???????? se ????? t??? t?µe??,sa? ??a s?µa,µ?a ????;???pe? d?a???? ??p???? ?a ?e?????e?;?a? ?ta? ??? s??????? ?a ?e?a?a??s? ?t? de? e???? µa????...?a ?p???e? ?µad???t?ta ?a? a????e???? ?a? ? ?a???a? ?a p??s??te?,?a s?µp?????e? t? d??? t?? st???e??,a?t? p?? t?? ???e? ?e????st?.

? s??a???a te?e??se ?a? ??????a ?at?f???saµe p??? t? µet?? ??a ?a p????ß??µe t? te?e?ta?? d??µ??????. ???ta µa?? µe t?? s???e?? ?a? t?? e?t?p?se?? µa?...??? se ??a ???? e??? pa?ep?st?µ???,??p?? pa?aµe??µ????,µe ????st? µ?sa ?a? p???? ?a?? ????s? µp????? ?a ?????? a??????e?te? e?d???se??. ?e e?e??e?? e?s?d? ??a ????? ?a? e?e???t??? s?µµet??? ap? t?? p?e??? t?? µ??s???? t?? s?????t?µat?? f?t?st??e ??a ß??d? st?? ?at? ta ???a s??te??? ????a. ???a?e ? d???es?,?f??e t? ????? ?a? ? f?ß?? ?a? µetat??p??e se ?a?? ? ?p??a ???sµ??e? st??µ?? µ?? fa???ta? sa? µ?a ????s? ??a ape?e?????s?. ?pe?e?????s? ap? ta desµ? p?? µa? ??at??? st?? ?a??µe????t?ta.

Info:G?a pe??ss?te?e? p????f???e? s?et??? µe t? s?????t?µa encardia ?a sa? p??te??a ?a ep?s?ef?e?te t?? ?st?se??da www.encardia.gr.???a? ap???t?? d?af?t?st??? ?a? ??e? p???s?? ?pt??? ?a? ???t??? ?????. - athens.cafebabel.com

"(GREECE) Encardia at Spetses Island"

?? e?p???t??? s?????t?µa encardia, p?? eµp??eta?, d?µ?????e? ?a? pa???s???e? µ??s???? ?a? t?a???d?a µ?sa ap? t?? p???s?a µ??s??? pa??d?s? t?? ??t? ?ta??a?, f???????se st?? 10 ?????st?? t? ???se?? ?p??µp?????a? sta p?a?s?a t?? p???t?st???? t?? Fest?ß??.

?? encardia ?at?fe?a? ?a ?es???s??? µe ta t?a???d?a ?a? t??? ?????? t??? t? p???????µ? ????? t?? ß?ad??? ?a? ?a d?µ??????sa? ??a ???µa ??t???? e???µ?a?. ?????e?, ?t?f?a, a????te??, f?sa?µ????e?, ?asta???te?, µa?t????a, taµp?????a ?a? ?ta????a ?d?sa? t?? t??? t?? ß?ad??? pa??a µe t?? ?p????e? f???? t?? s??te?est?? t?? s?????t?µat?? ap?spasa? t? ??t??? ?e??????t?µa st? t???? t?? ß?ad???.

?? encardia ?d?????a? t? 2004 ?a? µ???? t??a ????? p?a?µat?p???se? s?ed?? tet?a??s?e? ???ta??? eµfa??se?? s’ ??? t?? ????da, ?ta??a, ??t?a Ga???a, Ge?µa??a, ???e??a, ??ßet?a ?a? ??p??. ????? e?d?se? p??te d?s???? p?? ap?spasa? t?? ?a??te?e? ???t????, e?? ?d?a?te?a ??e? s????aste? ? µ??ad??? s??s? p?? ????? µe t? ????? ?ta? ß??s???ta? st? s????. - Saronikos Press, Greece

"(GREECE) Encardia live at Technopolis, Athens, 01/05/2012"

?e µe???? ep?t???a p?a?µat?p??????e, t?? ???t?µa???, st? G????, ? s??a???a µe s????µa «St?? ???s? apa?t?µe µe a????e????», ?p?? d???????sa? ? ???, t? ???t?? Te?ape?a? ??a?t?µ???? ?t?µ?? (??T??), ? «?e???p????» t?? ??µ?? ????a??? ?a? t? e??????? s?????t?µa «?nCardia», ??a t? st????? t?? G?at??? t?? ??sµ??.

? a?tap????s? t?? ??sµ?? ?ta? s??????t???, ?a??? ?????de? ????a??? ?at????sa? t?? «?e???p???» t?? ??µ?? ????a??? p??sf????ta? ??a ???t? ???a ?a? f??µa?a. ?? fa?µa?e?t??? ????? p?? s???e?t?????e ?a??pte? t?? a????e? t?? p????at?e??? t?? G?at??? t?? ??sµ?? ??a pe??ss?te?? ap? ??a e??µ???, ?a??? ep?s?? pe??ss?te?a ap? 10.000 ???t?? ???a ?a? µe???e? p?s?t?te? t??f?µ?? ?a? pa?d???? t??f?? ?a d?ate???? ap? t??? G?at???? t?? ??sµ?? se ?p??e? ???????e?e?.

?? G?at??? t?? ??sµ?? ?a ??e?a? ?a e??a??st?s??? ?e?µ? t?? ???, t? ??T??, ?a? t?? «?e???p????» t?? ??µ?? ????a??? p?? e??a? t?? p??t?ß????a a?t?? t?? e?d???s??. ??a µe???? e??a??st?, ep?s??, st? s?????t?µa EnCardia ??a t? s?µµet??? t??? ?a? ??a t? s???????st??? e?µ??e?a t?a???d??? t?? ?ta????? ??t?stas?? t?? a???? t?? 20?? a???a, a??? ?a? ?e?te???. ?e? µp????µe ?a µ?? e??a??st?s??µe ?e????st? t?? ???a ??????t?, t??? Ballo del mare sta ß?µata t?? tarantella pizzica ?a? t?? ?µ?da ????st?? t?? «??T?? ?a??µßas?» p?? ap??e??sa? t? ß?ad?? µe t? ta???t? t???.

?????, ?? Gt? ?a ??e?a? ?a e??a??st?s??? ??? t?? ??sµ? p?? a?tap???????e st? ???esµa a????e????? ?a? µet?fe?e t? µ???µa e?p?da? st??? s??a????p??? µa?, ?a??? ep?s?? ?a? ????? t??? e?e???t?? t?? ??????s?? p?? ??a a??µa µ?a f??? ?p?st????a? t? d???????s? ?a? t?? p?a?µat?p???s? t?? e?d???s?? µe s???pe?a, ??f? ?a? e????s?asµ?. - Medecins du Monde

"(GERMANY) Das griechische Ensemble Encardia begeisterte mit mediterranen Klängen"

Musik als Gegengift
Das griechische Ensemble Encardia begeisterte mit mediterranen Klängen

Es gibt in diesen Tagen auch positive Neuigkeiten aus Griechenland, zum Beispiel das Musikensemble Encardia. Im Rahmen der 9. Landshuter Sommerfestspiele ist die Gruppe am Mittwoch im Salzstadel aufgetreten. Wegen des schlechten Wetters konnte das Konzert nicht im
Innenhof der Residenz stattfinden. Encardia sind vier Musiker, eine Sängerin und zwei Tänzerinnen, die sich ganz der mediterranen Musik verschrieben haben. Kernstück ihres Repertoires ist die Tarantella, ein traditioneller süditalienischer Volkstanz. Die Ursprünge dieser Musik liegen in der griechischen Antike. Diese traditionellen Spuren zu suchen, in ihrer Musik aufzunehmen und ohne Berührungsängste mit Elementen des Jazz, Blues oder Rap zu mischen, hat sich Encardia zur Aufgabe gemacht. Herauskommt eine Musik, die mal melancholisch, mal temperamentvoll,aber immer leidenschaftlich klingt. Jedem Stück sind die verschiedenen kulturellen Einflüsse anzuhören, denen Süditalien seit jeher ausgesetzt war. Encardia setzt auf traditionelle Instrumente, die ohne Verstärker gespielt werden. Ein Kontrabassist, eine Akkordeonist, Bandgründer Costas, der mit dem Tambourin die prägnante Rhythmik vorgibt, und die Sängerin Anastasia sind der Kern des Ensembles. Unterstützt werden sie von zwei Tänzerinnen, die Tarantella tanzen und auch die Zuschauer einbeziehen. Obwohl im Salzstadel nur einzelne Zuschauer tanzten, ließ sich das ganze Publikum von der Spielfreude der Musiker und der eindringlichen Rhythmik der Stücke anstecken und klatschte begeistert mit. Interessant war auch, dass die Gruppe ihre Lieder in verschiedenen Sprachen und Dialekten vorträgt. So sang Sängerin Anastasia nicht nur auf Italienisch und Griechisch, sondern auch auf Griko. Griko wird heute noch in einigen kleinen Städten westlich von Lecce auf der Halbinsel Salento gesprochen, die die griechischen Einflüsse ihrer Kultur bewahren konnten. Der Akkordeonist und musikalischer Leiter der Gruppe, der als Einziger deutsch spricht, führte das Publikum durch das Programm. Er erzählte, wie der Tanz Tarantella entstanden ist. Einer antiken Legende nach sollen Musiker mit ihren Klängen Frauen zum Tanzen gebracht haben, die durch einen Tarantelstich bewusstlos waren. Durch die Ekstase konnten sich die Frauen vom Gift der Spinne befreien. Im 19 Jahrhundert tanzten die Frauen Tarantella, um damit aus ihrem von Männern dominierten Alltag auszubrechen. Wie kommen aber griechische Musiker auf die Idee, ausgerechnet süditalienische Musik zu machen? Costas, für Tambourin und Sprechgesang zuständig, kam als Ikonenmaler in ein süditalienisches Kloster und hörte dort Tarantella. Zurück in Griechenland suchte er sich Mitstreiter für sein Projekt. 2004 wurde Encardia gegründet. Längst haben sich die sieben Griechen auch in der italienischen Tarantella- Szene einen Namen gemacht. Mit Recht, wie das Konzert im Salzstadel zeigte.
- Newspaper Stadt Landshut

"(GERMANY) Encardia tour @ Germany"

Musik und Lieder aus dem Mittelmeerraum mit encardia
Musikalisch knüpft encardia an griechische, italienische und lokale Dialekte und Traditionen an.

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Inspiriert von der Musiktradition Süditaliens begibt sich das griechische Ensemble encardia auf die Suche nach einer Kultur, deren Wurzeln bis in die Zeit zurückreichen, als griechische Zuwanderer auf italienische Ureinwohner in Kalabrien trafen. In Tänzen und Gesängen der „tarantella“, des ältesten Tanzes Italiens, knüpft encardia musikalisch an griechische, italienische und lokale Dialekte und Traditionen an. Das Konzert beginnt am Samstag, 28. Januar, um 20 Uhr im Kulturhaus abraxas, Sommestraße 30.Testen Sie jetzt unser e-Paper. 30 Tage kostenlos. - augsburger-allgemeine.de

"(GREECE) Encardia live @ Mylos, Thessaloniki"

?e af??µ? t?? p??ß??? t?? ta???a? “Encardia: ? p?t?a p?? ???e?e?”, t? s?????t?µa Encardia p?a?µat?p???se µ?a eµf???s? st? Club t?? ?????. ?µasta? e?e? ??a ?a sa? µetaf????µe t?? e?t?p?se?? µa? ?a? t? ???µa p?? ep???at??se.

?? Encardia, ??a ?s??? de? t??? ??????, e??a? ??a e??????? s?????t?µa p?? eµp??eta?, d?µ?????e? ?a? pa???s???e? µ??s???? ?a? t?a???d?a µ?sa ap? t?? p???s?a µ??s??? pa??d?s? t?? ??t? ?ta??a?. ?e ?????e?, ?t?f?a, a????te??, f?sa?µ????e?, ?asta???te? ?a? µa?t????a, t?a???d?a, ????? ?a? ?????? t?? ?ta????? ??t?? ???ta?e???? ep? s????? ?a? µa? ?p?s???ta? ??a p??? ?µ??f? ß??d?.

?p? t?? a??? t?? s??a???a? ?ata??ßaµe ?t? de? ?a ?ta? ??t? s?????sµ???. ?a µ??s??? ???a?a ta ?p??a e??a? ta µ??? t?? s?????t?µat?? µa? ?de??a? t? d?af??et???t?ta t???. ? ??sta? ??sta?t?t?? µe ??a e?d?? ?tef???, p?? ???µ????ta? taµp?????, ?a? t? µa?t?????, ? ?a?????? ?apa?e?????? µe t? µpa????, ? ??????, a????te?? ???s??t??, ?a? t? f?sa?µ????a, ? ??????? ???ta????? µe t?? ??as??? ?????a ?a? ? ??µ?t??? ?se????a? µe t? ??as??? ???t?aµp?s? µa? ??µ??a? p?? p??? s?µf????? ????st?a. F?s???, ? µ??s??? ?a? ta t?a???d?a ta ?p??a e?µ??e?sa? de? ?a µp????se ?a ????? p?? ta???ast? µ??s??? ???a?a. ?? ta?a?t??e? ?a? ? p???s?a µ??s??? pa??d?s? t?? ??t? ?ta??a? s?ed?? ep?ßa??a? t?? ep????? t?? s???e???µ???? ???????. ???µa ?a? ? ap??s?a t?ape???? a???ß?? ??t? ap? t? s???? ??a ?a d?µ???????e? ??a? ????? sa? p?sta, ?ta? ??t? p?? de? e??aµe ?a?ade?.

?? p????aµµa p?? pa?a???????saµe pe??e??µßa?e t?a???d?a ap? ??? t? d?s????af??? d???e?? t?? s?????t?µat??. ? a??? ????e µe t? “Agapi mou Fidella”, p?? st? d?s????af?a t??? t? e?µ??e?e? ? ????? ???t?????????. ????saµe t?? ??astas?a ????f?, ??a ap? ta ?d??t??? µ??? t?? s??µat??, ?a e?µ??e?e? ??a ?a?????sµa ?a? t? t?a???d? t?? ?e??t??? “??t?a µ?? p?e?” t?? Franco Corlianò, t?? ?p???? e?µ??e?sa? ?a? p???? ???a t?a???d?a. ???? e???µ?s????, a?a???st??e ?a? µ???ase t?? ??a t?? st? s???? ?a? t? s?µµet??? t?? st? p????aµµa µe t?? ?ata??a ??ts???, ? ?p??a, a? ?a? ?a??????a st? s??µa, a?tepe????e ep???a st?? apa?t?se?? t?? t?a???d???. ?e t?? ßas???? f???? t?? d?? p??a?afe????t?? ?a? t?? ??sta ??sta?t?t?? ?a? f???t??? ap? ??? t? s?????t?µa µa? af??????a? t?? ?st???a t?? ?pa?µpa??sa st? ?µ???µ? t?a???d? ap? t?? te?e?ta?? t??? d?s?? “µ?Terra”, ?a? e?µ??e?sa? p???? a??µa, ?p?? t? “Tarantella di Corigliano”, t? “F...ine”, t? “Pizicarella” ?a? t?a???d?a ap? t?? ?ta???? a?t?stas? t?? ????? ?a? t? “Bella ciao”.

??a e?????st? ??p???? t?? pa??stas?? ?ta? d?? ???e?t??, ? ?????a ??ts??a ?a? ? ????? ?e???ßa??d??, ?? ?p???? se ep??e?µ??a ??µµ?t?a ???e?a?, e?te st??? ???µ??? t?? t?a???d???, e?te st??? ???µ??? t?? ?st???a? p?? e??e ?a µa? d?????e?. ?a?a?t???st???, st? “??t?a µ?? p?e?” e?daµe t?? spa?a?t??? ap?????sµ? t?? ?e??a???? epe?d? ? ??t?a? p?e? st?? Ge?µa??a, e?? se ???a t??? e?daµe, ?a f?e?t????? ?a? ?a p??spa?e? ? ??t?a? ?a p??se???se? t?? ??p??a, p??? ???????? µa?? a?t????st?, ? ?a ???e???? t????? ?a? ßa??.

?e t?? ??as??? ?????a ?a? t? a????te?? ?a a?a?aµß????? ta s??a??sµata t?? ??µµat??? ?a? µe????? f???? e?a????, sa? ?a s???µ????sa?, ????se ? ß?ad?? µe p??? µe??d?a ?a? ?????????, ?es???t????? ???µ???. ? d???es? t?? s?????t?µat?? ?ta? ?a ?es???se? t? ????? t???, ??t? p?? µa? d???se ? ??sta? ??sta?t?t??, ?a???ta? t?? ??sµ? st?? p?sta, a??? ?a? st??? ???? e?e??e???? ??????, ?a ?????e? µa?? t???. ? a?tap????s? t?? ??sµ?? ?ta? ?e?µ?. ? “p?sta” ??µ?se ?a? ?p???a? ?t?µa, pa???? p?? t? Club t?? ????? ?ta? s?ed?? ?eµ?t?, p?? ???e?a? ?p?? ?ß??s?a? ????. ??a ????t?, ???p??, e?daµe ?a ?aµß??e? ???a µe ?t?µa ap? t? ?????, pa???? p?? de? ??e?a? ???? t??? pa?ad?s?a???? ?????? p?? s??????a? ?a ????????, t??? d?? ???e?t??, a??µa ?a? µ??? t?? s?????t?µat??. ? ?a?????? ?apa?e?????? s???e???µ??a, ?at?ß??e ap? t? s???? ?a? ???e?e µe t? p?????, e?? ?d??e pa??????a t? ???µ? µe t? f?sa?µ????a. ???? st? ????t? a?t?, ??a µp??deµa st??? st?????, s???e???µ??a st? “F..ine”, e??e p??? ?a?? ap?d??? ap? t?? ??sµ?, ep?ßeßa?????ta? t? ???µa t?? pa??a? p?? pe???e? ?a??, p?? e??e d?µ??????se? t? s?????t?µa. ??a d???e?µµa tet??t?? ??a ?a ?e????ast??? ?? µ??s???? ?a? ? ??sµ?? p?? ???e?e de? ????e ?a????? t? ??f?. ? ep?st??f? ?ta? µe t?? ?d?a d???es? ?a? ??tas?, ?a? ??????a ? ??sµ?? ep?st?e?e st?? p?sta.

?? t???? t?? ß?ad??? ?ta? ?eaµat???. ?? µ??s???? ?a? ?? t?a???d?st?? ?f?sa? ta ???a?a t??? ?a? ?at?ß??a? ap? t? s????, pa?????ta? ? ?a???a? ap? ??a ?t?f?, µe µ??? t?? ?a?????? ?apa?e?????? ?a ??at?e? t? a????te?? t?? ??a ???? a??µa. Sa? se ????t? p?ate?a? ? pa?????? pa?ad?s?a??. ?e t? a????te??, ???p??, st?? a???, ?a? st? s????e?a µe ta ?t?f?a ?a? t?? ??sµ? ?a ??at?e? t? ???µ?, µa? e?pa? t? te?e?ta?? t??? t?a???d?, t? “Kalinifta” ap? t?? ?a??????? t??? d?s??, ?????ta? µa? ?ts? µ?a µe??d??? ?a?????ta. ??a p??? ??a?? ??e?s?µ?, µ?a? p??? ??a?a? ß?ad???.

??µ?t??? Sta???p?????
F?t???af?e? : ???st??a ?e?a??? - noizy.gr

"Messenians to the World"

With the complimentary offer and participation of the artistic director of the concert Christos Tsiamoulis, oud soloist with origins in Messinia, the Orchestra & Choir of theGreek Music Section at the Athens Conservatory under the teaching and conducting of Andreas Tsekouras
(orchestra) and Katerina Papadopoulou (choir) and the scenedirector - author Stamatis Tsarouhas, the audience in the Ancient Stadium of Messiniwill travel on the 24th of August through music and videos to the places where Messenianshave lived, in Greece and the world, from ancient times till nowadays.The
40 members’ music ensemble consists of the artists - soloists
Costas Yeorghoulis
, violin /
Costas Kopanitsianos
, clarinet /
Costas Kalatzakis
, lute /
Haris Lambrakis
, nei /
Panos Dimitrakopoulos
, kanun /
Socratis Sinopoulos
, lyra /
Andreas Tsekouras
, accordion, double basethe

Babis Tsertos, Lakis Halkias, Pantelis Anastasopoulos, Sophia Papazoglou, KaterinaPapadopoulou, Kaiti Koullia
and the music ensemble

Costas Konstantatos
/ singing, percussions –
Natalia Kotsani
/ singing, mandolin, guitar–
Vaggelis Papayeorghiou
/ singing, accordion.
Christos Liakopoulos
, actorWith the participation of
Greek folk dances troupes
from the
Lyceum Club of Greek Women in Kalamata
/ Instructor:
Tassos Michos

Dancing Group of Tripolis /
Christina ZabbathaTripolis Folk Society
/ Instructor:
Vassilis Panagopoulos.

[please click to the link to real the article...] - http://www.scribd.com

"Travelers to be Entertained by Music Bands at Athens International Airport"

Three music bands will be entertaining travelers at the International Airport in Athens for three Fridays in a row. In the framework of “Musicodromio,” a live music program, three Greek bands will be performing for the travelers.

Starting Friday, May 25, Encardia will play their music in tarantella rhythm, entertaining the passengers, as they are used to doing with their unique Italian sounds.

On June 1, Trio Bandoneando will perform songs in tango rhythms. The departure gates will be filled with rare sounds and positive energy.

The third musical act will perform Friday, June 8. The Burger Project will perform Greek and foreign rock and pop music pieces. The Greek band promises funny moments and excellent sounds.

The three bands will be blending in with the crowds, surprising the travelers with their live songs. - http://greece.greekreporter.com

"Encardia, the Dancing stone (documentary)"

the film follows the Greek band Encardia that is inspired by, creates and performs music and songs derived from the rich musical tradition of South Italy. they travel to South Italy searching and bringing to light basic elements of the folk culture that developed there. Mainly “grigo,” an ancient Greek dialect that also contains Italian words, which is spoken in the area of Grecia Salentina of South Italy and “tarantela pizzica,” a local variation of the well-known Italian dance which in the area took on magic, religious and therapeutic dimensions. today, through their songs and poetry during celebrations, the local musicians, poets and researchers old and young alike, bring to life this powerful Mediterranean tradition. these are the Don Quixotes that Encardia will meet in order to enrich their experiences and bring back to life this vanishing culture, thus contributing to is rescue.
- Thessaloniki Documentary Festival

"Encardia draw the curtain over for 2011"

The band encardia close the year that goes away in the music scene Avlea and invite us every Thursday of December and on New Years' Eve in fairy-like nights of feast, dance and Mediterranean passion.

Every Thursday of December and on New Year's Eve, encardia overcoming the limits of the feast of the surprises invite us to six unique nights, six curatorial interventions for the year that goes away and the years that come. - http://www-en.elculture.gr

"Famous artists perform during the Antiracist Festival in Athens"

World known Greek artists perform during the 16th Antiracist Festival in Athens. Among them, Maria Farantouri, Savina Giannatou and the band Encardia. Locals and immigrants had a splendid time singing and dancing. - demotix.com


miTerra, 2010 (Melodiko Karavi)



Kalos irtate, 2008 (Melodiko Karavi)



The fairytale of tarantula, 2007 (Melodiko Karavi)

6. CADE DI OLIVA (addio addio amore)
15. F...INE


Agapi mou fidella, 2004 (Melodiko Karavi)



* Encardia, the dancing stone, 2012 (Documentary Film by A. Kovotsos)



Encardia is the name of a musical ensemble inspired by, creating and presenting melodies and songs from the rich musical tradition of Southern Italy. The group came together in 2004 and has performed almost 400 live concerts in the regions of Greece, Italy, Southern France, Algeria, Germany, Switzerland and Cyprus. The troubadours of encardia have released four albums, all of them critically acclaimed. The unique connection they share with their audiences while in concert has often been notably mentioned by the media. They have cooperated with the most important representatives of the Southern Italian musical tradition for album recordings as well as in live performances (G. Avantiaggiato, R. Licci, Daniele Durante, C.Villani, E. Castagna, Ghetonia, Mala Lingua and many others). They have also performed with well-known greek fellow artists such as A. Bakirtzis, N. Portokaloglou, F. Delivorias, K. Thomaides, V. Lekkas, C. Tsiamoulis, A. Ioannides, N. Xidakis, Klaudia Delmer, the symphonic orchestra of the municipality of Athens and many others. In March 2012, the documentary of Angelos Kovotsos about “encardia”, called “Encardia, the dancing stone” won the prestigious Audience Award in the 14th Thessaloniki Documentary Festival.